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Topic: Ring & Field

Roll no: 04

Class/Section: BS Math-5

Submitted to: Prof. M.Tahir Hussain

Submitted by: Arslan Nasir

1) The set of residue classes (modulo n) is a ring without zero divisor wrto addition and
multiplication, iff
a) n is prime
b) n is even
c) n is odd
d) none of these
2) A boolean ring ____
a) Is commutative
b) Has a unity
c) Has zero divisor
d) None of these
3) All integral domain S is
a) field when S is finite
b) always a field
c) never field
d) none of these
4) A division ring has atleast
a) three elements
b) two elements
c) one element
d) none of these
5) if ( R, +, . ) is a ring then that x.x =x ∀ x∈R, then
a) x + x ≠ 0
b) x + y = 0 ⇒ x = y
c) x≠y ⇒ x + y = 0
d) none of these
6) An integral domain
a) necessarily possesses multiplicative inverse its non-zero elements
b) Is a Icommutative ring
c) Is a division ring
d) none of these
7) The ring at integrals is also a
a) field
b) integral domain
c) division ring
d) none of these
8) A ring of even integers is also a
a) field
b) division ring
c) integral domain
d) none of these
9) The condition for non-existence of zero divisor is
a) a2 =a ∀ a∈ R
b) the cellation law holds for multiplication in R
c) (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2,∀a,b∈R(a+b)
d) none of these
10) The ring Z of integers (mod p) is an integral domain iff
a) p is a positive integer
b) p is purely even numbers
c) p is odd
d) p is prime
11) The set of residue classes mod m (m∈N) is a ring wrto addition and multiplication for
a) m composite
b) m prime
c) m even
d) m any +ve integer
12) The set of residue classes mod m (m∈N) is a without zero divisors under addition and
multiplication for
a) m prime
b) m odd
c) m any integer
d) m composite
13) If R is a system such that it is a group under addition and multiplication, obeys the
closure and distributive laws, then
a) R need not be a ring
b) R has to be a ring
c) R is not a ring
d) R is necessarily a field
14) Which of the following integral domain is not ordered?
a) The integere
b) The rational numbers
c) The real numbers
d) The complex numbers
15) Which of the following is not a prime field?
a) The set of rational numbers
b) The set of residue classes mod 5
c) The set of residue classes mod 6
d) All of the above

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