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Easy Step-by-Step Instructions

Copyright2022©FelicityBurt All
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Drawing a dog is a rewarding and challenging adventure.

Whether you are a dog person or a cat person, there is so
much that you can learn and practice by drawing a dog. This
is mostly due to the combination of details such as the
proportions, fur, nose, and eyes, each of which requires
careful attention to ensure the realism of the dog drawing.
This tutorial will teach you how to draw a dog step by step,
from different angles. We will show you the simple procedure
of dog drawing, accompanied by some images to aid your
understanding. There are some essential pointers to assist you
in quickly learning how to draw a dog accurately. So, should
you wish to find out how to draw a dog, then ensure that you
follow this helpful instructional guide. Gather your supplies,
get comfortable, and let us dive right in!

Felicity Burt
Don't be afraid to FAIL.
Be afraid not to TRY
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn
Your turn

1. Dogs are said to be descended from wolves. In 1993 they

were classified as a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus)

2. They can hear 4

times more than humans.

3. The sound of rain bothers them. If your dog does not want to go out
when it rains, it is not because they do not want to get wet, but
because for some, the rain increases the rest of the noises.

4. The dog's nose is moist because that way it can better absorb
aromatic chemicals from the environment.

5. Their sense of smell is between 1000 and 10 million times

better than ours. That is why they can smell diseases (exactly the
amount of organic compounds that we produce when we get
sick). Properly trained, they can be of great help in detecting the
rise and fall of blood glucose in a person with diabetes.

6. They need to have such a developed sense of smell because their

eyesight is not very sharp.

7. They don't see everything in black and white. This is a

myth. According to research carried out by Professor Marcello
Siniscalchi, they see in color but are colorblind: they confuse red and
8. Puppies are born blind and

9. Dalmatian
puppies are born completely white.
10. They use the same technique as cats to drink water: they
both bend the tip of their tongue and raise the water vertically to
their mouths when they want to drink. On this they agree!

11. They usually swallow their teeth, as they often fall out while

12. They have sweat glands on their paws, specifically on the pads.
For this reason, on the hottest days, they can leave a wet trail.

13. Their whiskers help them see in the dark because with them they
can detect changes in air currents. This gives them information about
the size and speed of nearby things.

14. The Basenji is the only dog in the world that cannot bark.
Its larynx has a different position from that of other dogs, which
makes it emit a sound similar to that of a Tyrolean song.

15. Not everyone has a pink tongue. The Chow Chow is known
for its blue-colored tongue.
16. Every dog's nose is unique. It is the equivalent of
human fingerprints.

17. They're so flexible when they run because their shoulder

blades aren't attached to their skeleton.

18. They have about 100 facial expressions, most of which are
made with their ears. They can do this thanks to the 18 muscles they
have in each ear.

19. They
have 42 teeth, just 10 more than humans!
20. Some are insatiable! 23% of Labradors have a mutation in the
POMPC gene, which hinders the production of the chemical responsible
for warning, the brain, that you are no longer hungry after a meal.

21. The chocolate that we like so much (and they like so much too…)
is not good for them: theobromine in cocoa causes damage to the
nervous system and the heart, and in some cases, it can be fatal.

22. Louis Dobermann, a tax collector, wanted to create a breed of dog

that combined strength, intelligence, and loyalty, to protect him. Thus
the Dobermans were born.

23. The "beware of the dog" sign was first used by citizens of ancient
Rome, to alert those who entered their homes.

24. Dogs reach maturity when they are about a year and a half old.
25.They can be right-handed or left-handed, indistinctly, just like
human beings.
26. The oldest dog on record is Bluey. He was an Australian Shepherd
who lived no more and no less than 29 years and 5 months! In
human age, he would be equivalent to about 160 years.

27. The smallest dog on record was a Yorkshire. It weighed 113 grams
and was about the size of a matchbox.

28. The smallest breed of dog that exists is the Chihuahua, the
largest is the Great Dane, the heaviest is the Saint Bernard and the
fastest is the Greyhound.
29. It is estimated that 1,000,000 dogs in the United States
have been named as heirs by the will of their owners. Some are

30. In the United States there is a radio station just for dogs. It has
been created to entertain dogs that spend many hours alone at
home (because their owners work)

31. They can learn between 200 and 500 words. If they don't
come when you call them, it's because they don't want to...

32. Experts say that dogs have the intelligence of a two-year-old,

but we both know that they are much smarter!

33. They are capable of dreaming. Therefore, if you see that your
dog has spasms while sleeping, you should not worry.

34. They make human beings live longer (and happier) Having
a dog reduces the chances of dying prematurely by 24%.
35. With a single glance they can know how we are: they can
detect our emotions only by observing our face and our tone of
voice. Definitely, THEY ARE OUR BEST AND MOST



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