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Select two events from the timeline that you consider as crucible experiences and explain WHY

it was so important in your life. This explanation should be at least two sentences in length.
❏ The first event that I would consider a crucible experience in my life was when my
grandmother died of cancer when I was 14 years old. She was the closest grandparent that
I had and it was the first family death I ever truly experienced. She ended up in a nursing
home when she got sick because my grandpa, who I wasn’t very close with and I was too
young to understand death at the time, had passed away a few years prior. We also live in
Virginia while she lived in Pennsylvania so we couldn’t always be there to care for her.
My grandma passing away was ultimately the reason I decided to major in nursing
because I had never experienced anything in my life up until that point that hurt me so
badly, and watching the nurse care for her and my family gave us an immense amount of
hope during those hard times.
❏ The next event that I would consider a crucible experience for me in my life was when I
was 10 years old and moved to Virginia. I lived overseas for the majority of my life up
until this point because my dad was in the Navy, so it was going to be my first time living
in the states, other than Hawaii, in a long time. I had a lot of adjustments that I had to
face moving from Japan to Virginia because I had absolutely no friends in the states, I
was starting 5th grade so most friend groups were already established, and I had been
used to living on military bases and with other people who were in the same boat as me.
Before moving to Virginia I never knew what to say when people asked me where I was
from, but after all these years and the amazing people I have met, Virginia has become
my answer.

Find an event on your timeline that would be remembered differently by someone you know.
Explain who they are and what their understanding of the situation would be in at least two
❏ An event on my timeline that will be remembered differently by someone I know would
be when I was 18 and started college at JMU. For me, I was excited to start a new chapter
in my life away from home doing my own thing and finally taking classes that would
pertain to my career when I am older. My parents on the other hand have a different
outlook on this event than I do. I am the youngest child of two and my sister had just
moved to Richmond for her job after graduating from the University of Virginia, so me
leaving home to go to JMU left my parent’s empty nesters. My mom especially took this
hard because she is a stay at home mom and is used to my sister or I being at the house
and hanging out with her, but now it was just going to be her, my dad, and my dog.
Although I know they were happy for me, I know they saw this situation in more of a sad
way than I had.
Locate two events on your timeline that seem to have a cause-effect relationship. Explain in at
least one sentence how one may have encouraged the other to happen
❏ Two events on my timeline that seemed to have a cause-effect relationship are when I
was 10 years old and moved to Virginia and when I was 11 years old and met my best
friend. Me moving to Virginia is a direct correlation to me meeting my best friend
because I met her the first Friday of fifth grade at New Castle Elementary school in
Virginia Beach, and without moving to Virginia I would never have met her. I am so
thankful that we moved to Virginia when I was 10 because I have never met a better
person before meeting her, and we are still just as close and best friends today despite
going to different colleges.

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