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Corona and our role in its control

Today, billions witness themselves being drawn towards a deadly virus. Millions lie on their
deathbeds. Thousands have shunned their deathbeds to mark their way for heaven...

Yes, I’m citing our present day scenario which is strongly gripped by the extremely hazardous
Novel Corona Virus. On 30th December 2019, in Wuhan University (China), a virus was
discovered which weakened our immune system and thus made our body more prone to
diseases. This virus, today, has affected about 7 million people worldwide which is really a
significant number. The very primary way to treat this virus would be the use of vaccine. But
till date all our researchers have been unsuccessful in making a vaccine. Hence there is no
outright way to eradicate this disease. But we can at least prevent ourselves from this disease by
not coming in contact with an infected person as this disease transmits by human to human
contact only. All these facts come down to a very basic conclusion i.e. Lockdown. And that is
what we are practicing daily.

In India, since 22nd March some new words were added to a layman’s dictionary which were
Lockdown, Sanitizer, Social distancing and face mask. Courtesy-Corona virus. On 23rd March
2020,our PM Shri Narendra Modi ,addressed us at 8:00 p.m. in which he declared a complete
lockdown for a span of certain number of days. But a question which I wonder about is that this
lockdown was declared when we had less than a cent cases and now when we have about a
quarter of million cases ,we are unlocking ourselves. The cases per day are soaring towards the
sky. However if we completely abstain the country’s workforce from working, then the whole
economy will suffer. Now the question arises how do we deal in this case where we sit on the
horns of dilemma. We cannot stop our life with corona virus. We have to start our life with it.

It is practically proven that we can work with proper precautions taken in this deadly situation.
Recently Taiwan was affected by an epidemic and the people there had a recent practice to use
masks. The cases there are an excellent example of the efficiency of masks.443 cases with 430

Soap and alcohol based sanitizers break the fat layer of the virus which makes it inactive. For
proving this is as simple as washing the hands with soap to get rid of oil after eating pooris.

These ways would prove efficient if we take a personal initiative. If the youth of our country
moves with the ideology of ‘humko kya ho sakta hai’(taking in consideration the fact that
corona virus is deadly for senior citizens only) then we are sure to meet with the fate that Italy
met recently. Now we all have to maintain a distance so that we can come closer a month or two
What I have witnessed so far in our country is that the common mass is more afraid of the
policemen than corona virus because we hardly care to use our mask until we see a police man.
Unless we deal with this pandemic at a personal level and think about our family members, we
might not be able to overcome it. The Government has released a beautiful app known as
Arogya Setu which tracks each and every citizen of India to prevent the spread of this virus.

Like every other bane for human kind Corona virus has also turned out to be agathokakological.
This is the high time for India to evolve as the world leader. The whole world is adopting Indian
traditional customs and practicing Yoga. Shaking hands have been replaced by Namaste in
order to practice social distancing.Achievers are those who transform opportunities into
success. Thus we should try to become the vocal for our local needs and get our country into
new heights.

Corona virus will also teach us a lesson to practice the wearing of mask even when this disease
will be eradicated. This would imply a significant decrease in the spread of other diseases. Life
is going to extremely transform after this situation. But we don’t know when this is situation
gonna end. That depends on us. In my views human race has always conquered every pandemic
.And we have evolved and immunized ourselves to that epidemic. Thus I think so would this
disease end and humans would return victorious. I dream and let us dream that our world would
surmount this pandemic and I am damn sure about our dream transforming into future.

By – Siddhant Sekhar Barpanda

Class 9, Junior group.
St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School.

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