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HSK Vocab Review by Chinese2020.

Vocab Flashcards. Vocab Review A~Z. Vocab Review by POS.
Vocab Test: 汉字. Vocab Test: Picture. Vocab Test: Sound. Vocab Test: Strokes.

Level 6 - Word 2401~2500

周密 【2401】zhōu mì: careful; thorough

周年 【2402】zhōu nián: anniversary; annual

周期 【2403】zhōu qī: period; cycle

周折 【2404】zhōu zhé: complication; twists and turns; problem; setback

周 【2405】zhōu zhuǎn: turnover (in cash or personnel); to have enough resources

to cover a need; also written 周轉|周转

粥 【2406】zhōu: congee; gruel; porridge

昼 【2407】zhòu yè: day and night; period of 24 hours; continuously, without


皱纹 【2408】zhòu wén: wrinkle

【2409】zhū: tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; to
involve others (in shady business)

诸位 【2410】zhū wèi: (pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs

逐年 【2411】zhú nián: year after year; with each passing year; over the years

主办 【2412】zhǔ bàn: to organize; to host (a conference or sports event)

主导 【2413】zhǔ dǎo: to lead; to manage

主管 【2414】zhǔ guǎn: in charge; responsible for

主 【2415】zhǔ liú: main stream (of a river); fig. the essential point; main

viewpoint of a matter

主权 【2416】zhǔ quán: sovereignty

主题 【2417】zhǔ tí: theme; subject

拄 【2418】zhǔ: to lean on; to prop on

住宅 【2419】zhù zhái: residence; tenement

助理 【2420】zhù lǐ: assistant

助手 【2421】zhù shǒu: assistant; helper

注射 【2422】zhù shè: injection; to inject

注视 【2423】zhù shì: to watch attentively; to gaze

注 【2424】zhù shì: marginal notes; annotation; to annotate; to add comments

to text

注重 【2425】zhù zhòng: to pay attention to; to emphasize

驻扎 【2426】zhù zhā: to station; to garrison (troops)

著作 【2427】zhù zuò: to write; literary work; book; article; writings

铸造 【2428】zhù zào: to cast (pour metal into a mold)

拽 【2429】zhuài: to pull; to tug at (sth)

专长 【2430】zhuān cháng: specialty; special knowledge or ability

专程 【2431】zhuān chéng: special-purpose trip

专 【2432】zhuān kē: specialized subject; branch (of medicine); specialized

training school

专利 【2433】zhuān lì: patent

专题 【2434】zhuān tí: special topic

砖瓦 【2435】zhuān wǎ: tiles and bricks

转达 【2436】zhuǎn dá: to pass on; to convey; to communicate

转 【2437】zhuǎn ràng: transfer (technology, goods etc); conveyancing


转 【2438】zhuǎn yí: to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to

transform; metastasis (medicine)
转 【2439】zhuǎn zhé: shift in the trend of events; plot shift in a book; twists and


庄严 【2440】zhuāng yán: stately

庄重 【2441】zhuāng zhòng: grave; solemn; dignified

装备 【2442】zhuāng bèi: equipment; to equip; to outfit

装 【2443】zhuāng xiè: to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble and


壮观 【2444】zhuàng guān: spectacular; magnificent sight

壮丽 【2445】zhuàng lì: magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious

壮烈 【2446】zhuàng liè: brave; heroic

幢 【2447】zhuàng: classifier for buildings

追悼 【2448】zhuī dào: mourning; memorial (service etc)

追究 【2449】zhuī jiū: investigate; look into

准则 【2450】zhǔn zé: norm; standard; criterion

卓 【2451】zhuó yuè: distinction; excellence; outstanding; surpassing;

distinguished; splendid

着迷 【2452】zháo mí: to be fascinated; to be captivated

着手 【2453】zhuó shǒu: to put ones hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out

着 【2454】zhuó xiǎng: to give thought (to others); to consider (other peoples


着重 【2455】zhuó zhòng: put emphasis on; to stress; to emphasize

琢磨 【2456】zuó mo: to ponder; to mull over; to think through

姿态 【2457】zī tài: attitude; posture; stance

资本 【2458】zī běn: capital (as in capitalism)

资产 【2459】zī chǎn: property; assets

资 【2460】zī shēn: senior (in terms of depth of accumulated experience); deeply


资助 【2461】zī zhù: to subsidize; to provide financial aid; subsidy

滋长 【2462】zī zhǎng: to grow (usually of abstract things); to yield; to develop

滋味 【2463】zī wèi: taste; flavor; feeling

子弹 【2464】zǐ dàn: bullet

字母 【2465】zì mǔ: letter (of the alphabet)

自卑 【2466】zì bēi: feeling inferior; self-abased

自发 【2467】zì fā: spontaneous

自力更 【2468】zì lì gēng shēng: regeneration through ones own effort

(idiom); self-reliance

自满 【2469】zì mǎn: complacent; self-satisfied

自主 【2470】zì zhǔ: independent; to act for oneself; autonomous

宗旨 【2471】zōng zhǐ: objective; aim; goal

棕色 【2472】zōng sè: brown

踪迹 【2473】zōng jì: tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige

总而言之 【2474】zǒng ér yán zhī: in short; in a word; in brief

总和 【2475】zǒng hé: sum

纵 【2476】zòng héng: lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal;

length and breadth; criss-crossed; able to move unhindered

走 【2477】zǒu láng: corridor; aisle; hallway; colonnade; passageway; piazza;


走漏 【2478】zǒu lòu: to leak (of information, liquid etc); to divulge

走私 【2479】zǒu sī: to smuggle; to have an illicit affair

揍 【2480】zòu: to beat up; to break to pieces

租赁 【2481】zū lìn: to rent; to lease; to hire

足以 【2482】zú yǐ: sufficient to...; so much so that; so that

阻碍 【2483】zǔ ài: to obstruct; to hinder; to block

阻拦 【2484】zǔ lán: to stop; to obstruct

阻挠 【2485】zǔ náo: to thwart; to obstruct (sth)

组 【2486】zǔ: a row, a line; to set in order, to arrange, to eliminate

祖父 【2487】zǔ fù: fathers father; paternal grandfather

钻石 【2488】zuàn shí: diamond

钻研 【2489】zuān yán: to study meticulously; to delve into

嘴唇 【2490】zuǐ chún: lip

尊严 【2491】zūn yán: dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty

遵循 【2492】zūn xún: to follow; to abide by; to comply with; compliance

左 【2493】zuǒ yòu: left and right; approximately; attendant; to control; to


作弊 【2494】zuò bì: to practice fraud, to cheat, to engage in corrupt practices

作废 【2495】zuò fèi: to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to nullify

作风 【2496】zuò fēng: style; style of work; way

作息 【2497】zuò xī: work and rest

座右铭 【2498】zuò yòu míng: motto; maxim

做东 【2499】zuò dōng: to act as host

做 【2500】zuò zhǔ: make the decision; take charge of; back up; support; be


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