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Unit 1 Evaluation

Evaluation 1
American History 1
(SSTH 033 060)
This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your
textbook and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the
information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit the evaluation by
mail, follow the directions on your Enrollment Information Sheet. To take the evaluation online,
access the online version of your course; use the navigation panel to access the prep page for this
evaluation and follow the directions provided.

Part A: Multiple-Choice
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_____ 1. Which statement best describes European society in the Middle Ages?

a. Literature promoted daring new ideas.

b. Most people lived in cities.
c. European society had extremes of poverty and wealth.
d. There was a renewed interest in learning.

_____ 2. What caused the growth in the population of Indians in central Mexico about 3,500
years ago?

a. the development of distinct languages

b. the warming of the earth’s crust
c. the ability to gather nuts, berries, and fruits
d. the development of agriculture

_____ 3. During the Renaissance, the most famous travel accounts came from

a. Prince Henry the Navigator.

b. Queen Isabella.
c. Marco Polo.
d. Prince Ferdinand.

_____ 4. Which nation was formed when Castile and Aragon united?

a. Spain
b. Granada
c. Portugal
d. Morocco

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 5. The political power of most American Indians was spread among

a. many local chiefs with limitless authority.

b. many local chiefs with limited authority.
c. the members of one ruling family.
d. only the shamans.

_____ 6. In the West African economy, land

a. belonged to the individual.

b. belonged to extended kinship networks.
c. determined one’s wealth.
d. could be sold or rented by peasants.

_____ 7. How did slavery in West Africa differ from slavery in the Americas?

a. Slavery was not important to West Africa’s economy.

b. Slavery was voluntary in West Africa.
c. Slaves were not sold for money in West Africa.
d. In West Africa, the children of slaves usually did not become slaves.

_____ 8. Who took the lead in extending European influence in the 1400s?

a. the Portuguese
b. the Spanish
c. the British
d. the Dutch

_____ 9. Christopher Columbus sought a route to China to

a. convert the Chinese to Islam.

b. claim the region for Great Britain.
c. convert the Chinese to Christianity.
d. accurately determine the size of the earth.

_____ 10. Which item was most devastating to the Indians?

a. gunpowder
b. horses
c. crossbows
d. disease

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

Part B: Matching
Match each term or name with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. the Middle Ages

b. the Renaissance
c. the reconquista
d. Prince Henry the Navigator
e. the Crusades

_____ 11. brought Europeans in contact with the East

_____ 12. sponsored expeditions along the coast of West Africa

_____ 13. featured a renewed interest in learning, the arts, and the sciences in Europe

_____ 14. marked by weak government and warring kingdoms

_____ 15. renewed Spanish desires to spread Christianity

Part C: Multiple-Choice
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_____ 16. Why did Spain colonize Florida and the Rio Grande valley?

a. Native Americans in that region wanted to trade with Spain.

b. The Spanish found gold and silver mines in these areas.
c. The Spanish wanted to protect Mexico from other Europeans.
d. Missionaries insisted on spreading Christianity across the continent.

_____ 17. Unlike the Spanish, the French

a. enslaved the Indians.

b. took little land from the Indians.
c. did not send missionaries to the Americas.
d. built large urban centers in their colonies.

_____ 18. Robert LaSalle is best noted for

a. finding the Northwest Passage.

b. exploring the St. Lawrence River.
c. claiming the land around the Mississippi River basin for France.
d. leading a Jesuit mission in New France.

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 19. What was one effect of Bacon’s Rebellion?

a. Nathaniel Bacon successfully drove most Native Americans from Virginia.

b. The colonists at Jamestown fled and had to build a new settlement.
c. Governor Berkeley remained in Jamestown and reformed the government.
d. The colony reduced farmers’ taxes and increased their access to frontier lands.

_____ 20. Bartolomé de Las Casas worked to

a. win laws protecting Indians.

b. conquer territory in Mexico.
c. learn about Indian spiritual beliefs.
d. advance a plantation system based on Indian slave labor.

_____ 21. Which statement describes the castas in the Spanish colonies?

a. a place for religious education

b. a system of racial hierarchy
c. an elite group of rulers and aristocrats
d. a system of forts

_____ 22. For which reason was Quebec founded in 1608?

a. to repel rivals of a French company

b. to store trade goods
c. to help missionaries find converts
d. to protect the Iroquois from other Indian groups

_____ 23. Why did New France grow slowly?

a. conflict with Spanish colonies and poor soil

b. conflict with English colonies and poor harbors
c. conflict with Iroquois and harsh climate
d. conflict with the Huron and poor fishing

_____ 24. Which colonies were founded as a result of “push” factors?

a. Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia

b. Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, and Maryland
c. Plymouth, Virginia, Maryland, and Georgia
d. Plymouth and Virginia

_____ 25. The Middle Colonies differed from the colonies of New England and the Chesapeake

a. they forbade slavery.

b. New England lived peaceably with Native Americans.
c. they attracted a very diverse population.
d. no one wanted to settle in these colonies.

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

Part D: Matching
Match each term or name with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. Mayflower Compact
b. presidio
c. Quakers
d. Lord Baltimore
e. Quebec

_____ 26. the first lasting settlement in Canada

_____ 27. the governor of Maryland Colony

_____ 28. an agreement among the Puritans to form a government

_____ 29. a Spanish fort

_____ 30. members of a peaceful religious group that settled in Pennsylvania

Part E: Matching
Match each term or name with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. House of Burgesses
b. mission
c. Samuel de Champlain
d. Roger Williams
e. Puritans

_____ 31. the founder of Quebec

_____ 32. a place where friars taught Native Americans about Christianity

_____ 33. a Virginia lawmaking body

_____ 34. the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

_____ 35. the founder of Providence, Rhode Island

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

Part F: Multiple-Choice
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_____ 36. What was the Columbian Exchange?

a. the payment that Spain made to Christopher Columbus for his voyage
b. the traffic of goods and ideas between Europe and the Americas
c. the treaty that divided the Americas between Portugal and Spain
d. the slave trade practiced among the kingdoms of West Africa

_____ 37. The English founded their first enduring colonial settlement in North America at

a. Raleigh, North Carolina.

b. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
c. Plymouth, Massachusetts.
d. Jamestown, Virginia.

_____ 38. Which movement was founded on the notion that all problems can be solved by human

a. the Magna Carta

b. the Albany Plan of Union
c. the Enlightenment
d. the Mayflower Compact

_____ 39. The American colonists resented new taxes passed by Parliament to pay the

a. cost of building new factories in New England.

b. expense of maintaining missions in North America.
c. cost of fighting the French and Indian War.
d. cost of establishing a new Parliament in Canada.

_____ 40. According to indentured servant agreements, servants

a. were freed when their work terms ended.

b. automatically became slaves when their work terms ended.
c. moved to Africa when their work terms ended.
d. had terms that never ended.

_____ 41. The English Bill of Rights promoted what political ideal?

a. promoting the Catholic Church

b. limiting the power of the king
c. independence for the colonies
d. repealing the Magna Carta

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 42. Outside of New England, education

a. was widely available to everyone, regardless of income.

b. required sending children away to England.
c. was less widely available, and children were taught at home.
d. centered around the oldest and largest colleges.

_____ 43. Which idea is most consistent with the Albany Plan for Union?

a. independence for the English colonies

b. English colonists cooperating and working together
c. English colonists remaining east of the Appalachians
d. New England becoming a dominion of France

_____ 44. What was the result of the French and Indian War?

a. The Indians were successful in driving the French from North America.
b. The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the war triumphantly for the French.
c. The British were successful in driving the French from North America.
d. The French were successful in driving the British from North America.

_____ 45. Why did the population grow more rapidly in New England than in other regions during
the 1600s?

a. Individuals banded together and formed compact, densely populated towns.

b. Many farmers immigrated to that region.
c. The region offered a balanced population and healthier natural living conditions.
d. Immigrants preferred this ethnically and culturally diverse area.

Part G: Matching
Match each term or name with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. Great Awakening
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Pontiac’s Rebellion
d. George Washington
e. mercantilism

_____ 46. Virginian who led British troops in the attack on Fort Duquesne

_____ 47. the economic policy that seeks to build a nation’s wealth with precious metals

_____ 48. American Enlightenment thinker and inventor

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 49. uprising after the French and Indian War

_____ 50. religious revival that encouraged individuals to seek salvation

Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are
necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of your
ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Please refer to the information sheet that
came with your course materials.

Unit 1 Evaluation SSTH 033

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