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HSK Vocab Review by Chinese2020.

Vocab Flashcards. Vocab Review A~Z. Vocab Review by POS.
Vocab Test: 汉字. Vocab Test: Picture. Vocab Test: Sound. Vocab Test: Strokes.

Level 5 - Word 301~450

改善 【301】gǎi shàn: to make better; to improve

改正 【302】gǎi zhèng: to correct; to amend; to put right; correction

盖 【303】gài: lid; top; cover; canopy; to build

概括 【304】gài kuò: to summarize; to generalize; briefly

概念 【305】gài niàn: concept; idea

干 【306】gān cuì: straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might

as well; simply

干活儿 【307】gàn huó r: to work; manual labor

赶紧 【308】gǎn jǐn: hurriedly

赶快 【309】gǎn kuài: at once; immediately

感激 【310】gǎn jī: to be grateful; to appreciate; thankful

感受 【311】gǎn shòu: to sense, perception, to feel, an impression, an experience

感想 【312】gǎn xiǎng: impressions; reflections; thoughts

钢铁 【313】gāng tiě: steel

高档 【314】gāo dàng: superior quality; high grade; top grade

高速公路 【315】gāo sù gōng lù: expressway; highway; freeway

搞 【316】gǎo: to do; to make; to go in for; to set up; to get hold of; to take care of

告别 【317】gào bié: to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to

胳膊 【318】gē bo: arm

鸽子 【319】gē zi: pigeon; dove

革命 【320】gé mìng: revolution; revolutionary (politics)

格外 【321】gé wài: especially; particularly

隔壁 【322】gé bì: next door; neighbor

个别 【323】gè bié: individual; specific; respective; just one or two

个人 【324】gè rén: individual, personal, oneself

个性 【325】gè xìng: individuality; personality

各自 【326】gè zi: each; respective; apiece

根 【327】gēn: root;measure word for long things

根本 【328】gēn běn: fundamental, basic; root; simply, at all

更加 【329】gèng jiā: more (than sth else); even more

工厂 【330】gōng chǎng: factory

工程师 【331】gōng chéng shī: engineer

工人 【332】gōng rén: worker

工业 【333】gōng yè: industry

公布 【334】gōng bù: to announce; to make public; to publish

公开 【335】gōng kāi: public; to publish; to make public

公平 【336】gōng píng: fair; impartial

公寓 【337】gōng yù: apartment building; block of flats

公元 【338】gōng yuán: (year) AD; Christian era

公主 【339】gōng zhǔ: princess

功夫 【340】gōng fu: skill; art; kung fu; labor; effort

功能 【341】gōng néng: function; capability

贡献 【342】gòng xiàn: to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution

沟通 【343】gōu tōng: to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate

构成 【344】gòu chéng: to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up

姑姑 【345】gū gu: paternal aunt

姑娘 【346】gū niang: girl; young woman; young lady; daughter

古代 【347】gǔ dài: ancient times; olden times

古典 【348】gǔ diǎn: classical

古老 【349】gǔ lǎo: ancient; old; age-old

股票 【350】gǔ piào: share; stock (market)

骨头 【351】gǔ tou: bone; strong character

鼓舞 【352】gǔ wǔ: heartening (news); boost (morale)

固定 【353】gù dìng: fixed; set; regular

固体 【354】gù tǐ: solid

雇佣 【355】gù yōng: to employ; to hire

挂号 【356】guà hào: to register

【357】guāi: (of a child) obedient, well-behaved; clever; shrewd; alert; perverse;
contrary to reason; irregular; abnormal

拐弯 【358】guǎi wān: to go round a curve; to turn a corner; fig. a new direction

怪不得 【359】guài bu de: lit. you cant blame it!; no wonder!; so thats why!

关闭 【360】guān bì: to close; to shut

关 【361】guān huái : care; solicitude; to show care for; concerned about;

attentive to

观 【362】guān chá: to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation;

view; perspective

观点 【363】guān diǎn: point of view; viewpoint; standpoint

观 【364】guān niàn: notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general

官 【365】guān: official; government; organ of body

冠军 【366】guàn jūn: champion

管子 【367】guǎn zi: tube; pipe; drinking straw

罐头 【368】guàn tou: tin; can

光滑 【369】guāng hua: glossy; sleek; smooth

光 【370】guāng lín: (honorific) Welcome!; You honor us with your presence.; It is

an honor to have you.

光 【371】guāng míng: light; illumination; radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc);

fig. bright prospect; openhearted

光盘 【372】guāng pán: compact disc; CD or DVD; CD ROM

光荣 【373】guāng róng: honor and glory; glorious

广场 【374】guǎng chǎng: public square; plaza

广 【375】guǎng dà: (of an area) vast or extensive; large-scale; widespread; (of

people) numerous

广泛 【376】guǎng fàn: extensive; wide range

规 【377】guī ju: lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule;

customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved

规 【378】guī lǜ: rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm;


规模 【379】guī mó: scale; scope; extent

规则 【380】guī zé: rule; regulation; rules and regulations

柜台 【381】guì tái: sales counter; front desk; bar

滚 【382】gǔn: to boil; to roll; get lost (imperative); take a hike

锅 【383】guō: pot; pan; boiler

国籍 【384】guó jí: nationality

国庆节 【385】Guó qìng jié: PRC National Day (October 1st)

果实 【386】guǒ shí: fruit; gains

过分 【387】guò fèn: excessive; undue; overly

过敏 【388】guò mǐn: to be allergic; allergy

过 【389】guò qī: to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; to expire (as in

expiration date)

哈 【390】hā: laughter, yawn

海关 【391】hǎi guān: customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)

海鲜 【392】hǎi xiān: seafood

喊 【393】hǎn: shout, call, cry

豪华 【394】háo huá: luxurious

好奇 【395】hào qí: curious, curiosity

合法 【396】hé fǎ: lawful; legitimate; legal

合理 【397】hé lǐ: rational; reasonable; fair

合同 【398】hé tong: (business) contract

合影 【399】hé yǐng: joint photo; group photo

合作 【400】hé zuò: to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation

何必 【401】hé bì: there is no need; why should

何况 【402】hé kuàng: much less; let alone

和平 【403】hé píng: peace

核心 【404】hé xīn: core; nucleus

恨 【405】hèn: to hate; to regret

横 【406】héng: horizontal; across; (horizontal character stroke)

后果 【407】hòu guǒ: consequences; aftermath

呼吸 【408】hū xī: to breathe

忽视 【409】hū shì: to neglect; to ignore

胡说 【410】hú shuō: to talk nonsense; drivel

胡同 【411】hú tòng: lane; alley

胡须 【412】hú xū: beard

壶 【413】hú: pot

糊涂 【414】hú tu: muddled; silly; confused

蝴蝶 【415】hú dié: butterfly

花生 【416】huā shēng: peanut; groundnut

华裔 【417】huá yì: ethnic Chinese; non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry

滑冰 【418】huá bīng: to skate; skating

化学 【419】huà xué: chemistry; chemical

划船 【420】huá chuán: to row a boat; rowing boat; rowing (sport)

话题 【421】huà tí: subject; topic

怀念 【422】huái niàn: to cherish the memory of; to think of; reminisce

缓 【423】huǎn jiě: to blunt; to dull; to ease; to help relieve (a crisis); to alleviate


幻想 【424】huàn xiǎng: delusion; fantasy

慌张 【425】huāng zhāng: confused; flustered

皇帝 【426】huáng dì: emperor

皇后 【427】huáng hòu: empress; imperial consort

黄瓜 【428】huáng guā: cucumber

黄金 【429】huáng jīn: gold

灰 【430】huī: ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected

灰尘 【431】huī chén: dust

灰心 【432】huī xīn: lose heart; be discouraged

恢 【433】huī fù: to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to


【434】huī: to wave; to brandish; to wipe away; to command; to conduct; to
scatter; to disperse

汇率 【435】huì lǜ: exchange rate

会计 【436】kuài jì: accountant; accountancy; accounting

婚礼 【437】hūn lǐ: wedding ceremony; wedding

婚姻 【438】hūn yīn: matrimony; wedding; marriage

活跃 【439】huó yuè: active; vigorous

火柴 【440】huǒ chái: match (for lighting fire)

伙伴 【441】huǒ bàn: partner; companion; comrade

机器 【442】jī qì: machine

肌肉 【443】jī ròu: muscle; flesh

基本 【444】jī běn: basic; fundamental; main; elementary

激烈 【445】jī liè: intense; acute; fierce

及格 【446】jí gé: to pass a test

急忙 【447】jí máng: hastily

集体 【448】jí tǐ: collective; social; team

集 【449】jízhōng: to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized;

concentrated; to put together
计算 【450】jì suàn: to count; to calculate; to compute

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