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 Common Noun
A common noun is a name of non-specific or a common thing, place or a person.

Examples : “ book, pen, room, garden, man,girl,camera,boy,school,etc” are common nouns

because each of them is a common thing,place or person. Common noun refers to a group of
items. It does not refer to any specific item.


1. He eats an apple daily.

In the above sentence, the noun ‘apple; is used as a common noun. The noun ‘apple’ points to a
group of fruits. It does not refer to a specific apple; in this sentence the term apple is not
specified but used as a common noun which refers to a common apple and not any specific

2. She bought a camera .

In the above sentence, the noun ‘camera’ is a common noun. This noun ‘camera’ is used a
generalized term that does not refer to any specific camera but it can be simply any camera.

 Proper Noun
A name of specific or a particular thing, person or place, is called a proper noun. A word
of poper noun is always written with a capital letter as the first letter of the word.

Example: “ Limousine Car, New York, Newton, Einstein, July,Monday,etc” are some proper
nouns because each of them refers to a specific thing, place or person.

The above noun’s does not refers to common things, but to a particular thing. The word ‘month’
is a common noun because it can be any month of the year. But the word ‘July’ is a proper noun
because it refers to only one (specific) month of the year. Similarly,the word ‘car’ is a common
noun as it is a generalized word and can be any car. On the other hand, BMW car is a specific
noun because it refers to one specific car.

The first letter of a proper noun is always capitalized.


 They live in London.

 She loves Mike.
 The owner of Microsoft Company is Bill Gates.
 Laws of motion were presented by Newton.

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