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Thus do the heaven and earth that once were pass.

Shall you witness the birth of a new dawn?
Thus does the ceaseless wheel of time spin.
Shall you witness that wheel turn faster?
—From the apocryphal book, "Prophecies of Elemiya."

The Hazards came, and they changed So began the Age of Chaos.
the world. For seven days, natural disasters
on a scale never before seen ravaged the
earth, as though it were the toy of some FROZEN ANARCHY
capricious god. The cities of man were torn
to the ground by quakes, its arts and Though there were many fewer
knowledge washed away in the floods. The mouths that needed feeding, there was little
Hazards were deemed the harbingers of the land with which to grow food. What could be
End Times, and so did civilization end. scavenged from the wreckage of the old
world quickly dried up, and soon, the cold
The planet remained, though it did not scratching to get in was countered by
go unscarred. starvation gnawing to get out.

Half of humanity had been lost. The Fertile lands did exist, though few
other half found itself faced with an alien thought to look in such newly-equatorial
world of white. Of their cities, only rubble locations such as Antarctica, Siberia, and
remained as a memorial to what was. Much Greenland for those verdant fields. As the
of the green fields and fertile earth was now oceans had receded, many new locations
jealously gripped by ice, refusing to yield to existed to be explored, as well. In the end,
the meager, shoddily crafted tools however, cold and hunger gave birth to
attempting to pierce it to lay crops within. desperation, and despite having lost too
Even the flora and fauna of the Earth no many already, humans once again began
longer looked familiar, much of what had killing each other over land.
been having vanished, and new, more
deadly things replaced them. Famine laid across the land, sparking
War, and which naturally brought Death.
The world itself was now ice, robbed Why too, shouldn't Pestilence come? Plagues
of the memory of warmth. The continents crept across the icy wastes and sliced across
had shifted, the oceans had plummeted, and the throat of humanity, bleeding an entire
the very axis of the world had tilted just a fifth of what few people remained in the
little further from the sun. A new age of ice world. Even today, these highly infectious
was upon the survivors of Earth, and every diseases, these Microhazards, persist, with
edge, every advantage that humanity had rumors abounding as to whether they're
scraped together over Mother Nature, had man-made or not.
been cruelly taken away from it by the
With the four riders of calamity Those that joined—and many
present, humanity seemed poised to finish did—became the new labor workforce in the
the job that the Hazards had started. Years construction of the arcologies; massive
had passed before the first Microhazards had structures the size of cities. They were cities,
appeared, and it took years more for them to but enclosed, warding away the frozen
pass away. Each year brought with it more winds. Many were built along the Earth's
war and death, and famine never abated, equator, which was still relatively warmer to
even with the ever-dwindling need for food. the rest of the planet. Cybernetics, robotics,
and biotechnology went into the construction
Surely, humanity would not have efforts, and soon not only did people have a
survived, if angels had not descended to warm place to sleep at night, but food was
Earth. And those angels were Japanese. plentiful. At least, for members of the

Other celestials scrambled to copy the

CORPORATE SALVATION idea. They settled down in locations as
familiar to them as possible, building their
Before the Hazards came, humanity own arcologies and recruiting for their
had reached heights unknown; they had, in renewed corporations. Some even attempted
fact, reached the stars themselves. The to restart the glories of old nations, and
"orbitals," as they were known, were space began to carve out territory from the new
colonies orbiting the planet. Those lucky few landmasses. This naturally led to more war,
that lived on those colonies could only look but famine and pestilence had been
down upon their former home and watch as banished, and despite the fighting, humanity
it tried to tear itself apart—both literally had found its footing.
during the Hazards, and then figuratively
afterwards. Humanity had been spared, but in the
process of doing so, a new world order had
However, while the surviving humans been established. Real power was now
on the planet had lost their industry and economic, and no matter what government
knowledge, those on the orbitals retained all carved what nation out of what frozen rock,
of that knowledge, as well as the edges and it was the corporations that had all the
advantages against Mother Nature. A few power. When wars like the Greenlandic War
took note of this, and knew what they had to of Independence, the Panamanian-Mexican
do: share that knowledge with their ruined War, or the First or Second Mithras Wars
brethren below. were fought, each bullet fired further
cemented the control the corporations held.
For a price, of course.
And above them all, the Japanese
The first celestials to descend to Earth stood tall. Formerly an island nation, Japan
were a collection of Japanese businessmen, already had preset borders. They had no
no longer part of a corporation that existed, need for warfare to claim territory. Moreover,
yet of a like mind for profit. They had the the Hazards had saw fit to move Japan down
knowledge, an entire planet's worth of along the Equator, leaving it a temperate
unclaimed resources, and cunning. And that and warm paradise. As the Neuro Age
cunning granted them the insight to offer to dawned, Japan was the superpower of the
the people of the world a new way of life, world, and no one could say otherwise due to
apart from the strife of the Age of Chaos. All the overwhelming power and economic
they had to do was sign on the dotted line. status they held.

THE MEGAPLEXES the arcologies remain the private domain of

the megacorps, whereas the influence of
As nations were established and those corporations could not be held over
corporations solidified their control, humans the megaplex at large.
in general were thriving. The rate of lives
lost to the wars couldn't outpace the rate at Most people who are born to
which children were being born. Not so much arcologies also die there, having never left
a population boom, as much as an explosion. the walls. This is because each arcology is
The safety, warmth, and plenty of the built to be self-sufficient. One wakes up in
arcologies gave humanity a peace of mind their home, travels to work, perhaps
unknown since the Hazards, and soon, things participates in shopping after they finish
were on the upswing. their labors, and then return to their homes,
all while never leaving the arcology. The
But the arcologies, despite their sheer size of the structures also includes
immense size, could not sustain the frenzied synthetic food growing and facilities to make
population growth. Eventually, people spilled life as comfortable as possible.
out from the gigantic structures, and began
expanding outwards. This gave rise to the If you are born to an arcology, you will
megaplexes—massive cities that engulfed likely never leave it, and indeed, you likely
the arcologies built at their centers, and in will never want to. Most people are raised
the modern day, house tens of millions of believing they belong to the megacorp that
people. Fully seven-tenths of the current owns the arcology, and moreover, they
population live in megaplexes. believe in their corporation. They work in full
satisfaction, knowing that they will never
With humanity's resurgence, the suffer from hardship. The only interaction to
concerns of the Age of Chaos were a thing of be had with the megaplex is when delivering
the past. Industry and infrastructure warmed the corp's goods for trade, and even then
the megaplex, and food was still produced that tends to be taken care of robots, these
by the arcologies at their hearts. Many did days.
not even require heating, as most of the
arcologies were built along the Equator. The The megacorps hold all power over
massive cities were the first real sign of the world, with even nations bowing to their
humanity reclaiming its place in the world, will. While many are still headquartered on
and the first steps towards the beginning of their privately owned orbital, the arcologies
the Neuro Age. represent the majority of Earth-based
operations, a symbol of the power of the
megacorps, and a reminder of who plucked
ARCOLOGICAL HEARTS humanity from the Age of Chaos.

Each megaplex began with an

arcology, and some, like TOKYO N◎VA, have
several. The relationship between megaplex
and arcology is a strange one, however, as in
the current age, they have next to no
interaction with one another. This is because
ANGELS OF PROFIT spaceships, their superiority over the Earth is
the only thing they share in common.
In truth, the corporations never really Everything else is up for negotiations,
disappeared, they simply went unknown on mergers and acquisitions, and of course,
Earth after the Hazards. That was possible hostile takeovers.
due to the orbital habitats, known simply as
orbitals, that circled the planet from the Nearly all terrestrial people will never step
outside. All of humanity's lost technology, foot upon an orbital, but there are those that
knowledge, and arts were preserved upon travel between the Earth and the stars. They
the orbitals, and after the Hazards tore down do so via the Yggdrasil space elevator,
the foundations of civilization, the constructed at the heart of the Canberra
opportunity was too good to ignore, no AXYZ megaplex in Australia. The orbital at
matter what the "celestials" aboard the the top of the elevator is a transport hub
orbitals thought of their forsaken terrestrial that sends shuttles out, carrying passengers
siblings. and goods to their intended orbital, whether
residential, scientific, or even industrial.
Today, while the arcologies are the symbol of
the megacorps' ground-based power, the While Earth-bound persons might regard
orbitals are the symbol of their total control those that live in the star with awe, referring
over everything below—that is, Earth itself. to them as "celestials," people who live on
Of course, given each orbital's array of the orbitals are more properly known as
combat satellites, war machines, and Highlanders.

THE WEB impossible for those who do not have IANUS

installed to function in society. Fortunately,
Cybertech. The fusion of man and those types, called Wets, are rare, as the
machine, of consciousness and the Web. assumption is that everyone wants
These are the themes of the Neuro Age.As IANUS—those who have not have made a
humans began to expand past the conscious choice not to, and often take pride
arcologies, some of the technology reserved in this choice, despite the social oddity of it.
exclusively for those arcologies expanded
too. Computer networking in the past had Such is how the world works now. The
been known by many names, but it had been Web is available anywhere in the world, even
plagued by infrastructure issues. After the in the most remote regions of the frozen
Hazards ripped all the previous infrastructure wastes. Portable computers known as TRONs
apart however, it allowed for a new can process information at the speed of
foundation of computer networking to be thought, and are controlled with those same
laid. So the Web came to be. thoughts, thanks to IANUS. Cybernetics are
commonplace now, and manmade AI with
The Web is ubiquitous in the current sentience and willpower on par with that of
age, and unlike the past, where civilization humans are not unknown.
struggled to keep up with the possibilities of
digital communication, the new Neuro Age
society was formed around the Web. Indeed,
just as past ages were named for the level of AROUND THE WORLD
technology they were known for, the Neuro
Age is named for Web access being as fast THE AMERICAN
as thought itself. CONFEDERATION

This is made possible by the other The American Confederation claimed

side of the Web. The Intelligent Assisting the North American continent, which now
Neural Utility System, or IANUS (pronounced straddles the Equator. Created from the
'yanoose' like 'a noose'). IANUS units are former United States of America and parts of
installed into the human nervous system Canada, it managed to retain its status as a
with nanotechnology, forming computer powerful and important nation even after the
interface devices that respond to the firing of Hazards.
neurons. With IANUS, a human can interface
with machines without a wired connection, Having lost little of its nationalistic
and have digital information streamed spirit after the Hazards, the American
directly into their brain, as well as have Confederation's massive industries ferment
sensory information piped directly into their within their borders, waiting for the chance
consciousness. to take a bite out of the Japanese industries
that dominate the world. In particular, the
IANUS and the Web work together American megacorp TerraWare has become a
seamlessly to the point that most physical force to be reckoned with in the world
things taken for granted no longer apply. economy. The American Confederation also
Money and personal identification are all has a powerful underworld whose influence
handled digitally, making it nearly is felt worldwide.
The American Confederation's largest In league with him are the Triads, a
megaplex is New Fort, which was built atop criminal society that the Emperor is deeply
the ruins of New York City. Another world- involved with. Step by step, the empire has
famous locale is the resort city of Las Vegas. clawed its way to international prominence,
Countless smaller cities dot the nation, many and only recently has begun to be seen as a
of them controlled by gangs. threat by Japanese corporations.

The Emperor's palace is located in the

inland city of Yong'an. However, the largest
THE NEW EUROPEAN UNION, Chinese megaplex is Hong Kong HEAVEN,
VILLENEUVE located on the coast of Xia. Although an
independent democracy in name, thanks to
After the Hazards, the elite citizens of the machinations of the Triads, it is by and
the quasi-government known as the EU fled large a puppet of the Xia Empire.
from their newly frozen homes to the warmer
environs of Greenland. There, they
established the New European Union, AUSTRALIA
Australia was perhaps the continent
The American Confederation has least affected by the Hazards, comparatively
attempted to annex them, but they managed speaking. As a result, its industries quickly
to fight for their independence and won. rebuilt themselves, and today it is the
Even so, they are a decidedly second-rate second most prosperous country in the
country in economic terms, as there are few world, behind Japan. Thanks to its control of
corporations from Villeneuve prominent on Yggdrasil, it enjoys having many affluent
the international stage. citizens as well.

Their largest megaplex is Lutetia, Australia's megaplex is Canberra

located on the southern coast of Greenland. AXYZ, which is also its largest city. Yggdrasil
Though it possesses beautiful classical rises from the megaplex's center, visible
architecture, much of its skyline has become from most of the continent.
visually polluted by several corporate
arcologies. Yet it still retains its name of "The
City of Flowers." MITHRAS
A continent that shifted from the
THE XIA EMPIRE South Pole up to the Equator, Antarctica
Mithrasia is often known simply as Mithras.
China suffered among the worst of Despite fighting—and winning—two wars for
any country after the Hazards, as its high independence, its government has faded into
population (even after the disasters) meant irrelevance compared to the various
their food shortages were even more severe. megacorps that have purchased most of its
But out of the ashes of the Age of Chaos rose territory, chief among them being Chihaya
the Xia Empire. The current Emperor, Huang and Iwasaki.
Zixing, personally commands the military
and holds near-absolute power. Unlike most of the megaplexes in the
world, Mithras's largest city and megaplex
was constructed on barren and uninhabited
earth after the Hazards. It is known as
Mithras EΔEN, and is run directly by the
The new Russia looks a lot like the old Japan, like Australia, was relatively
Soviet Union, as the nation stretches across unaffected by the Hazards. Its shift south to
much of what the old U.S.S.R. had claimed the Equator preserved its comfortable
for itself. This is chiefly due to that fact that temperature and fertile land, and it suffered
much of that land is permafrost, with some little from the food shortages and strife that
of the lowest temperatures known to the devastated the human population elsewhere,
world currently. As a consequence, it has a due to its quickly rebuilt industries. As a
decidedly weak economy. result, Japan is the most prosperous nation in
the Neuro Age.
Much of the Russian population lives
inside domed cities known as GOELROs. There are numerous conspiracy
Megacorps from more affluent countries theories floating around due to the degree of
have come to control many of these, unbelievably fortunate circumstances
creating industrial plantations that profit surrounding Japan. Some claim that the
from the labor of Russia's populace. The Japanese caused the Hazards somehow, and
largest of the GOELROs, and Russia's capital, other maintain that they were the cause for
is Moscow GOELRO. the Microhazards. However, as Japan has
closed its borders and allows no entry to
non-Japanese, there is no proof, only
Japan's isolation was enforced due to
Once, Siberia was a part of Russia. its quick action after the Hazards. Their
Now, it stands on its own as the Kurultai condition for offering aid to other nations
Siberian Federation, which has also claimed was simple: "You shall never dispute our
Alaska and the former islands of Sakhalin status as a closed nation." There was little
and Hokkaido for itself. choice during the time, and so today, Japan
remains more or less impenetrable by
Kurultai's native citizens are a mix of foreigners. Even information on its orbitals is
Siberian, Inuit, Native American and Ainu difficult to find. Only through magic mirrors
peoples, many of whom have rejected the and satellite photography can even a
technology of the Neuro Age and returned to glimpse be caught of the nation.
their traditional ways, living off the land in
small tribes. Nevertheless, they are able to Foreigners who violate Japan's
defend themselves with astonishing mystical isolationist policies are ruthlessly executed
powers they conjure from crystals they have by police without trial, acting as an example
unearthed—said to have been deposited to others who would try it. Further, the
there by a pre-Hazard incident known as the Japanese military is said to consist of cyborg
Tunguska Event. super-soldiers, increasing the intimidation
Kurultai's only megaplex, Kamui
ST☆R, is known for being a portal to hell... If those things weren't enough,
or at least that's what people say. Only a few Japan's absolute control over the global
years ago, a massive earthquake opened a economy makes everyone else second-guess
huge abyss in the city's center, and from attempts to violate Japan's isolation. While
that yawning maw came eldritch creatures, others may negotiate with Japanese
which now dominate the city. corporations, no one dares meddle with the
nation itself.
Xia has mended their strained
AMERICAN CONFEDERATION relationship with Russia from the time prior
to the Hazards out of the mutual need to
The American Confederation has resist Japanese influence. For the same
warm relations with Villeneuve and Russia. reason, they will make deals with the
Despite this, economic competition is fierce American Confederation when it's mutually
between them and American corporations profitable, though there is no love lost
often violate local laws in an attempt to between the two countries.
cement their influence. It is uncertain
whether this amiable relationship will stand They also maintain good relations with
the test of time. Villeneuve as a means of expanding their
international influence. As a key aggressor in
On a national level, their relations the Mithras Wars, they have minimal
with the Xia Empire are strained. Though diplomatic exchange with that country.
they assisted Mithras during their wars for
independence, after the country became
dominated by Japanese corporations, the AUSTRALIA
relationship between them ceased to be
friendly. As a pro-Japanese country, Australia
has strained relations with countries that
Though the American Confederation resist Japanese influence. However, they
continues to openly declare they are friends remain amiable with the American
of Japan, in reality, there is a vicious rivalry Confederation, Russia, and Villeneuve. They
between them. Open economic warfare are not on speaking terms with South
takes place between megacorps from both America and the Xia Empire unless
nations. necessary.

Villeneuve was once well poised to
give Russia advice on dealing with pesky With its desolate territory, though
southern neighbors, but after Kurultai Russia has particularly friendly relations with
successfully gained independence, the the Xia Empire, they cannot afford to make
relationship between the two has cooled. enemies. As its GOELROs are largely
controlled by Japanese corporations, they
As their weak industries have been have good relations with Japan.
steadily encroached upon, they have
attempted to reach out to other nations in
Asia to check the Japanese and American MITHRAS
influence. They have particularly good
relations with the Xia Empire. With almost all of its territory divided
up between Japanese corporations, Mithras'
SOUTH AMERICA government can also not afford to make
enemies, and seeks friendly relations with
South America is dominated by any nation that will humor them regardless
Japanese corporations and thus acts as a of their deeper feelings.
mirror of Japanese foreign policy. They have
poor relations with the anti-Japanese bloc.

"Must be fate that I'm breathing this air again.

Well... I guess it ain't bad air."
—Jimmy "Kuromegane" Yang


It's said that twenty-seven days after The "N◎VA System" refers to the
the Hazards stopped, the three kilometer system of government of the TOKYO N◎VA
diameter building known as the Iwayato megaplex. In it, an Administrator is installed
Building mysteriously appeared on the dry by the Japanese military, and is replaced the
bed formerly known as Tokyo Bay. moment he or she is found wanting in any
way. The current Administrator is Inagaki
Along with it came an underground Kouhei, a man formerly of the Black Hounds
passage that connected the area to the police agency, who has a reputation for
Japanese mainland. As time went on, the valuing personal profit over all else.
megaplex known officially as "Tokyo New
Star City" sprung up around the Iwayato While installed, the Administrator has
Building. absolute power over all matters executive,
legislative, and judicial. These powers still
That megaplex, of course, is TOKYO come at the sufferance of the Japanese
N◎VA. Today, it is considered to be more or military, of course. The next most powerful
less the center of the world. With Japan a entity is the N◎VA Senate, a body of
closed nation, and TOKYO N◎VA the only representatives made up entirely of persons
true place that a foreigner may set foot on from N◎VA's most important corporations.
Japanese soil, the megaplex is a hotbed of Below them are a countless number of
intrigue and danger. Nicknamed for the ministries and commissions that oversee the
disasters that changed the world, TOKYO day-to-day affairs of the city.
N◎VA is truly the Hazard City.
Justice and security are provided by
At its inception, TOKYO N◎VA was a private contractors—that is, the police are a
particularly lawless settlement. In time, that business, rather than a public service. The
lawlessness only intensified as the city Shinohara Security Service (SSS, pronounced
expanded to become the largest megaplex Three-S) provide much of the "muscle," that
in the world. is, the beat cops, enforcers, and riot and
SWAT police. The Black Hounds, meanwhile,
This only changed after several acts of specialize in detective and investigative
terrorism plunged the city into outright work. These two organizations, however,
chaos. The Japanese military responded with only are interested in areas of the city in
overwhelming force, occupied the city, and which they have been contracted to protect.
installed a formal government. If they haven't been paid, then don't expect
to see a cop anywhere around.
The final form of "government" is of White Areas: The city center, in which
course, money. In the Neuro Age, currency is government offices, arcologies and the
digital; there are no paper notes or metal highest-class areas are located.
coins. One's personal finances are stored in Green Areas: High class residences and
their IANUS, and may be transferred with offices.
personal authorization. Illegal transactions Yellow Areas: Places where the masses of
typically use "Cash," which are disposable ordinary residence live and shop.
cards encoded with a specific amount of Red Areas: Lawless slums not protected by
money. They come in four denominations to Tokyo NOVA's security agencies.
denote the amount they hold: Bronze, Silver,
Gold, and Platinum.
The Neuro Age is defined by the
In TOKYO N◎VA, even people are ubiquity of the Web, and the likewise
categorized, prioritized, and filed away. ubiquitous access to the Web made possible
Everyone in TOKYO N◎VA is required to by IANUS. But there's more to the
register in the ID System, making them a cyberization of the world than merely these
legal resident of the megaplex. Each ID is things. With current technology, embedding
given a rank, typically A, B, or C. The ranking nanochips within the body, or even replacing
represents, frankly speaking, the class of parts of the body (or even the whole thing)
citizen. The more affluent and worthy the are common, conventional processes.
citizen, the higher the rank.
IANUS allows one to access the Web
Those that have not, will not, or cannot at any time, at any place. Doing so allows
register in the ID System, such as illegal one to literally have the entire world's
immigrants and criminals, default to X Rank. knowledge at their fingertips. However,
These people have no rights in TOKYO IANUS also allows for direct interfacing with
N◎VA, and may be arrested on sight simply certain machines called TRONs, and the
for being X Rank. Other ranks are dependent most common type of these are
upon one's nationality and wealth. PockeTRONs, handheld terminals that are
similar to, but vastly more powerful than,
Like people, zones in TOKYO N◎VA are smartphones and tablets of earlier times.
likewise ranked by how important they are,
and similarly, this denotes how likely police IANUS also layers the virtual on top of
and law enforcement are to be paying the real. Streaming data from the local Web
attention. Areas are openly zoned, just like and piping it into one's senses, a person can
one's ID is openly available by checking their walk down a shopping arcade and see
IANUS. You will always know if you are billboards, store fronts, and more that don't
entering a Red Area or not; the military actually exist, but can still be seen, heard,
checkpoint is hard to miss. and even touched by one with IANUS.
Information may also be downloaded and
displayed for others to see nearby. This is
known as Augmented Reality (AR), and is so
common that it is nearly unthinkable to go
Beyond the IANUS lies cyberware. In Finally, the Neuro Age has given rise
the Neuro Age, any body part imaginable to artificial life. Born from certain reckless
can be replaced or augmented with experiments, the "Machina," as they are
cybertechnology, allowing one to be more known, are advanced AI programs that have
than they would be otherwise. Whether one gained true sentience, and regard
goes for synthetic muscles, or nerve- themselves as AI lifeforms. They are
acceleration devices, the possibilities are relatively new, but it is known that while
endless. Full-body cybernetics may also be Machina are programs, they cannot be
employed, with only the brain remaining copied, as the copy will not be sentient.
from one's original body. However, recent However, a kind of "reproduction" can
discoveries have found that full cyberization happen with two Machina working together
has negative effects on one's lifespan. Even to form an independent child personality.
so, returning to the flesh is possible... and
sometimes not even to the same body as the Machina are so humanlike that some
one you left. people have taken to playing a game known
as the Neuro Turing Test, in which they try to
Cyberization is so common that it's in guess whether the lifeform they are speaking
every home. The term Data Kommunicator, to is in fact human. Given their relatively
or DAK, refers to the AI systems installed in new beginnings, however, things like "rights"
nearly every building in a megaplex. Upon are still unclear.
hearing a comment such as "It's hot," the
DAK will automatically adjust environmental Cybertechnology is so pervasive that
controls to make the visitor comfortable. even subcultures have twisted it for their
own ends. Today, changing one's clothes,
DAKs are omnipresent in homes, hair, and even things like the color and
stores, and even roads and public places. shape of your eyes is as easy as thinking it.
Advanced DAKs may be capable of cognition, "Neuro Kids," the term for the youth of the
conversation, and even humor. Their current age who manipulate AR and their
personalities and speech habits are fully presentation in it as easily as they breathe,
customizable, and many people think of their can change their look entirely on a whim,
personal DAKs as friends, with a common and do so in the blink of an eye.
slang term for one's personal DAK being "my
buddy." This is equally normal for today's
celebrities. Indeed, many celebrities these
While the appearance of a DAK's days are no more real than their clothes, as
avatar in AR is also customizable, the bird AI Holo-Celebs are just as wildly popular as a
avatar that is the traditional default is flesh and blood celebrity in the past might
beloved by many, who have no interest in have been (though there's a number of those
changing their personal DAK to any other. still, too.) Movies and music take full
advantage of cyberization, and while
amusement parks and arcades exist, many
more exist entirely on the Web, and feel no

VR and AR, the blurring of real and

cyber. The Neuro Age is an era where one's
"Icon," the virtual representation of
themselves upon the Web, is considered no
less "them" than their own flesh is. Such is
the world of the future.

CATHY'S MORNING shirt and skirt. Then she heads into the
kitchen, where breakfast is already waiting
Cathy awakens to the gentle sound of for her. She thanks her buddy, then sits
someone calling her name. It feels a bit like down. With but a thought, a sign frame
being woken up by her mother, except she appears within her field of vision.
knows that the voice has no form. It's her
buddy—the DAK built into her Yellow zone It doesn't exist in reality, but
home—and he's saying it's time for school. nevertheless, she can see it. She switches
the channel to a morning news talk show,
Reluctantly, while thinking it might be hoping to catch the latest info on her favorite
nice if she could simply attend school on the celebrities. As she eats her meal of "candy,"
Web for once, Cathy rises and walks into the she wonders what it's like to eat real food,
sonic shower. She doesn't even need to say like those celebrities must.
anything, as her buddy turns on the gentle
oscillation, cleansing her in mere moments. Candy is all artificially cultured, and
while it can be adjusted to taste like
Feeling a bit more awake after the anything, she still wonders what real "steak"
shower, Cathy tugs on overly simple clothes might feel like to eat.
that amount to little more than a dull-colored
She lets her buddy take care of the The answers come from one of her
dishes, then stands up to leave for school. friends who went so far as to hack their
But she stops short—she can't go out looking teacher's TRON! Cathy can barely repress a
like this! With but a thought, she pulls up her giggle, but she accepts the answers anyway,
school's uniform data, and layers it on top of and soon after the quiz is over. Cathy and
her dull gray outfit. She adds a bit of her her friends keep the chat open, gossiping the
customary flair—making her hair look entire time during class.
blonder than it is, her eyes more vividly blue,
and adding a totally cute, digital ribbon in THE CITY AFTER SCHOOL
her hair that only exists in AR, and then
admires herself using an AR sign frame that During their chat, Cathy and her
acts as a mirror. Perfect. friends agree to do some shopping together
after class. As soon as they're dismissed,
Once in class, she's once again glad Cathy changes her clothes, the digital
her parents do make her attend school in display of her school uniform superimposed
person. It's fun to see people in real life on top of her drab outfit changing in the
sometimes! As she sits down, a sign frame blink of an eye to a way cuter outfit. She
opens in front of each student—today's pop finds her friends, and they collectively
quiz. Bitting her lip, Cathy pulls up some decide to head to the Asakusa Sixth Ward--
information from the Web with a thought. better known as “Asakusa Rock.”
When she can't seem to find the answer, she
sends her friends a chat invite, and they For Neuro Kids like them, there is no
secretly begin conversing without a word. hotter place to be! Entertainment, shopping,
and if they're lucky, a cute guy or two.
They head for the Linear station, and THE BAD PART OF TOWN
barely notice the sign frame popping up in
their field of vision asking for their assent to Eventually, one of Cathy's friends
being charged the price of a Linear ticket. pipes up and suggests she wants to see a
They do, and the driverless train spirits them shop—not in Asakusa, but towards the
away to Asakusa in no time. Sumida River, in a Red Area. In other words,
one of the completely lawless slums of
Asakusa's reputation is well earned, as TOKYO N◎VA. Cathy is nervous, but
its chaotic atmosphere hits Cathy and her eventually caves to the others' assurances
friends like a ton of bricks. In the Neuro Age, that "this slum is different" and relatively
with everyone and everything cyberized, peaceful.
there's almost never a need to leave your
house, and it's fully possible to live an Having to walk there on foot, the
exciting life by never doing so. But it's group of Yellow Area girls pass through the
human to want to have physical interaction checkpoint with hardly a glance from the SSS
with other humans, and those that do leave officer on duty, and they're in. Cathy has just
their homes are there to live it up. There's no enough time to start to convince herself that
better place than Asakusa to see the truth of this slum does in fact seem relatively
that. peaceful... until she hears gunshots nearby!
Everyone knows that the Yakuza, American
Every building is layered with a Mafia, and Chinese Triads often engage in
maelstrom of color. Billboards that don't turf wars in Red zones, but what rotten
exist in reality cram into the visual space. timing to start a fight here of all places!
Music filters in from each store, and many of
the stores aren't even really stores, but The SSS officer they passed, even if
virtual sign frames that allow one to look at he hears the gunshots, won't come to save
any product desired in full detail, all in virtual them. SSS isn't paid to protect Red Areas, so
space, as though you were holding it they don't. It's unlikely that if the girls get
physically. The visual chaos is only furthered caught up in the fighting that the Black
by the wild range of hair colors, styles, and Hounds would even investigate the crime,
the loudness of digital clothing. Some people and no charges would be filed. The girls can
even have cyberware that add to their only take cover and hope things don't get
appearance. Cathy wonders if maybe she too out of hand.
shouldn't get a cute pair of cat ears...
But then one of her friends has an
Of course, none of this is visible to idea. "Ah! Someone call a Robotax!" A
those weird people who choose not to have driverless, droid-operated taxi probably
an IANUS installed. Cathy knows those sorts wouldn't balk at being forced to drive
exist, and she wonders what life is like for through a gunfight, and besides, any taxi
them. All they'd see is a gaggle of girls, all that would come here has to be bulletproof!
dressed in drab clothing, giggling over There's a chorus of "Neuro!" at the good
something that doesn't exist in front of a wall idea, and one of them immediately sends a
with nothing on it. Deciding it must be call to the company.
terribly dull, Cathy waves her hand in front
of the register of the accessory shop she's Ten minutes later, they see their hope
browsing, assenting to be charged for the approaching. The droid imperviously
cute bracelet she found. The money is maneuvers its boxy vehicle down the road,
deducted straight from her IANUS, and the and the girls watch as bullets pling off its
bracelet appears digitally on her wrist. That's reinforced sides. It nearly reaches their
all a Neuro Kid like her needs! location—
And then their hopes go up in flames. Quite Not long after, Cathy's parents arrive
literally, as someone blows up the Robotax home from their places of work in a Green
with a rocket launcher! How could the Area, and they get ready for dinner as their
yakuza be so indiscriminate?! That's just how buddy preps the dinner candy. Mom takes
TOKYO N◎VA is. drinks from the refrigerator and sets them on
the table, while Dad puts away the huge
Eventually the fighting dies down, and batch of food materials he carried home
the girls make a break for it just as the using his cyberarm. Cathy tells them about
hyenas come out of hiding in order to pick her day, though she decides to leave out the
over the corpses. They duck into the closest part involving bullets.
Linear station just as more bullets start
flying, this time from looters squabbling over After dinner, she feels dirty from her
the treasure they've found. But all that is left adventures in the Red zone. Another bath,
behind as the Linear takes them back to and she's ready to relax. But then a sign
safety. Cathy breathes a sigh of relief. frame pops up, informing her of a call. It's
him! Her boyfriend! She's never actually met
him in person, but his ID lists him as a
THE END OF THE DAY security officer for a Chihaya Group
corporate databank, so she knows he's an
After parting with her friends, Cathy upstanding guy. They can't fake those IDs,
has already opened another sign frame in after all!
order to keep connected with them. Walking
home, many of her friends are expressing After a romantic evening full of
their relief to be safe, while others have conversation, Cathy says good night to her
apparently forgotten the terror already and boyfriend, and logs out of her various chats.
are bragging about the experience. Her sigh She asks her buddy to set the interior of her
is all the voice recognition on the lock on her room to look like the night sky, and it
apartment door needs, and the DAK is there complies, dimming the lights so only the
to turn on the lights and open the door for pinpoints of the stars are visible. Snuggling
her, greeting her after a long day. under the covers and under the stars; so
ends Cathy's day in TOKYO N◎VA.

JAPAN'S SUFFERANCE However, that's commonly held to be

only for the sake of appearances. It's said
N◎VA was first occupied by the that Mimasaka has designs on TOKYO N◎VA
Japanese military fifteen years ago. Ever that involve eliminating Inagaki Kouhei,
since, the situation could be called instituting harsh laws on non-Japanese
something of a pressure-cooker. The military peoples, cracking down on organizations
has installed dictators with absolute power advocating for greater autonomy or
to the position of Administrator and allowed resistance of Japan, and purging mutants
them to govern the city as they see fit. and AI,

However, that "lenience" is a trap. Such is the pressure-cooker that is the

Whenever civil unrest or domestic dissent Hazard City. A city that can, at any moment,
grows too fierce, or anti-Japanese sentiment be violently suppressed by the Japanese
grows too noisy, the Japanese military stages military whenever they believe it to be
a coup d'etat and violently overthrows the necessary.
Administrator, puts down dissent, and then
installs a new Administrator. Then, once
again, the Administrator is left to rule as CORPORATE WARFARE
they see fit... until it happens all over again.
Once, in the center of TOKYO N◎VA,
Currently, Inagaki Kouhei is in the there existed an arcology belonging to a
Administrator of TOKYO N◎VA. Formerly of European corporation known as Le TRON De
the Black Hounds, he is an openly corrupt Lutetia. One of Villeneuve's only prominent
individual that nevertheless is as cunning as corporations, Lutetia's primary business was
they come. While furthering his own private in developing interfaces for DAKs at the
interests, he regards actual governance with onset of the Neuro Age. However, the
a passion best described as lazy. Instead, he corporation could not keep up with the rapid
controls the population through fiery rise of technology, and eventually, they lost
rhetoric, each of his public speeches aimed in the great game that is the world economy.
to instill a sense of pride in the megaplex. So
far, it's worked. Ten years ago, the American company
TerraWare acquired Le TRON de Lutetia, and
That may be because of the recent then overnight, the only megacorp from
change in leadership for the "Peace Villeneuve's arcology vanished as if a scalpel
Preservation Army," the forces dedicated to had excised it from the city.
keeping an eye on N◎VA. Fifteen years ago,
the ruthless Colonel Izumi was in charge, As if sensing the greatest opportunity
and he was famously bleak in his opinions on it would ever have, the massive paramilitary
anti-Japanese sentiment. Since then corporation Iwasaki swooped in and bought
however, he has been replaced by Colonel the rights to the land. Upon that rock, they
Mimasaka Hisataka, who has seemingly built the largest-scale arcology TOKYO N◎VA
adopted a policy of appeasement to diminish had seen at the time, and from there, rapidly
the unrest over Japanese control. expanded to become the largest paramilitary
corporation in the world.
Meanwhile, the homegrown Wako Meanwhile, the jewel of Japan, the
Labs corporation, a leading manufacturer of Chihaya Group, has suffered slightly from
vehicles of all kinds, and well known and divisions forming internally between their
respected for its aggressive R&D division, Earth-bound and orbital branches. But with
moved its head office to Australia. Though the terrestrial faction having finally secured
they cited a more favorable cost of raw economic control of the corporation, Chihaya
materials and manufacturing, those in the is stronger than ever. It's a testament to the
know suspect that isn't the case. power of Chihaya that even during the in-
fighting, it barely wavered.
As Wako Labs moved out, the Heilong
Group from the Xia Empire was moving in. At present, the dominant megacorps
Their aggressive expansion (both through in TOKYO N◎VA are the quartet of Chihaya,
legal and illegal channels) is speculated to Iwasaki, TerraWare, and Heilong. Iwasaki
have targeted Wako Labs as a key threat, and Chihaya, being Japanese corporations,
and covert corporate espionage and, some often work together like wolves from the
say, sabotage pushed Wako Labs out of its same pack.
home territory of TOKYO N◎VA. Out with
vehicles, robotics, and AI, and in with Their combined power is hard to deal
"pharmaceuticals." with, but TerraWare and Heilong show no
signs of backing down, even if Japan remains
TerraWare's founder, William Tamon, at the top of the game.
retired recently, and since then the American
megacorporation has pushed for aggressive
expansion worldwide.
N◎VA'S CRIMINALS Finally, the Kawato-rengou, while
holding strategic territory in the Yellow Zone
In the slums and Red Areas of TOKYO of Asakusa, have very little hold left on the
N◎VA, a different kind of war is waged slums of N◎VA. The current head of the
nearly daily, and this one doesn't have the Kawato-rengou, Fujisaki Ryuuji, harbors
veneer of respectability that the corporates somewhat old school beliefs, placing the
put on their wars. As TOKYO N◎VA is the highest priority on the safety of their current
world capital of both legitimate and territory. Though the sub-organizations of the
illegitimate profit, the American-based syndicate are champing at the bit to restore
Carlyle Syndicate and the Chinese Triads are the former glory of the Kawato-rengou,
seeking to purchase their own piece of Fujisaki ignores the discontent, arguing that
N◎VA, and are willing to pay for it with launching a large-scale counterattack would
blood. The largest yakuza group in TOKYO be premature.
N◎VA, the Kawato-rengou, are currently on
the losing end of this war, despite being on
their home turf. ORGANIZED CRIME
Currently, the Carlyle Syndicate are
the top dogs in this fight. Though they There is nowhere on Earth that the
possess legitimate enterprises in N◎VA, premier criminal organizations cannot reach,
chiefly a high roller casino in a Green Area having just as much influence on the
(which is largely just a front for illegitimate international scale as corporations do. The
business), the syndicate's leader isn't members of these organizations even infest
satisfied with just that. Don Kugel pushes for the orbitals, sending the reach of each
limitless expansion into all areas of N◎VA, organization to the stars.
fighting for control of the slums, and
planning to invade Asakusa. It hardly needs to be said that the
Triads are the dominant organization in
However, while their cool-headed yet Southeast Asia and the Chinese mainland.
terrifyingly heartless methods have pushed Their determination to protect their territory
them to the top, rifts are beginning to form has meant that no other organization has
inside the Syndicate. Many are agitating for gotten a foothold yet.
settling down and profiting handsomely from
what the Syndicate already controls. Don Meanwhile, the Carlyle Syndicate rules
Kugel's iron-fisted grip (literally, as it's said the underworlds of North America and
he has never lost in hand to hand combat) is Russia. The Kawato-rengou's flag still stands
too strong to disobey, however. And so, the over Mithras and South America, and each of
Syndicate fights on. the three organizations have a stake in
Meanwhile, the Triads operate, as one
might expect, out of Chinatown. Bars and However, when it comes to the
restaurants are their primary choice for megaplexes, the division of territory is not so
legitimate fronts, and all kinds of illicit clear. For instance, while the Kawato-rengou
activity flows through those businesses and controls Mithras as a whole, the Carlyle
into Asakusa and the slums. The Triads are Syndicate is firmly established in MITHRAS
also known for participating in human E△EN, and the tension there could erupt at
trafficking in order to obtain fresh manpower any moment into all-out street warfare.
from overseas. Currently, they are aligned
with the Carlyle Syndicate in order to push
out the Kawato-rengou, though they are not
participating in the conflict directly.
In Kurultai, KAMUI ST☆R used to be a CLASHING IDEOLOGIES
Triad stronghold, but the Carlyle Syndicate
has again eroded control there, and even an Despite being saved from the brink,
up-and-coming Russian organization by the humanity in the Neuro Age is no less prone
name of Papushka is causing some strain to shedding blood over a difference in ideals.
there. If anything, the fractured nature of society,
the rise of AIs and mutants, and the
A zero-sum game is taking place in appearance of eldritch beings have only
Hong Kong HEAVEN, with each win being met deepened the things that divide people.
with an equal loss between the Kawato-
rengou and the Triads. Today, religion is no less popular a
cause to go to war over than it ever has
Despite the Carlyle Syndicate's near- been. The world's currently largest religion is
dominant hold on the American megaplex of the peaceful and humanistic Society of True
New Fort, the Triads have been making Teachings, but much like the time before the
inroads there. Hazards, splinter factions of even the most
noble religions exist.
In OSAKA M○●N, another yakuza
outfit named Akigawa-gou once had total The group colloquially known as the
dominance over the underworld of the Purification Faction, who call themselves the
unclean city, but the Triads have since taken Society of Tranquil Water, are a terrorist cell
half of the city from them. that twists the teachings of the original
Society. Their goal is nothing short of the
And finally, in TOKYO N◎VA, while mass purification of the Earth—"finishing
historically the Kawato-rengou have been in what the Hazards started," as they claim.
control of the whole city, the aggressive
actions of both the Carlyle Syndicate and the While many religious zealots don't
Triads have seen significant losses for the enjoy a great deal of success, the Purifiers
native Kawato-rengou. This has caused "Red are said to be led by a highly dangerous
Area" to become a literal term, as the streets individual, and with financial backing from
are awash in blood. "anonymous sources," they hire talented
individuals and freelancers to help them
Presently, the Carlyle Syndicate is the accomplish their goals. The Purifiers recently
most powerful organization in the world, and claimed responsibility for a great explosion
they seek to capitalize on their strength to that rocked a Mithras airport, murdering tens
become the dominant underworld of thousands of people, showing that they
organization, by any means necessary. are a force to reckon with.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Triads in The Purifiers' activities have been
TOKYO N◎VA, referred to as the "Incense focused largely on other continents as of yet,
Master," and many of his subordinates were but as TOKYO N◎VA is the world's largest
gunned down by assassins and a young new population center, many fear that it's only a
Incense Master named Harvey Wang, matter of time before the Purifiers turn their
promises new beginnings. Though the eyes to it. The Japanese government shows
Kawato-rengou has seen many losses, it still no signs of concern, but that doesn't mean
remains uncertain how this state of affairs that none exists.
will develop.
Another kind of zealotry comes in the Mictlan. Soku-no-Kuni. Yomi. Hell. The
form of the struggle Hiruko (mutant) as well Netherworld. In the end, however, the event
as Machina rights. That is to say, neither of was called "the Fall," and the chasm was
the new species is currently accorded even named "Naraku." And from Naraku... came
basic human rights in TOKYO N◎VA. While the Ayakashi.
Machina are relatively newer, both Hiruko
and Machina are brutally suppressed through While the nature of Naraku is in
violent means, both just in discrimination at question, with some whispering that it is the
home, and when that proves not to be gateway to the Astral Plane, the Ayakashi are
enough, through the N◎VA Garrison undeniably real. They are inhuman, dark
stepping in to put down the unrest. things that crawled their way out of Naraku
and into KAMUI ST☆R, and there today they
There are many sides to the debate. still lurk in the shadows. Many questions still
Some claim that "homo sapiens hirukoid" surround the Ayakashi and their goals, but
and "homo sapiens machinoid" should be while people question, those creatures
recognized as new species, or even go so far spread across the land, ever advancing from
as to claim that they should be treated no the hole that they spawned from.
differently as humans are. Naturally, many
people disagree, and there are heated Naturally, while the majority of
exchanges over the matter. That said, humanity is unaware of the threat Ayakashi
neither Hiruko or Machina are precisely pose, the megacorps are very aware. Secret
overjoyed at their treatment, with many experiments, arcane research, and more
adopting the belief of "an eye for an eye" have gone into cultivating control over the
when it comes to obtaining justice for the eldritch, such that the corps can infuse their
injustice they suffer daily. own agents with supernatural powers while
negating the threat others bring.
The faithful and the faithless are
joined in unrest and discontent by those who In TOKYO N◎VA, the "Night Hounds"
chafe under the bootheel of Japanese organization exists as a secret branch of the
hegemony. Japan is an isolated country with Black Hounds, and in their employ are
closed borders, but even so, the nationalistic "Nightblades" from KAMUI ST☆R who have
motto is "might makes right." Despite the experience dealing with the arcane. Crimes
closed door policy, they stomp any attempt in the Red Areas with a mystical bent aren't
to question their global authority into the uncommon, and the Night Hounds exist to
dust, not caring a whit about whom they deal with those issues.
trample. This creates strong resentment, and
many people in TOKYO N◎VA and the world
abroad hate Japan. Fortunately for them, MAGIC IN THE NEURO AGE
there's no shortage of megacorps willing to
secretly fund such groups, hoping something Miracles, magic, telekinesis, and
might come of it... supernatural abilities. People at large in the
world are ignorant of the existence of these
abilities, and science dismisses them as
THE ASTRAL PLANES fable. Even if one were to conjure a ball of
fire and burn down a house, with the level of
Some decades ago, the megaplex technology in the world, people would simply
known as KAMUI ST☆R suffered a massive assume it was a new kind of cyberware. But
earthquake that opened a massive chasm in there are those who know the truth of it; that
its center. Since it opened, many names like it or not, magic has arisen in this world
have been applied to it. full of sufficiently advanced technology.
How it came to exist is unknown, and In contrast, the powers of Mayakashi
theories run wild. Some claim it was caused are spiritual in nature. They see and
by pollution, or side effects of cyberization or commune with spirits, who in turn bestow
some new kinds of drug. There are even them with power. That power turns to
whispers that when the Hazards shifted the prophecy and mental manipulation, which in
Earth away from the sun, it also shifted it turn makes them akin to oracles.
closer to the Astral Plane. Whatever the
case, the number of abilities that science All of these powers tie into the Astral
cannot explain is on the rise. Plane, which like it or not, does exist. The
philosopher Jung once described such a
Vasara derive their power from the realm as "the ocean of the collective
Origins, and the blood of those fabled unconscious," and in that ocean exist
creatures lies in their veins. Vasara channel islands, other worlds, that spirits, fae, and
the elements and their powers affect the other creatures of humanity's darkest
physical word. imaginings inhabit. But as to what this all
means for the world... who can say?

The Neuro Age has begun. What kind of story will you tell?

This city is mine!
I won't hand it over to Japan or anyone else!"
—The Administrator, Inagaki Kouhei

Moved to the Equator by the Hazards, At its center towers the three kilo-
Japan is now a nation of eternal spring. meter tall Iwayato Building, which in turn is
Blessed with astounding good fortune, the ringed by several corporate arcologies. An
country avoided succumbing to the famine, area of lush greenery, it is here that
war, plagues, and death that filled the planet decisions that may affect the world are made
during the Age of Chaos. by the most powerful people in the world.

Having been put into a prime position But for all it represents the return and
to seize control of the world, they did just rise of humanity after the Hazards, TOKYO
that, while simultaneously closing their N◎VA is also a hotbed of lawlessness,
borders to all foreigners. Displaying an open savagery, and greed. South from the White
contempt for the rest of humanity, Japan zone that holds corporate power, towards
nevertheless refuses to give up one shred of the Kuroda River, lies the opposite end of
their political, military, or economic power. power.

As the modern-day Dejima of this The slums are filled with the
Japan, TOKYO N◎VA occupies a unique desperate and degenerate, the criminal and
position in the world, one that is as the inhuman. Vice and corruption are
dangerous as it is potentially world- wielded like clubs by the syndicates, a
changing—hence why it called the Hazard different face on the same predator who
City. The largest urban center in the world, knows only to prey on the weak.
the megaplex is built upon the dry bed that
was once Tokyo Bay. Light and darkness. Glory and shame.
Life and Death. In TOKYO N◎VA, everything
in the world can be found. What are you
looking for?
Officially named the "Japan Kantou
Area 12th Army Division 203rd
Regiment Tokyo New Star City Peace
Preservation Task Force Garrison,"
everyone else simply calls it the "N◎VA
Garrison." Not many ever have cause,
and certainly never want, to go near it.

The management office of TOKYO
N◎VA's public transport service,
typically known as the "Linear office."

A company that provides Web-based
digital security. Although it has the
appearance of a normal office building,
it has the best cybersecurity in the city.

The largest media network in TOKYO
N◎VA. The front of the building is
actually a huge panel that displays
their own channel 24 hours a day, even
for Wets.


New Tokyo Electric is the power
company for TOKYO N◎VA, and their
offices are located in this arcology.

The headquarters of the Black Hounds.
It's been destroyed multiple times by
terrorist attacks from a variety of
groups, but it just gets rebuilt in the
same place each time. The building 9: IWAYATO BUILDING 11: TERRAWARE CORPORATE
features a coffee shop and cafeteria Officially it is known as the "Japan ARCOLOGY
that serves even civilian patrons. Tokyo New Star City Government The North American megacorp
Building." At three kilometers tall, TerraWare calls this arcology
7: SSS HEAD OFFICE it is easily the largest structure in home. Inside, one may visit the
The head office of one of N◎VA's TOKYO N◎VA. Underneath it is a TerraWare Museum, which has
private security firms. Includes training passage to the Japanese mainland, exhibits that depict the history of
grounds and a sports field for the only legal means of entry into TRONs. It's highly rated amongst
recreation. Shinohara Security Systems Japan. The Administrator's office enthusiasts.
is currently contracted to perform and other government offices
much of the everyday checkpoint and occupy the rest of the building. 12: SHINOHARA JUDICIAL
patrol work in TOKYO N◎VA. SUPREME COURT
10: CFC ARCOLOGY The highest court of Shinohara
8: HEILONG ARCOLOGY The Candy Food Corporation Judicial, whom N◎VA contracts.
The corporate arcology of Heilong, a artificially cultivates the flavored Educational tours of the interior
Chinese megacorp that has been food known as "candy" that the are available and tend to be
rapidly growing in influence. The majority of N◎VA citizens eat. popular. Nearly everyone in N◎VA
people who live and work here tend to Their offices are found in this knows the building on sight, as
have a dangerous air about them, and arcology, and near its entrance are when a verdict makes the news,
many have notorious histories. outlet stores that sell a wide the picturesque front entrance is
variety of synthetic foods. always used as a backdrop.
The arcology belonging to the Chihaya OFFICE
Group, the world's largest Japanese The head office for Yaoyorozu, the most
megacorp. When viewed from in AR, popular chain of convenience stores in
the walls of the building are covered TOKYO N◎VA. The building exists on
with promotions for Chihaya's newest the site of their original store, which is
products. The topmost floor of the still open for business.
building is a Japanese garden known as
the "Amaterasu Chamber." It is open to
the public only once a year, on New
The main storefront for the TRON
Year's Day.
manufacturer, Masaki Information
Systems. Their "iPockeTRON" model is
14: IWASAKI ARCOLOGY extremely popular, and is nearly
Having relocated from Yokohama, the synonymous with the Masaki brand.
Iwasaki Group now occupies this
arcology. They provide free
demonstrations and trials of their
medical cyberware, making them one
of the more approachable arcologies
A building commemorating TOKYO
for the common citizen.
N◎VA's fifteen years of glorious history
under the wise governance of the
15: N.I.K. HEAD OFFICE Administrators. Despite its attempts to
The office of N◎VA's premier be a source of civic pride, it has few
organization of private investigators. visitors, most people snidely referring
Whenever a citizen makes a request to it as the "Inagaki Palace."
from one of the terminals on the first
floor of the building, the overseer there
connects the new client with a suitable


TTOKYO N◎VA's most upscale shopping
street. One can find the ever-popular
CHIHAYA Fashion, as well as the
original location of the Universe
Lounge coffee chain, here among the
swirl of affluence.
N◎VA's upper-class residential district.
Its row houses exhibit refined archi-
tecture, and it is quite safe. With many
high-class restaurants, it is one of the
centers of TOKYO N◎VA's high society.

A middle-class residential district with
calm streets. It features many secluded
places and shops, making it a great
place to relax peacefully.


The huge campus of TOKYO N◎VA's
largest university. Elementary,
intermediate, and advanced courses
are all taught here. Thanks to its
corporate sponsors, the university
features excellent instructors and the
latest equipment. However, a conse-
quence is that the university's research
division is focused on developing
profitable products for its sponsors.
The university's brick buildings and its
paths lined with ginkgo trees are well
known from photographs.

A Red Area that is the Triads' power
base in TOKYO N◎VA. The Kawato-
rengou has been struggling
unsuccessfully to take this area back.


N◎VA's best general hospital, staffed
by the finest doctors and with cutting- 3: WET CITY 5: KAWATO RENTAL
edge medical equipment. It is backed An arcology and entertainment CONFERENCE ROOMS
by corporations and serves both district. Marketed towards high- Originally the headquarters of the
corporate and university employees. class citizens such as corporate Kawato-rengou, this is now a
When the political situation is not and government employees, it is a business that rents conference
looking good for him, Administrator "luxury hotel block" that contains rooms. As it is a high-security
Inagaki is notorious for spending time a casino and exclusive nightclubs. building that has no risk of
here to "convalesce." The name is "Wet City" because all information leaking from inside,
services are provided "wet"--in many corporations make use of
other words, by human their rooms.
employees. Once under the
Kawato-rengou's thumb, due to 6: BERGEN PIZZA
The world's largest library. Even if you
the turf war their influence has A delivery pizza place located in
don't attend the university, if you have
diminished. Shin-Azabu. Famous for their
a Citizen ID, you can visit it at any
time. The building is a circular one with oven-fired pizza, which even in
an atrium, and each floor is filled with 4: HAZARD MEMORIAL PARK times of economic turmoil has
bookshelves. Entry to the underground Once located to the south of never dropped in quality. They
book storage is prohibited, and Asakusa, in the slums, this park are currently running a unique
sensationalist rumors circulate about was relocated after the outbreak of campaign of discounts for Wets
what is found within. the turf war. and those with artificial bodies.
NEUVE" TOKYO N◎VA's largest public park. It
A restaurant specializing in Villeneuve contains a tennis court and a cycling
cuisine. As it serves good quality food course, and is a popular place to play
at a low price, it is popular among many kinds of sports. As birds and
students and the common citizen. other fauna inhabit the park,
Though well known to the locals, the birdwatchers also visit the park
restaurant's storefront is regularly.
unremarkable; in the media it is often
referred to as "a hidden jewel." 11: FREEDOM
A casino that originally came from Las
8: YAOYOROZU MALL IKARUGA Vegas. Due to its brilliant neon lights in
A large-scale shopping mall recently AR, it is a landmark of Shin-Azabu day
constructed by the Yaoyorozu Group, and night. It is renowned for its first-
known for their convenience stores. rate shows and expert dealers, and
Contains all of the necessities of daily enjoys considerable popularity.
life, and for more upscale customers,
home accessories and fashionable The owner is Jake "Five-Card" Johnson
clothing. There are also leisure (Male, 52, Kabuki●◎ / Legger /
activities such as a movie theater and Legger.) As the influence of the
bowling alley; as a result, it is crowded Kawato-rengou's influence in the area
on days off. diminishes, he's repelled assassin after
assassin with his risky tactics, as befits
One of N◎VA's public cemeteries. To be
laid to rest in them you must The culprit behind the assassination
contribute to their caretaking expenses attempts is thought to be the Carlyle
and, naturally, be a registered citizen. Syndicate, who have the competing
This one is an underground mausoleum MUGEN Resort under their umbrella. In
beneath a stone monument, in which other words, they want him taken out
the bones of the dead are stored in purely for the sake of profit.
order to save space. There is no
undertaker; bodies are simply burned
and stored automatically.
A district of the city whose architecture
and parks are modeled after Old Tokyo
(particularly Asakusa.) It was originally
created as an attraction for foreign
tourists. It contains many open-air
hawkers and shops that sell local
specialties and souvenirs, and is
renowned as a place where someone is
always aggressively trying to sell you
something. After the N◎VA Sky Tree
was built, the number of visitors to the
district increased considerably.

Part of the appeal of Asakusa for many

visitors is the common knowledge that
despite its veneer of safety, it's a den
of organized crime. Currently, it's
controlled by the Kawato-rengou, but
other organizations are greedily eyeing
the area.

An entertainment street on the north
side of Asakusa. It's filled with bars and
nightclubs, brothels, game centers,
pachinko parlors, and other such
amusements, and drunk brawls erupt 3: BAR "CROWNEST" 6: OUKA DOJO
regularly. The overflowing garbage and A popular hangout for Neurokids A dojo which teaches the Ouka
spilled (or vomited) drinks give the near the end of Ammonia Avenue. One-Sword Style. Once a dojo
street a characteristic smell, which Though the exterior is tiny, it leads which produced some of N◎VA's
lead to it becoming known as to a spacious underground area most famous duelists, the bell
"Ammonia Avenue." containing an area suitable for has all but tolled for it, and it
boarding, skating and other struggles to regain its former
Security cameras have been installed extreme sports. It's also a popular glory with the few patrons that
throughout the street as an anti-crime place for smugglers to hawk their remain. Though sword fighting is
initiative, a move which has lead to illegal goods to the youth. the focus of the dojo's training,
widespread suspicion of the they also practice staff fighting,
government's true motives. 4: TOKYO TOWER unarmed techniques, and the fine
A replica of the building in Old arts. They occasionally hold
1: SHINJUKU IMPERIAL PARK Tokyo. This version of the tower is public dances in front of the dojo,
Though not quite large enough to be a not used for broadcasting, and cocky martial artists have
forest, this is a park filled with trees however. There have long been been known to challenge all its
and greenery. Located on the grounds plans to demolish it, and with the students to a duel one by one.
are the Chihaya Toshiyuki Memorial Art completion of the N◎VA Sky Tree
Gallery, a zoo, and various cultural those plans are finally proceeding. 7: SENSOU-JI
attractions. The zoo contains examples A shrine modeled after the
of the few animals that miraculously 5: DESSERT CAFE "AYATSUJI" Sensou-ji in Old Tokyo. Despite
survived the Hazards; the animal that A small, family-owned dessert cafe that, it contains not only a
is billed as a "panda" is particularly near the center of Asakusa. Their Buddhist shrine but also a church
beloved. The park is full of crowds on confections made without using and a mosque upon its grounds.
days off or whenever an event occurs. artificial ingredients are a treasure Its entrance avenue, between the
to all the sweet tooths in TOKYO Kaminarimon and the
2: FUJISAKI REAL ESTATE N◎VA. Houzoumon, is lined with shops
The old headquarters of the Fujisaki- selling yukata, hachimaki, dolls,
gumi, located on Ammonia Avenue, Some people, however, visit the wooden swords, and other such
The Kawato-rengou constructed a shop more due to the beauty of traditional goods. On festival
modern office building on the site as the family's daughter (Makino days, the number of shops
their base in TOKYO N◎VA. Despite Kaori, Female, 24, Tatara●, increases further and artists put
their intimidating nature, the Kawato- Mistress, Mannequin◎) than for on public performances in the
rengou are trusted by the locals to the sweets that she sells. street. It's a very popular tourist
keep other criminal elements out of the destination.
An underground market in which This is not quite a pharmacist, but a
antiques, stolen goods and more are shop that sells blends of organic
sold. On New Years' Day, it's customary medicinal herbs from around the world
for everyone to have their goods at a to treat a variety of illnesses.
steep discount.
9: FLOWER MANSION A shrine devoted to the worship of
An old amusement park that is a relic cyberware and TRONs. Since they are
of bygone days. In the Neuro Age, low- the things that make survival in the
tech places like these are once again Neuro Age possible, it's natural for
fashionable. them to be elevated to an object of
worship. Presently, it's under the
10: ASAKUSA ROCK / ASAKUSA stewardship of the young miko Ooba
SIXTH DISTRICT Sakuya (17, female, Tatara● /
Neurokids who are into rock gather Mayakashi◎ / Neuro).
here; it's known as "The Holy Land of
Rock," and the main throughway is 14: LIVE HOUSE "HOWLING"
known as "Rock Street." There's never A live house well known to Kabuki who
a time of day when there isn't a are into rock. It tends to feature bands
musician giving a public performance, that are too edgy to ever make a major
and the street is lined with cyberized debut. Their regular Battle of the
holoposters showing off the latest stars Bands have been known to end with a
and talents. Many record company and corpse or two, and occasionally
band offices are located here, so it celebrities are spotted in the audience.
really is no stretch to call it the Holy The proprietor is the mysterious
Land. "Voice" (Age ?, sex ?, Kabuki● /
Mistress◎), who has never been seen
11: N◎VA SKY TREE in the flesh, but has a knack for
A tall attraction (1268 m) that has discovering hot new talent.
finally been completed after many
years. Although it's far smaller than 15: DRUGSTORE "EISENDOU"
any arcology, it's a landmark and A drugstore with a wide selection that
symbol of hope for Asakusa. The always has whatever new drug is being
surrounding area, known as "Asakusa advertised on the news. Of course,
Sky Tree Turn," has experienced a they have plenty of older drugs as well.
revival; events cause it to explode in The owner, Nagamine Anri (24, female,
color and delight citizens. Tatara●◎, Chakra) is known for her
beauty and for always greeting
customers with a smile; however, she
refuses to discuss her past.
This is a black market district in which
various electronics and cyberware, as
well as less legal goods, can be had. As
of late, the number of amusements
such as bars and cosplay cafes has
been increasing, attracting more
common citizens to the district.

As the district is redeveloped, the

dubious, individually owned shops that
currently populate the streets are
gradually being replaced by new
buildings. In addition, the district is
becoming equally renowned for its
bartenders clad in flashy holo-clothes
as for what can be bought there.

On the south shore of Lake Kisarazu
lies a block of ruined and derelict
buildings. There have been plans to
turn it into a public park and recreation
greenery, but they have been stalled
for over 20 years. In the meantime, it
has been occupied by refugees and
illegal immigrants from various
countries. Junk sellers still comb over it
occasionally, hoping to find some
treasure that has gone undiscovered.

A lake that remained in Tokyo Bay even
after much of it was left dry by the
Hazards. Specially bred shellfish and
seaweed have been introduced to it
and are the source of some of TOKYO
N◎VA's food. The south shore was
once clogged with boats and rafts upon
which people with no other home lived,
but they have been forcibly removed. 3: BOUSOU CIRCUIT 5: NOVA MOSQUE OF THE
A racing circuit upon which many TRUE TEACHINGS
2: VIVA HARAISO legends have been born. Although The Society of True Teachings'
An high-tech amusement park which it's been on the verge of shutting largest mosque in TOKYO N◎VA.
makes use of the latest AR tech and down many times, vehicle makers Every Sunday, worship is held.
cutting-edge mechanics. It is billed as are always willing to generously Those in need of special
the "Kingdom of Hope and Tomorrow." sponsor it to pay for the facelift it benedictions are allowed into the
It is a "Web Complex," with one of its needs. Recently, it's also started "Holy Mother's Hall," while there
selling points being that you can have being used as a test course for are 7 mosques in total for the
almost as much fun going there on the experimental vehicles. other faithful. The complex has
Web as you can in person. As it has steadily expanded thanks to
unique seasonal events, it attracts 4: NEVERLAND generous donations inspired by
many repeat visitors. Recently, a new A self-proclaimed country within the new Holy Mother.
water park named "VIVA Haraiso Lake" an abandoned mall in which only
has been constructed adjacent to it; its children are allowed. Adults who
many lake-themed attractions are very draw near are attacked by their
popular. self-defense force. Recently, they
have begun selling goods made by
their young artisans to the rest of
N◎VA. As a result, they now
interact with the world beyond.
A multipurpose stadium that often A small restaurant on the outskirts of
serves as an arena for martial arts Tatara Town. The owner is a man of few
competitions and demonstrations. The words, but of excellent sushi. As thugs
Iwasaki Group invested the majority of from the Carlyle Syndicate frequent the
funds in its construction, and thus it place, sometimes fights break out
bears their name. Recently, it has also inside, and occasionally a bigwig from
become well known for hosting rounds the Carlyle Syndicate is spotted there.
of the martial arts entertainment
performed in Walkers, "Colossus." 12: SAMURAI'S LOAN
A finance company associated with the
7: VASARA STREET Kawato-rengou, run by Sadamura
A street filled with maid cafes, cosplay Yukinojou (30, male, Exec●, Katana◎,
shops, and other businesses catering Legger) who is a trained finance
to "deep" interests. If you're looking to engineer but also fancies himself a
buy rare merchandise, or a chip that follower of bushido. It is rumored that
will make your personality more like those who fail to repay their debts are
that of an anime character, this is the forced to commit harakiri.
place to do it.
A shop that sells all manner of junk An exhibition hall in which various
gathered from throughout N◎VA. You companies display and promote their
can find everything here, from antiques latest products. In particular, the
gathered from who knows where to "N◎VA Motor Show" in which vehicles
parts (but only parts) of the latest from around the world are exhibited is
artificial bodies. famous.


For those who consider themselves A stage on which the latest performers
betting men, this is the N◎VA branch are always seen. As it caters to the
of the international Bookmaking most famous talent, to perform on this
Association. It's a given that they take stage someday is the dream of every
bets on sports, but you can also bet on musician in N◎VA.
anything else you can imagine, even
trial verdicts.


A magic shop run by "Big Mama"
Marie. Though to the uninitiated it
seems to sell the usual fortune-telling
equipment and the usual occult
schlock, many objects of power can be
had here if you know how to ask for
The area to the south of Asakusa,
separated by the Sumida River, is
known to most people as the Slums.
Criminal organizations are constantly
fighting for control of it, and anti-
Japanese terrorists and common
criminals also make their homes there.
The fiercest fighting is currently taking
place in Hiruko Town, of which the west
side is controlled by the Carlyle
Syndicate and the east side is
controlled by the Triads. The area is
visibly a battleground.

Those who live here have City Rank

X—in other words, as far as TOKYO
N◎VA's government is concerned, they
don't exist. To the megacorps,
however, they're valuable material for
human experimentation. The slums of
TOKYO N◎VA are a place where evil
and filth and life are swept up
together, just like a garbage heap.

A district in which mutants, known as However, if this is your only 6: ANDVARI COMPANY
Hiruko, live. Their existence is not option, you'll have to find the A weapons dealer in the Slums. It
acknowledged by the authorities, and adequate among the utterly gets most of its guns from the
so they have claimed a place in the incompetent. Carlyle Syndicate, but lately it
slims to live. Right now, they are has managed to acquire some of
struggling to protect their unobtrusive 4: SOCIETY OF TRUE the latest Walkers and artificial
way of life. TEACHINGS, SLUMS body tech from the NOVA
The Society of True Teachings' Garrison.
1: SUMIDA RIVER base of operations in the slums.
A man-made river that runs from Every day, it teaches self-defense The proprietor is Vigor Seyfried
Moribayashi Park to near the for protection and advocates the (44, male, Tatara◎, Kuromaku,
warehouse district. Asakusa and the Society's creed of peace and non- Exec●) who will sell weapons at
slums are connected by bridges which violence. As the Carlyle Syndicate a discount to the downtrodden
the N◎VA Garrison guards; should a expands its influence over the desperately in need of them, out
Rank X person nonchalantly attempt slums, they have been making of a sense of chivalry rare in the
entry into Asakusa, they will shoot to things harder and harder for the slums.
kill without hesitation. Society.
2: FOREST OF THE LOST 5: NIGHTCLUB "DOOMSDAY" A martial arts training gym. Even
The former Hazard Memorial Park. After A high-class nightclub with decor in the slums, there are many
it was abandoned by the city modeled after the Parthenon. Neurokids who enter its doors
government due to the nearby gang Once, it was named "Athenapolis" wanting to learn to hold their own
warfare, Hiruko began living in it and and resisted control by any in a fight. The gym teaches
altered the ecosystem to their own organization, but when this part of boxing, kickboxing, cyber-
liking. It is currently known as the the slums was conquered by the ninjutsu, and more.
Forest of the Lost; it is said that any Carlyle Syndicate, they changed
ordinary human who loses their way in the name of every business within. The head trainer is "Fireball" Jack
it will never come out again. Despite being in a Red Area, it (37, male, Charisma◎, Katana,
maintains its reputation as a safe, Chakra●), who has a poor
high-class establishment and is reputation for being more
enduringly popular. interested in honing his own skills
A street on which doctors, as well as no
small amount of quacks, ply their than in teaching students.
trade. They all have their specialty, but
you'll never find medical care the equal
of the University Hospital here.
Delivery pizza that guarantees they'll WALLED CITY)
get your order to you within 20 A block of decrepit apartments and
minutes. Located on the north side of buildings, most of which have been
the slums, it's a chain under the illegally extended and made the roads
umbrella of the Carlyle Syndicate. In between into winding mazes. It's
their customized vehicles programmed inhabited mostly by recent immigrants
with the latest milspec software, their from Xia, who form a close-knit
drivers aren't fazed even if they have community. From a distance, it looks
to drive through a war zone. like a single huge building. The interior
is filled with suspicious shops and
CHINATOWN small gambling dens. You can find
To the east of Hiruko Town is things, and people, that you'd never
Chinatown. Though it's common find anywhere else in the Longyun
knowledge that Chinatown proper is Walled City.
controlled by the Triads, their influence
extends beyond it. Currently the east 15: LONG YUAN TANG (DRAGON
portion of Hiruko Town is firmly under ABYSS HALL)
Triad control, and the stores there tend A building in which "Kuromegane"
to have signboards written in Chinese. Jimmy Yang, recently returned from
Hong Kong HEAVEN, has set up his old
10: FRAGRANCE SALON "QING CI" fencing business. From old friends to
A Chinese club whose fortunes have newcomers who've heard of him
risen along with those of the Triads. In through the rumor mill, if Jimmy likes
its private rooms, customers are you, he'll get whatever it is that you
invited to enjoy not only exquisite want. Since he's selective about his
fragrances, but a Mannequin of their customers, he doesn't humor
choice. complaints about what he sells.


A market that sells foodstuffs and A Chinese restaurant known for its fine
traditional Chinese medicines that it's and authentic cooking that's a comfort
best not to ask about the origins of. to the homesick residents of
Even rare natural foods can be found Chinatown. The head chef is Donny
here. But if a novice goes looking to Zhang (60, male, Tatara◎,
buy something like that, they'll Charisma●, Legger) who was invited
probably just end up with a fake. to Tokyo NOVA by the Triads, and who
is said to have mastered all of the
12: TIEN SHAN FU Eight Great Culinary Traditions of old
A bar decorated in the style of ancient China. However, the source of his
China. Its majestic doorway has "Tien ingredients is a business secret, and
Shan" engraved on a placard above, those who have attempted to discover
and inside, capable martial artists it lose their lives in short order.
gather at the tables. It is rumored that
inside, Liao Wuxian (30, male,
Katana◎, Chakra●, Legger) once held
his own against all of the Carlyle
Syndicate's Knights of the Round Table.


A high-class hotel on the west side of
Chinatown. True to its name,
"Amethyst," it is lit up by purple lights,
and despite being in Chinatown it is
filled with high-class patrons. As an
important base of operations for the
Triads, their finest Kabuto provide
around-the-clock security.
The area southwest of TOKYO N◎VA
contains a great deal of important
buildings. For this reason, the N◎VA
Army and Black Hounds patrol them
regularly and they are considered
White zones.

As well as being used by non-Japanese

businesses, the ports are used by
visitors to TOKYO N◎VA and ships
carrying raw materials. In order to
reduce the number of hijackings and
seajackings committed by terrorists,
the N◎VA Army and Black Hounds
have ramped up their security in this

The power station that provides power
for TOKYO N◎VA's residences and
Linear lines. It is managed by New
Tokyo Electric. In the past it has been
occupied and attacked by terrorists, so In these areas, the Black Hounds The airport has many stores and
it is kept under heavy security. have long been in a dead heat restaurants. In particular,
with biker gangs. Vicious clashes "Bousou Soba" has a reputation
2: JAPANESE ARMY, TATEYAMA are common, and it's not rare to on par with the best eateries in
BASE hear explosions when driving N◎VA proper. Corporations of
Properly known as the "Tokyo New Star along it. course use the airport frequently,
City Peace Preservation Task Force and the government uses it to
Tateyama Garrison." Of course, nobody 5: HYDROGEN PLANT deport captured criminals to
remembers that and just calls it the A plant that produces elemental other countries. There is a gate
Tateyama Base. Who is stationed there hydrogen using a turbine engine, especially for orbital shuttles, and
and their equipment is unknown, but it primarily for use as fuel. Located Highlanders can be seen there.
is thought that their equipment is basic to the north of the airport, it is
compared to the Garrison in TOKYO considered a vital location to 7: JAPANESE ARMY, BOUSOU
N◎VA proper as they are not expected TOKYO N◎VA and afforded a fitting BASE
to see much action. level of security by the N◎VA Properly known as the "Tokyo
Army. New Star City Peace Preservation
3: TATEYAMA SEAPORT Task Force Bousou Garrison."
A place in which materials brought 6: SOUTH BOUSOU Originally vacant land that the
from abroad are unloaded. Much of INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT airport was planned to expand
these materials go to the plants in the The airport that serves as the onto when necessary, the
airport area. Manufactured goods from main route by which people enter Japanese Army confiscated it and
TOKYO N◎VA are exported as well; and leave TOKYO N◎VA. Laid out built a base there.
since security is strict, contraband is with a novel plan at the time of
more or less impossible. When construction, it is one of the main t does not have Walkers or other
someone tries to stow away inside a reasons that TOKYO N◎VA has combat-specialized vehicles
shipping container, it's said they end grown to become a megaplex. stationed there, such things
up as fish food. An underwater tunnel Though many minor repairs and being thought unnecessary to
connects the port access road to the improvements have been made to protect the airport. As many
opposite shore. it over the years, it is essentially military vehicles take off and land
the same as when it was first built. on the civilian runways nearby,
4: BOUSOU EXPRESSWAY There are rumors that recently the however, military-obsessed
A road which connects TOKYO N◎VA to authorities planned to rebuild the maniacs gather here to to try and
the Duchy of Fassler and the airport. As airport, but when they invited snap shots of the N◎VA Army or
most of the ground it covers does not designers from around the world their vehicles.
contain critical infrastructure, the to work together on a superior
N◎VA Army does not patrol it regularly. plan, most declined the offer.
Formerly known as "Tokyo New Star A road that connects the Duchy of
City Yokohama Special Administrative Fassler to Kisara Tatara Town. It was
Area" to the government and originally a freeway, but was
"Yokohama LU$T" to everyone else. repurposed as a means of reaching the
Back then it was largely controlled by Duchy. The official name is the "New FA
the Iwasaki Group, who sold their Expressway," but of course nobody
interest in it to the Fassler family of calls it that. From morning to dusk it is
Highlanders (though officially they full of high-speed buses, but in the
deny that such a sale occurred, making dark of the night it is the dominion of
the truth of the matter uncertain.) an entirely different kind of drivers;
couriers to whom "safe speed" means
After having gone through the proper cranking the throttle higher to save a
procedures as accorded by few minutes off their delivery. Car
international law, it has been accorded chases aren't uncommon, either. From
the status of a sovereign nation. this comes the saying that "The road
only shows its true nature in the dark
8: DUCHY ENTRANCE of night," leading to its popular name,
The only way in or out of the duchy, at "Midnight Road." As a junction directly
which a formal inspection is required. connects the two, the Bousou
Customs is also one of their duties. The Expressway is often considered part of
design of the gateway resembles the the "Midnight Road" as well.
wall and gate of a castle from before
the Hazards, but it is built and 10: TEMPLE FLOAT
equipped with the most modern A megafloat built in the bay, with
technology from the orbitals; its facilities for both normal ships and
physical and digital security are submarines to dock. Its purpose is
unmatched. Aside from the official unknown, but it is rumored that the
entrance, there is also an entrance for Duchy of Fassler is secretly
freight, but its security is no more lax. constructing a fleet. Fassler's current
navy is no secret, however, and
consists of a few cruisers of Chinese
manufacture with no real military
value; thus this rumor is suspect.

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