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Three-dimensional evaluation of
dentofacial transverse widths in adults
with different sagittal facial patterns
Soonshin Hwang, Jueon Song, Joongoo Lee, Yoon Jeong Choi, Chooryung J. Chung, and Kyung-Ho Kim
Seoul, Korea

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the dentofacial transverse dimensions of subjects with
different sagittal facial patterns using 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography images. Methods:
Cone-beam computed tomography images of 63 men and 80 women were divided into skeletal Class I, Class
II, and Class III groups. Skeletal and dental evaluations were made on frontal views and coronal cross-sections
of the images. Independent 2-sample t tests and 1-way analysis of variance followed by post hoc Tukey tests
were used for sex and group differences. Pearson correlation analysis was used to identify factors related to
changes in ANB angle. Results: The Class II subjects did not show differences in maxillomandibular width
and maxillary width compared with Class I subjects; however, their maxillary molars were more lingually tipped.
The Class III subjects showed greater maxillomandibular width differences and smaller maxillary widths and
maxillary buccolingual alveolar widths at midroot level compared with Class I subjects. The maxillary molars
were buccally inclined, and the mandibular molars were lingually compensated in Class III subjects. The ANB
angle showed positive correlations with jugal process width, maxillary width, and maxillary buccolingual alveolar
width at midroot level as well as mandibular molar buccal inclination; negative correlations were found in max-
illomandibular width difference, mandibular width at midroot level, and maxillary molar buccal inclination.
Conclusions: A relative comparison of Class I, Class II, and Class III subjects showed that dental compensation
had occurred to overcome the transverse skeletal discrepancies in the maxillary posterior segments of Class II
and Class III subjects. This could escalate unidentified periodontal and functional problems in the long term.
Future studies of transverse dentofacial dimensions, including periodontal evaluations and occlusal forces,
would be useful for delivering proper orthodontic treatment for skeletal Class II and Class III subjects. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2018;154:365-74)

ransverse discrepancy is commonly assessed upon anomalies including cleft palate, nonnutritive sucking
intraoral examination by a posterior crossbite, habits, mouth breathing, lowered tongue posture,
with prevalence rates from 8% to 22%.1-4 The and so on.5-9 The early presence of a transverse
etiology of this malocclusion is complex and is discrepancy should not be overlooked since it could
associated with hereditary or environmental factors affect dentofacial growth in adverse directions because
such as skeletal or dental abnormalities, congenital sagittal and vertical growth continues even after
transverse dimensions are established.10 Moreover,
transverse coordination of the dental arches plays an
From the Department of Orthodontics, Gangnam Severance Dental Hospital, important role in maintaining stable periodontal condi-
Institute of Craniofacial Deformity, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul,
Korea. tions and functional occlusion in the long term.11
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- In patients without apparent posterior crossbite, or-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. thodontic diagnosis and treatment is generally focused
Supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant
(2017R1D1A1B03030851) funded by the Korean government (Ministry of Sci- on sagittal discrepancies, which are assessed with lateral
ence, ICT, and Future Planning; Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning). cephalographs and study casts to categorize the subject
Address correspondence to: Kyung-Ho Kim, Department of Orthodontics, Gang- into Class I, Class II, or Class III malocclusion on the basis
nam Severance Dental Hospital, Institute of Craniofacial Deformity, College of
Dentistry, 211 Eonjuro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-720, Korea; e-mail, khkim@ of the anteroposterior position of the maxilla and mandible as well as first molar relationships. However,
Submitted, July 2017; revised and accepted, November 2017. in complex malocclusion cases, additional posteroante-
Ó 2018 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. rior radiographs or 3-dimensional (3D) cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images would aid in
366 Hwang et al

detecting unidentified transverse discrepancies that may craniofacial syndromes, or trauma. The final sample
be clinically masked by the severity of the sagittal included 143 adults (63 men, 80 women).
discrepancy and dental misalignment. The sample was further divided into 3 groups depend-
Previous studies have used 2-dimensional posteroan- ing on the maxillary and mandibular sagittal differences
terior radiographs or study casts to compare the dental by evaluating the ANB angle followed by checking the
and skeletal components of transverse dimensions first molar relationships: (1) skeletal Class I group, ANB
in subjects with different sagittal facial patterns.12-14 angle between 0 and 4 and an Angle Class I molar rela-
These studies reported transverse discrepancy of tionship17; (2) skeletal Class II group, ANB angle greater
deciduous molars in skeletal Class II subjects due to a than 4 and an Angle Class II molar relationship17; and
narrow maxillary arch even with seemingly normal (3) skeletal Class III group, ANB angle less than 0 and
maxillomandibular width relationships that continued an Angle Class III molar relationship.17 In the Class I
throughout the mixed dentition stage.13-15 In skeletal group, the mesiobuccal cusp tip of the maxillary first
Class III subjects, transverse discrepancies have been molar was located at the buccal groove of the mandibular
indirectly indicated by clinical studies that included rapid first molar. The mean ANB angles and ages of the subjects
palatal expansion combined with facemask usage.12,14 in the 3 groups are shown in Table I. This study was
To our knowledge, there have been no studies approved by the institution of research review board of
directly comparing dentofacial transverse dimensions Gangnam Severance Hospital (3-2017-0034).
using 3D images in adults with different sagittal Skeletal and dental evaluations were performed on
facial patterns. Evaluations and comparisons of den- the coronal cross-sections of the CBCT scans with OnDe-
tofacial widths of skeletal Class I, Class II, and Class mand3D imaging software (CyberMed, Seoul, Korea).
III adults without apparent posterior crossbites would Cross-sections of 5-mm thickness were used to visualize
aid in identifying characteristics of the “hidden” both the mesiobuccal and palatal roots of the maxillary
transverse discrepancies that are difficult to diagnose first molar on the same section. This was because a
clinically. Therefore, the aim of this study was to thinner section might show a portion of the maxillary
evaluate whether adults with different sagittal facial root that could mislead the investigator as to the loca-
patterns show differences in dentofacial transverse tion of the furcation.18 The following reference planes
dimensions and first molar inclinations using 3D were used to ensure consistent orientation of the 2-
CBCT images. dimensional coronal slices: (1) the axial plane was
defined as the Frankfort horizontal, which was the plane
MATERIAL AND METHODS passing through the bilateral orbitales and the right po-
In this study, we evaluated adults who visited Gang- rion; (2) the “first coronal plane” was perpendicular to
nam Severance Dental Hospital in Seoul, Korea, from the axial plane, passing the buccal groove of the maxil-
January 2011 to February 2017. They had CBCT scans lary right first molar; (3) the “second coronal plane” was
(Pax-Zenith 3D; Vatech, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea) taken in perpendicular to the axial plane, passing the mesiobuc-
intercuspal occlusion for diagnostic purposes of cal groove of the mandibular right first molar; and (4) the
impacted third molars. The images were taken with a sagittal plane was perpendicular to the axial and coronal
scan time of 24 seconds, tube voltage of 105 kV(p), planes passing the midpoint of the medial rims of the or-
and 0.3-mm voxel size. Pretreatment cephalograms bits. The first coronal plane was used to evaluate the
were generated from the CBCT scans to analyze the dentoskeletal transverse measurements of all 3 groups,
subjects based on maxillomandibular sagittal and verti- and the second coronal plane was used for additional
cal discrepancies. The subjects were included if the ver- evaluation of the mandibular skeletal parameters of
tical facial patterns were normodivergent, within the the Class II and Class III groups (Fig 1).
range of 28 to 37 measured by the angle between From the frontal view of the CBCT scan, the trans-
the sella-nasion line and the mandibular plane. This verse distances between the right and left jugal processes
value represented about 1 SD from the mean mandib- and the bilateral antegonial notches were measured.
ular plane angle of adults reported by Riedel.16 Sub- Maxillomandibular transverse dimensions were obtained
jects were excluded from the study if they had on the first coronal plane using the following landmarks:
posterior crossbite, facial asymmetry greater than (1) buccal alveolar crest point, (2) 7-mm apical point
2 mm, dental crowding or spacing greater than from the buccal alveolar crest, (3) lingual alveolar crest
5 mm, prosthetic treatment of the first molars, missing point, (4) 7-mm apical point from the lingual alveolar
or extracted permanent teeth excluding the third mo- crest, and (5) most convex point on the buccal side of
lars, prior orthodontic treatment, and significant med- the first molar. Additionally, the mandibular skeletal
ical or dental history such as cleft lip and palate, transverse width was measured using the same

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Table I. Demographic data of the subjects

Class I Class II Class III

Men Women Men Women Men Women

n 20 30 17 28 26 22
Age (y) 22.63 6 3.99 25.95 6 8.54 20.76 6 3.84 26.95 6 8.99 20.44 6 2.81 23.52 6 6.98
ANB ( ) 2.33 6 0.98 2.83 6 0.62 5.65 6 1.07 5.28 6 0.92 2.04 6 1.71 2.09 6 1.73
SN-MP ( ) 35.48 6 1.73 33.83 6 1.65 34.4 6 2.12 33.96 6 1.88 33.93 6 1.40 33.93 6 1.85
ANB, Angle formed by A-point–nasion–B-point; SN-MP, angle between sella-nasion line and mandibular plane.

Fig 1. Transverse measurements in the frontal view and location of the first and second coronal planes
in the midsagittal plane view in Class I, Class II, and Class III groups: J-J width, tranverse width at bilat-
eral jugal process point; AG-AG width, transverse width at bilateral antegonial notch point; MxMn dif-
ference, difference between AG-AG width and J-J width.

landmarks on the second coronal plane in the skeletal For further evaluations, the following width differ-
Class II and Class III groups. The molar widths and incli- ences were calculated from the obtained measure-
nations were measured on the first coronal plane of all 3 ments: (1) the maxillomandibular width difference
groups. The inclinations of the maxillary first molars (bilateral antegonial notch width minus right and
were obtained by measuring the angles formed by the left jugal process width), (2) the maxillary buccolin-
long axis of the molars and the Frankfort horizontal gual alveolar widths at the alveolar crest and 7 mm
plane, and for the mandibular first molars, angles apical from the alveolar crest, and (3) the mandibular
formed by the long axes of the molars and the line con- buccolingual alveolar widths at the alveolar crest and
necting the mandibular inferior borders were used.19,20 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest in the first and
Palatal height was assessed by measuring the distance second coronal planes. All landmarks and measure-
between the functional occlusal plane and the most ments used in this study are shown in Table II and
superior point on the palate.21 Figure 2.

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Table II. Sex differences of transverse measurements and molar inclinations according to sagittal facial pattern
Class I Class II Class III

Variable Men Women P Men Women P Men Women P

Interjugular W (mm) 69.69 6 2.44 66.14 6 2.99 z 68.50 6 2.37 65.25 6 2.29 z 65.93 6 3.36 64.13 6 3.63
Antegonial W (mm) 90.38 6 3.99 86.50 6 2.70 z 91.89 6 4.26 85.42 6 3.22 z 91.42 6 3.98 89.06 6 4.24
MxMn difference (mm) 20.69 6 3.15 20.36 6 3.26 23.39 6 4.62 20.17 6 3.21 y 25.49 6 4.30 24.93 6 3.66
Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 59.95 6 3.07 58.15 6 2.52 * 60.48 6 3.23 57.79 6 3.00 y 59.31 6 3.06 56.51 6 2.93 *
Mx 7 mm W (mm) 66.72 6 2.58 63.39 6 3.19 z 66.32 6 3.19 63.06 6 2.56 z 62.77 6 4.17 58.79 6 4.12 *
1Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 58.34 6 4.98 57.06 6 2.42 54.93 6 2.73 53.36 6 2.34 * 60.49 6 3.33 57.35 6 2.74 *
1Mn 7 mm W (mm) 65.69 6 4.38 63.05 6 3.94 * 57.45 6 3.65 55.10 6 4.41 68.42 6 5.73 65.62 6 5.59
2Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 58.34 6 4.98 57.06 6 2.42 57.63 6 2.94 55.88 6 2.28 * 58.70 6 2.33 56.30 6 2.46 *
2Mn 7 mm W (mm) 65.69 6 4.38 63.05 6 3.94 * 63.96 6 5.38 61.50 6 5.03 64.50 6 4.86 62.29 6 5.49
Mx intermolar W (mm) 57.39 6 2.87 55.60 6 2.36 * 56.47 6 2.24 53.66 6 1.64 z 57.78 6 2.90 54.72 6 2.63 y
Mn intermolar W (mm) 48.75 6 2.97 48.76 6 2.62 50.56 6 3.43 49.37 6 2.44 y 53.66 6 3.69 50.50 6 2.83 y
Mx Rt inclination ( ) 93.79 6 2.37 93.57 6 3.73 89.29 6 3.17 91.03 6 3.49 97.60 6 5.23 97.08 6 4.26
Mx Lt inclination ( ) 94.66 6 2.62 94.40 6 3.81 92.61 6 3.95 93.49 6 3.69 98.57 6 5.15 100.13 6 3.15
Mn Rt inclination ( ) 78.99 6 3.64 79.93 6 2.49 82.46 6 3.68 83.06 6 5.87 73.26 6 7.81 75.64 6 4.68
Mn Lt inclination ( ) 79.85 6 3.04 79.32 6 2.65 81.77 6 4.84 81.39 6 5.12 73.63 6 7.54 74.3 6 4.22
Palatal height (mm) 20.03 6 2.09 19.28 6 2.02 17.70 6 1.48 18.10 6 2.22 19.86 6 2.04 19.25 6 1.66
BL Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 11.09 6 1.01 10.26 6 0.85 y 11.71 6 1.69 10.78 6 1.85 10.00 6 1.83 9.30 6 1.91
BL Mx 7 mm W (mm) 16.93 6 1.05 15.32 6 1.40 z 18.24 6 1.39 16.39 6 1.58 z 15.37 6 2.60 14.42 6 2.14
1BL Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 9.89 6 1.12 9.55 6 0.89 9.57 6 0.77 8.78 6 0.79 y 9.15 6 0.59 8.81 6 0.78
1BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 17.77 6 2.43 15.84 6 2.40 y 16.44 6 2.29 15.40 6 2.11 15.19 6 3.44 14.76 6 2.70
2BL Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 9.89 6 1.12 9.55 6 0.89 9.77 6 0.87 9.13 6 0.91 * 9.19 6 0.71 8.96 6 1.12
2BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 17.77 6 2.43 15.84 6 2.40 y 17.02 6 2.20 15.93 6 1.92 16.37 6 2.86 15.24 6 2.35
W, Width; Mx, maxillary; Mn, mandibular; MxMn difference, difference of antegonial and interjugular widths; 1, measurement from first coronal
plane; 2, measurement from second coronal plane; Rt, right side; Lt, left side; BL, buccolingual.
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001.

Table III. Difference of transverse and angular parameters according to sagittal facial pattern in men (ANOVA)
Variable (men) Class I Class II Class III P value
Interjugular W (mm) 69.9 6 2.44a 68.50 6 2.37a 65.93 6 3.36b 0.0001z
Antegonial W (mm) 90.38 6 3.99 91.89 6 4.26 91.42 6 3.98 0.5080
MxMn difference (mm) 20.69 6 3.15a 23.39 6 4.62ab 25.49 6 4.30b 0.0009z
Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 59.95 6 3.07 60.48 6 3.23 59.31 6 3.06 0.4775
Mx 7 mm W (mm) 66.72 6 2.58a 66.32 6 3.19a 62.57 6 4.17b 0.0002z
1Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 58.34 6 4.98a 54.93 6 2.73b 60.49 6 3.33a \0.0001z
1Mn 7 mm W (mm) 65.69 6 4.38a 57.45 6 3.65b 68.42 6 5.73a \0.0001z
2Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 58.34 6 4.98 57.63 6 2.94 58.70 6 2.33 0.6189
2Mn 7 mm W (mm) 65.69 6 4.38 63.96 6 5.38 64.50 6 4.86 0.5331
Mx intermolar W (mm) 57.39 6 2.87 56.47 6 2.24 57.78 6 2.90 0.3364
Mn intermolar W (mm) 48.75 6 2.97a 50.56 6 3.43a 53.66 6 3.69b \0.0001z
Mx Rt inclination ( ) 93.76 6 2.37a 89.29 6 3.17b 97.60 6 5.23c \0.0001z
Mx Lt inclination ( ) 94.66 6 2.62a 92.61 6 3.95a 98.75 6 5.15b \0.0001z
Mn Rt inclination ( ) 78.99 6 3.64a 82.46 6 3.68a 73.26 6 7.81b \0.0001z
Mn Lt inclination ( ) 79.85 6 3.04a 81.77 6 4.84a 73.63 6 7.54b \0.0001z
Palatal height (mm) 20.03 6 2.09a 17.70 6 1.48b 19.86 6 2.04a 0.0009z
BL Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 11.09 6 1.01ab 11.71 6 1.69a 10.00 6 1.83b 0.0042y
BL Mx 7 mm W (mm) 16.93 6 1.05a 18.24 6 1.39a 15.37 6 2.60b 0.0001z
1BL Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 9.89 6 1.12a 9.57 6 0.77ab 9.15 6 0.59b 0.0186*
1BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 17.77 6 2.43 16.44 6 2.29 15.19 6 3.44 0.3513
2BL Mn alvoelar crest W (mm) 9.89 6 1.12a 9.77 6 0.87ab 9.19 6 0.71b 0.0352*
2BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 17.77 6 2.43 17.02 6 2.20 16.37 6 2.86 0.1945
W, Width; Mx, maxillary; Mn, mandibular; MxMn difference, difference of antegonial and interjugular widths; 1, measurement from first coronal
plane; 2, measurement from second coronal plane; Rt, right side; Lt, left side; BL, buccolingual.
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001.
Superscript letters, values with the same letters in the superscript do not differ significantly (p.0.05).

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Fig 2. Transverse and angular measurements in the coronal plane: A1-B1 width, maxillary transverse
width at alveolar crest; C1-D1 width, maxillary transverse width at 7 mm apical from alveolar crest; E1-
F1 width, mandibular transverse width at alveolar crest; G1-H1 width, mandibular transverse width at
7 mm apical from alveolar crest; M1-M2 width, maxillary intermolar width; M3-M4 width, mandibular in-
termolar width; angle I, maxillary right first molar inclination; angle J, maxillary left first molar inclination;
angle K, mandibular right first molar inclination; angle L, mandibular left first molar inclination; palatal
height, distance from functional occlusal plane to most superior point on palate; buccolingual width
at maxillary alveolar crest, difference between A1-B1 width and A2-B2 width divided by 2; buccolingual
width 7 mm from maxillary alveolar crest, difference between C1-D1 width and C2-D2 width divided by
2; buccolingual width at mandibular alveolar crest, difference between E1-F1 width and E2-F2 width
divided by 2; buccolingual width 7 mm from mandibular alveolar crest, difference between G1-H1 width
and G2-H2 width divided by 2.

Statistical analysis 2-sample t tests. Differences between the Class I, Class

All transverse measurements were performed by 2 II, and Class III groups were compared by 1-way AN-
examiners (J.S., J.L.), and 20 randomly selected samples OVA followed by post hoc Tukey HSD tests. Factors
were assessed for a second time at an interval of affected by a change in the ANB angle were further
2 weeks. The intraexaminer and interexaminer correla- checked by Pearson correlation analysis. A P value
tion coefficients showed high reliability (r 5 0.90- less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
0.94). Based on a pilot study, a minimum sample size All statistical analyses was performed using the SPSS
of 16 subjects per group was determined (G* Power software (version 20.0; IBM, Armonk, NY).
3; Dusseldorf, Germany) at a 5 0.05, power of 80%,
and effect size of 0.47 to detect differences in the RESULTS
transverse width at the 7-mm apical level from the Transverse widths measured at the maxillary alveolar
alveolar crest among the Class I, Class II, and Class III crest and 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest, and maxil-
groups by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The lary intermolar width were significantly greater in the
normality of the variables was tested by the men for all 3 groups.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Descriptive statistics were In the Class I group, men had greater width values
calculated for all variables as means and standard de- at the jugal process and antegonial notch, 7 mm apical
viations. Sex differences were analyzed by independent from the mandibular alveolar crest measured on both

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coronal planes, buccolingual maxillary widths at the other 2 groups. The mandibular widths at the alveolar
alveolar crest and 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest, crest and 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest were
and the buccolingual mandibular width 7 mm apical smaller in the Class II group compared with the other
from the alveolar crest measured on both coronal 2 groups when measured from the first coronal plane.
planes. The maxillary intermolar width was smaller in the Class
In the Class II group, men had greater values for the II group compared with the other 2 groups, and the
jugal process and antegonial notch width, maxilloman- mandibular intermolar width was greater in the Class
dibular width difference value (bilateral antegonial III group compared with the Class I group. The maxil-
notches minus right and left jugal processes), mandib- lary right and left first molar inclinations were signifi-
ular alveolar crest measured on both coronal planes, cantly greatest in the Class III group, whereas the
mandibular intermolar width, buccolingual maxillary Class II group had the smallest inclination. The
width 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest, and buccolin- mandibular right and left first molar inclinations were
gual mandibular width at the alveolar crest measured on significantly smaller in the Class III group compared
both coronal planes. In the Class III group, men had with the Class I and Class II groups. The palatal height
greater widths at the mandibular alveolar crest measured was lower in the Class II group compared with the other
on both coronal planes and greater mandibular intermo- 2 groups. The buccolingual maxillary widths at the
lar width (Table II). alveolar crest and 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest
For the sagittal facial pattern difference in men, the were greater in the Class II group compared with the
interjugular width was smaller in the Class III group Class III group. The buccolingual mandibular width at
compared with the other 2 groups; this resulted in a the alveolar crest was greater in the Class I group
greater maxillomandibular width difference for the Class compared wtih the other 2 groups measured from the
III group compared with the Class I group. The maxillary first coronal plane (Table IV).
width 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest was signifi- Differences between mandibular width measure-
cantly smaller in the Class III group compared with the ments on the first and second coronal planes were
other 2 groups. The mandibular widths at the alveolar analyzed in the Class II and Class III groups. The mandib-
crest and 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest were ular widths at the alveolar crest and 7 mm apical to the
smaller in the Class II group compared with the other 2 alveolar crest were significantly greater on the second
groups when measured on the first coronal plane. The coronal plane compared with the first coronal plane in
mandibular intermolar width was significantly greater the Class II group for both sexes. In the Class III group,
in the Class III group compared with the Class I group. the mandibular width 7 mm apical from the alveolar
The maxillary right and left first molar inclinations crest was significantly greater on the first coronal plane
were significantly greater, and the mandibular right compared with the second coronal plane for both sexes.
and left first molar inclinations were significantly smaller The mandibular width at the alveolar crest was also
in the Class III group compared with the Class I and Class significantly greater on the first coronal plane in the
II groups. The palatal height was smaller in the Class II Class III group for the men (Table V).
group compared with the other groups. The buccolin- As the ANB angle increased, the jugal process width,
gual maxillary alveolar width at the alveolar crest was maxillary width 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest,
thinner in the Class III group compared with the Class mandibular right and left first molar inclinations, maxil-
II group. The buccolingual maxillary alveolar width lary buccolingual widths at the alveolar crest and 7 mm
7 mm apical from the alveolar crest was also thinner in apical from the alveolar crest increased whereas the
the Class III group compared with the Class I and Class maxillomandibular width difference, mandibular widths
II groups. The buccolingual mandibular width at the at the alveolar crest and 7 mm apical from the alveolar
alveolar crest was significantly greater in the Class I crest measured from the first coronal plane, and the
group compared with the Class III group measured on maxillary right and left first molar inclinations decreased
both coronal planes (Table III). in both sexes. In the men, palatal height decreased and
In the women, the antegonial width was signifi- buccolingual mandibular width at the alveolar crest
cantly greater in the Class III group compared with measured on the first and second coronal planes
the Class I group; this resulted in a greater maxilloman- increased, and the buccolingual mandibular width
dibular width difference in the Class III group 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest measured on the first
compared with the Class I and Class II groups. The coronal plane increased as the ANB angle increased. In
maxillary width 7 mm apical from the alveolar crest the women, the antegonial width decreased as the
was smaller in the Class III group compared with the ANB angle increased. Most of the variables that were

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Table IV. Difference of transverse and angular parameters according to sagittal facial pattern in women (ANOVA)
Variable (women) Class I Class II Class III P value
Interjugular W (mm) 66.14 6 2.99 65.25 6 2.29 64.13 6 3.63 0.061
Antegonial W (mm) 86.50 6 2.70a 85.42 6 3.22ab 89.06 6 4.24b 0.0011*
MxMn difference (mm) 20.36 6 3.26a 20.17 6 3.21a 24.93 6 3.66b \0.0001y
Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 58.15 6 2.52 57.79 6 3.00 56.51 6 2.93 0.1086
Mx 7 mm W (mm) 63.39 6 3.19a 63.06 6 2.56a 58.79 6 4.12b \0.0001y
1Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 57.06 6 2.42a 53.36 6 2.34b 57.35 6 2.74a \0.0001y
1Mn 7 mm W (mm) 63.05 6 3.94a 55.10 6 4.41b 65.62 6 5.59a \0.0001y
2Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 57.06 6 2.42 55.88 6 2.28 56.30 6 2.46 0.1676
2Mn 7 mm W (mm) 63.05 6 3.94 61.50 6 5.03 62.29 6 5.49 0.4718
Mx intermolar W (mm) 55.60 6 2.36a 53.66 6 1.64b 54.72 6 2.63a 0.0072*
Mn intermolar W (mm) 48.76 6 2.62a 49.37 6 2.44ab 50.08 6 2.70b 0.0007y
Mx Rt inclination ( ) 93.57 6 3.73a 91.03 6 3.49b 97.08 6 4.26c \0.0001y
Mx Lt inclination ( ) 94.40 6 3.81a 93.49 6 3.69a 100.13 6 3.15b \0.0001y
Mn Rt inclination ( ) 79.93 6 2.49a 82.55 6 5.88a 75.64 6 4.68b \0.0001y
Mn Lt inclination ( ) 79.32 6 2.65a 81.39 6 5.12a 74.30 6 4.22b \0.0001y
Palatal height (mm) 19.28 6 2.02 18.10 6 2.22 19.25 6 1.66 0.054
BL Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 10.26 6 0.85ab 10.78 6 1.85a 9.30 6 1.91b 0.006*
BL Mx 7 mm W (mm) 15.32 6 1.40a 16.39 6 1.58b 14.42 6 2.14a 0.0005y
1BL Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 9.55 6 0.89a 8.78 6 0.79b 8.81 6 0.78b 0.0008y
1BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 15.84 6 2.40 15.40 6 2.11 14.76 6 2.70 0.6701
2BL Mn alvoelar crest W (mm) 9.55 6 0.89 9.13 6 0.91 8.96 6 1.12 0.0748
2BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 15.84 6 2.40 15.93 6 1.92 15.24 6 2.35 0.5147
W, Width; Mx, maxillary; Mn, mandibular; MxMn difference, difference of antegonial and interjugular widths; 1, measurement from first coronal
plane; 2, measurement from second coronal plane; Rt, right side; Lt, left side; BL, buccolingual.
*P \0.01; yP \0.001.
Superscript letters, values with the same letters in the superscript do not differ significantly (p.0.05).

correlated showed moderate correlation values to antegonial width, or maxillomandibular width differ-
changes in the ANB angle (Table VI). ence between the 2 groups. The Class II group did not
show significant differences in maxillary width at the
DISCUSSION alveolar crest or midroot level compared with the Class
Clinicians are focused on improving sagittal discrep- I group. However, mandibular transverse measurements
ancies and lateral facial profiles unless there are evident in the Class II group at the alveolar crest and midroot
posterior crossbites in adult orthodontic patients. It is level measured on the first coronal plane were signifi-
easy to underestimate transverse discrepancies that are cantly smaller than those of the Class I group. This was
masked by dental compensation. Therefore, in this expected because of the relatively posterior position of
study, we evaluated and compared transverse parame- the mandible compared with the maxilla in the Class II
ters of skeletal Class I, Class II, and Class III subjects group and the fact that alveolar widths in the premolar
without clinically diagnosed posterior crossbites that areas are narrower compared with molars.25 The maxil-
may have been hidden by dental compensations. lary first molar inclinations in the Class II group were
Men had significantly greater transverse widths at significantly less than those of the Class I group in
the maxillary alveolar crest and midroot level as well women, with a similar trend in men, but the mandibular
as maxillary intermolar widths compared with women molar inclinations and mandibular intermolar widths did
in all 3 groups. Although there were some variations not show significant differences between both groups
between the groups, most skeletal and dental trans- for both sexes. This implies that lingual tipping had
verse measurements had greater values in men; this occurred in the maxillary first molars, and there was no
agreed with previous studies that mentioned that cra- significant change in the mandibular first molars to
nial and facial widths are significantly affected by overcome the transverse discrepancy caused by the
sex.22-24 Accordingly, dentofacial widths in different sagittal discrepancy. The results of this study agree
sagittal facial patterns were evaluated in both sexes with previous reports in that transverse discrepancies
(Table II). in Class II subjects originate from the maxillary posterior
When comparing Class II with Class I subjects, there dentition and not from the maxillary alveolar base.26,27
were no significant differences in jugal process, In addition, there were no significant differences

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2018  Vol 154  Issue 3
372 Hwang et al

between Class I and Class II subjects in the buccolingual

P value
maxillary width at the alveolar crest for both sexes and at
the midroot level for men. Although the Class II women

showed significantly greater buccolingual maxillary

56.30 6 2.46
61.89 6 5.30
8.96 6 1.12
15.24 6 2.35
Plane 2
widths at the midroot level, it is reasonable to assume
Class III that this would not have clinical significance in terms
of periodontal health because lingual tipping of the
57.35 6 2.74 maxillary first molars had occurred in thicker maxillary
65.62 6 5.59
8.81 6 0.78
14.76 6 2.70
buccolingual alveolar bone to achieve proper
Plane 1

transverse occlusion. However, occlusal function may

be affected because masticatory forces of lingually

tipped maxillary molars are not vertically directed

P value

parallel to the long axis of the tooth.28

Table V. Differences in mandibular transverse measurements in coronal planes 1 and 2 for Class II and Class III subjects

In the comparison of Class III with Class I subjects, the


Plane 1, Measurement from first coronal plane; Plane 2, measuremen from second coronal plane; W, width; Mn, mandibular; BL, buccolingual.

jugal process width was significantly smaller in the Class

55.88 6 2.28
61.50 6 5.03
9.13 6 0.91
15.93 6 1.92

III group for men, with a similar tendency in women. This

Plane 2

resulted in greater maxillomandibular width differences

Class II

of 25.49 mm in men and 24.93 mm in women; these

values are about 5 mm greater than the normal value
53.36 6 2.34
55.10 6 4.41
8.78 6 0.79
15.40 6 2.11

of 19.6 mm used in the maxillomandibular transverse

Plane 1

differential index at growth completion reported by

Ricketts et al.29 The maxillary width at midroot level
was also significantly smaller in the Class III group;
this agreed with previous studies that showed narrower
P value

maxillary arches in Class III patients.30,31 However,


there was no significant difference of mandibular

58.70 6 2.33
64.26 6 4.80
9.19 6 0.71
16.37 6 2.86

transverse width at the alveolar crest or midroot level

Plane 2

between the Class III and Class I groups measured

Class III

from the first and second coronal planes that were

different from the results of the Class II group.
Nonetheless, the skeletal width difference between the
60.49 6 3.33
68.42 6 5.73
9.15 6 0.59
15.19 6 3.44

maxilla and the mandible in Class III patients was

Plane 1

compensated by significant buccally flared maxillary

and lingually tipped mandibular molars. The results

from this study suggest that Class III adults who

P value

undergo camouflage treatment would need transverse

dental compensation to overcome the narrow maxilla

and the anteroposterior overjet correction. However,

57.63 6 2.94
63.96 6 5.38
9.77 6 0.87
17.02 6 2.20

the maxillary buccolingual alveolar width at the

Plane 2
Class II

midroot level was significantly smaller in the Class III

group compared with that of the Class I group in men,
with a similar trend in women. This necessitates
54.93 6 2.73
57.45 6 3.67
9.57 6 0.77
16.44 6 2.29

preliminary evaluation of the maxillary alveolar width

Plane 1

in Class III patients even without posterior crossbites

*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001.

before orthodontic treatment to maintain periodontal

health as the maxillary molars are buccally tipped to
achieve a proper posterior occlusion. In some subjects
BL Mn alveolar crest W
Mn alveolar crest W

with thin maxillary buccolingual alveolar widths,

maxillary expansion using miniscrew-assisted rapid
BL Mn 7 mm W
Mn 7 mm W

palatal expansion could be used to increase functional

occlusion, periodontal health, and long-term stability.32
Most parameters with statistical significance in the
Pearson correlation analysis had moderate correlation

September 2018  Vol 154  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Hwang et al 373

Table VI. Transverse or angular measurements related to increased ANB angle (Pearson correlation)
ANB angle

Variable r (men) P value (men) r (women) P value (women)

Interjugular W (mm) 0.4067 0.0009z 0.2438 0.0293*
Antegonial W (mm) 0.0117 0.9276 0.3352 0.0024*
MxMn difference (mm) 0.3049 0.0151* 0.4988 \0.0001z
Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 0.1029 0.4221 0.1946 0.0837
Mx 7 mm W (mm) 0.4681 0.0001z 0.5192 \0.0001z
1Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 0.5137 \0.0001z 0.4732 \0.0001z
1Mn 7 mm W (mm) 0.6410 \0.0001z 0.6431 \0.0001z
2 Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 0.1653 0.1993 0.0230 0.8398
2 Mn 7 mm W (mm) 0.1194 0.3515 0.0420 0.7118
Mx intermolar W (mm) 0.2405 0.0666 0.1357 0.2392
Mn intermolar W (mm) 0.1977 0.1404 0.1032 0.3625
Mx Rt inclination ( ) 0.6595 \0.0001z 0.5598 \0.0001z
Mx Lt inclination ( ) 0.5248 \0.0001z 0.5815 \0.0001z
Mn Rt inclination ( ) 0.5721 \0.0001z 0.5940 \0.0001z
Mn Lt inclination ( ) 0.4799 0.0002z 0.6411 \0.0001z
Palatal height (mm) 0.3356 0.0094y 0.1873 0.0984
BL Mx alveolar crest W (mm) 0.4303 0.0007z 0.2781 0.0131*
BL Mx 7 mm W (mm) 0.5979 \0.0001z 0.4533 \0.0001z
1 BL Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 0.3029 0.0197* 0.0261 0.8186
1 BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 0.3031 0.0166* 0.0113 0.9217
2 BL Mn alveolar crest W (mm) 0.3261 0.0142* 0.0917 0.4183
2 BL Mn 7 mm W (mm) 0.1532 0.2384 0.1518 0.1845
W, Width; Mx, maxillary; Mn, mandibular; MxMn difference, difference of antegonial and interjugular width; 1, measurement from first coronal
plane; 2, measurement from second coronal plane; Rt, right side; Lt, left side; BL, buccolingual.
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001.

values. As the subjects showed a tendency toward skel- transverse skeletal discrepancy in the maxillary posterior
etal Class II by an increase in the ANB angle, the jugal segments of both Class II and Class III subjects; this may
process width, maxillary alveolar width at the midroot escalate unidentified periodontal and functional prob-
level, maxillary buccolingual alveolar widths at the alve- lems in the long term. Future studies of transverse den-
olar crest and midroot level increased for both sexes. On tofacial dimensions, including periodontal evaluations
the contrary, the maxillomandibular width difference and occlusal forces, would be useful for delivering
and mandibular widths at the alveolar crest and midroot proper orthodontic treatment for skeletal Class II and
level measured on the first coronal plane decreased. The Class III subjects.
skeletal transverse discrepancies were compensated by a
tendency of lingual tipping of the maxillary molars and CONCLUSIONS
buccal flaring of the mandibular molars as the ANB
angle increased. 1. Men had greater transverse widths measured at the
In this retrospective study, we compared the trans- maxillary alveolar crest and midroot level as well as
verse skeletal and dental parameters of Class I, Class II, maxillary intermolar widths compared with women
and Class III subjects without obvious clinical posterior in the Class I, Class II, and Class III groups.
crossbites who had completed their growth. Therefore, 2. Class II subjects did not show a significant differ-
extreme cases of sagittal and transverse discrepancies ence in maxillomandibular width and maxillary
were not included; this was a limitation of this study. width at the alveolar crest or midroot level
In addition, although the subjects had normodivergent compared with the Class I group.
profiles, individual variations in occlusal and mandibular 3. In the Class II subjects, the maxillary first molars
plane angles should have been considered. Despite the were lingually tipped, but there was no significant
possibility of dental compensation in Class I subjects difference in the mandibular first molars to over-
with good clinical posterior occlusion,18 a relative com- come the skeletal transverse discrepancy.
parison of Class I, Class II, and Class III subjects showed 4. The Class III subjects showed significantly greater
that dental compensation had occurred to overcome the maxillomandibular width differences, and smaller

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