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Colloidal Gold

Creativity, Energy, Drug and Alcohol

Addiction, Meditation. Memory, Depression,
Mental Acuity, Mental Focus, ... etc., etc.

Colloidal Gold has a balancing and harmonizing

effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. It is
used to improve mental attitude and emotional
states. It has been reported to promote a feeling
of increased energy, will power, mental focus
The earliest records of the use of gold and libido.
for medicinal and healing purposes
This Colloidal is 30 parts per million. Therefore
come from Alexandria, Egypt. Over
you don’t have to take as much. It is
5,000 years ago, the Egyptians
recommended to take as need during times of
ingested gold for mental, bodily and
meditation, study or anytime you feel the need
spiritual purification. The ancients
for greater brain/mind function.
believed that gold in the body worked
by stimulating the life force and raising
Gold is an all-natural mineral that is non-toxic
the level of vibration on all levels.
and exhibits no interactions with other drugs

Colloidal Gold
Creativity, Energy, Drug and Alcohol
Addiction, Meditation. Memory, Depression,
Mental Acuity, Mental Focus,.. etc., etc.

Colloidal Gold has a balancing and harmonizing

effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. It is
used to improve mental attitude and emotional
states. It has been reported to promote a feeling
of increased energy, will power, mental focus
The earliest records of the use of gold and libido.
for medicinal and healing purposes
This Colloidal is 30 parts per million. Therefore
come from Alexandria, Egypt. Over
you don’t have to take as much. It is
5,000 years ago, the Egyptians
recommended to take as need during times of
ingested gold for mental, bodily and
meditation, study or anytime you feel the need
spiritual purification. The ancients
for greater brain/mind function.
believed that gold in the body worked
by stimulating the life force and raising
Gold is an all-natural mineral that is non-toxic
the level of vibration on all levels.
and exhibits no interactions with other drugs

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