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Well, When we talk about music , I would say that my favorite singer is Harry Style, to be honest I

find his music too sentimental. Sometimes his music could be depressing but he try to empower
women. I have wanted to go to one of his concerts because I enjoy listening his musis. He has
been writing his song since 2016 when he separed from one direction.

His lyrics are way too sentimental , anyway he is a pretty nice person, his song always have some
messsage and I consider that he is extremly easy- going person with a good actitud and he always
do his best in any show or concert. I have been listening Harry style since 2017 , his music have
something special and also different than others cause he insipired me, it’s a particular style and I
feel different emotions with his music, to tell you the truth what I really like of his songs are each
Word of his lyrics , when I feel sad all that I need it’s to be alone with Harry styles music.

The one thing that I love the most is his style, I mean , He has his own style , it’s different and kind
of crazy, he wears weird close and he impose new fashion but I don’t mind dealing with his style
cuase what really important to me is his personality , I have always said that he is a fearless and a
colorful person with a big heart. I think his style and his personality is acording to his music. I can’y
get enough of his music and it’s not just for his lyrics is also for the beat, sometimes he writes
moving songs or crazy lyrics so it’s a perfectly mix.

Actually if you ask me , I couldn’t choose a favorite song , cause each song is special . for saying
one “ sunflower” or “ woman” those songs are very special for me. The first thing I noticed
about Harry was that she loves his career , I mean he Works with the heart, he doesn’t need
money or to be famous or use autotune or expensive things , it’s not to comercial. I have always
been a big fan.

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