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Welcome to TSA!

We’re glad to have you join

Meet your TSA Co-Presidents:
● Kate Gorman
○ Sophomore at MHS
○ Likes STEM
○ Wants to major in a science related field
● Rudra Singh
○ Sophomore at MHS
○ Likes STEM
○ Wants to major in finance
Basics of TSA

● What is it?
○ National, non-profit, Technology Student Association of high school
students who are engaged in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM).
○ Has a mission of enhancing personal development, leadership, and
career opportunities in STEM and beyond
○ Members can integrate these skills through extracurricular activities,
competitions, and related programs
○ There are also legitimate awards and scholarships for dozens of
different achievements
○ Looks good on college applications
How our meetings will go

-Zoom meeting on a Sunday every 2 weeks at 3 PM ET

-Roll Call

-Upcoming important dates and events

-We will teach something new over screen shared Google Slides

-At the end of the meeting, we will play a Kahoot!
Officer Positions

1. Vice President- 2 Positions

2. Treasurer- 1 position
3. Social Media Representative- 1 position
4. Secretary - 1 position
Future Meeting

● (This meeting)- September

● September 19th
● October 3rd
● October 24th
● November 7th
● December 5th
● MAYBE December 19th

● Text @miltontsa to 81010 to stay updated

● Spread the word about this club!
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