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# GRF20407


Volume 45, Number 4, 975–985
© 2002, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Fetal Biophysical
Profile:A Critical
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, Albert
Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York

The fetal biophysical profile score is an The first pathway is a direct one: that is,
ultrasound-based method that is used to cell function alters in the presence of dimin-
evaluate the probability of a given fetus hav- ished oxygen delivery. This effect is ex-
ing or not having sufficient delivery of oxy- pressed most dramatically in neuronal tis-
gen to select primary and secondary target sue, and in particular in the collection of
organs, including the fetal brain, kidney, and neurons that form the regulatory centers
to a lesser extent lung, so as to maintain nor- controlling biophysical activities. In these
mal function. The testing method assumes regulatory centers tissue hypoxia that falls
that the biophysical outputs of select organ below a functional threshold results in an
systems, be they acute or chronic, reflect the immediate and complete cessation of the
functional integrity of that system, and con- biophysical activity regulated by that spe-
versely that the absence of the select output cific center. The evaluation of the acute bio-
variable be considered as evidence of dys- physical output of these discrete centers pro-
function until proven otherwise. Underlying vides three critical and unique interpreta-
this operating principle is the concept that tions regarding immediate fetal condition.
tissue hypoxia, of whatever diverse origin, Firstly, the observation of a normal vari-
will result in suppression or loss of normal able, both in frequency and pattern, is the ex-
function. The physiological basis to support pression of the regulatory center output, and
this testing concept is well defined in experi- implies that the center is functional and
mental models. In the fetal lamb, hypox- therefore not subject to immediate tissue
emia, induced by maternal hypoxia, placen- hypoxemia. This becomes an important piv-
tal ischemia, or both, produces profound and otal point in the use of antepartum testing,
reproducible changes in organ system func- setting the principle that a normal variable
tion.1 There are at least two functional path-
implies absence of threshold acidemia at
ways that mediate these responses (Fig. 1).
that instance in time. As always there are ex-
ceptions, and this is certainly true in regards
Correspondence: Frank A. Manning, MD, 5 Rutland
Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583.E-mail: fmanningob@aol. to acute biophysical variables in the pres-
com ence of extreme and near-lethal degrees of



FIG. 1. Fetal biophysical effect of hypoxemia on the fetus. Conditions in

parentheses refer to neonatal sequels of fetal asphyxia. CNS = central ner-
vous system, IUGR = intrauterine growth retardation, IVH = intraventricular
hemorrhage, RDS = respiratory distress syndrome. (From Manning FA. Fe-
tal biophysical profile scoring. In: Fetal Medicine, Principles and Practice.
Norwalk, CT: Appleton Lange, 1995, with permission.)

hypoxemia and acidemia (asphyxia). In fetal livery and include increased oxygen-
life, as in extrauterine life, deregulation or carrying capacity, improved oxygen release
aberrant output from regulatory centers can binding and release, and increased blood
result in the presence of an abnormal type of flow to the tissues.7 Thus, the observation of
biophysical activity. The extrauterine ex- acute normal variable, while always a reli-
amples are well-known: Cheyne-Stokes able indication of normal tissue oxygen-
breathing, generalized seizures, and athetoid ation, may not be as reliable an indicator of
rigidity. In the fetus extreme deregulation normal central PO2. It follows that the ob-
results in abnormal breathing movements, servation of a normal acute biophysical vari-
manifest as monotonous “picket-fence” able offers little if any insight into the re-
breathing, continuous breathing, and gasp- serve of the given fetus.
ing,2–4 and abnormal muscle movements, Secondly, regulatory center tissue hypox-
manifest as intrauterine seizures.5 There- emia will invariably abolish its biophysical
fore, the occurrence of a variable per se can- variable. For example, fetal breathing move-
not be taken as certain evidence of tissue ments, a normal biophysical event in fetal
normoxia, but rather it is the presence of the life and arising from signals generated by
variable in its normal state. Further, it is im- the respiratory center located in the region of
portant to recognize that regulatory centers the low midbrain, cease abruptly when the
can adapt to degrees of central hypoxemia.6 tissue P02 falls by about 8 to 10 torr.8 Thus,
This adaptation involves several mecha- it may be said with certainty that a fetus with
nisms designed to increase tissue oxygen de- tissue hypoxemia will never exhibit normal
Fetal Biophysical Profile 977

breathing movements, and hence the axiom hypoxemia.2 These chemoreceptors have an
“normal variables, normal oxygen.” How- extraordinarily high metabolic rate and to
ever, the control of the central nervous sys- remain stable and silent require constant
tem (CNS) regulatory centers is in itself perfusion with the highest oxygenated blood
complex, and it is certain that factors other in the fetal circulation (hence their location).
than hypoxemia not only can abolish an ac- In the presence of central hypoxemia and in
tivity but in fact are the most likely explana- particular with central acidemia and tissue
tion for variable absence. The regulatory acidity, these receptors begin to discharge
centers are bombarded with signals arising and send afferent traffic via the vagal nerve
from a variety of sources both within and to the cardioregulatory center. The efferent
outside the brain, and these signals modulate traffic from this center in conjunction with a
the output of the regulatory center. Suppres- rise in circulating catecholamines results in
sive signals from the reticular activating increased blood pressure, pulse rate, and
center and other higher CNS centers associ- cardiac output in the presence of selective
ated with sleep–wake cycles and in particu- organ vasoconstriction. As a result blood
lar quiet sleep are by far the most common flow to the heart, brain, thymus, and pla-
cause of absence of a given variable in a de- centa increases, whereas blood flow to al-
fined time interval. From this observation most all other organs declines, often to a pre-
flows two important corollaries: the clinical cipitous degree. Reflex vasoconstrictive
significance of an absent biophysical vari- ischemia is manifest by abnormal organ
able is a direct function of the duration of function and in particular by abnormal pro-
observation, and that to define a variable as duction. From a fetal testing perspective the
abnormally absent, the observation period critical organs in this sequence are the kid-
must at a minimum exceed the normal dura- neys and the lungs, the principal sources of
tion proportionate to the average period of a amniotic fluid. Fetal urine production falls
given sleep state (about 20 minutes) and ide- in the presence of hypoxemia/acidemia, and
ally should be at least half again as long (30 at near-lethal degrees of asphyxia urine pro-
minutes). duction ceases.10,11 In contrast, swallowing,
Thirdly, it is evident that the functional the mechanism for elimination of amniotic
threshold of regulatory neurons is not uni- fluid, is initiated and controlled by a rela-
form but rather varies between individual tively hypoxemia-resistant hindbrain regu-
centers.9 This variation may be a result of latory center. Fetal swallowing is a com-
variation in intracellular neuronal metabo- monly observed even among severely as-
lism and therefore oxygen demand, the re- phyxiated fetuses and newborns,12 and the
sult of adaptation of blood flow to increase coincidence of diminished fetal urine (amni-
total oxygen delivery, or both. In any event, otic fluid) production and normal elimina-
the stepwise variation in regulatory center tion invariably results in a decline in amni-
hypoxemia threshold provides an important otic fluid volume. The rate of decline of am-
clinical insight to the presence and severity niotic fluid volume is regulated primarily by
of the hypoxia. It is this threshold sensitivity the decline in fetal urine production, and
of acute biophysical variables that provides even with intense vasoconstriction of the re-
the unique discriminatory power and reli- nal vessels some urine production persists. It
ability of the fetal biophysical profile score is therefore exceedingly uncommon to see
method. an acute decline in amniotic fluid volume in
The reflex redistribution of cardiac out- the presence of hypoxemia, although this
put in response to central hypoxemia/aca- has been reported.13 The average time for a
demia is critical to fetal survival. This reflex fetus to progress from normal to barely ab-
is mediated by aortic arch and carotid artery normal fluid is about 15 days; the average
chemoreceptors responding primarily to time to reach severe oligohydramnios is about

23 days.10 Whereas amniotic fluid volume tween the fetal biophysical profile score and
may be the most obvious fetal sign of chronic fetal pH can be defined with precision using
hypoxemia/acidemia, it is not the only one. cordocentesis data. In these observations the
Diminished and disproportionate fetal growth interval between measurement of the fetal
is a classic finding with chronic hypox- biophysical profile score and measurement
emia/acidemia, and indeed most of the new- of antepartum fetal pH (usually venous) is
born signs of birth asphyxia can be traced back usually very short, often only a few minutes.
to the reflex redistribution of blood flow. To date, 698 paired observations of a fetal
Fetal biophysical profile scoring differs biophysical profile score and antenatal
from all other antepartum fetal testing mo- blood gas/pH have been reported,9,14–17 and
dalities in that it combines measures of the there are at least 600 more pairings that have
acute biophysical variables, fetal breathing, been compiled but not yet reported in detail.
heart rate accelerations, gross body move- This database of almost 1,300 paired obser-
ments, and fetal tone (variables that reflect vations confirms with uniformity that a nor-
the immediate fetal condition) with amniotic mal profile score is never associated with an
fluid volume (a variable that reflects the abnormal fetal pH. Conversely, there is less
chronic fetal condition). In a sense, then, conformity regarding the predictive accu-
were one able to converse with the fetus, the racy of the abnormal profile score. How-
question put by the fetal biophysical profile ever, the largest such series, involving some
score would be: How are you now, and how 493 paired observations, suggests that this
have you been in the past 1 to 2 weeks? It correlation is relatively precise9 (Fig. 2).
would appear from the data provided by the These relationships persist when the interval
biophysical variables sampled that this between testing and cord blood analysis in-
question can be answered with considerable creases and may persist even with immedi-
accuracy. ate postnatal cord blood,18 although both ac-
curacy and reliability are diminished.

What Does the Fetal

Biophysical Profile Score What Does the Fetal
Measure Directly? Biophysical Profile Score
The fetal biophysical profile score, when Measure Indirectly?
normal (ⱖ8/10), is a direct, reliable, and ex-
ceedingly accurate measure of normal tissue RISK OF PERINATAL DEATH
oxygenation and, by inference, absent cen- At least until recently, the primary reason for
tral acidemia. When abnormal (6/10 or less), and purpose of antepartum fetal testing was
the fetal biophysical profile score is a mea- to identify that fetus at risk for death in utero
sure of the probability of tissue hypoxia and and effect delivery by the safest and most
central acidemia and secondarily a measure expeditious route and in so doing avert the
of the likely degree or severity of existing tragic outcome. Clinical analysis of stillborn
central hypoxemia/acidemia (asphyxia). In- infants and of pregnancies ending in still-
terestingly, whereas the relationship be- birth indicate that at least 70% of these still-
tween individual acute biophysical variables born fetuses have evidence of intrauterine
and changes in P02 and pH are well defined growth retardation (IUGR)19 and that 90%
in animal models,3,6,8 the relationship be- or more have clinical signs of either chronic
tween composite variables (ie, the total bio- or acute on chronic compromise.20 These
physical profile score) is not reported in ani- observations imply that in many and indeed
mal experiments but is clearly defined in the most instances there will be signs of im-
human. In the human the correlation be- pending trouble and that these signs will be
Fetal Biophysical Profile 979

manifest long before stillbirth occurs. The

fetal biophysical profile score result allows
for fetuses to be classified as either having
normal blood gases and pH (normal acute
variables, normal amniotic fluid), normal
blood gases and pH secondary to compensa-
tion for hypoxemia (normal acute variable,
abnormal amniotic fluid volume), or abnor-
mal blood gases and pH of either an acute
(abnormal acute variables, normal amniotic
fluid volume) or chronic (abnormal acute
variables, decreased amniotic fluid volume)
duration. Since asphyxia is the common
mechanism for stillbirth, detection of the
presence, severity, and duration of asphyxia,
a product of fetal biophysical profile score
testing, should by inference result in a de-
crease in the frequency of stillbirth. As peri-
FIG. 2. Mean umbilical vein pH (±2 SD) val- natal asphyxia is also a contributor to neona-
ues in fetal blood obtained by cordocentesis ob- tal death, both immediate and remote, it fol-
served for each possible fetal biophysical profile lows that antenatal recognition of perinatal
(BPP) score. The mean pH did not vary between asphyxia and delivery before extremis could
scores of 10/10 and 8/10 and way always normal. reduce the neonatal death rate. The cumula-
A progressive and highly significant direct linear tive data indeed support the conclusion that
relationship was observed between abnormal
BPP scores (BPP ⱕ 6/10) and umbilical vein pH
management based on fetal biophysical pro-
(R2 = 0.912, p < .01). Asterisks denote a signifi- file scoring has a major and highly signifi-
cantly lower mean pH compared with value re- cant impact on the stillbirth rate and a less
corded for the immediately higher BPP score dramatic but nonetheless apparent effect on
(student’s t-test, p <.1) (From Manning FA, Sni- neonatal death rates, and collectively pro-
jders RJM, Harman CR. Fetal biophysical pro- duces a significant reduction in the perinatal
file scoring. VI. Correlation with antepartum mortality rate within a tested popula-
umbilical venous pH. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
tion5,21,22 (Table 1). There are no prospec-
1993;169:755, with permission.)
tive blinded clinical studies to determine if
management according to the fetal biophysi-
cal profile score will reduce perinatal mor-

TABLE 1. Perinatal Mortality and BPS: Manitoba Experience, 1979–1989

Variable Tested High Risk Nontested % Change
No. fetuses 55,661 104,337 —
Mean age at test 33.8 weeks — —
PNM (gross) 6.71 9.87 ↓32
PNM (corrected) 1.86 7.69 ↓76
SB (gross) 3.31 5.20 ↓36
SB (corrected) 1.23 4.57 ↓73
NND (gross) 3.40 4.67 ↓27
NND (corrected) 0.63 3.08 ↓80
From reference 5.

tality, and any such beneficial effect must be biophysical profile score, Dayal et al25 noted
drawn from comparison with nontested but that the shortest interval between a normal
not randomly selected low-risk controls or score was in the range of 30 minutes. This
with historical controls. Recognizing that ei- fetus developed an apparent acute cardiac
ther comparison introduces error that might arrhythmia during the testing, recovered,
not occur in a randomized trial, nonetheless and then developed a second episode and
such comparisons strongly suggest a signifi- died.
cant reduction in perinatal mortality. The positive predictive accuracy of the
Among two large comparative studies fetal biophysical profile, as expected, varies
(>9,000 cases each) the reduction in cor- directly with the test score result. A false-
rected perinatal mortality (excluding deaths positive rate of at least 75% is observed with
due to anomaly) in the tested populations as the equivocal score of 6/10, whereas the
compared with historical controls ranged most abnormal score (0/10) is almost always
from 61% to 76%.5 indicative of fetal compromise.26 The ques-
Certain aspects of antepartum fetal risk tion arises as to whether this range of predic-
evaluation by multiple variable assessment, tive accuracy is sufficiently broad to pre-
as in the fetal biophysical profile score, such clude clinical application of the testing
as the test score distribution, are in stark con- method. In the original blind study of fetal
trast to that observed with any single vari- biophysical profile scoring, perinatal death
able. Thus, for example, the probability of was observed in association with abnormal
the fetal biophysical profile score in a given test results, but even under these circum-
high-risk fetus being normal (at least 8/10, stances most fetuses survived to delivery
normal amniotic fluid) exceeds 97%, 21 and made a successful adaptation to extra-
whereas the probability of a normal (reac- uterine life. While some of these false-
tive) nonstress test is in the range of 85%.23 positive results must truly represent an over-
The high incidence of normal test results interpretation of fetal biophysical observa-
raises two critical issues. Firstly, if the test tions (eg, confusion of an extended sleep
were insensitive (that is, even in the pres- state with an asphyxial response), in most in-
ence of existing life-threatening conditions, stances the abnormal test result likely re-
fetuses were still to manifest normal bio- flects fetal adaptation to an asphyxial insult.
physical activities), then a high percentage The essence of the argument is that fetuses
of normal test results would occur. There are who adapt can and do survive, often for ex-
two powerful arguments against this sce- tended periods, and that concurrent with the
nario: a normal biophysical profile score is biophysical adaptation to asphyxia there is
never associated with concurrent acidemia, most likely an endocrine response that,
and the fetal death rate within a week of a through mechanisms not clearly defined,
normal test result is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6 initiates parturition and egress of the fetus
per 1,000 live births (a rate that is about 10% from the hostile environment. Thus, it might
of the observed perinatal mortality in any be that if the fetus can live long enough after
high-risk study population).24,25 Therefore, the insult, it can escape death. The fetal bio-
it is highly likely that the residual fetal popu- physical profile measures that phase of fetal
lation at risk despite a normal fetal biophysi- adaptation. The perinatal mortality rate is
cal profile score do not have pre-existing as- the ultimate measure of the success of the
phyxial disease but rather are exposed to ei- adaptation.
ther an acute insult (eg, accidental cord
compression, fetomaternal hemorrhage, or RISK OF PERINATAL MORBIDITY
maternal abruption). Serendipitous clinical Immediate perinatal morbidity parameters
observations support this contention. In a re- such as fetal distress in labor, delivery by ce-
cent study of fetal deaths after a normal fetal sarean section for fetal distress, Apgar
Fetal Biophysical Profile 981

scores, and birth weight centile are often

cited as measures of the accuracy of a given
testing method. Using these endpoints to un-
derscore test accuracy is a circular argu-
ment. An abnormal heart rate test, for ex-
ample a positive contraction stress test, in
mimicking labor, must have a higher inci-
dence of intrapartum heart rate abnormali-
ties (fetal distress), and indeed this is re-
ported27 (although remarkably in some stud-
ies the false-positive rate is as high as 50%).
The Apgar score is the neonatal measure of
adaptation to asphyxia, and since the imme-
diate neonatal adaptive reflex and direct re-
sponses are identical to those of the fetus, the
highly significant direct linear correlation
between the biophysical profile score and
Apgar score is predictable (Fig. 3). True
dysmature IUGR is a manifestation of
chronic fetal asphyxia and therefore must
and does correlate with the fetal biophysical
profile score. In essence, the fetal biophysi-
cal profile score reflects fetal adaptation to FIG. 3. Relationship between last BPS result,
asphyxia, and the immediate postnatal mor- incidence of intrauterine growth retardation
bidity measures reflect the consequences of (IUGR) and frequency of admission to a neona-
such adaptation. Accordingly, these two tal intensive care unit (NICU) for perinatal as-
variable sets ought to bear a direct linear re- phyxia. (From Manning FA. Fetal biophysical
lationship, and clinical observations con- profile scoring. In: Fetal Medicine, Principles
firm this fact. and Practice. Norwalk, CT: Appleton Lange,
The more important emerging issue cen- 1995:237, with permission.)
ters on the relationship between fetal as-
phyxia, adaptation, survival, and long-term
sequelae. If failed adaptation can result in fe- tainly yields a significant fall in perinatal
tal death, an undisputed fact, then there must mortality.
be degrees of failed adaptation to potentially Cerebral palsy, a nonprogressive neuro-
lethal asphyxia that bring the fetus near logic abnormality of varying severity, while
death. The critical clinical issue is whether of diverse etiology28 can be a consequence
such fetuses experience irreversible tissue of perinatal asphyxia. This condition may be
damage and whether this damage might be an ideal marker to examine the relationship
later expressed in the surviving infant. The between successful adaptation and insult
perhaps even more important corollary is and the impact of recognition and interven-
whether the recognition of fetuses with po- tion on disease prevalence. Because it is pos-
tentially damaging degrees of asphyxia and sible in Manitoba to access antepartum test-
timed intervention (usually delivery) can ing, obstetric, and long-term infant and
prevent some or all of the damage. The fetal childhood data by a common identity num-
biophysical profile score is undoubtedly ac- ber and generate a single comprehensive da-
curate in identifying fetuses with asphyxia at tabase for the entire population, it is also
the time of the test, and application of this possible to identify all cases of cerebral
test to a high-risk population almost cer- palsy (prevalence), stratify cases by timing

of insult and presumed etiology, and com- most logical for these endpoints is that the
pare these parameters between tested high- fetal biophysical profile reflects the pres-
risk and nontested low-risk patients. The in- ence and degree of acidemia, acidemia is a
cidence of cerebral palsy at age 5 years or manifestation of asphyxia, and asphyxia is
older has been reported among the offspring the cause of either death or damage.
of 26,288 high-risk mothers subjected to se- The relationship between last fetal bio-
rial antepartum testing by fetal biophysical physical profile score and adverse long-term
profile scoring and managed in part accord- outcome is not restricted to the gross and
ing to these test results.29 A highly signifi- more localized injury of cerebral palsy.
cant inverse exponential relationship be- Similar highly significant inverse exponen-
tween last test score and the incidence of ce- tial relationships are observed between men-
rebral palsy is observed (Fig. 4). The tal retardation, language development delay,
similarities between last biophysical profile cortical blindness, cortical deafness, and
score and mortality, acidemia, and cerebral poor first-grade school performance,30 and a
palsy are remarkably similar: all are expo- similar relationship has been observed for
nential, inverse, and highly significant, and attention deficit disorder in children 8 years
the curves overlap almost exactly (Fig. 5). of age or older.31 There is now increasing
While there are always alternate explana- tangential evidence to support this concept.
tions for any data set, the one that seems For example, recently it has been reported

FIG. 4. Relationship between the last biophysical score (BPS) and cere-
bral palsy (CP) at age 5 years. In these 26,288 referred high-risk fetuses
subjected to serial BPP testing, an inverse exponential and highly significant
relationship between BPP and cerebral palsy was observed. (From Manning
FA, Harman CR, Menticoglou S, et al. Fetal assessment by fetal biophysical
profile score. VI. The incidence of cerebral palsy among tested and non-
tested perinates. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;178:696, with permission.)
Fetal Biophysical Profile 983

gest that same benefit might be achieved for

cerebral palsy and other long-term end-
points. In a comparative study between
58,659 low-risk obstetric patients managed
by conventional means and without using
fetal biophysical profile scores and 26,288
high-risk patients whose management in-
cluded fetal biophysical profile score testing
and intervention for abnormal test scores,
the incidence of cerebral palsy at age 5 years
was significantly lower in the tested high-
risk group than in the nontested low-risk
group (1.33/1,000 vs. 4.74/1,000, P <
0.0001)29 (Fig. 6). These observations are in
opposition to the conventional thought that
cerebral palsy cannot be prevented or
avoided. In similar comparative studies the
incidence of mental retardation, language
development delay, cortical blindness and
deafness, and attention deficit disorders was
FIG. 5. Relationship between the last bio- significantly lower in tested high-risk fe-
physical profile and select end points including tuses than in nontested low-risk controls.
perinatal morbidity (cumulative), antepartum fe- Collectively these data imply that the clini-
tal umbilical vein acidemia (pH ⱕ 7.20), perina-
tal mortality (PNM), and cerebral palsy at age 5
years. The relationship is inverse and linear,
whereas the relationship for acidemia, death, and
cerebral palsy is inverse and exponential. The
similarity in relationships for the latter three end
points implies that each represents failed fetal
compensation and that the clinical line between
acidemia-related death and damage is likely to
be fine. (From Manning FA. Fetal biophysical
profile scoring. In: Fetal Medicine, Principles
and Practice. Norwalk, CT: Appleton Lange,
1995, with permission.)

FIG. 6. Incidence of cerebral palsy (CP) at age

5 years among 26,288 high-risk fetuses sub-
that term infants born with severe (<3d cen-
jected to serial biophysical profile (BPP) testing
tile) dysmature IUGR (a fetal adaptation to and among 58,659 contemporaneous nontested
asphyxia) are as young adults significantly predominantly low-risk patients. In the tested
more likely to either fail or not take the tests group /in whom intervention occurred for a per-
of higher education.32 sistent BPP of 6/10 or less, the CP rate was 1.33
The question of whether recognition of per 1000, compared with an observed rate of
fetal asphyxia and intervention can prevent 7.74 per 1000 in the nontested patients. These
sequelae is at the heart of all antepartum test- differences were highly significant. (From
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endpoint, it appears evident that manage- In: Fetal Medicine, Principles and Practice.
ment based on fetal biophysical profile scor- Norwalk, CT: Appleton Lange, 1995, with
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