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Name:_____________________________________ #_____________ Date________________

Social Studies Test

Use the map to help you answer the following questions

1. According to the map, what bird was sent from the Americas to Africa and Europe?
(EC) What other bird, not on the map, do you know was taken to the Old World _____________

2. What countries made up the Old World?

_________________________, _________________________, and _____________________

______ 3. The Columbian Exchange began after this explorer trips to the Americas. Who is this
A. Juan Ponce De Leon
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Queen Isabella
D. John Cabot
4. According to the map, what insect was brought to North America(New World) from Europe and
Africa (Old World)?
(EC) What purpose did this insect serve in the New World?__________________________________

5. Using the map, what disease spread to the Americas (New World)?
___________________________, _______________________, ________________
(EC) What disease caused the most deaths among the Native Americans?___________

6. In your opinion what new plant from the New World (Americas) had the biggest impact on the Old
World? And Why?

7. Referring to the map, what plant from the America (New World) created an addictive habit among
the Europeans (Old World)?______________________

8. What plant from the Old World became the world’s largest cash crop?__________________

9. What plant from the Old World became the world’s most popular drink?_________________
hint: It is Mrs. Sandison’s favorite drink

10. What domesticated animals came from Europe and Africa (Old World) to North America(New
World)?_________________________, ____________________________, ___________________
11. How did these animals change the life and culture of the New World?

_____12. What group of people suffered the most during the Columbian Exchange?
A. Animals
B. Explorers
C. Native Americans
D. Europeans

_____13. What cause many Native Americans to die during the time of the Columbian Exchange?
A. Diseases
B. Spoiled Food
C. Spoiled Meat
D. War with Europeans

_____14. What item introduced during the Columbian Exchange had the greatest impact to the Plains
A. Potatoes
B. Nothing had a great impact
C. Tomatoes
D. Horses to use for hunting

True of False...
15. The Columbian Exchange has had a lasting effect on the world?

____16. What is one EFFECT of the Age of Exploration on the Americas (New World)?
A. European nations such as Spain, France, and England established colonies in the
B. Europeans wanted more goods from Asia.
C. Native Americans took control of some European nations.
D. European populations decreased from wide spread disease.

_____ 17. Which situation is known as the "Columbian Exchange"?

A. the widespread sale of tobacco in North America
B. the exchange of goods to and from the Americas and Europe
C. the fee exchanged between Christopher Columbus and the Queen of Spain
______17. According to the map, which country explored Central and South America?
a. South America
b. England
c. Africa
d. Spain
e. North America

_____ 18. This map shows the exploration routes of two European nations. What nation explored
more of the New World?
a. South America
b. England
c. Africa
d. Spain
e. North America
_____19. The route on this map was most likely taken by an explorer?
A. to defend Europe against Middle Eastern aggression
B. to establish all-water trade routes to Asia
C. to spread Christianity in North America
A. to establish European colonies in Australia

20-27.Sort the following information into the correct box

a. Create schools
b. Regulate marriage laws
c. Coin and make money
d. Declare war
e. Make traffic laws
f. Have a court system
g. Tax people
h. Conduct foreign relations

Federal Government (3) Both (2) State Government (3)

____ 28. According to the chart what food of fish and shellfish was important to the Northwest Natives
because of the…
a. location near the ocean
b. dry desert climate
c. rainy climate
d. large plain area with open grasslands

____29. What material was used by the Southwest to build their house of out and why? Why did they not use
a. stones because there were lots of trees in the desert
b. stones because there were not a lot of trees in the desert
c. Wood because there were lots of trees in the desert
d. Wood because there were not lots of trees in the desert

30. and 31. Write the correct Native American group that fits the boxes description
Southwest Natives Northwest Natives Great Plains
Correctly identify the following locations of the four Native American Tribes
Northwest Tribes
Northeast Woodland Tribes
Southeast Woodland Tribes
Southwest Tribes

32. _____________________________________________________________

33. _____________________________________________________________

34. _____________________________________________________________

35. _____________________________________________________________

_________36. Our founding Fathers adopted which of the idea from the Native Americans, mark all that apply

a. elected leaders voted on

b. having a king or queen

c. a leader that did not listen to the people

d. individual nations with their own government

e. a religious leader like a Pope or Pastor

______37. Michigan was once occupied by which Native American group

a. Northwest Tribes
b. Northeast Woodland Tribes
c. Southeast Woodland Tribes
d. Southwest Tribes

38 and 39
Southeast Woodland Natives Northeast Woodland Native

Why is this type of housing appropriate or beneficial Why is this type of housing appropriate or beneficial for
for the Southeast Woodland Natives? the Southeast Woodland Natives?
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

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