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After taking the questionnaire, I found that I am good at helping others and paying

much attention to others. And I can do things for the organizations and groups

responsibly. However, I also discovered my shortcomings in the questionnaire, like

setting rules for the group and offering helpful criticisms.

Now I will talk about my plans to improve my collaborative skills. Firstly, I will read

more books and ask more to get more knowledge of the group works because of my

lack of experience. From my perspective, questioning is a good teacher, and it is the

most helpful way to improve. Secondly, I will talk to everyone in the collective to

make it more harmonious. Because knowing more things can help a lot. Thirdly, I will

study harder and learn more to increase my confidence so that I dare to offer criticism

to others. Moreover, it is being leaders that can help us develop my leadership. So, I

will try to do some small projects and be the leader. If we are not the leaders, we

cannot develop the wonderful ability of leaders. Only we do can understand it and

learn from it. In brief, I will practice and take all my effort to make myself better to fit

in the collective. Although I am not perfect, I will try to be.

In my opinion, doing collaborative working can help us learn new things, develop the

patience to deal with problems and foster team spirit of the group members. The most

important is that we can learn more information through collaborative working. And

we can not only learn the knowledge but also we can learn from others about how to

be a good leader and how to think about questions completely. Then, what is also

useful is that collaborative working is difficult due to the different opinions of the

members, which really needs patience to solve. I think the problems in a collective are

harder, so when we work with groups, it costs us more time to do it and we realize

that our patience develops potentially. Another thinking is that doing collaborative

working cultivates the spirit of teamwork. Think of it, many people come and work
together in a group, learning and improving with each other. What a harmonious

scene! Isn't that enough to develop the team spirit of the members? Certainly, it is

much more than it. In a word, collaborative working is beneficial and we students

should do it. Hope that we can both get success in WKU!

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