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The Mew Jpex’ TE KNITTING ~~), © BOOK Ww). FOR BABY Noll. “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 Tie New Fook 6” Ten Knitting Books for Baby---6d. each. The Famous Sixpenny Books of Delightful Designs—Published by “ The New Idea.” ‘More copies of the delightful Sixpenny Knitting Books for Baby—published by “The New Idea "—have been sold in Australia and New Zealand than any others. 2 Because the designs are up-to-date and simple, and created by the leading experts of Australia ‘There are ten Knitting Books for Baby in this series—each Gistinet from the other and with a wealth of attractive designs with full directions. ‘To get one, or more, of “The New Idea” Knitting Books for Baby, ask your newsagent to show you the complete range of ten —sold for sixpence each, They will delight you! If you wish to get one or more sixpenny books by post, send ‘Ta. in stamps for each book to “The New Idea,” 230-236 Stanley Street, West Melbourne, C.3, Victoria, and state the number of the book required (from Nos. 1 to 10). © Fichivinx @ LOB TING Knilling Book BOOKS FOR cue oo: BABY. Each Rich in Latest Designs and Sold Everywhere for 6d. Each. “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 BABY’S SET KNITTED IN CREPE CROCHET ‘Materials Required for Complete Set.—2 only 2-0z hanks of crepe ferochet silly 1 pair No. 10 knitting needles; 44 yds. of ribbon Measurements —The Coat: Length from shoulder to lower edge, 12 ins.; width all round bottom, "34, ins. Bonnet: ‘Width all round front, 12 ins Bootes: Length from top to heel, 5 inches. Abbreviations, kit; sts, stitehes; p, purl tog,, together; m 1, make 1. ‘Tension—7 sts to 1 inch; 9 rows to 1 inch. PLETED KNITTED MATINEE COAT IN SILK. THE CoAT. Cast on 217 sts, and knit first row into backs of sts. Next Row—Pur. Now work in pattern as follows: Ist Row—* K 1, m 1, k 4, 3 tox, keh m TF Fepeat from &, ending with Next Row-—Repeat trom * in Ist row onee, * k 2 tog, 2 tog, Ke 1 Fepeat from * until 18 ste remain, ke 1, m4, ke 4, ke 3 tog, ke 4, m 1, ke Next Row.—Purl 41'sts Next Row-—K 1, * m 1, k 2 tog. repeat from * to end. Next Row—Purl Next Rew—K 1, m 1, k 4, k 3 tog, ke 4m 1, knit until 12 sts remain, mi, kk 3 tog, hed, m 1, kT Next Rew.—Put. Repeat last 2 rows twice Next Row-—K 1, m 1, Ic 4, kc 3 tog, 4, m1, k 21, k 2 tog, turn, leaving remaining sts on spare needle. ‘Next Row.—Purl 2 tog. p to end. Next Row.—K 1, m 1, k'd, 8 tog ke 4, 1, keuntil 2'sts remain, k 2 tog Next Row.—P 2 tog. to end Repeat last 2 rows until 28 sts remain. Next Row—K 1, m 1, k 4, 8 tog., k 4m 1, K to ena, Next Row.—Purl Repeat last 2 rows until 92 rows have been completed above the ribbon holes at waist, ending with a purl row. ‘Next Row.—-Cast off 12 sts, k to end. Row—Purl, Next Row. ‘Next Row—Purl. Cast off. Next Knit. SILK. Consisting of Matinee Coat, Bootees and a Bonnet for Summer. Return to sts that were left, and, Joining silk, Ie 2 tog., k 67, ke 2 tog turn, leaving the remaining. sts on spare needle Row —P 2 tog., p until 2 sts in, D2 tog, ft Row—K 2 tog, remain, k'2 tog Repeat last 2 rows until 51 sts ‘Then continue without further de- creasing until armhole measures the same as front armhole just completed. ‘Next Row.—Cast off right across. Join silk and work on the remain- ing sts as follows: 2 tog, Kk until 12 sts remain, m 1, ka ke Steg, kd, mi, kd (Continued on page 16.) k until 2 sts “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Batsy—No. 11 LACY SOFTNESS FOR THE NEW ARRIVAL. ‘TNE COMPLETED DRESS, ‘THE DRESS. Materials —2) 02s. of Paton’s 2-ply 1 pair No. 10 knitting needles; 2 yds. narrow ribbon in pale pink; 6 small’ white Dutions; pink and green embroidery sill ‘Measurements.—Length from shoul- der to lower edge, 14} ins; sleeve seam, 9 ins. Abbreviations —K, knit; p, pur tog., together; sts, ‘stitches; Wi-fwa., ‘wool forward; wrn, wool round needle; stat, stocking-stiteh The Back. Using No. 10 needles and Angora ‘wool, commence at lower edge of back land east on 134 sis, ‘Knit 4 plain rows, ‘working into the back of cast-on sts Break Angora, join 2-ply wool, and ‘worle in pattern as follows: Ast Row.—P 2, * wl-fwd,, k 3, k 2 tog. at back, k 2 tog, k 3, wi-twd, 2; repeat from * to end of row. 2nd and Alternate Rows—Putl, 3rd Row.—P 2 * Ic 1, whotwd., k 2, i 2 tog, at back, i 2 tog, fe 2, wletird., k 1, pds repeat from * io end of row. 5th Row—P 2, * k 2, wlefwd., ke 1, k 2 tog. at back, ke 2 tog, ki, wie fwrd., ie 2, p 2; repeat from * to end of row. 7th Row-—P 2, ie 3, whe fwd, Kk 2 tog, at back, k 2 tog.) wie fwd, ke 3, p'2; repeat from * 10 end of row. th Row.—-Purl, ‘These 8 rows complete 1 pattern. Repeat until work ls 13 patterns deep. ‘Next Rew —K 11, * kc'2 tog.; repeat from * to the last 1i sts, ke 11 (78 sts), To Make Ribbon Holes—P 2, * (wm) twiee, ‘p 2 tog, D1; repeat from * to last 2 sts, p 2. Next Row.—Knit the sts and purl the loops, drawing both loops off the needle as 1 stiteh, Next Row—Purl Now work in pattern, beginning and ending the uneven Tow with 8 before commencing with p 2 After completing the 6th ‘row of the first pattern, shape for armhole by ‘casting off S'sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then k 2 tog. at the beginning and end of the next ‘and every alternate row “until there are 68 sts left ‘on the needle, Continue in. pattern, keoping the 3 border sts in’ stest. Work luntil 8 paiterns have been completed. Next Row—K 3, p 2, whtwd, k 3, k 2 tog, at back, ie 2 tog, k3, wietwa, k 38, whtwd,, 3, k 2 tog. A Dainty Set Consist- ing of Dress, Cape, Petticoat and Bonnet. at back, i 2 tog, k 3, whefwd, p 2, 3, Next Row.—P 15, ie 38, p 13 ‘ext Row—K 3, p 2, k 1, wlefwd, ke 2, k 2 tog. at back, 'k 2 tog, k 2, wi-fwd., 40, wlefwd.,-k 2, 2 tog. at, back, k 2 tog, i D2,K 3. Next Re 2 tog, k 1, Next Row—K 3, p 2, ke 3, wl-fwa. ke 2 tog. at back, K 2’ tog, wl-twa., k 44, whtwd, k 2 tog. at back, K 2 tog, wi-twd. 3, p 2, k 3, Next Row.—P 15, Ie 38, p 15 Next Row—K 22, cact off 24 sts, kc 22 Continue on’ this shoulder 2s follows: Ist Row—P 15, k 7. 2nd Row— Knit. ed Row—P 15, i 7, ‘th Row—K it, turn 5th Row—P 4, ic 7. Cast off. Work the other shoulder to corre spond. ‘The Front. Work as for back, but work 5 rows Instead of 3 rows’ on the. shoulder before commencing shoulder shaping, The Sleeves. Using Angora wool and No. 10 needles, cast on 50 sts. Break An- gora, join 2-ply, and work the 8 rows fof fancy pattern, then make ribbon holes. ‘Me COMPLETED CAPE, “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 Ist Row.—K 2, * wl-fwd., k 2 toes repeat from ® 10 end of Tow 2nd Row.—Purl Work the @ pattern rows 5 times, then shape sleeve. KC 2 tog. at the beginning and end of every row till fone more pattern has been completed, Cast oft. To Make Up. Do not press work. Join seams, Jeaving shoulder seams open 1. inch atneck edge. Sey in sleeves. Thread Fibbon. through “holes at wrist of Sleeves and at the waist. Embroider roses and leaves on front of dress. Sew on buttons at shoulder opening, ‘and make loops to correspond. THE SHOULDER CAPE. Materials—1i ozs. Paton's 2-ply super Wool in White; a small quan’ ots Beryl” Angora. in Pale Pink) 1 pair No. 10 knitting ‘needles! 1 ¥8 Pink ‘ribbon; “green and pk en- Brolaery sik Measurements —Length, & ins [Abbreviations:—See Dress Using Angora wool and No. 10 noodles cast on, 162 sts. "Break Ane ST ES arene iain rows, "Now work im pattern at fiven for skirt of Dress, but begin and nd the uneven rows with p + instead ofp 2 Work until 8 patterns have been completed, then work as follows: Ist Row—P 4, k 3, + k 3 tog, K 6; repeat from * to the last 11 at, 3 fogs k 4p 4 aa Row —Pur Srd Row =P 4c repent from tee k 304 ‘in Row—Purl, Bh Row-—P 4, ie to last 4 sts, p 4. th Row.—Puri. Repeat the last 2 rows twice, 2,° k 3 tog, k 4 0 the last 10 sts, k 3 Uth Row—P 4, 6, * k 2 tog, k 2; repeat from * tothe last 12 sts, Ke 2 tog, k 6, p 4 ‘3th Row.—Purl. Ath Row.—K 1, * wl-fwd. ke 2 tog; repeat from © to’end of row. Utth Row.—Knit the sts and purl the loops. "Gast off. Using 2-ply wool crochet a_picot edge around necl and down the fronts. Thread ribbon through holes at neck. Work roses and leaves down front border, THE BONNET. Materials—} oz. Paton’s2-ply ‘Super Wool in White; a small quantity of “Beryl” Angora ‘in Pale Pink; 1 pair each No, Iand No, 10 knitting needles; 1 ya. pink ribbon, } in. width; 1 yd. narrow pink ribbon; pinke and green embroidery silk. ‘Measurements.—Around face, 10 ins. Abbreviations.—See Dress. Using Angora wool and No. 11 needles cast on 70 sts, "Break An- gora, join 2-ply wool, and knit 3 Plain fows, working info the back of the cast-on sts Next Row.—Purl Work 5 rows in plain knitting, then change to No. 10 needies. Work 6 rows in_ stocking-stiteh. ‘Then’ commence faney pattern as given for skirt of Dress, but begin And end the uneven rows with p 3 In stead of D2. Work in fancy pattern until 4 pat terns have been completed. Knit 2 rows in stocking-stiteh 3 Change to Angora wool, and knit 2 lain. rows, increasing 1 stiten (77). Shape for Crown. Break Angora wool, join 2-piy. Ist Row—* K 7, k 2 tog., wi-fwd., ik 2 tog.; repeat from * to end of row. 2nd and Alternate Rows.—Purl 3rd Row.—* K 6, k 2 tog, wl-fwd., ie 2'tog.; repeat from * to end of row Continue in this way, knitting 1 stiteh leas between deeresses until the last row is reached, whieh is worked as follows: +2 tog, whetwd., k 2 tox.; repeat from * to end of TOW. Break off thread about 12 inches long, and draw through remaining sts, Draw. into small elrele, and. sew together. ‘Crochet a beading round sides of Bonnet. Thread the 1 yd. of narrow ribbon ‘through the beading. Attach ribbon, and work rosebuds on front of Borinet THE PETTICOAT. Materiats—1) ozs. Paton's_2-ply Super Wool in White; 1 pair No. 10 ‘knitting needies; 1} yds. bébé ribbon in white ‘Measurements. —Length, 14 ins. Abbreviations—See Dress. Using 2-ply wool and No. 10 needles cast-on 110 sts. Knit 2 plain rows then work the fancy pattern as given for skirt of Dress twice. Con~ Tinue in stocking-st tll work from (Continued on page 15.) “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 LIGHT AND AIRY FOR SUMMER DAYS. ‘TIME COMPLETED coar. ‘THE Coat, Materials—3. balls Paton’s “Bee~ hive” Shetland Wool; 4 oz. Fine Spun Angora Wool; a litte pale pink and blue georgette “for. flowers, 3. tiny press-studs; 1 pair. each” Knitting needles Nos. 11 and 12; 1'spare needle No. 11. Measurements—From shoulder to lower edge, 16 inches; sleeve seam, 6 inches. Abbreviations, knit; p, purl; s, slip; tog. together; sso, pass slipped stitch over; sts, stitches; m, make (to make 2 stitch bring wool forward ‘a it to purl). First Frill, Using Angora wool and No, 11 needles, easton 359 sts." Break An- gora wool, join Shetland. Knit 2 rows. “Begin. pattern: Ist Row—Moss-st 9, k 2 togy * ie 4mikim 1k 4 si, 2 to, piso; repeat’ from’ * yntil 30 remain, kay m dk tom 1k 4, k 2 tog, 2nd and Each Alternate Row.— ‘Moss-st 9, p until 9 remain, moss-st 9, Sed Row.—Moss-st 9, K 2 tog. * 3.mik3,mik 3s 1, k 2 tox, ‘piso; repeat’ from * until 30 remain, K 3) milk Sm 1, 3, k2 toe moss-st 9. ‘th Row.—Moss-st 9, ke 2 tog, * i. 2, mi, ki, ml, 1, 2 tog. peso m4,K'1, m'l, 2, 1, 2 tog, peso repeat from * until 20 remain, ie 2, 1pm 1, 81, k 2 tog, psso, m 1, 2, 1c 2 tog., moss-st 8 yo—Moss-st 9, k 2 tog., * k 1, Jam 1,8 1,11, pss0, k 2, m1, 2'tog., psso; repeat’ from * unt remain, k 1pm 1,3, m 1,51, k 1, sso, 2, im 1,'Ke1, le 2 tog., moss-st 9. 9th Row.—Moss-st 9, 2 tog., * Ie 95.1, 1k 2 tog., psso;’ repeat from * ‘until 30 remain, 11, moss-st 9 (800 sts on needle). 10th Row.—Same as 2nd row. Proceed as follows: ** Ist Row— Moss-st 9, fe 2,'* m1, ke 2 togy'm 1, Kim 4, kd, k 2 tog, k 2, 2 tog. k 1; repeat from * until 14 remain, m i, ke2 tog, m 1, k 2 tog, k 1, moss-st 9. ‘2nd and Each Alternate Row— ‘Moss-st 9, p until 9 Femain, moss-st 9, Srd Row—Moss-st 9, Ie 2, ° m 1, k 2 tog, m1, k3,m 1, k 1, k 2 tog. Ke 2 tog., k 1; repeat from + untit 14 remain,’m 1,/k 2 tog, m1, K 2 tog., Ie 1, moss-st'9. sth Row.—Moss-st 9, i 1, Kk 2 tos., 1 em, ke 2 tog, m 1, k 1) k 2 tog, K 2, K 2 tog. Ke 1, m1, Ke 1; repeat from * until 13 remain, m 1, k 2 tog. m1, ke % moss-st 9. ‘th Row.—Moss-si 9, k 1, k 2 tog., * m1, k 2 tog, m 1k 1, k 2 tog, 2 tog, k 1, m’1, k $; repeat from * until 18’ remain, mn 1, k 2 tog, m 1, 162, moss-st 9, in Row.—Same as 2nd row. A Lacy Coat and Bonnet Forms the Set. Repeat the last 8 rows once more, but when purling the 16th row use the spare ‘needle. Leave these sts until. required.** Using Angora wool and No. 11 needles, cast on 337 sts, Break An- ora wool. Work the 10 rows. of Second fill same as directed ‘for first ‘frill, omitting the 9 moss-sts at the beginning and end ot work (282 sts). Now place second frill in front of work left on spare needle. Moss-st 9 from spare needle, now Init taking a stitch from front needle and back needle tog. until 9 sts are left on spare needle, moss-it 9. ‘Next Row —Same as 2nd row. Repeat from * to ‘Then make and join third frill as directed for second frill. Then work the 8 rows of pattern from ** until the work measures 11 inehes. Finish witha purl row. Change to No. 12 needles Next Row—Moss-st 9, kk 2 tog. 49 times, * k', k 2 tog; repeat froin = 38 times more, k 1, then ke 2 tox. 44 times, kr 1, moss-st 9 (177 sts). Knit 10’ rows moss-st. Next Row.—Mos-st 9, p 36, cast off 5 sts, p 77, cast off 5 sts, p 36, moss-st 4. ‘Work on these last 45 sts for right front ‘as follows: Ist Row.-—Moss-st 9, k 2, * m1, k 2 tog. m 1, K 1, m1, i 1, i 2 tog, K 2, k'3 tog.,'k 1;'repeat trém * once mote, m 1, k 2 tog, m 1, K 2 tox, 16, 2 tog, nd and Each Alternate Row.—K 2, p until 9 remain, moss-st 9. rd Row.—Moss-st 9, Ie 2, m 1, ke Fito 1 eS 2 1 2 tog 2 tons ‘ith Row—Moss-st 9, 38: ue 2 5 once more, th 1, K 2 tog, m 1, k 6. Repeat these 8 rows 3’ times more, omitting decreasing at armhole edge Next Row—Cast off 21 sts, Work 8 rows pattern on remaining 21 sts. Return to lett front, knit to corre- ‘spond with right. ‘The Back. Knit in pattern from ** as directed for skirt of Coat, keeping 2 sts at the beginning and end in garter-st in~ “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 stead of 9 moss-sts, until the back measures 4 inches from under-arm, ‘Next Row-—Cast off 11 sts, knit to end, Next Row=—Cast off 11 sts, puri to end, ‘Next Row.—Cast off 10 sts, knit to end. Next Row —Cast off 10 sis, purl to end. Cast off remaining sts. ‘The Sleeves (Both Alike). Using Angora wool and No. 11 needles, cast.on 61 sts. Break Angora ‘wool, join Shetland. Knit 2 rows. ‘Wark in pattern, as. di for first fll on skirt of Coat, omitting 9 ‘mose-st at cach end, until you have completed the 6th row. ith Row—K 2 top, * K 9, $1, k 2 tog., psso; repeat trom * to end, finish row k 2 tog. (BL sts). ‘Next Row.—Purl, Change to No. 12 needles. Knit 8 rows ‘moss-st. ‘Change to No. 11 needles. | Work the 8 rows of ‘pattern from. **, in~ creasing at the beginning and end of fevery Sth row until you have 39. sts fon needle, ‘The extra sts are Knitted in plain Knitting. Continue without increasing until sleeve measures 6 inches, finish with fa purl Tow. Cost off 3 sts_at the beginning of next 2 rows, then k 2 tog. at the be- dinning and’ end of the next 6 rows Galce are to keep continuity of pat- tem). Cast off remaining sts ‘The Collar. Using Angora wool and No. 12 needles, cast_on_199 sts. Brealt’An- ‘ora wool, join Shetland wool ‘Knit 2 tows, Work in pattern same as first frill fof Cost, Keeping 3 moss-sts at the be- ginning and end of work instead of ‘8 moss-sts, until you have completed the 6th row. Next Row.—Moss-st 3, ke 2 tog. 8,61, k 2 tog, pss0; repeat from *, finish row k 2 tog., moss-st 3. You should have 167 sts'on needle. "Now work the 8 rows of paitern as directed for skirt of Coat from ** twice, Keeping 3 moss-sts instead of O'moss-sts, Shape as follows ‘ist Row.—Moss-st 3, 2 tog, k 3, ic? tog, ie 2 tog., 7; repeat from * until 5 remain, i tog., mass-st 3. 2nd Row—Moss-st 3, p until 9 re main, moss-st 3. ‘Srd Row—Moss-st 3, ke 3, ¢ ke 2 tog., k 2 tog., k 5; repeat from *, fin= ish row ke 7, moss-st 3. ‘ith Row.As 2nd row. Sth Row.—Moss-st 3, kc 2, * k 2 tox, Ke 2 tog, 8; repeat trom * until 6 remain, ke 2 tog., k 1, moss-st 3. ‘Next Row.—As 2nd row. Cast off. ‘To Make Up. Press lightly on the wrong side. Sew up sleeves. Join shoulders. Sew in sleeves, placing seam to under- arm. Sew on collar, leaving } inch fof borders free. Sew on press-studs, fone at neck edge, two at” waistband, Using. georgetie, make tiny flowers: sew three on waistband and three on feach wristband at the back of sleeve. ‘THE, BONNET. Materials —Y/oz. Bechive" Shet~ land” Wool! a small quantity Fine Spin Angora. Wool: 4 ¥4. pale pink georgette, | yd. of { in. ribbon; # yd. ‘of { in. ribbon; 1 pair knitting needles No. 12. ‘Measurements.—Round ay inches ‘Using Angora wool cast on 101 sts. Break Angora wool, join Shetland ‘wool. Knit 2. rows. "Work In pattern same as for first trill ‘on Coat, keeping 2 sts garter-st at the beginning and end of row in~ ‘Sead of moss-sts, until you have completed the 6th row. ‘Then work 8 rows of moss-st, leave sts on spare needle. ‘Using Angora wool east on 121 sts, Nov work second frill same as for second frill on Coat, until you have ‘completed the sth row. 6th Row—P 2 tog, * p 9, p 3 tog repeat from *, finish row p 2'tog. in stead of p'3 tog. (101 sts). ‘Next Row.—Knit Place second frill in front, of work left on spare needle (the right side fof second’ {rill should face right side Of fisst trill, when Bonnet is completed the second frill is turned back). ‘Knit, taking a stiteh from front needle and back needle tog. until all sts are worked off. Work 7 rows moss-st. ‘Now work the 8 pattern rows same ‘ag for Coat from °", keeping 2 edge Sts garter-st Instead of 9 moss-sts, ‘until you have completed 4 patterns. "Then work 6 rows moss-st. ‘Then repeat the & pattern rows once. Next Row K 2, k 2 tog, k until 4 remain, Te 2 tog, 2 (09 sts). Next Row—Knit, Shape crown. Ist Row—* K 9, kc 2 tog. repeat from * to end. Next! 2 Rows—Knit without de- creasing. 4th Row—" K2 tog, k 8; repeat from * to end. Knit 2 7 Th Row." K 7, from * to end. ‘Sth and Each Alternate Kow.—Knit Sth Row.—" K 6, k 2 tog. repeat trom * to end, k 2 tog Ith Row.—* K 5, K 4, k 2 tog. repeat ke 2 tog.; repeat repeat from * to'end, 1th Row.—* trom * to end, [ath Row. K 3, from * to end. llth Rowe? 2, 2 tous from * to end, TWth Row." K 1, k 2 tog trom * to end, ‘Uist Row.—* K 2 tos.; repeat from * tend ke 2 tog, repeat repeat repeat Break wool, run through sts on needle, fasten’ securely. Sew down back of Bonnet to. moss-st. ‘Turn ‘back second frill, eatch with a thread of wool, Line the Bonnet with feorgette, Sew on the j-inen ribbon for ‘ties. Place the narrow ribbon round. front of Bonnet, between the two frills, and catch at regular in- tervals with tiny georgette flowers. Knitted Socks for a Baby Boy. Materntg—t or, 2-ply Wool set of nati rection Chge® fo 6 months) San Uae is Ghasteonn). REE, DP ategh en” treet pana et Preah wll aay, we is pate Str aay Se ae Ee 5, ont lip 1, 1, peer et ead Ta teas as 6 ies ce, an’ ten ave aor Neca 1ot on eed eg te eainers Dive ise Ey tee REG attain coe nestle see nen meee ate, ete eat oe ee tina otros econ re Ta Mal 14, st 1, ro, RE der taper itea ioefiee, Raneesaoe eat ue Beem cae eh. a we eaten up'td alone Bae toate “Bat lao aed apa te OS ore ee aad Men at the bes See Wie ee matin works Seals Sut uae tine ee ee eee So aera tou ete et Sr eh wnt beaten of Se cn cata ts es Hag yet tore ta atone ae ae eee“ cantine withe ei aes ees eet ee in coe td om, see Or st meee path ends ot SGP lente sca ciate of bat Tete nes Tae nas pleco ss alt OE fog “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 SO SIMPLE---YET SO ATTRACTIVE. A Charming Cape and Bonnet Trimmed with Swansdown. ‘THE CAPE. Materlals—9 ozs. of ‘Silver Sheen in Green; 1 pair of No. 9 knitting needles; 2) yds. of swansdown in white; 1 yd. 6f white ribbon. ‘Measurement.—Length of Cape, 16 inches, Abbreviations —K, knit; p, purl; tog., together: ts, ‘stitches; ‘wi-fwd., wool forward; st-st, stocking-stiten Cast on 270 sis, and knit 4 plain rows. Do not work into. the back of cast-on sts. Work In pattern ss follows: Ist Row.—K 4, > wi-twd., k 3, 2 tog, at back, 2 tog,, ke 2, wletwd. p 2 repeat from * to the last 4 sts, Kl & 2nd and Alternate Rows-—K 4, purl to the last 4 sts, k4, Brd Row —K 4, © 1, wletwd,, ke 2, e 2 tog. at back, ke 2"tog., wl-twd. 1, p 2; repeat from * to the last 4st, k 4 5th Row—K 4, © ke 2, whefwd. Ie 1 ke 2 tog. at back, k2 tog, ki, wi fwd. k 2, p 2; repeat from * to the lasts sts, 4 7th Row—K 4° k 3, wi-twd,, i 2 tog. at back, k 2 tog. wl-twd, K 3, 2; repeat from * to the last 4 ste, k 4 ‘8th Row—Same as 2nd row. Repeat these 8 rows until. pat- terns have been completed. Shape for yoke as follows: Next Row.-K 7 * ke 2, k 2 tog, repeat trom * to the last 7'sts, k 7 Next Row—Knit. Next Row—K 10, * k 2 tog, k 1 repeat from ® to the last 10 sts, k 10 Knit 5. plain rows, Next Row—K 20, (Ic 2 tog.) twice, k 16, (lc 2 tog.) twice; repeat from to the last 19 sts, Ke 19, Knit 3 plain rows, Next Row.—K 19, (c 2 tog.) twice, gk 14, (e 2 tog.) twice; repeat from to the last 18 sts, i 18, Knit 3 plain rows, Next Row 18, (k 2 tog.) twice, 12, Ge tog.) twice; repeat trom * to the last 17 sts, k 17, Knit 3 plain rows, ‘me comrveren care. ‘TM poxNer. Next Row—K 17, (kc 2 tog.) twice, © ie 10, (le 2 tog.) twice; repeat from * to the last 16 sis, i 16. Knit 3 plain rows. Next Row.—K 16, (kc 2 tog.) twice, * kB, (kc 2 tog.) twice; repeat from * to the last 18 sts, k 18. Knit 3 plain rows, Next Row—Ic 15, (ic 2 tog.) twice, * 6, (k2 og.) twice: repeat trom = to the last 14sts, 14 Next Row— Knit Next Row—K I. * wi-fwd, kk 2 tog.; repeat from * to end of row, Next Row—Knit the sts and purl the Toops. “Cast off tightly ‘Thread ribbon through’ holes_ at neck, and tle in a bow at front. Sew the 'swansdown around the entire garment. THE BONNET. Materials.—1 o2. of Silver Sheen in Green: 1 pair each of No. 10 and No, 11 knitting: needles; length of swans down, 13 Inches: 1 yd. of ribbon 4 in wide; narrow ribbon, about 12 inches. Measurement—Round face, 13 ins Abbreviations —See. Cape, Using No. 11 needles cast on 87 sts, and knit into the back of them, ‘Work im moss-st. KI, pl for 13 rows, Change to No. 10 heedles, and kknit in st-st for 14 rows. "Then wor in pattern as for Cape, but begin ant fend each row with k 2 instead of Ie 4, decreasing 1 stitch in the first row to make 86 sts (Continued on page 9.) “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 FRESH AND DAINTY FROCK FOR BABY. Lacy Hem and Cuffs are Featured. Materlals—4 skeins of 3-ply, Wool: palt-of No. 10 bone needles; 1 double pointed short “needle; steel crochet ook, No. 3; four smail buttons. ‘Measurements.—Length from top of shoulder to lower edge, 171. inches: width all-round at under-arm, 22 Inches; sleeve seam, 4} inches. ‘Tension—Work at a tension of 9 sts to inch (Width), and 10 rows to Tinen (length), measured on plain, smooth fabric. ‘The Front. Cast on 130 sts. Knit into backs of east-on sts. Pattern: Ist Row—K 1. * k 2 tox. kami, kel, md, K 4, ie 2 tor peat from © to end of the row. 2nd and Alternate Rows—Purl. 3rd Row.—K 1, ° k 2 tog. k 3, m 1, k 3, m1, k 3, K 2 tog.; repeat from “tp end of row. |. 9th Row.—K 1, * k 2 tog. m 1, k 1, mi, k3 tog, m'l,k 1, mi, k 3 tox, m1, k 1, m1, k 2 tox.; repeat from "to end’ of row. 10th Row. —Purl. Repeat these 10 pattern rows twice, decreasing 1 stiteh in the last row. Continue as follows: ="ist Row.—Kait 2nd Row—* P 9, ict, p 1, ke 1; re- peat from * to end of row, ‘finishing with p 8. Repeat these 2 rows 4 times (10 rows. in all). ith Row —Knit. 12th Row—P 10, ¢ k 1, pM; ren peat from * to end of row, finishing p10. Repeat these 2 rows Repeat from ** to % repeat the first 10 rows. ‘Smocking. Ist Row—* Knit 12, ke 2 tog. re- peat from ® to end of row (120 sts) @nd Rew—P 11, k'2, (p 22, 2) 4 times.0* 3 times, then times, p 1 rd Row.—K 11, 5 2, (k 22,52) 4 times, eI th Row-P 11, s 2, (p 22, 52) 4 times, p11 5th Row.—-I 9, * slip next 2 sts on to spare needle and kee to back of Work, k ly then knit sts on spare needle. Slip next stitch on to spare eedle, and keep to front of work, Ie 2, then ‘knit stitch on’ spare needle, K 18; repeat from * to end of row, finishing with Ie 9. 6th Row—P 8, * k 2, p 4, k 2, p 10; repeat from * 10 end of row, finish- ing with p 8. th Row—K 8, ¢ 52k 4, 52, 16; repeat from * 10 end of row, finish= ing with ik 8. 8th Row.—P 8, * s 2, p 4, 5 2p 16; repeat from * to end of row, finish- ing with p 8. 9th Row—K 6, * slip next 2 sts on to spare needle, and leave at back of Work, kul, then. knit. stitches on Spare needié. Slip next stitch on to Spare needle, and Teave at front of Work, k-2, then knit stiteh from spare needle. Work next, 6 sts as above. X12; ‘repeat from * to end of row, finishing ‘6. 10th Row.—P 5, * (k 2, p 4) twice, k 2 p 10; repeat from *'to end of row, finishing with p 9. 1th Row.—K 5, * (s 2. k 4) twice, 5 2, k 10; repeat’ from * to end of Fow, finishing with k 5, 12th Row.—P 5, * (5 2, p 4) twice, 5 2, p 10; repeat from *'to end of Tow. finishing’ with p 5. 13th Row—K 3, * slip the next 2 sis to spare’ needle and Keep af bask of work: ik 1, knit slipped. sts, ext stitch of to spare needle and Keep to front of work, I 2, knit slipped stiteh; work next 12 sts as above, 6; repeat from "to end of row. idth Row—P 2, * i 2, p 4: repeat trom * to end’ of row, finishing with p 2. 15th Row —K 2, © 6 2, i 4; repent from * to" end of “row, fini 16th Row—P 2, ° 3 2k 4; re- peat from * to end of row, finishing with 2. ‘ith Row—K 3, ® slip next stiten on to spare needle and Keep in front ‘of work: ik 2, knit stitch from spare heedle, slip next 2 sts to spare needle fand Keep at back of work, Ic 1, Knit slipped sts; repeat from * to the last 3 sts, 3. Ith Rew.—P 5, * k 2, p 4; repeat from * to end of row, p'S at end. 1th Row.—K 5, © 5 2, kc 4; repeat from * to end of row, finishing I 5. 20th Rew—P 5, *'s 2p 4; repeat from * to end of Tow, finishing p 5, 2st Row.—K 3, ® slip next 2 sts to spare needie and place at back of work, kr I, knit slipped sts, slip next stitch on to spare needle and Keep to front of work, k 2, knit slipped stiteh; repeat from * to last 3 sts, Ie 3 ‘Band Kow.—Ac ith row. 28rd Row.—As 15th row. Bath Row—As 16th row. 25th Row.—As 17th row. 26th Row-—As 16th row, This completes the smocied waist. Next Row—K 1." 2 tog, k 1; re- peat from ™ to end (81 sts) ‘Knit 10 rows in_stocking-stiten, Cast off 3 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. In the next and every fourth Tow decrease once at each end of the needle till 65 sts remain Continue in stocking-stiteh till work measures 2 inches above top Of stocking. (Continued on page 11.) 8 “The New Idea" Knitting Book for Baly—No. A NOVELTY MONEY- BOX DOLL. Baby will Love to Pop His Pennies in Gollywog’s Mouth. Materials —} yd. of black cotton or silk material; 4 yd. of red check zephyr; a small piece of plain red to match; an empty round. powder box; 2 black ‘beads; filling; a small pleee of black’ astrakhan, ‘To Make. First clag a piece of black material all over lid of box. When dry, cut an opening in lid for mouth. Then clag a plece of red material shaped as for lips around opening (the Opening must be large enough to insert a penny). Cut two Dleces of white cardboard the size of sixpence, “and- place black bead on each. Sew to box for eyes. Work a nose eith Fed cotton. “Clay a plece of astrakhan on side of ld ‘The Body. Cut two pieces of black material 44 inches by 6 inches, Sew together, leaving an opening for filling. Cut two pleces G inches long the shape of legs and feet. Sew seams, and fill The Arms. Cut two more pieces 5 inches Jong the shape of an arm, Sow seams, and fill, Sew arms and legs to body, then sew ‘on head. Close box with lower portion, this is only opened ‘when wanting to remove the money. Make a suit with zephyr trimmed with plain red, also. a tie for neck. Cut a strip of material 8 inches long by’ 4 inch wide; fold in half, and Sew to back of neck. This is used so as to hang the Dell on wal, = Repeat the last 2 rows once, and the th row again. The Front—5 ch, 2 g-sts (halt shell, 1 de In centre’ of next shell, 12 more shells and a half one at end between next 2 gests; repeat, (12 lots of loops). Sed Row-—Sie-st to centre fof 3 loops, do * de into it, 5 ch, 1 Jong tr in'de, between 3 little loops of last row, 5 ch, 1 de in centre of Baby’s Bonnet in Grub- Stitch. Grub Stiteh—Wind silk over the needle Joocely” but ‘evenly 18 times, Insert needle’ in place specified, ‘ilk over, draw through first loop on needie, silk over, draw through all oops "on needie ‘silk’ over, draw through stitch on’ needle. ‘Materials —2) balls Fibrone, No, 20; No, 5. steel needle; 4 yds. of deinen ribbon to run under shells, 11 yds. of I-ineh ribbon for strings and rosettes, Ist Row.—Ch 10, join in ring, 5 ch to stand for first g-st, 24 g-st, join to first g-st. 2nd Row—Slip between gest, 6 ch, in 3rd ch of the 6, 3 ch, sl-st in. same place (making 3 loops), 8 ch, de between 2nd and rd B-st, * 3 ch, 1 tr between 3rd and 4th E-st, 3 Ioops on top of tr, 3 ch, 1 de ext loop group; repeat, 4th Row—3 ch for first tr, 5 tr in each loop of 5 ch of last round. Sth Rowm—4 ch, miss 1 tr, * 1 tr in next, 1 ch, miss i tr, 1 tr ih next 6th Row—As 2nd (30 groups of loops), 7th Row:—De in middle loop, #"3"ch, de in middle of next group, 5 ch. ‘8h Row.—De in end of row, * 6 gests in next de, de in next loop (5 Shells of sts) ‘9th Row.—Turn, 11 ch, 1 de in middle of shell, © 5 ch, 1 long t be- tween shells, 8'ch, 1 de in middle of next shell: tepent ending with 5 ch and join in 6th of the 11 ch oth Row—Turn, sl-st to centre of shell in de, do row of shells (these are between those of the 8th row). 2" shells. not. worked). ‘nd Row.—Turn with § ch, and continue as from * in 9th row, ending eon top of 5 ch of half-shell, turn ‘3rd Row—18 full shells, turn with 11 ch. 4th Row.—As 9th, ending with 5 ch, 1 long tr. Repeat these 4 rows twice more. Make a row of shells of 14 geste right round Bonnet. Fasten off. ‘Kun harrow ribbon in rows of shells. Sew Wider ribbon with a rosette ai each side, To make a neat join in your wool, splice the ends of Wool, moisten. be~ tween your hands, and ‘rub together. ‘This makes a better join than. knot ting together. The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 A CUDDLY TEDDY BEAR. Knitted in Double Wool this Little Koala Bear will Make a Delight- ful Present for Any Kiddie! Materials —5 ozs. of Fawn Heather Wool, d-ply; 1 pair No. 9 knitting pecan: | ¥4, ning; 1 pair eyes; tlle Measurements—Bear is 11 inches high, sitting position. Abbreviations—K, knit; p, purl; sts, stitches, ‘Note—The Bear is knitted entirely with double wool (8-ply) in stocking siteh! ‘The Head. Back of Head—Beginning at neck end, cast on 17 sts on No. 9 needles. Knit for If inches, then’ increase. stitch at cach end of every 2nd row Uil'you have 31 sts. “Knit these 31 sts for 7 rows, then decrease 1 stitch fat each end of the next and every 2nd row to follow till 21 sts remain, Cast ‘oft Face Piece—Cast on 24 sts. Knit 1 rov, then increase 1 stitch at each tend of every row tll You have 38 sts, "Knit these 38 sts for 10 rows. De= erense I stitch at each end of every fow til you have 16 sts, then decrease B'sts at each end of every row till you have 4 sis. ‘Then 2 tog. twice. Gast off. Front Neck Piece—Cast on 20 sts Knit 1 row, then Increase 1 stitch at exeh end of the next and every 2nd row till you have 28 sts. Decrease 1 stitch “at” each end of every 3nd row till 16 sts remain, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row till all sts are cast off Side of Body. Beginning at hind leg, east_on 93 sts, Knit 1. row, then Inerease 1 Stitch ct the beginning of the next and every 2nd row to follow. At the Same time increase 1 stitch at, the ther end of every row till you have 39 sts. Still Increase every 2nd row at the same end, and keep the other end straight. ‘Knit for 6 rows. ‘Then decrease 1 stitch at the straight end every row, fand still Increase every 2nd row at the other end tll you have 37 sts. Next Row.—Cast off 10. sts, then Iknity still decreasing at the cast-off fend, 3 times, Knit straight for 3 ins. With the right side facing you, de- crease 1 stiten at the end of this’ row Sand every 2nd row to follow till you have 10 sts, then decrease at the same end every row till you have 1 ste. Cast off. ‘Knit another piece to match, Front Piece of ‘Body. Beginning at neele end, cast on 12 sts. Knit. for 4} inches, then i erease 1’ stitch at each end of every this row andthe next, then Increase 1 stiteh at each end of every Tow till you have 60 stitches, Knit” these 60 sts for 3. rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end tl you have 50 sts, “Cast of ‘The Forelees. Cast on 20 sts. Knit 1 row, then inerease "I" stitch st each end of every ath row till you have 24 sts ‘Knit these 24 sts for 10 rows. ‘Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every Sra row till you have 4 sts. Cast off. ‘The Kar. Cast on 15 sts. 7 ‘at each end of every 2nd row have 5 sts, then increase 1 stiteh at each end of every 2nd row till you have 13 sts, Cast of. ‘To Make Up. Press all parts on the wrong side, ‘Then lay each piece un lining and cut to same shape, leaving small seam. Omit ears. Sew up liring pieces and fill, leaving opening at back for zipp fasiener, ‘Brush each part on the plain side with wire brush. Sew together’ by hhand, and slip over ning. Connect head; and sew on. Connect forelegs with @ piece of wire, Fold ears to- gether, then sew a litte fringe of wool 410 edge, then brush; sew to head, in~ ert eyes, and. sew a plece of soft Teather for nose. Work mouth and claws with black wool. Sew on zipp fastener, then line with 2 small piece of silk So Simple—Yet So Attractive. (Continsed from pase Work until 3 patterns deep. Cast on 10 ste; and work in. st-st for 4 rows, “Shape for erown as follows: Ist Row.—" K 10, k 2 tox; repeat trom "to end of row, nd and Alternate Rows—Knit. 3rd Row—" K 9, ke? tog.) repeat from * to end of row. sth Row—* Kx 8, k 2 tog.; repeat trom * to end of row. Continue in this. way, Knitting 1 stiteh less between decreases until the 19th row is reached. ; 19th Row.—* Ki, k 2 tog: repeat from * to end of TOW, ‘Break off Wool; thread a darning needle and draw it through the re- maining sts. Draw into a circle and sew down crown. Crochet a beading around sides of Bonnet, and draw the harrow ribbon through. Sew on the Swansdown ‘bout Ih inches in from, the edge. ‘Attach ribbons. A BABY’S LACY SET FOR “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11 This simply worked set of Matinee Coat, Bonnet and Bootes would make a delightful gift to a baby ct the cost ‘of a few shillings only. The lacy pat- tern is exactly the same on both sides Fatty Randy asset "to a) busy ‘Materials for the Set—Less than 2 ozs. of White Shetland Wool: 1" pair No. 10 knitting needles: 1 pair Nov 12 needles (for Bootes only); 3 yds. of Fibbon: 4 o2, reel white sill (erochet); few coloured threads of silk, Abbreviations —K, knit: p, purl; 5 slip; tox., together; psso, pass ‘sipped stiteh over the new stiteh; sts, stitehes; wl-fwd, woo! forward, MATINEE COAT. Measurements—Length from shoul- der 11} ines width at underarm, 12) inst "sleeve' seam “Coithout uf) Thins, Border Pattern, Ist Row. Knit tnd Row—K 3, 1s tepeat from beginning of row, ending i's Repeat these 2 rows thrice more. 9th Row. —fenit 104 Rov. Ke 3, * p 1, k 5; repeat from *, ending k 2. i. Repeat sth and" 10%h rows. thrice more. These 6 rows ‘complete’ the Davtern sey Pattern: 1st Row.—* 2, wi twa # Le? tog poco etwas ty repeat from *,crding k 2nd and All Alternate Rows.—Keit 3rd Row. 1, 3 tog. wi-twas kL whet, k'2 fogs repeat from *) ending REyERSINLE cour. Sth Row—K 2 tog., * wlefwd., k 3, whfwd,, 81, Kk 2 tog, psso; repeat from *,"ending wi-twd., K 2 tog. “ith Row—* K 1, wl-twd, k 2 tog. 1, Ke 2 tog, whefwd.; repeat trom *, ending wlefwa, kl Using No. 16 needles, cast on 203 sts, and work in border pattern for 15 rows, Work sth row ‘thus: K 2, PLES pL k 3k 2 tog, pl, ko tog. i 3. "Then work in (pl, k 5) MM17 sts remain; k 2 tog. p 4, ke 2 tog, k 3, p 1, 3, D1, kez (199 sts) From now on keep 12. sts each end in border pattern, working all. be- fee “in the, lacy patiern, ull work ‘measures 7h inches, Still Keeping patiom, work 49. sts, east off 6, work 89, east off 6, work last 49. Continue on last 49 for left front in pattern as. before, keeping border, and casting off 2 sts at be~ ginning of every second row at arm= hole side twice (45 sta). ‘Continue on the 45 iil work is 12 patterns deep (about 9] inches), and ending with 7th row of it ‘Then at beginning of next row cast off 8 for neck. On following odd rows take 2 to- gether at neck end of the row, and on even rows cast off 2 at neck end @ less every. 2 rows), Continue till 24 sts’ remain. Work ‘on the 24 sts till 18 patterns are com- plete, then form shoulder by leaving 8 more at armhole end every 2nd row till all are left. “Cast off right ‘The Back. On the 89 sts form armholes by casting off 2 sts at beginning of next SUMMER DAYS. Entirely Reversible Matinee Coat, Bonnet and Bootees. peeaaieaaa Buaitioe to *"to the last 10 sto, M10" (86 sts). Now work the smocking as follows torthe th tow! Ist How=P 2. * ie 2, p 4; repeat from * 10 the tat 4 sts, k 3, p ‘ind Row—K 2, * slip 2, k 4; repeat from * to the last 4 sts, shp 2 ka ‘srd Row.—P 2, * slip 2 p-4; repeat from “to the last 4 te sip 2p ‘ith Row—* Slip the first 2 sts on to.a spare needle, and let fall tthe back ‘of Work, 1, then. nit ‘the 2 sts. from ‘the. spare’ needle. "Slip the hex stitch on to the spare needle and tet all to “the front of work i'd, then “knit” the: stiteh, from the’ spare needle: repeat from'* to end of Fow. 3th Row—K Lp 4," 2p tes peat trom © to the tat sith, ii th Row-—Slip I, 4," sip 2 ie 4 repeat from * to the last stitch, slip 1 “ith Row—Slip 1, p 4, * sip 2, p 4; repeat from * to the last stteh, ai 1: ‘th Row—* Sip the first stteh on to.a spare needle’ and let fall to the front of work, 2, then lenit the stitch from the spate needle.” Slip the next Fats on to the spare needle, and ict fail io"the back of work. X11 then Heit the 2 sto,from the spare needte epeat from * to end, "This ‘com pletes one pattern, An Attractive Set for the One-Y ear-Old. After completing the 4th row, shape for armholes. Still keeping. the con Unully "of the smocking pattern, cast ft 9a ot dhe Bexinning ot the next two rows. K 2 tog. at the beginning and end of the next row and then the alternate row, and 86 sts are on the needle. Continue in smocking until 3 pat- terns have been completed. Next Row—P 3," p 2 tog. p 4, *5 repeat from * to * to the lsat’ 5 sts, 2 tog. D3. (72 sts.) Work in st-st for 3 inehes, ending ‘on a purl row, Next Row.—K 23, cast off 26, ke 23, Work 8 rows in st-st on this ‘shoul- der. ‘Next Row.—Kanit to within 8 sts of end of row, tun. ‘Next Row.—Purl back to neck edge, Next Row.—Knit to within 16 sts of fend of row, tir, Next Row.—Purl back to neck edge, Cast off. “Work the other shoulder to ‘correspond. "the Front. Using Angora, wool and No. 9 needies, cast on 140 ste and work a8 Tor back for 12 inches Next Row—K 16, * ik 2 tog, ie 1, repeat trom * to the last 16 sts, k 18, ‘08 sts.) ‘Work ‘the first 4 rows of the smock- fing, “Still continuing with the smock Ing pattern, cast off § sts at the be- ginning of the next 2 rows, 2 tog. at the beginning and end of the next 2 rows, then every alternate row till there are 86 sts left on the needle, and the smocking is 3 patterns deep. Next Row.—P 3, * p 2 tog, p 4; repeat from * to thé last § sts, p'2 tog, D3. (72'sts.) Knit 10 rows in stat. Next Row.—K 22, * wietwa,, slip 1, 1g 2 tox, psso, i 9, *; repeat from * io * once, wiefwd, slip 1, k 2 og, ps80, whetwd,, Ie 23 Next Row—Purl, Next Row —X 21, * wietwa, ic 1, ip 1, k 2 tog. psso, 1, wietwd K 7, repeat, from * to * once, wi-fwd., K 1, SUP 1, 1e2 ton, peso, Ie, wi-twa, * wictwdy ik 2, sip 1, K 2 tog, psto, te 2, wi-twd, Kc 5, *; repeat from *'to * ‘ones, Wi? fd, ie 2) slip 1, K 2 tog., paso, 2, wlefied., k 20, Next Row.-Purl, Next Row—K 10, * wi-twd, ie 3, slip 1, ie 2 tog. psso, Ie 3, *; repeat from * “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No, 11 fwd, I 8, slip 1, k 2 tog., psso, 3, wlefivda ie 20. ‘Next Row.—Purl, Next Row—K 23, cast off 26, ix 23. Work the shoulders as given for Back, but knitting § rows instead of 3 ‘before commencing shoulder shap- ing ‘The Sleeves. Using No. 11 needles and green ‘wool, cast ‘on 50 ‘sts_and work’ Into the back of them.” Work 8 rows. in rmoss-st. Next’ Row.-—Change to No. 10 needles, p'8, * purl twice into the next stitch, p 2; repeat from * to the Inst sts," ‘Purl twiee into the next stiteh, p 8. Now work the 8 pattern rows as riven for bottom of skirt twice. Continue to work in pattern and decrease one stitch at each end of the heedie in every row until two more patterns have been completed. ‘To Cast Off —K 2 tog, twice, * slip the Ist stitch ‘over the 2nd stitch on the right-hand needle, k tog; repeat from * to end, ‘To Make Up. Press, st-st portion only, under a damp cloth, using a warm iron, Join the shoulder seams, leaving 14 inches ‘open at the neck, sew up sleeve and Side seams. Sew in sleeves. Thread hneedie ‘with Angora wool, and. top~ Sew round neck edge. ‘Turn and work back, placing the needle through each stiteh just worked. Sew on buttons fand male loops to correspond. Em- brolder' roses and leaves on front of yoke, THE POKE BONNET. Materlals—1 (oz.) skein, green silver “Sheen; a small quantity of Beryl Angora wool in white; 1 pair exch of No. 9 and No. 10 ‘knitting feedies; 1 spare needle with points at both ends; 3 yd. fine millinery ‘wire! 1} yas. of green ribbon. Using No. 9 needles, cast on 102 sts, Knit into the back of them. Knit 6 plain rows. Change to No. 10 needles, Next Row—K 3, purl to the last 3 sts, ie 3, Next Row—Knit, Repeat the last 3 rows once. Knit 2 plain rows. Next Raw —K 3, purl to the last 3 sts, ke 3. Kait 3 plain rows. Work the 8 smocking rows, as given for Dress, twice. Next Row.—Purl, decreasing to make 08 sts.”"Work the 8 pattern rows a8 given for skirt of Dress, 4 times. ‘Knit in stst for 10 rows, decreasing twice in the last row to make 96 stitches. ‘To Shape the Crown. Ast Row.—* K 10, k 2 tog.; repeat from * to end of row. nd and Alternate Row—Knit. ard Row.—* K 9, ke 2 tog. repeat from *' {0 end of row. Continue in this way, having one stitch less be~ tween decrease, until the row * Kl, K'2 tog. * is completed, Break wool and draw it through the remaining sts. Sew. up Bonnet at back for 24 inches. Stitch, wire into place round brim, and with Angora Wool, work double-ereshet all round Bonnet. Sew on ribbons. ‘THE KNICKERS. Materials —2 (9 07.) skeins of green silver Sheen; 1 pair No. 9 knitting needles; a small quantity ‘cream Fib- tone crochet silk; J yd. elastic. ‘Measurements—Side Yold, 9 inches. Cast on 76 sis, and knit into the back of them. Knit 2 rows of ribbing, 2, pe Next Row—K 1,,* wl-twa, Ie 2 tog., ke 1; repeat from "* to end of row. Knit in ribbing for 7 rows. To Shape Back—Knit to within 10 sts of end of row, tur. Purl to ‘within 10-sts of end of row. Knit to within “20 ‘sis of end of row. Purl to within 20 sts of end of row. Continue in this way, working 10 sts less each time until 16. sts are left, turn, Knit to fend of row. ‘Continue in. st-st, inereasing 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the needle of every ‘th row until there are 46 ‘sts on needle. Work 10 rows in Next Row. — Cast off 3 sts, puil to the fast 2 sts, p 2 tos. Repeat the last 2 rows until 30 sts re- main on the needle. Leave stitches for grafting. ‘The Front. Work as for back, omitting the shaping, Press lightly. Graft the twe_pieces together. Jota side seams, Thread laste through holes 3 waist, "Using ibrone silk, crochet a" pleat edge round the legs. oe For the New Arrival. the commencement measures 94 inches, ending on a plain row. Next Row—P 8, * p 2 tog.; repeat from'* to the last'8 sts, p 8 ‘Make ribbon holes. Ist Row—K 2, * wl-twd, 2 tog; repeat from * 10 the last stiteh, Ie 2nd Row.—Knit the sts and’ purl the loops. ‘Commence yoke. Ast Row—(K 2, p 2) 4 times, k 31, (2, 2) 4 times. ‘nd Row—(P 2, k 2) 4 times, p 81, (2, p 2) 4 times, Repeat these 2 rows for 3 inches, ending with 2nd row. Next Row—(K 2, p 2) 4 times, east off 31 sts, (p 2," 2) 4 times Continue on these 16 sts for shoul- der for 24 inches, leave sts for graft ing. "Work other shoulder to corre- spond, The Back. ‘Work exactly as for front, omiting the shoulder straps. ‘To Make Up. Graft shoulder straps to back of Petticoat. Press under a damp cloth using & hot iron. “Sew up side seams, Yeaving ‘an opening. for’ armholes. Crochet a beading round neck, and an edging round armholes. ‘Thread rib- ‘bon through holes at waist and neck. 16 Baby’s Set Knitted in Crepe Crochet Silk. ‘Continsed from pare 1) Next Row.—Purl until 2 sts re- ‘main, p 2 tog, ‘Repeat, last 2 rows until 26 sts re main, Continue without further de creasing, Keeping the 12 pattern sts fat the border. When 32 rows have been ‘worked above the ribbon holes at waist, cast off 12 sts at the come ‘mencemént of & purl row. ‘Next Row.—knit. Next Purl. Row— ‘Next Row.—Cast off. ‘The Sleeves. ‘Cast on 43 sts, and knit first row into backs of sis, “Next Row—Purl. 3," ‘Repeat last two rows 6 times. Next Row.—Knit, Next Row —Purl, Repeat last 2 ‘rows until work ‘measures 6}, ins., or desired length, then shape top of sleeve by casting off 2 sts at the commencement of the ext 6 rows. Cast off remaining sts. Work another sleeve Inthe same ‘To Make Up. Press all parts carefully with warm ron and damp cloth. Join. sleeve ‘seams and shoulder ‘seams of coat, and then insert sleeves, Around the neck of cost work a crochet edge for ribbon af follows: +1 treble, 2 chain; repeat from * evenly all round. ‘Thread ribbon through waist and neck. ‘THE BOOTEES. Cast-on 43. sts, and Knit first row into backs of sts. ‘Next Row.—Purl. Next Row—K 3, * k 1, m 1, ke 4, kc 3 tog, k'4, m 1; repeat from # end- ing with Next Rew=—Purl, Repeat last 2 rows 14 times, purling 2 sts together in the last row, thus reducing to 42 sts, ‘Next Row.—* k 5, k 2 tog.; repeat from * to end, ‘Next Row.—Purl Next Row—K I, * m 1, k 2 top. repeat from *, ending with K 1. ‘Work the next 3 rows in plain knit- ting. ‘Then shape for foot as follows: Knit 12 sts, work 24 rows in ph ‘knitting on the next 12 sts, break the wool. ‘Commencing again where the 12 sts were left, and using the same needle, Knit up 12 sts from the side Of the instep and @ from. the part where the 24 rows have just been worked, then taking another needle ‘knit the remaining 6 sts on this needle, 12 sts from the other side of the | step, and the 12 remaining sts of the foot, “Work 8 rows in plain knitting without shaping. Work'6 more rows in plain Knitting, decreasing 1 stitch at each end of both needles in every Fow. Cast of. “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 11. To Make Up. With a damp cloth and warm iron. press ‘carefully ‘on the wrong, side, Sew up leg and foot seams. Thread ribbon through the holes at the ankles. ‘THE BONNET. Cast on 95 sts, and knit first row info backs of sts, Next Row—Purl. ‘Next Row—* K 1, m I, k4, 3 toe. kc 4, m 1; repeat from *, ending with ke 1. "Next Row—Purl. ‘Repeat last 2 rows twice more, then Instead of working 1 row purl work 2 purl rows, as this section forms the turn back, and it is now necessary to reverse the right side of work. ‘Then repeat the 2 pattern rows 12 times more. Next Row.—Kait Next Row.—Purl. Repeat last 2 rows for 14 ins., de- creasing to 84 sts in the last row. Next Row.—* K 10, ke 2 tog.; repeat trom * to end, Next Row—Purl. Next Row—* K 9, kc 2 tog; repeat trom’* to end, Next Row—Purl ‘Next Row—> K 8, k'2 tog.; repeat from’ to end. ‘Next Row.—Purl. Next Row" K 7, k 2 tog.; repeat trom'* to end. Next Row—Purl Next Row.—* K 6, k 2 tog.; repeat from’? to end, Next Row.—Purl ‘Next Row—* K 5, k 2 tog, repeat from’ to end, , Next Row—Purl. ‘Next Row.—* K'4, ke 2 tog.; repeat from™* to end. Next Row.—Purl. Next Row.—* K 3, k 2 tog.; repeat trom’* to end, Next Row.—Purl ‘Next Row.—* K 2, ke 2 tog.; repeat from'* to end, Next Row.—Purl ‘Next Row—* K 1, k 2 tog. repeat from’* to end, Next Row.—Purl. Break off the wool, leaving a short nd and then this through a darn- ing ‘needle, then run thro aS on the needle, draw up and fasten off, With damp cloth and warm iron Dress carefully, pressing back the first three patterns’ as 2 turm-back. Sew up the seams as far as shaping. Sew fn ribbon on each side. Knitted Silk Rompers. (To Fit a Child of 18 Months.) With cable or frotte silk, east on 22 sts with No. 10 needles.” Knit in plain ‘knitting for 1 inch, then cast ‘on 83 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Knit 1 inch in moss-st. Continue in stocking-st or desired pattern. to 2 inches below armhole, "K 3, * k 2 ‘tog,, k 6; repeat from * to end, then eS, kin mose-st for 2 inches. Cast on 6 at beginning of next 2 rows. Knit 4 inches, then ke $3, cast ‘off 23, ic 33. Work on each 28 sts for 2 inch. | Cast off. ‘This forms the back of Rompers. ‘The Front—As back till yoke meas ures 4} inches. Here cast off 23 sts in centre. Knit 1} inches on 93 sts, and cast off. ‘To Make Up.—Press, join sides, sew loops and buttons on tabs at bottom. Join shoulders to half-way edge with ‘de. Sew on loop and button. Edge neck and sleeves with shell edge. A Baby’s Knitted Helmet. Material—i oz. 2-ply Wool; 2 yd. ribbon; crochet silk; 2 No. 10 needles; erochet hook, size 00. ‘Round face, 11 inches, Cast on 3 ‘sts. K in moss-st, in= crease 1 stitch at beginning and end ‘of every alternate row until you have 86 sts. Break wool, and k another Ploce ‘the same.” K 35 sts__moss-st, cast on 20 sts, k remaining 35 sf in most-at for 1} inch XC in pattern to match set, or in any other pattern for 4) inches, Shape ‘as follows: Ist Row—* K 9, k 2 ton: repeat from * to end. Bnd and Alternate Rows—Knit. 3rd Row—* KC 8, ke 2 tog: repeat from * to end. Continue until— ‘ith Row—* K 1, ke 2 tog.; repeat from * to end. Break wool, thread into a wool needle, draw sts’ tightly, sew down back of helmet for 24 ins. Crochet’ edge around entire Helmet, Attach nibbon strings, and tle under chin, Bootees in Pyramid Pattern. Materials—1 oz of 2-ply Wool; pair No. Ii needles; a little Angora ‘Wool. “In order to have the pyramid pattern the right way, begin at sole. East on 58 sts. Ast and Alternate Rows—K plain without increase. 2nd Rew —KC twice into Ast, 28th and 30th ani last ts (62). “In all even rows 16 the i2th increase in the same placd (82 sts) ‘each end and twice in’ midi Ie 'K 10 rows without inn ase. Repeat these & Ke rows in gar= Nes Hos Prtucon Ns The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No, 11 Delightful Bed-jackets Charming 6d. Books, Published by “The New Idea,” ’ will Give You a Wonderful Range of Designs. se Ask your newsagent to show you the full range of “The New Idea” Bed-Jacket Books —6d. each. The designs are by noted experts. and these books have thousands. DELIGHTFUL BED-JACKET BOOKS 6d. EACH AT ALL NEWSAGENTS. sold by scores of SPECIAL NOTE. Tf unobtainable locally send 7d. in stamps to “The New Idea,” 230- 236 Stanley St., West Melbourne, 0.3, Vie- toria, and a copy will come by post—if you state which number (1 to 4) you require. I The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby “Delightful | Crochet Books Sixpence—each. PUBLISHED BY “THE NEW IDEA.” “The New Idea” has published four deliahtful sixpenny books of Crochet Desiqns— full directiious. and he New\ Idea,” described below. Kach book contains many beautiful designs with may be bought at any newsagents for 6d. or by post if Td. is sent to 230-236 Stanley Street, West Melbourne, 0.3, Victoria. No. 1.—Delightful Doyleys. crochet-work should not fa entitled “Delightful Doyleys,” sold for 6. everywhere. No. 2.—Assorted Crochet Designs. The New Idea” Crochet Book No. 2 is devoted i “The New Idea’’ Crochet Book, No. 3 In “The New Idea" Crochet Bo find designs for doyleys, both round and. square, and large and small. The twenty-eight lovely designs in some dainty Edges and MUlk- should fail to purchase “Tne Book No.4. It ls packed with all occasions. Bags, Jumpers, re all to be found in this delight

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