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one eleven
Motion visuals for One Eleven ||\
Narrative & image reference.

This foreign whip bumps up and
down slowly, cruising toward the
camera in this scene.

We see zoomed-in pans of the

One-Eleven logo while catching lens
flares on camera to give it that extra
vintage-pimp vibe.
Narrative & image reference.

The camera zooms into barbed wire
as “supreme” style stickers for
“SUECO”, “SWANKY”, and
“LAMONT” rain on the screen. This is
a nice wink to the stickers that are
going to be passed out at the event
and also it’s hype as fuck.
Narrative & image reference.

03 Barbed Wire
Going through a field of barbed wire
because it’s real out here and
one-eleven music goes hard.
Narrative & image reference.

04 111 Logo
The goal of this animatoin is to get
the audience familiar with the
branding and seeing it animated
would in part do that.
Narrative & image reference.

05 Twerk to
the Future
Honestly, just a bunch of girls
twerking with a VHS overlay because
that would turn the crowd up. If you
have any more footage of twerking
women that you shot, please send the
footage over so we don’t have to
worry about footage rights. Oh, and
also retro grape footage because
they did surgery on a grape.

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