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HSK Vocab Review by Chinese2020.

Vocab Flashcards. Vocab Review A~Z. Vocab Review by POS.
Vocab Test: 汉字. Vocab Test: Picture. Vocab Test: Sound. Vocab Test: Strokes.

Level 5 - Word 451~600

记录 【451】jì lù: record

记忆 【452】jì yì: memories; remember; memory

纪录 【453】jì lù: record

纪律 【454】jì lǜ: discipline

纪念 【455】jì niàn: to commemorate; to remember

寂寞 【456】jì mò: lonely; lonesome; quiet; silent

夹子 【457】jiā zi: clip; clamp; tongs; folder; wallet

家庭 【458】jiā tíng: family; household

家务 【459】jiā wù: household duties; housework

家乡 【460】jiā xiāng: hometown; native place

嘉宾 【461】jiā bīn: esteemed guest; honored guest

甲 【462】jiǎ: first; armor plating; shell or carapace; nail

价值 【463】jià zhí: value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc)

驾驶 【464】jià shǐ: to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive

假如 【465】jiǎ rú: if

假装 【466】jiǎ zhuāng: to feign; to pretend

嫁 【467】jià: (of a woman) to marry; to marry off a daughter; to shift (blame etc)

尖锐 【468】jiān ruì: sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness)

坚决 【469】jiān jué: firm; resolute; determined

坚强 【470】jiān qiáng: staunch; strong

肩膀 【471】jiān bǎng: shoulder

艰巨 【472】jiān jù: arduous; terrible (task); very difficult; formidable

艰苦 【473】jiān kǔ: difficult; hard; arduous

煎 【474】jiān: to pan fry; to sauté

捡 【475】jiǎn: to pick up; to collect; to gather

剪刀 【476】jiǎn dāo: scissors

简历 【477】jiǎn lì: Curriculum Vitae (CV); résumé (resume); biographical notes

简直 【478】jiǎn zhí: simply; at all; practically

建立 【479】jiàn lì: to establish; to set up; to found

建设 【480】jiàn shè: to build; to construct; construction; constructive

建 【481】jiàn
yì: to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion;


建筑 【482】jiàn zhù: to construct; building

健身房 【483】jiàn shēn fáng: gym; gymnasium

键盘 【484】jiàn pán: keyboard

讲究 【485】jiǎng jiu: to pay particular attention to; exquisite

讲座 【486】jiǎng zuò: a course of lectures

降落 【487】jiàng luò: to descend; to land

酱油 【488】jiàng yóu: soy sauce

交换 【489】jiāo huàn: to exchange; to swap; to commute

交际 【490】jiāo jì: communication; social intercourse

郊区 【491】jiāo qū: suburban district; outskirts; suburbs

浇 【492】jiāo: to pour liquid, to water, to mold

胶水 【493】jiāo shuǐ: glue

角度 【494】jiǎo dù: angle; point of view

角色 【495】jiǎo sè: persona; character in a novel

狡猾 【496】jiǎo huá: crafty; cunning; sly

教材 【497】jiào cái: teaching material

教练 【498】jiào liàn: instructor; sports coach; trainer

教训 【499】jiào xun: a lesson; a moral; to chide sb; to lecture sb

阶段 【500】jiē duàn: stage; section; phase; period

接触 【501】jiē chù: to touch; to contact; access; in touch with

接待 【502】jiē dài: to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow sb to enter)

接近 【503】jiē jìn: to approach; to get close to

接 【504】jiē zhe: to catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow;

to carry on; then; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn

节 save
【505】jié: festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to

节省 【506】jié shěng: saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on

结构 【507】jié gòu: structure; composition; makeup; architecture

结合 【508】jié hé: to combine; to link; to integrate; binding

结论 【509】jié lùn: conclusion; verdict; to conclude; to reach a verdict

结实 【510】jiē shí: to bear fruit

结账 【511】jié zhàng: to pay the bill; to settle accounts

解放 【512】jiě fàng: to liberate; to emancipate; liberation

解说员 【513】jiě shuō yuán: commentator

戒烟 【514】jiè yān: to give up smoking

戒指 【515】jiè zhi: (finger) ring

届 【516】jiè: period, classifier for events meetings etc

借口 【517】jiè kǒu: to use as an excuse; on the pretext

金属 【518】jīn shǔ: metal

紧 to tighten
【519】jǐn: tight; strict; close at hand; near; urgent; tense; hard up; short of money;

紧急 【520】jǐn jí: urgent; emergency

谨慎 【521】jǐn shèn: cautious; prudent

尽力 【522】jìn lì: to strive ones hardest; to spare no effort

尽量 【523】jìn liàng: as much as possible; to the greatest extent

近代 【524】jìn dài: modern times

进步 【525】jìn bù: progress; improvement; to improve; to progress

进口 【526】jìn kǒu: to import; imported

经典 【527】jīng diǎn: the classics; scriptures; classical

经营 【528】jīng yíng: to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate

精力 【529】jīng lì: energy

景色 【530】jǐng sè: scenery; scene; landscape; view

敬爱 【531】jìng ài: respect and love

酒吧 【532】jiǔ bā: bar; pub; saloon

救 【533】jiù: to save; to assist; to rescue

救护车 【534】jiù hù chē: ambulance

舅舅 【535】jiù jiu: mothers brother; maternal uncle (informal)

居然 【536】jū rán: unexpectedly; to ones surprise; go so far as to

桔子 【537】jú zi: tangerine

举 【538】jǔ: to lift, hold up, cite, enumerate, act, choose, elect

巨大 【539】jù dà: huge; immense; very large; tremendous; gigantic; enormous

具 【540】jù bèi: to possess; to have; equipped with; able to fulfill (conditions or


具体 【541】jù tǐ: concrete; definite; specific

俱乐部 【542】jù lè bù: club (i.e. a group or organization)

据说 【543】jù shuō: it is said that; reportedly

聚会 【544】jù huì: party; gathering; to meet; to get together

捐 【545】juān: to contribute; to donate; contribution; tax; to abandon

卷 【546】juǎn: to roll up; roll

决赛 【547】jué sài: finals of a competition

决 【548】juéxīn: determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to

make up ones mind

绝对 【549】jué duì: absolute; unconditional

军事 【550】jūn shì: military affairs; military matters; military

均匀 【551】jūn yún: even; well-distributed; homogeneous

卡车 【552】kǎ chē: truck

开 【553】kāi fā: to exploit (a resource); to open up (for development); to


开 【554】kāi fàng: to bloom; to open; to be open-minded; to be open (to the

public); to open up (to the outside)

开幕式 【555】kāi mù shì: opening ceremony

开心 【556】kāi xīn: feel happy, rejoice, have a great time, make fun of sb

砍 【557】kǎn: to chop; to cut down

看不起 【558】kàn bu qǐ: to look down upon; to despise

看来 【559】kàn lai: apparently; it seems that; it appears; it seems

抗议 【560】kàng yì: protest

烤鸭 【561】kǎo yā: roast duck

颗 etc
【562】kē: classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites

可 【563】kě jiàn: it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear;

clear; visible

可靠 【564】kě kào: reliable

可怕 【565】kě pà: awful, dreadful, fearful, frightful, terrible

克 【566】kè: gram;overcome, subdue, restrain

克 【567】kè fú: (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to


刻苦 【568】kè kǔ: hardworking; assiduous

客观 【569】kè guān: objective; impartial

客厅 【570】kè tīng: drawing room (room for arriving guests); living room

课程 【571】kè chéng: course; class

空间 【572】kōng jiān: space

空闲 【573】kòng xián: idle; free time; leisure

恐怖 【574】kǒng bù: terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist

控制 【575】kòng zhì: control; to exercise control over; to contain

口味 【576】kǒu wèi: a persons preferences; tastes (in food); flavor

夸 【577】kuā: to boast; to exaggerate; to praise

矿泉水 【578】kuàng quán shuǐ: mineral spring water

蜡烛 【579】là zhú: candle

辣椒 【580】là jiāo: hot pepper; chili

来自 【581】lái zì: yo come from, from

拦 【582】lán: cut off; hinder

【583】làn: soft;mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn
out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly

狼 【584】láng: wolf

劳动 【585】láo dòng: work; toil; physical labor

劳驾 【586】láo jià: excuse me

老百姓 【587】lǎo bǎi xìng: ordinary people; the "person in the street"

老板 【588】lǎo bǎn: boss, business proprietor

老实 【589】lǎo shí: honest; sincere; open and guileless; naive

老鼠 【590】lǎo shǔ: rat; mouse

姥姥 【591】lǎo lao: (informal) mothers mother; maternal grandmother

乐观 【592】lè guān: optimistic; hopeful

雷 【593】léi: thunder; (internet slang) terrifying; terrific

类 【594】lèi: kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble

厘米 【595】lí mǐ: centimeter

梨 【596】lí: pear

离婚 【597】lí hūn: to divorce; divorced from (ones spouse)

礼拜天 【598】lǐ bài tiān: Sunday

理论 【599】lǐ lùn: theory

理由 【600】lǐ yóu: reason; grounds; justification

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