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Felt Ornament - Snowman with Face Mask

Keepsake from the year 2020

This is a complete pattern and instruction manual to make this felt ornament for Christmas. It is
very easy and fun to prepare and takes only about 1-2 hours. This funny snowman is perfect for
your Christmas tree this year and a great gift for your friends and family members.

The finished ornament measures approximately 3.8" (9,5 cm).

Materials and tools you will need:

- Black, white, light blue, red, orange and green

- Embroidery threads in matching colors
- Thick thread for hanging (9” / 23 cm long)
- Stuffing material
- Pattern template
- Marker pen
- Scissors
- Needle

Gather all the materials and tools as listed
above. Cut the individual templates out from
card stock. Use the templates to cut the head
pieces from white, the hats from black, the
ribbon from green, the nose from orange, the
scarf pieces from red and finally the face
mask from light blue felt.

First take one of the head pieces, the nose

and the face mask. Place the nose and the
face mask on the face as shown on the
picture. So you can find the right position of
the nose. Pin the nose to the face and remove
the face mask.

Sew around the nose with blanket stitches.

Use orange embroidery thread.

Now take the face mask, place on the face

again. Pin it to the face and sew around with
simple stiches. Use the light blue thread.

Draw the eyes with marker pen on the face.
Sew them with black embroidery thread
according to the drawing. (If you have used
marker pen, you can remove the drawing with
wet wipe.)

Take the scarf pieces. Place the two bigger

pieces on each other with the scarf end
between them. Sew the scarf around with
blanket stiches as shown in the photo. When
you reach the scarf end, be careful and first
sew them only to the front side. Then turn the
scarf and sew the scarf end to the back side

Now take the other head piece of the

Snowman. Place it on the scarf. Pin it and sew
it to the scarf with some simple stiches. Sew it
only to the front side of the scarf.

Here are the two head pieces. Place them on

each other with the stuffing material between

Sew the head around with blanket stiches.
When you reach the scarf, sew the head only
to the front side of the scarf.

So the white stiches will not to be seen on the

back side of the scarf.

Take the front piece of the hat and sew the

green ribbon on it with simple stiches.

Take the two hat pieces and pin them together

with the hanging loop and the Snowman head
between them. Sew the hat around with
blanket stiches. When you reach the white
head, sew only the front hat piece to the head.

Then turn the ornament and sew the back hat

piece to the head too with blanket stiches. Be
careful and do not sew to the front side again.
Before finish you can put some stuffing into
the hat if you want.

Happy creating!

I hope you will enjoy making this funny pandemic keepsake and you'll try other felt ornaments
and DIY sock animals from my Etsy shop:

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