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How to Make A Music Shaker 101!

- Some sort of recycled materials
- Any empty bottle, paper towel roll, toilet
paper roll, two paper plates/paper bowls

- Glue or tape

- Scissors

- Small things to put inside (could be almost

- Little rocks, marbles, small cereal, beads,
uncooked rice, uncooked noodles

1. Get your recycled materials, glue and/or tape, and whatever small materials you

2. Place the smaller materials inside or into the recycled material

a. **If you are using a toilet/paper towel roll, make sure to seal one side first!

3. Make sure to only fill the material up no more the ⅔ of the way full
a. If you fill the whole thing, it will not make the sound we want it to make!

4. Once the desired amount of smaller materials are inside, seal it up with glue/tape
or whatever will ensure the smaller objects do not fly out when shaking!

Tips & Tricks:

- For a standard toilet paper roll (like the one I used), I
only used about ⅓ cup of Cheerios.

- The tape may not stick to the sides very

combat this, I took a long strand of tape, and I taped
down the edges of the tape that was covering both ends.

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