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NOTE: I downloaded this a few years back. Don't remember who to credit the the work.

This download
contains a 2.79gb iso and a winrar file containing the replacement dll files and the certificates files for both
Darbuka and Latigo. I managed to get the dll and certificates from a keygen torrent on TPB. Plus I
included screen shots of the install. I have had successfull installs on (XP sp3, Vista sp1, Win7 32bit and
64bit) and all of them worked. My host is FL Studio. I don't know about using any other host.

Installation Instructions.

Short version:

1) Mount iso. (2) Install Darbuka or Latigo. (3) Replace dll files with the ones provided.
(4) Copy certificate to Data folder. (5) Reboot. Done.

Detailed version:

1) Disabling internet connection and antivirus software is a good habit to get into before installing any
software aquired through P2P (torrent) sites.

2) I took screenshots during the install (in Win7 32bit), so check them out before starting.

3) Mount Darbuka Latigo iso. (I used power iso). I have a pc so the instructions are for a pc. It does have
a OS X folder but since I don't have a Mac, I don't know about the Mac install. This install will be for
Darbuka but the Latigo install is identical.Open the pc folder on the iso and click on the Darbuka
setup.exe. For Vista or Win7 I right clicked on the Darbuka setup.exe and ran as administrator.

4) By default the program will install in "Program Files\Stienberg\Vstplugins" folder and if you
don't have a Stienberg folder it will create one. So change the default install folder to where ever
your vstplugins folder is located. Refer to screenshots.

5) After install is complete do not reboot. Decompress winrar file and you will see a Darbuka and
Latigo folder. Each one contains a .dll file and a certificate file.

6) Go to (in my case) Program Files\VstPlugins\Wizoo folder (or where ever your vstplugins folder is
located) and replace the original "Darbuka.dll" file in the Wizoo folder with the one from the Darbuka
folder that you just decompressed. If you can't find the Wizoo folder in your VstPlugins folder, search for

7) Copy "Darbuka.WizooCertificate" file from the Darbuka folder that you just decompressed to (in my
case) Program Files\VstPlugins\Wizoo\Darbuka Data folder.

8) Reboot.

9) Enable internet connection and antivirus.


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