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Hi! Good morning! How are you? Great! It’s nice to hear that you are doing good!

By the way, my name is Sir Aldhe, reporting for my duty as your Oral Communication in
context teacher for today.
What are you waiting for? Get a pen, a notebook, or any piece of paper, listen
attentively and prepare yourself for wonderful learning for today.
Together we will discover more about the interesting world of Communication.
Are you ready? Let us start.
In our previous discussion about the nature of communication, I have told you that
communication is a process, meaning it requires several elements for it to happen and
take place, and for today’s episode we will be familiarizing ourselves with the first four
elements that contribute for communication to occur.
The first element of communication is the speaker. When we say speaker, he/she is the
source of information/ideas. He/she is the sender of the message. He/she also starts the
communication process.
The second element of communication is the message. Message refers to the
information, ideas, thoughts, conveyed by the speaker through words or actions.
The third element of communication is encoding. It is the process of converting the
message into words, actions, or other forms that the receiver understands. It has
something to do with the organization of information that you as the speaker would like
to share, in the same manner in the encoding process you are thinking of the ways on
how you would like to send your message, and when you are thinking of the manner on
how you would like the message to be sent you are now referring to the fourth element
of communication which is channel.
Channel refers to the vehicle or means used to send the message or information. It may
be personal (or face-to-face) non-personal, verbal (words) or nonverbal (actions, facial
expressions, gestures).
That concludes our lesson for today. Again, let me ask you what are the first four
elements of communication that I have discussed today? Great job. It seems that you
have listened carefully. In our next episode, we will continue the discussion about the
different elements of communication.
Once again my name is Sir Aldhe, always willing to render my service in bringing you
lessons about oral communication. See you in the next episode only here on DepEd TV.

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