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I.E.S. Ben Arabi Depto.


Phrasal verbs and their corresponding verb

Informal Formal Examples

To come across (Insep)  Encounter I came across an old friend of mine while visiting Cork.
To stand by (Insep)  Support When I am in trouble,will you stand by me?
To sum up (Sep)  Summarise To sum up,I think smoking should be banned .
To let down (Sep) Disappoint I´ll do everything I can to help you.I won´t let you down.
To run after (Insep)Chase The shopkeeper ran after the thief who had stolen the goods.
To call off (Sep)Cancel They called the deal off in the very last minute.
To turn on(Insep)Attack The dog turned on the postman and bit him on the thigh.
To turn on (Sep) Excite George Clooney is so good looking! He surely turns me on.
To bring up (Sep)Educate,Mention He promised to bring the matter up at the next meeting.
He was brought up in a very strict boarding school.
To cut off(Sep)Disconnect The company has cut off the gas supply because I hadn´t paid
To carry on(Insep)Continue She was asked to stop working and carry on with her work.
To ask for (Sep)Request He was given the sack because he asked for a rise in salary.
To leave out (Sep)omit In relative clauses,you can sometimes leave the relative out.
To lock up (Sep)Imprison The police have locked him up for a lifetime.
To speed up (Sep)Accelerate I told him to speed up because I wanted to take over the car.
To send back(Sep)Return Could you send the letter back to the address at the top?
To work out (Sep)Calculate The trip is very expensive.I´ll have to work the cost out.
To get out of (Sep)Vacate The asked the guests to get out of the hotel.
To find out(Sep)Discover I don´t know her name and I can´t find it out.
To turn down (Sep)Reject He applied for the job but they turned him down.
To set off (Insep)Depart We intend to set off tomorrow at dawn.
To run into (Insep)Meet by chance I ran into your aunt at the shopping centre.
To held up ((Sep)Delay We were held up on that traffic jam for nearly one hour.
To hang on (Insep)Wait Hang on a momment! I´ll put you through.
To send in(Sep)Submit Do you mean that you sent in the letter to the wrong
address ?
To fill in(Sep)Complete Here is the application form.Could you fill it in?
To own up (Insep)Confess He broke the lamp but refused to own up to it.
To make up (Sep) Invent That isn´t the true story.He has made it up.
To make off(Insep)Escape The thieves managed to get away with all the money.
To get away(Insep)Escape

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