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Language is a Cake.

Language is the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured
and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing or gesture. On the other hand, when you think
about desert, what goes first into your mind is cake. In order to have a delicious cake you need to
prepare all the ingredients and should be well-measured according to recipe. In preparing the cake you
need to separate the dry and wet ingredients then mix together gently until combined. Bake at the exact
temperature required. Over baked will burn the cake, under bake will give you a saggy cake. Lastly, the
presentation of the cake with icing and cherry on top. In language teaching, you need understand the
purpose of each ingredient that makes a cake, same goes with language you need to understand the
fundamental principles. By baking in the right temperature you will have a delicious cake, like language
teaching it must be structured in a way that the students / learners can adopt easily. The presentation of
a cake, how you sliced it, neatly placed on the plate with fork & napkin will enticed more to eat, just like
language it should be presented in a way or manner that is attractive to students and boosts their
interest to learn.

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