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Q. Discuss about the social media optimization.

Social media optimization (SMO) is defined as the use of social media networks to manage
and grow an organization’s message and online presence. As a digital marketing strategy,
social media optimization is often wont to increase awareness of latest products and
services, connect with customers, and ameliorate potential damaging news.
Social media optimization often directs the general public from these social media platforms
to the company's website, where more information is often provided. for instance, a
campaign to boost awareness a few new automobile on social media may direct the visitor
to a corporation webpage that gives information about where local dealerships are
located and the way to schedule a test drive.

Examples of social media optimizations is: Messages on social media platforms  are
often tailored in order that they need a greater impact on specific groups of people .
Marketers using social media can customize their content supported demographic and
geographic profiles. for instance, a beverage maker may post a message about how cold a
beverage is to Internet users in hot climates. for his or her audience in cold climates, they
could tell users that drinking their beverage will remind them of summer.

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