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Note: All skill names in this document are subject to change.

Mutants in which mutations spontaneously arose (It sounds less dumb in Japanese
because one is in katakana)

Hiruko are mutants, whether spontaneously created or artificially engineered. Their

flesh undergoes a variety of mutations, often resulting in them having a
drastically different form from normal humans. Some of them flee from human society
and hide themselves; others attempt to remain among humans whole concealing their
true nature.

Hiruko mutations harbor great power, and they can adapt to any situation in an
instant. If they need to get past a wall, they may secrete an acid to dissolve it.
If they are a small child, they may reshape themselves into a vehicle in order to
move faster.

However, the power of the Hiruko does not always obey their own will. They may lose
the ability to use their mutations, or to keep them from surging wildly out of
control. This is why Hiruko are seen by humans both as a limitless opportunity and
a fearsome threat.

LIFE: 3/5


When you see another Miracle, you can copy it.

Mutation does not have an effect of its own. Instead, your dormant genes allow you
to copy a Miracle that you have witnessed, and perform it yourself.

You may freely select the target and other such details. You may only copy a
Miracle that you were present in the same Scene to witness. If you are present,
however, you can copy the Miracle even before it takes effect--the very moment of
its use.

Your physical form imposes no restrictions on which Miracles you can perform. As a
Hiruko, you can temporarily mutate your arm into a gun to perform Coup de Grace, or
become the doppelganger of a well-known Exec to use M&A.

CONDITION: The [Used a Miracle fittingly] condition for Mutation is the same as
that of the copied miracle.


Lord of Scales
Combo: Free
Max SL: 3
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
Your body is covered in hard scales that protech you from harm.
Any Physical Wounds you receive have their rating decreased by [SL].
In addition, the Parry Rating of [Category: Bio-Weapon] Outfits you have equipped
gains a +[SL] bonus.

Poison DNA
Combo: Melee, Ranged
Max SL: 5
Timing: Major
Target: Single
Range: Weapon
Difficulty: Control
Versus: Evasion
Your flesh itself is toxic to others, and you deliver its poison along with your
When you use this skill in a Combo with a Physical Attack made with a [Category:
Bio-Weapon] Outfit, and inflict a Wound with a rating of at least 1, the target is
afflicted with the Bad Status [BS: Poison (SL+2)].

Lord of Fangs
Combo: Melee, Ranged
Max SL: 5
Timing: Major
Target: Single
Range: Weapon
Difficulty: Control
Versus: Evasion
You possess powerful fangs or horns, which can even pierce metal when you attack
with them.
When you use this skill in a Combo with a Physical Attack made with a [Category:
Bio-Weapon] Outfit, the rating of the Wound it inflicts gains a bonus of +[SL+3].

Instantaneous Adaptation
Combo: Free
Max SL: 5
Timing: Setup Process
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: Refer
Versus: None
Your body transforms in an instant to grant you a new physical capability.
You acquire a single [Category: Bio-Weapon] Outfit. The Difficulty of the Check is
the Buy Rating of the outfit. You gain a +[SL] bonus to the Result.

Beast's Senses
Combo: Perception
Max SL: 4
Timing: Major
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: Refer
Versus: None
Your senses are more acute than those of a human. You can find clues they wouldn't
be able to perceive.
If successful, the Ruler must give you some clue or piece of information that can
be divined using the senses. The Difficulty is dependent on what you are looking
for, but 10 is a good default.

Combo: Alone
Max SL: 4
Timing: Before Damage
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: Refer
Versus: None
You can harden your flesh, causing it to deflect attacks. This is a Guard Skill.
The rating of the Physical Wound you are about to receive is decreased by [CV].
Usable 1 time per Cut.

Combo: Melee
Max SL: 4
Timing: Major
Target: Single
Range: Short
Difficulty: Control
Versus: Evasion
You have tentacles with which you can grab your opponent and restrain them.
When you use this skill in a Combo with a Physical Attack made with a [Category:
Bio-Weapon] Outfit, the range of the Combo changes to [Range: Short].
In addition, if the Physical Attack hits, you may inflict [BS: Captured] upon one
of the target's equipped Outfits. At this time, you may choose not to inflict a

Survival Instinct
Combo: Free
Max SL: 3
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You were born to survive in the harsh wastes. Your ability to sense danger and
react to avoid it exceeds that of any human.
You gain a +[SL] bonus to the Result of Reactions you make to Physical or Mental
Attack Combos.

Survival Instinct II
Combo: Free
Max SL: 3
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
Your instinct for self-preservation is remarkable even among beasts and mutants.
Your Survival Instinct skill gains +[SL] to its Max SL.

Biological Antenna
Combo: Free
Max SL: 3
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You possess an organ with a function similar to a radio antenna. Although limited
in function, it allows you to perceive and understand the flow of information to a
You gain a +[SL] bonus to the Result of [Society: Media] and [Society: Street]

Combo: Free
Max SL: 5
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You can alter your body's color, make yourself difficult to see, or even become
undetectable by things such as sonar. Only the most cutting-edge cyberware can
detect you.
You gain a +[SL] bonus to the result of [Stealth] checks.

Combo: Free
Max SL: 3
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You can hide your mutations and masquerade as a normal human.
When you use this skill, you may disguise yourself as a human. You may also choose
a Style of your choice, which others will perceive as your Persona. If someone
attempts to make a Check to divine your true nature, your Control Rating gains an +
[SLx4] bonus for the purposes of determining the Difficulty.

Metro Diver
Combo: Free
Max SL: 3
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You have mastered the use of your [Biological Antenna] and can freely eavesdrop on
the information circulating through the city.
During the Pre-Act, choose up to [SL] skills from among [Society: Business],
[Society: Police] and [Society: Technology].
When you make a Check using one of the chosen skills, it gains the bonus from your
[Biological Antenna] skill.

Combo: Free
Max SL: 4
Timing: Setup Process
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: 10
Versus: None
Your equipment has become one with you.
If successful, choose up to [SL] outfits you possess, regardless of whether you are
carrying them at present. You automatically equip these outfits.

†Super Strength
Combo: Melee
Max SL: 4
Timing: Major
Target: Single
Range: Weapon
Difficulty: Control
Versus: Evasion
Your strength exceeds that of any human, making your attacks have incredible power.
When you use this skill in a Combo with a Physical Attack, the rating of the Wound
it inflicts gains a bonus of +[Life]. However, at the end of this Main Process, if
the attack was made with a weapon other than Unarmed or a [Category: Bio-Weapon]
Outfit, it becomes [Broken].

Combo: Evasion & Stealth
Max SL: 4
Timing: Reaction
Target: -
Range: -
Difficulty: Result
Versus: None
You blend into the scenery around you, creating an opening with which you can
counterattack your enemies.
When you successfully make a Dodge Check with a Combo that includes this skill, you
gain +1 [AR].
Usable 1 time per Scene.

Combo: Free
Max SL: 4
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You have an unusually huge body.
You can equip Vehicular Weapons with [Slot: Walker] as if they were weapons with
[Slot: Two Hands].
In addition, you gain a bonus of +[SLx2] to the rating of Physical Wounds you

Combo: Alone
Max SL: 4
Timing: After Damage
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: Wound Rating
Versus: None
You can rapidly recover from your wounds.
Use this Skill after you receive a Physical Wound. The Difficulty is the Wound
Rating. If successful, the wound is immediately healed. However, this skill cannot
heal [Death].
The Check for this Skill does not suffer any penalties linked to the Wound it is
attempting to heal.

†Putrefying Bacteria
Combo: Melee, Ranged
Max SL: 4
Timing: Major
Target: Single
Range: Weapon
Difficulty: Control
Versus: Evasion
Your attacks contain a disease that consumes ordinary flesh and letal.
When you use this skill in a Combo with a Physical Attack made with a [Category:
Bio-Weapon] Outfit, and the Physical Attack hits, you may cause one of the target's
equipped Outfits to become [Broken]. If you wish to break an Outfit that is not
equipped, the difficulty of this skill's Check is 10. At this time, you may choose
not to inflict a Wound.

Combo: None
Max SL: 4
Timing: Damage Calculation
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
You terrify your target with a bestial roar.
Use this Skill when you calculate the rating of a Physical or Mental Wound you're
about to inflict. The Wound Rating gains a bonus of +[CV].
Afterwards, you take [BS: Panic].

†Protective Acid
Combo: Melee
Max SL: 4
Timing: Reaction
Target: Single
Range: Close
Difficulty: Result
Versus: None
Part of you secrets a strong acid that you can smear upon opponents who attempt to
attack you.
When you succeed at a Parry Check Combo that includes this Skill, the target takes
[BS: Poison] with a rating of [SL+3].

Combo: Free
Max SL: 4
Timing: Setup Process
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: 10
Versus: None
Like a beast, you fall back to your basic instincts and get ready to enter a primal
When you inflict a Physical Wound using [Lord of Fangs] or decrease damage using
[Harden], you gain a +[Passion] bonus to the effect. This effect lasts until the
end of the Scene.

※Beast's Spirit
Combo: Other
Max SL: 4
Timing: Major
Target: Single
Range: Weapon
Difficulty: Control
Versus: Impossible
Your ferocity is that of a beast, and you strike such terror into your opponents
that they are unable to react.
When you use this Skill in the Combo for a Physical or Mental Attack, the target
cannot make a Reaction to it. In addition, they cannot use Guard Skills to decrease
or prevent the Physical or Mental Wound that results.
Usable [SL] times per Act.

※Magnetic Storm
Combo: Other
Max SL: 3
Timing: Major
Target: -
Range: -
Difficulty: None
Versus: -
You evoke your powerful natural magnetism, causing a magnetic storm in the
When you include this skill in an Attack Combo, Reactions to it cannot include the
[Cybertech] skill.
Usable [SL] times per Act.

※Shock Absorption
Combo: Free
Max SL: 2
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
Your flesh naturally absorbs the force of attacks made against it.
During each Scene, you can absorb up to [SLx10] points of Physical Wound and render
it ineffective. This effect activated automatically and will absorb wounds until
the maximum is hit.

Combo: Free
Max SL: 5
Timing: Constant
Target: Self
Range: None
Difficulty: None
Versus: None
Everything that surrounds you--the air, the water, the plants, even the city
streets--is your ally. You can mutate to acquire any of their capabilities. The
space around you is your territory.
You gain a +[SL] bonus to the result of all Checks.

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