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Social Studies Exam Review7th Grade

DO NOT recycle me until June 17th After the Exam

Name ___________________________________ Period ________

Review for Social Studies Exam- 7th Grade Miss Springborn- Team 6

Date of Exam: Thursday, June 17th, 2016 My Exam Room #: ________

Bring with #2 pencil for scan-tron and pen or pencil for

short answer

BREAKDOWN of EXAM: What to expect…

Part 1 of Exam: 100 Multiple Choice Questions including:
Geography and Map Questions
Native American Questions
Explorer Questions
Colonial Questions
American Revolution Questions
Government Questions
Early Republic and 1800’s Questions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Vocabulary Questions

Part 2 of Exam: Short Answer and DBQ Essay:

5 Short Answer questions with graphs, charts, and quotes

Study Tips for Final Exam Study:
How to avoid cramming and being a procrastinator

Last week of school-

 Complete sections in review packet with class for homework
 Go over with class and correct all answers
 Use red pen for corrections so you can see what areas you had trouble with
 Participate in class and ask questions when confused
 Play Quizlet online for 10-15 minutes or other review games

Days before exam-

 Each night review 1 or 2 sections of review packet…give your mind time to
digest information…no brain overload
 Remember that for studying…It isn’t quantity but QUALITY that matters!
 Find a study spot at home with little distraction…I like to use my room or if the
weather is nice sit outside
 Play Quizlet online for 10-15 minutes or other review games

Night before the exam-

 Review parts of review packet you had most trouble with
 Read over format of exam to familiarize yourself with what you have to do
 Get out supplies you need
 Go to bed (no later than 10PM)…You can DVR any TV you want to watch…its
more important to have a GOOD night’s sleep

Morning of Exam-
 Eat a good breakfast
 Get to school on time
 Wear comfy clothes
 Look over your maps or vocabulary words for some quick review during
 Don’t forget your #2 pencils!!!

During Exam-
 Take your time
 Ask questions of the proctor in the room if you are unsure…I will be floating
from every room so you can ask the proctor to call me if you really need to talk to
me quickly
 Answer ALL questions on Part 1 in the exam booklet and then on the scantron
 Answer ALL short answers on Part 2 with LOTS of details!
 Use complete sentences!

Section #1: Geography

There will be two maps on the exam, one on New York State
and one of United States.

Provided with you study packet is blank map to practice with.

GEOGRAPHY & Social Sciences

KEY TERMS: Define each word:
 Geography-

 Landform-

 Society-

 What is an archaeologist?


 Geography affects the way people ________

 Resources of an area affect a people’s __________, __________,and ____________.

On the United States Map identify the following:

Locate: Rocky Mountain Range, Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, Ohio River,
Hudson River, St. Lawrence River, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean

On the New York State map identify the following:

Buffalo, Albany, Canada, and New York City

Water Bodies: Lake Erie, Hudson River, St. Lawrence River, Niagara River, Lake Ontario
Mountains: Adirondack Mountains, Finger Lakes

^ ^
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Locate and LABEL BELOW: Original 13 Colonies, Louisiana Purchase, Oregon Country,
Texas Annexation, Gadsden Purchase, Mexican Cession, Pacific Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean

1. Give me 4 examples of Physical Features you would find on a map…

2. List the MAJOR Mountain ranges, rivers, and waterways in the

United States…
Word Bank: Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Rocky Mountains
Rio Grande River Mississippi River Appalachian Mountains St. Lawrence River

Section#2: Native Americans and Culture:

Important Vocabulary to know that you may see on the exam:

Culture adapt longhouse society

Politics economics Iroquois Iroquois Confederacy
Tribe League of Nations Native Americans

*Remember Native Americans were dependent upon their environment. Groups lived
in different ways from each other because they were forced to adapt to their

What does it mean to adapt?

How did the Native American’s adapt? (Give at least 3 examples example)

Explain the following using the Iroquois of New York State. Remember, the Iroquois were
“People of the Longhouse”.




DRAW THE IDEA of a LAND BRIDGE below and tell me what the land bridge was…

Where were the Maya’s and Aztec’s located??

Continued on next page….

KEY TERMS: Define each word:

 culture

 longhouse


 The “first Americans” migrated from this continent thousands of years ago. _____________
 Native American nations developed different cultures and adapted to their ______________

Draw something important about this unit.


Section #3: Age of Exploration

Important Vocabulary to know that you may see on the exam…

Ethnocentrism New France New Netherlands

New Spain New England Explore

DEFINE Ethnocentrism:

Why were Europeans trying to find a sea route to Asia?

What were the main reasons that Europeans wanted to explore? (Motive for going)

Why did European Countries try to find a Northwest Passage?

What were the main GOALS of these countries exploration?




 Columbian exchange -
o Examples of exchange:

 Northwest passage –

What route was Christopher Columbus trying to take to get to Asia? What happened instead?

 European Explorers were searching for an easier route to where? __________.

 As a result of contact with Europeans, many Native Americans died from __________
and ________________. ____________________

Explain what this map is showing?

Section #4: Colonies
Important Vocabulary to know you may see on the exam…
Mayflower Compact Puritans Pilgrims
Mercantilism House of Burgesses Colony

For the following include information about the geography, society, economics, and politics
of the English Colonies…

Describe what life was like in the New England Colonies…

Describe what life was like in the Middle Colonies…

Describe what life was like in the Southern Colonies….

Why did we fight the French and Indian war? What were the results of the war?

Fill in as much as you can in the following chart using your notes…

Spanish French English/Dutch

Why did they settle?

Where did they settle?

Describe their relationship

with Natives…



 Individuals ventured to the colonies for several reasons: List

some of those reasons?

Draw something important about this unit.

Draw a picture showing the French and Indian War
including who fought in it:

Explain the Mayflower Compact…

What did the Navigation Acts say to the Colonies?

What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?

Section #5: American Revolution
Important Vocabulary to know you may see on the exam:

Albany Plan Boston Massacre Common Sense boycott

Boston Tea Party Declaration of Independence tariff
Intolerable Acts First Continental Congress loyalist/Tories
Patriot Stamp Act Treaty of Paris

Answer the following questions…


Define Loyalist:

Define Patriot:

Who was involved in the American Revolution (what were the two sides?)

Why did the colonist get so mad at the King and Great Britain?

What does “No taxation without representation” mean?

What did Thomas Jefferson write to the King of England? _____________________________

What did this document say to the King?

Explain what the following cartoon by
Benjamin Franklin means?

What advantages did the British have? (List at least 3)

What advantages did the Colonists have? (List at least 3)

What was the TURNING POINT BATTLE of the Revolutionary War?

Battle of ________________________________

What were the results of the American Revolution? (What happened when the war was over?)

People-describe each person

o George Washington

o Thomas Jefferson

o Foreign Help (Allies)


o The American were able to defeat the British because of

this new type of fighting tactics…

o As a result of the American Revolution, the United States became a…


Explain what the timeline above is showing?

Section #6 Constitution and Government
Important Vocabulary to know you may see on the exam…

Anti-federalist Federalists Articles of Confederation Cabinet

Bill of Rights Bi-cameral Checks and Balances Congress
Constitution Democracy Constitutional Convention Due Process
Elastic Cause Electoral College Executive Branch Federalism
Impeachment Inauguration House of Representatives Judicial Review
Judicial Branch Magna Carta Legislative Branch Natural Rights
Preamble Primary Election Necessary and proper cause President
Ratification Senate Reserved Power Supreme Court
Veto 3/5 Compromise Separation of Powers Great Compromise

What is a written plan of government called? ______C_________________________

What was the United States first attempt at government called? (three words)


Give me two reasons this first document failed?

Describe what happened at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia…

The written plan of government that the United States government runs on today is called


How do we change the constitution?

What man is considered the father of the Constitution? (he wrote most of it!)

Define the term CHECKS AND BALANCES:

Fill in the following chart for our three branches of government and their responsibilities…

Branches L _______________ E_______________ J________________

What is their main ______ the laws _________ the laws _________ the laws

Who are the members

of this branch?

What are some

Of their duties?

How do they
Check the other

The first ten amendments to the constitution are called The ___B________ ____ ____________

What are some of the rights guaranteed in the first ten amendments?

List the 5 rights in the FIRST amendment …

List at least 4 OTHER rights in the Bill of Rights (not in the first amendment)…

The Rights in the Bill of Rights are called our personal freedoms and liberties that are
guaranteed to all United States citizens

What are some of the many jobs of President of the United States???

Explain what the Preamble was…

What does the term Impeachment explain?

What was the Great Compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention?

What is the job of the President’s Cabinet?

Section #7: The Early/New Republic
Important Vocabulary you may see on the final exam:

Erie Canal Abolition Nationalism Neutrality

Precedents Pinckney Treaty Democrat-Republican Party
Northwest TerritoryLewis & Clark Louisiana Purchase Mexican War
Marbury v. Madison Manifest Destiny Jacksonian Democracy
Industrial Revolution foreign policy Hamilton’s Economic Plan
Domestic policy Whisky Rebellion War of 1812 Whigs
Treaty of Paris Shays Rebellion Seneca Falls Convention
Sectionalism Protective Tariff Nullification Monroe Doctrine

What are President Washington’s TWO pieces of advice that he gives to the country in his
famous Farwell Address at the end of his presidency?



What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expeditions? Who was their guide on the

What was the War of 1812?

What was the Monroe Doctrine? What did it say to the rest of the world about the United
States and North and South America?

Describe what the term Manifest Destiny meant?

People who believed in Manifest Destiny were called ____E____________________________

What territory added the most land to the United States at one time?


Define Abolitionist:

What was the name of the document written at the Seneca Falls Convention and what did it say?

What was the War with Mexico in 1846 all about?

What was the Gold Rush?

Define the word Nationalism:

The Age of Jackson

Jackson was seen as a C____________________ Man. Why?

What did Jackson do to the Native Americans in the Southeast?

What was the Trail of Tears?

How did he handle the Nullification Crisis and the Tariff problems with the South?

What did Jackson think of the National Bank?

Define the word Sectionalism:

What are the causes of Sectionalism?

Why would people want to move to the cities in the North?

Describe the Northern Economy….

Why would people want to move WEST of the Mississippi?

Describe the Economy of the South?

Why wouldn’t immigrants move to the South? (what isn’t there for them?)

People- describe the following people
 George Washington

 Thomas Jefferson

 George Washington set many __P_______________ as President.

 The Louisiana Purchase _________________ the size of the nation.

KEY TERMS- DEFINE each term below:

 Industrial Revolution

 Erie Canal

 Mass Production

 Seneca Falls Convention

 Immigration in the 1840-1850’s

Section #8: Slavery

Important Vocabulary:
Abolition Dred Scott v. Sanford Fugitive Slave law
Slavery Uncle Tom’s Cabin Underground Railroad
Racism Harriet Tubman Cotton Gin

What is slavery?

Describe with details the conditions of slavery…

In what region of America did slavery become very important and why?

What did the invention of the cotton gin do for the cotton industry and slavery?

What was the Underground Railroad? How did it work?

What did an abolitionist want to see happen to slavery?

What was the Dred Scott Case about and its outcome?

What was the idea of popular sovereignty in terms of slavery and the territories?

What was the Fugitive Slave Law and what did it say?

What was Uncle Tom’s Cabin and why was it important?

 Harriett Tubman

 Harriett Beecher Stowe

 Frederick Douglass


 As the nation expanded, so did arguments over whether new _______________ and territories
should allow _____________.

 The Election of 1860 caused (which state)_________ _____________ to secede from the
Union, other _S____________ states would follow.

Section #9: The Civil War

Important Vocabulary to know…
Clay’s Compromises Compromise of 1850 Emancipation Proclamation
Kansas-Nebraska Act Missouri Compromise Secession
State’s Rights Nullification Union
Confederate Gettysburg Address

Important Vocabulary to know…

Clay’s Compromises Compromise of 1850 Emancipation Proclamation
Kansas-Nebraska Act Missouri Compromise Secession
State’s Rights Nullification Union
Confederate Gettysburg Address

North (Union Forces) South (Confederate forces)

Strengths More Industry Best Military Leaders
Bigger population Fighting for a Cause
Better Army and Navy Home field advantage
Weaknesses Not united for a cause No industry
BAD military leaders No navy, small army
Reason’s to fight Bring the Union back Keep their way of life
Together!!! Get more rights as states
Leaders Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis
General Ulysses S. Grant General Robert E. Lee

What did the Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and Missouri Compromise all have in
ALL about slavery in the new territories and how to decide where
slavery should be allowed
What were the main causes of the Civil War?
1. States Rights
2. Slavery
3. Tariff Disputes (taxes)
4. Different economies (industrial vs. farming)
5. Cultural differences in way of life
6. Abraham Lincoln being elected president

What BIG event takes place in November of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln is elected president
What was the turning point BATTLE of the civil war?
Battle of Gettysburg
Major Results of the Civil War (list them):
The Union is brought back together and slavery ends, The South is in
What does this graph below show you?
It shows resources that the North and South had. North had more
people, more railroads, more manufacturing, and more workers!!! A
clear advantage!

The Civil War
 Secession(Secede) break away from, separate

 Union- Northern side of the civil war

 Confederate- Southern side of the civil war

 Abraham Lincoln – goals: (describe)
o Gettysburg Address- bring inspiration to the people, dedicate
the battlefield


 The _South__ was winning the war at the beginning due to great __Leaders__,

but the tide began to turn at the Battle of __Gettysburg_____.

 The _North_ eventually won the war, in part because of its many _factories_.

EXPLAIN the Emancipation Proclamation:

Who wrote it? Abraham Lincoln
What did it do? Freed all slaves in Southern WHAT WAS LINCOLN’S primary
states goal when the Civil War
Who was FREE under this? Slaves living in states started?
in the south that had seceded
Why was it important? Changes the idea behind
the war, united for a cause

Section #10: Reconstruction
Important Vocabulary to know…
Reconstruction black codes carpet bagger freedman
Civil War Amendments (13, 14, 15) Jim Crow laws Ku Klux Klan
Segregation poll tax grandfather’s clause racism

**Remember that the North won the war but the country now had to rebuild itself. Since the South
was the location of most of the deadliest battles they had a very tough time ahead. Many of their
cities and plantations were in ruins and had to be rebuilt. This was a very slow process with many
unsuccessful results. You must realize that many citizens of the south were very angry with the
North and felt as if they were rejoining the union…kicking and screaming the whole way back. In
other words there was a lot of resistance towards the reconstruction of the South.




What did Reconstruction do to the South?

It tried to bring reunite them with the northern states, it actually
caused a lot of southern to HATE the north

What did Reconstruction do for blacks in the South?

It gave them many rights they were refused under slavery, it made
white southern angry with them and began a hundred + years of
racist segregation once the whites were back in power

What were Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes, Poll taxes, and Grandfather clauses?
ALL ways the white southerners created to STOP freed blacks from
having any power or rights, they worked too for years

What were the failures of Reconstruction?

It failed to end racist treatment of the freed blacks, failed to protect the freed blacks, created years of
hatred between the North and south

 The south was in __Ruins___ after the Civil War because most of the
_Battles__ occurred in that region.

 African-Americans gained voting rights from the ___15th____, but lost

voting rights because of Jim Crow laws, Black Codes, and
Grandfather clauses

What did group’s like the Ku Klux Klan try to do in

the South after Reconstruction? The MOST IMPORTANT ideas

SEGREGATION develops, laws

that separate people based on
their race

What is going on in this picture?

What does Separate but Equal mean?

Bingo Words Defined
These are the words we will be using when we play bingo. You will want to put
the bolded words on the blanks in the bingo board. You will have extra words so
choose carefully. You can also study these words since they all appear on your exam.
These words are also found online on my Quizlet Review page.

Adapt- to change to fit your environment

Amendment- to make a change to the constitution
George Washington- First president of United States, leader during American Revolution
Articles of Confederation- first written government that failed
Preamble- the beginning part of the constitution, introduction
Constitution- our written plan of government we follow today
Iroquois- tribe that lived in New York State, people of the longhouse
Naturalization- the process of becoming an American citizen
French Explorers- the group that wanted to make money in the fur trade
Spanish Explorers- group that searched for the three g’s, God, Glory, Gold
English Explorers- this group failed at exploring, looked for Northwest passage
Cabinet- group of the president’s advisors
Monroe Doctrine- document that told Europe to stay out of North and South America, the
area was CLOSED for colonization

Battle of Saratoga- Turning point battle of the American Revolution

House of Burgesses- lawmaking body in the Virginia Colony
Nationalism- love of your country, belief your country is better than any other
Sectionalism- love of your region, belief your region of the country is better than others
War of 1812- fight between United States and Britain over land
Andrew Jackson- president nicknamed the common man
Loyalist- colonist that were loyal to the king of England
Patriot- colonist that wanted to break away from England

Seneca Falls Convention- meeting of women that jump started the Women’s Rights
Movement and demanded their right to vote
Great Compromise- Agreement worked out at the Constitutional Convention establishing
a two house legislature made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives
Albany Plan- plan by Ben Franklin to unite the colonies against the British
Redcoats- nickname for the British soldiers
Uncle Tom’s Cabin- novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that told the evils of slavery
Manifest destiny- belief our country will expand from ocean to ocean, we will own all that
Mexican War- war between US and Mexico over the area of Texas
Constitution- written plan of government
Dred Scott Case- case that declared all slaves property and voided the Missouri
Compromise and the Compromise of 1850
Plessy vs. Ferguson Case- case that declared separate but equal was ok in the south
Slavery- The owning of one person by another, having no freedom
Congress- lawmaking body of the United States Government
Checks and Balances- system that keeps the branches of the government in check with
each other
Trail of Tears- when Jackson sent the Cherokee out of Georgia and made them relocated
to Oklahoma, many dies walking the long journey

Supreme Court- high court that reviews laws and can declare them unconstitutional
Industrial Revolution- period of rapid growth in manufacturing and economy
French and Indian War- war between French and British over the Ohio River Valley
Boycott- to refuse to buy certain goods
Mercantilism- when the mother country makes money off of its colonies

First Continental Congress- group that tried to make peace with Britain and avoid war
Culture- way a group of people live
Jim Crow Law- laws that segregated the blacks and whites in the south
Bill of Rights- first 10 amendments to the constitution
Segregation- The term that means separation of people based on race in the south
Declaration of Independence- declared our independence from England in 1776

Declaration of Sentiments- Women’s declaration of rights in 1848, demanded the right to

vote along with better and more equal treatment of women in the United States
Emancipation Proclamation- Lincoln’s declaration that frees the slaves living in the southern
states that have rebelled during the Civil War
Gettysburg Address- Lincoln’s Speech that dedicated a famous battlefield in Pennsylvania
13th Amendment- Amendment that abolishes slavery in the United States
Battle of Gettysburg- Turning point battle of the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln- President of the United States during the Civil War

CHOOSE the words from the list on pages 37-38 that you
would like to on the Bingo board on the next page.


You will NOT use all the words…you will have extra so choose wisely
Name _______________________________ DON’T THROW ME OUT UNTIL JUNE 9th


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