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Things you should know about cats:

It is of great importance to note that cats have been domesticated for about 4000 years.
Domesticated cats all come from wildcats called Felis silvestris lybica. In this article, we will
discover numerous surprising facts about these furry little creatures. So, let’s read together!
31 facts about cats:

1. Cats need at least two weeks to interact and be sociable with their owners.
2. A female cat is referred to as queen, and a male cat is known as tom.
3. A group of kittens is often called kindle.
4. Cats can make 100 different sounds. They have strong vocal abilities.
5. Cats greet each other by touching noses. They purr, spit, and hiss with other animals.
6. Acne problem is a common among cats especially on their chins.
7. Cats secrete sweat through their paws. They can cope with heat pretty well.
8. Cats spent about two-third of their day sleeping. So, the average 6 years old cat has
been fully awake for 2 years of its life!
9. Cats’ sense of smell is nearly 14 times greater than that of the average human.
10. Cats rub against their owners to mark them as its own.
11. Cats have sensitive stomachs. You should be careful about your little furry friend. Do
not feed your cat onion, garlic, green tomatoes, chocolate, or grapes.
12. Cats have belly buttons too, but they look nothing like ours. It's pretty hard to find and
is usually located about two-thirds of the way down a cat's bell.
13. Cants understand when their owners call them, they just choose to ignore you!
14. Cats care less than dogs.
15. In England, Asia, France, and many other countries consider black cats as a symbol of
prosperity and happiness.
16. There is a special album that David Teie created for cats. Play it for your cat, and see
what will happen.
17. Cats see around 6 times better than we do in the dark and low light. They have a
special reflective layer under their eyes called tapetum lucidum.
18. A cat's heart beats way faster than ours with about 110 to 140 beats every single
19. Dusty gave birth to 420 kittens! It is among the edition of Guinness World record.
20. Cats cerebral cortex contains 300 million, while dogs have about t160 millions.
21. It is rare that cats can give birth to identical twin kitten.
22. Cats are considered among the cleanest animals. They burry or hide their poop.
23. Cats have 32 muscles in their ears, while we have only 12!
24. Fèlicette was the first cat to go to space. By the way, she could survive.
25. Cats can easily jump about 6 times their own length.
26. Cats have long-term memory, and they can solve cognitive problems.
27. Biologically speaking, a cat's brain is kind of similar to ours. We have almost
identical brain regions that take care of our emotions.
28. Researchers from the University of Lincoln found that cats love it when you touch
their faces, especially around their lips, chin, and cheeks. And they hate when you pet
them at the base of their tail.
29. Most cats are actually left-pawed!
30. Psychologists say that people who have cats are logical and practical.
31. Experts confirm that living with a cat helps relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

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