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NHU'NG COLLOCATIONS THONG DUNG THUONG GAP TRONG CAC DE THI p Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 i 1. He has been preparing for the race for months. He wants to his own record and be the best in the world. A. break B. loose C. win D. reach 2, She needs to make a complete with her boyfriend after he was caught cheating with her best friend. A. stop Bend Cexit D. break 3. The understudy really did a big break when the star became ill and she took over for the rest of the film, A.catch B.see C.gain D. get 4. The show aired every week in the US__ as a result the last five episodes of the early seasons were shown in the US before the UK. A. without a break B. with a nonstop C. without a lapse D. with a pause the privacy laws by 5. He is suing Google on behalf of five million British children, claiming it tracking children online. A.served B. hung C. broke D. erased 6. The company is facing financial problems and they say that in the next month or two they hope to ____ those obstacles. A. break down B. break over C. break up D. break through 7. It didn’t take long for them to the ice. By the time dinner was served, almost everyone was chatting with someone they had just met. A. withdraw B.remove C. break D.cut 8, We tried to the bad news gently to jimmy and without saying it directly, but he didn’t seem to understand all our hinting, B. break C.sing D. say 9. They tried to break his and made some scathing criticisms of his project but he resisted. A.will B. fate C. faith D. ground 10. I don’t believe Paul really hurt himself when he fell. I think he’s breaking into just to get attention, A fears B.cries C. tears D. noises 11. It’s hard for alcoholics to break the__ and abruptly stop the intake of alcohol. A.control B habit C. hobby D. interest 12. As your parents, we'll always support you, A.come which may B. come what might C. come which might D. come what may 13. The new president has assumed an unprecedented number of positions since coming into last year. A. power B. control C. force D. effect 14, Games such as Fornite offer players ferent identities with best costumes for their avatars and it’s a sign of things which are coming into___. Avitem B. fashion C. design D. style 15. We had expected him to and confess that she only wrote these novels for the money. A.go tidy B. make clear C. take neat D. come clean 16. Creativity just comes to kids as long as they have the freedom and materials to express themselves. A. randomly B. intentionally C. naturally D. spontaneously 17. Ifthis project on sales goal this month, it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization. A. goes long B. comes short C. runs down D. moves up 18. The evidence finally came to___ when the girl escaped from the building and told her story. A.light C. shadow D. shade 19. New rules and regulations to enforce guidelines on people staying at home and businesses staying closed have come into___ in many countries. A. effect B. terms C. system D. principle 20. We are alll trying to adapt to this new reality and expressing hope that this pandemic will come toa(n)__. A.ending B. break C. closure D.end 21.1 think he's still coming to___with the death of his wife. A.terms B. forms C.base D. side 22. The bank teller came under ___ in the manager's office for the errors he had made that day. A.rage B. attack C. defence D. offence 23. The government is coming under for failing to limit air pollution. A.control Charm, D. defeat 24. You must wear something warmer or else you'll acold. A.take B. bring C. got D. catch 25. I was sitting too close to the burners, so my newspaper caught A.burn B.shine C. fire D.light 26. Thousands of people are lining the streets to catch a of the riders at the second stage of the Tour de France. A.glimpse B. scene C. look D. scent 27. CCTV evidence and technology which recognises fighting and bag-snatching is being used to catch petty criminals _. A.onthe line B. in the moment the act D. at the thought 28. You can continue your jogging. I will stop here for a bit to catch my and drink some water to quench my thirst. A beat B. heart C. breath D.sigh 29. If you're feeling sad, getting out in the sunlight should you good. A. feel C. play D. cause 30. She's a very kind and thoughtful person and___her teachers and friends credit. A.pays B. takes C. wins D. does 311, She was not given the promotion she wanted and found out she was __ her promotion. out of B. got out of C. got rid of D. done out of 32. The show has done ____for her career and she already has a contract with a modeling agency. A.wonders B. shock Cluck D. fortune 33. Will you___ me a favor and turn the oven on at one o'clock? A.make D. get 34. Our family will be enjoying this weekend __ the crossword with some of my friends. A. building B. doing C. facing D. dealing 35. I will take my first step into distance learning by ___an online writing course next week. A.making B. looking C. spending D. doing 36. A cardiologist said that severe COVID-19 illness could __ damage to the heart and circulatory system. A.suffer B. strike C. pose 37. Before splashing cash on a costly purchase for summertime, __ that you've got a temporary job. Be careful with your money. A. have with mind B. bear in mind C.come into mind D. keep at mind 38. I have a good to go without him if he's going to be such an idiot! A.memory B.brain C.head D. mind 39, Paul is worried sick when he lost his job and he has a lot at the moment, his mind B. on his head C. im his face D. on his mind 40. I want to have a at finishing the decorating tonight. A.go B.turn Crun D. look 41, We're going to have a___with you about your kids’ behaviour at the dinner. A.word B.row C. saying D. speak 42. The management their assurances that there would be no more job losses. A. reached B.laid C. brought D. gave 43. The planning stage of the project was complete and we were permission to start construction, A.given B. received C. paid D. refused 44. A friend of mine____ birth to her daughter at home with the help of a nurse. A. took B. went C.gave D. raised 45. He will be ___ his farewell concert as Music Director of the Ulster Orchestra. A launching B. giving C. singing D. walking 46. In many parts of the world, arts programming on TV has __to more popular genres, such as entertainment and drama, and its broadcasting times have been pushed to after midnight on weekdays. A.given ground B. lost face C. taken effect D. made effort 47. They said the secret of a happy marriage was a little bit of__. A. go and catch B. bring and fetch C.comeandget —_D. give and take 48. His mother talked him into poetry readings at a young age and he started to read alot and even ___verses. A.sound B. play C. make 49. With the____ our company is making, we can now invest in expansion and open a branch in another city. A. budget B. output C. profit D. stock. 50. The child was upset and ___a fuss because she couldn’t have any more candy. A. getting B. making C. seeing D. doing 51. The library's great collection allowed me to__ many rare sources. A. get use of B. make use of C. come into use D. find use for 52. Toronto started closing additional roads to_ for cyclists and pedestrians to safety distance during the pandemic. A.leave space place C. close gap D. make room 53. He always ____ to care deeply about other people's problems, but he's never willing to actually help. A.makes as if B. looks as though C. does as much D. acts as such 54. The children like to make that they live ina castle. A. believe B. trust, C. excuse D. imagine 55, Sally is making with the sugar I was saving for breakfast cereal A. busy C. easy D. bound 56. Charles was unable to raise three kids on his teacher's salary. He A by takinga second job. ed beyond his means B. shopped around C. went out of business D. made ends meet 57. Anna: “Welcome! Come on in. __.” Sue: “Thanks! What a nice place you have!” A. Be my guest B, Putyour feet up C. Make yourself at home! D. What should we do? 58. Kevin hated how much his mom nagged him about his homework. He didn’t really see why it mattered and he thought that his mom was A. losing heart B. playing fast and loose C. painting the town red D. making a mountain out of a molehill 59. felt betrayed because my father made a__ that my stepmother will inherited his estate. A.wish B. will C. promise D. want 60. Michael made a very generous ___ to our church restoration appeal. A. contribution B. tribute C. attribute D. distribution 61. The trailer the movie out to be an action-adventure, but it was really just a boring period piece. A.made B. put C. treated D. set 62. Do you think we can make a__ for that used car with the owner? Or will he turn us away? B. bargain D. bill 63. We have received hundreds of calls from people _ inquiries about availability of the product. A. calling B. doing C. making D. holding 64. We don't usually accept late applications, but in this case we will make a(n) _. 5 A. perception B, permission C. acceptance D. exception 65. To make for missing her championship tennis game, her father offered to take her to a theme park. A. conducive B. extricate C. conciliatory D. amends 66. Ifyou have made any since you last saved the document, a warning message will appear. A.alias B. altercation C.alterations D. simulation 67. | gained weight so | decided to a few small diet tweaks to lose weight. A. reduce B. change C. make D. pull 68. Health officials___the blame for the disease on poor housing conditions. A. put B. took C.made D. said 69, That child's behavior is intolerable. | him any more, A. put up with B. keep up with C. make up to D. live up to 70. President Trump threatened to new taxes on American companies that produce goods outside the United State as a way to punish China. Acut B.evade C. put D. remove 71, Sharing ideas in a team and putting them into___will help you improve your business skills A. process B. progress C practice D. preparation 72. The dog eying suspiciously and giving a low growl really put me on my__. A.guard B. grip C. feet D. guilt 73. The hairdresser lowered the salon chair to put me__and started cutting my hair. A.atease B. off balance short D. in order 74.1 put him to_____by telling everyone about his bad behavior. A.flush B. shame C. shake D. hush 75. This topic will be on the test - make sure to take detailed_. A.writings B. lectures C. courses D. notes 76. His boss asked him to take ___ of the office for a few days while she was away. A.turns B. charge C. chance D. hold 77. A: "This job has me working seventy hours a week.” B: "You should___. You're going to get sick at this rate.” yourself B. have a seat C. take it easy D. give ita rest 78. | was shocked to hear my thesis was rejected. I had taken it for_ that it would be accepted. A.awarded B.acquired C. passed D. granted 79. The boss took advantage ___ his superior position and made the decision entirely by herself. Aof C. for 80. | prefer teaching methods that actively students in learning. A.commit B. involve C. invest D. indulge 81. I'm not surprised that he took at her remarks. She was really rude A. pride C. offence D. pity 82. | take it as a(n) A. insult B. compliment C. respect D. praise when people say I look like my mother. 83. The defence lawyer asked the judge to take the prisoner's previous good behaviour account before passing sentence. Ainto B.under C.outof D. over 84, He seems to take great A. humor: B. amuse C. delight D. honor. in teasing me about my red hair. 85. New measures have been to try and ease traffic congestion in the city. A. captured B. taken C. kept D. produced 86. The old lady took to the rudeness of the children. A.admiration B. vow C.acceptance D. exception 87. According to the notification, now any firm, institution, company will be able to take land for agriculture on_____ in the villages. B. offer C. request D. instruction 88. We haven't seen Jeff in a long time. Let's him a visit soon. B. pay C. make D. pass 89, Friends and relatives stopped by the funeral home to pay their last respects__ Mr Clarke. Aat B.for Cof 90. Cathina wanted tickets to the concert of her favorite signer so badly that she was willing to pay double for them. She___, but she made it to the concert. A. paid a value B. paid the deposit of money C. paid her way D. paid through the nose

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