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“The New Idea" Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15: "THE DOCTOR TALKS.” —s * An Indispensable Book for Every Home. ——— Valuable Advice by a Well-Known Medical Practitioner. Fully Endorsed by the Some of the Subjects ( ef NG Discussed. Idea. How to Pi F The Editor of The New ; ‘ Idea” has had this book The Cause of Varicose Veins, compiled with the staple The Value of Vegetables. y aim of providing mothers When a Child Holds Its Breath. everywhere with a praeti- cal, common-sense guide to good health for the whole mily. He strongly urges y one of his readers to Blackheads and Pimples, The Care of the Eyes. How to Prevent Diphtheria, Nine Points in the Baby’s Law. New Hope for Asthma Sufferers. copy. While it does not take the place of a consultation with the doctor in any Why Hearts ious case of sickness, it ‘The Causes is written by a well-known Can Teeth Be Bleached? medical man, and so. is authorit: and a com- Athlete's Heart a Myth plete guide to wise ways in Accidents and First Aid. Re family health. ‘Tuberculosis, : ie aoe Da Han a Cosmeties and the Care of the Skin. arena gion beatae ent to ‘* The Ne Idea,’ : i. : 30-236 Stanley S Here is a Book that will Banish Many Fears — West Melbourne, 0.3, Vie oria Il bring and Help You Keep Healthy. er by return mail. Health Superstitions. “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15: COAT, BONNET AND LEGGINETTES FOR BABY. To Fit a Child About Six Months Old ‘THE COAT. Materials—8 ozs, of Paton's Super Seoteh Fingering Wool, 4-ply; 2 No. 8 “Beehive Knitting needies, measured by the “Beehive” gauge; { yd. of ribbon, ‘Measurements.—Length from top of shoulder, 10) ins; width all round at underarm, 20 ins: length of sleeve from underarm (with cuff turned up), ins. ‘Abbreviations —K, knit plain; p, purl; tog, together; wl-fwd., wool for- ‘ward; sts, stitches, ‘Work at a tension to produce 6} sts to the inch, measured over the plain, smooth fabrie—the correct size will only. be obtained by exactly following {this instruction! ‘The Right Front, Cast on 34 sts. Work 6 rows in plain Knitting. ih Row.—Knit plain. 8th Row.—K 1, purl to the last 5 sts, k 5. Repeat the 7th and 8th rows until the work measures 7 inches from the commencement, ending with the 7th Th the next row cast off 2 sts, k 1, purl to the last 5 sts, Kc 5. Continue in plain, smooth fabric (keeping a border of 5 sts in plain knitting at the front edge), decreasing ‘once at the armhole edge in the next fand every elternate row until 28 sts ‘Work 9 rows without shaping. Proceed as, follows: Ist Row.—K 2, wi-twa., k 2 tog, ‘knit plain fo the end of the row. 2nd Rew—K 1, purl to the last 5 sts, Ie 5, “rd Row.—Cast off 7 sts, knit plein to the end of the row. 4th Row—K 1, purl to the last stiteh, Ie ‘Sih’ Row —K 1, k 2 tog, knit plain lo the end of the’ row. Repeat the 4th and Sth rows twice, then the 4th row once. Shape for the shoulder as follows: Ist Rew.—Knit plain to the last 9 sts, turn “ind Row.—Purl to the last stiteh, k 1 rd Row—Knit plain. Cast off. The Lett Front. Cast on 34 sts. Work 6 rows in plain knitting. ith Row.—Knit plain, 8th Row—K 5, stiteh, Jeo ‘Repeat the Tth and sth rows until the work measures 7[ inches from the commencement, ending with the 8th Th the next row east off 2 sts, knit plain to the end of the row. Continue in plain, smooth fabric (Keeping a border of 5 sts in plain knitting at the front edge), decreasing fonce at the armhole edge in every alternate row until 28 sts remain, Work 9 rows without shaping, Proceed as follows: Ast Rew—Knit plain to the last 4 sts, k 2 tog., wlefwd., Kk 2. ‘nd Row.—K 5, purl stiteh, Ie 1 3rd Row —Knit plain. th Row —Cast off 7 sts, k 1, purl to the last stitch, ie 1 ‘sth Row.—Knit plain to the last 9 ste, 2 tog, KI. Gin Row. stiteh, 1 Repeat the 5th and 6th rows twice th Row —Knit plain, Shape for the shoulder as follows: Ist Row—K 1, purl to the last 9 sts, turn, purl to the last to the last purl to the last 2nd Row.—Knit plain to end of row Cast off. ‘The Back. Cast on 06 sts Work’ Fows in plain knitting 1th Rew.—Knit plain Sth Row—K 1, purl to the last stiteh, Fe Repent the 7th and th rows until the work messures the same as the left front tothe underarm, ending with thea row, ‘Cast off 2 sts at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows. = Continue working in plain, smooth fabric, decreasing once at each end of the ndedie in the next and every al= {erate row unt 54 sts remain, Work 19 rows without shaping Shape for the shoulders as follows; Bs Mow Kit plain to the last 9 sts, turn ‘ind Kew—Purl to the last 9 sts, turn, 8rd Row.—Knit plain to the last 18s, turn, ith Row.—Purl to the last 18 sis, tum, "Sth Row.—Knit plain to the tnd of the row. Cast off (Continued on page 14.) “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. ROBES ARE COSY FOR THE WINTER. Dress, Coat, Modesties, Petticoat, Singlet. Bonnet and Bootees Comprise this Layette. THE LONG CARRYING Coat, Materials. —3} 07s. of Paton’s hive” Shetland Wool; 1 yd. erepe de Chene ribbon, 1 inch wide; 14 yds “bébé” ribbon; 1 pair each of Nos. 11, 12 and 13 knitting needles; a steel crochet hook, size 2; 1 small pearl Dutton, ‘Measuerements.—From shoulder to lower edge, 23 ins, sleeve seam, 5 ins. Bee- Abbreviations —K, knit; p, purl; tog, together; sts, stitches; st-st, stocking-stiteh; s, slip; psso, pass slipped stiteh over: m, make (to make a stitch in the knit row, bring wool forward as if to purl; to make a stiteh in the purl row, wool forward, then round needle’, Using No, 11 needles, cast on 339 sts, Knit 12 rows mossust Next Row.—Moss-#t 9, k 2 tog. ‘knit until 9° sts remain,’ moss-st 9 (338 sts, Next Rew.—Moss-st 9, knit until 9 sts remain, mose-st 0. Begin. pattern. Ist Row.—Moss-st 9,°k 2m 1k 2 tog, k4 m1, 2 tog, ke3,"k 3 tog., m1, i 2; repeat from * until 9 sts’ remain, moss-st 9. 2nd Rew.—Moss-st 9, * p 3, m 1 p 2 tog, p 3, m1, p 2 tog, p'l, pd fog, mt, p 3; repeat from’* until 9 sts Femain, moss-it 8 Sr Row.—Moss-st 9, © m 1, k 2 tog, k 2m 1, k 2 tog, k 4, k'3 tog, mi, k 4} repeat from "until 9 sts ree maih, mose-st 9, —Moss-st 9, * m 1 p 2 1, p 2 tog, p 2, p 2 tog. repeat from * until @ sts 5th Row—Moss-st 9, ° m1, k 2 tog, k 4m 1, k 2 tog, k 2 tog, m 1 k 6; repeat from * intl 9 sis re” main, moss-st 9. 6th Row.—Moss-st 9, * m 1, p 2 tog., p 2p 2 tog, m 1, p 4m i, p2 tox. p 4; repeat trom * until 9 sts remain, moss-st 9. Tih Hkew—Moss-st 9, * m1, ke 2 tog, kei. k'2 tog, m 1, k 6m i, k 2 tog, k 9; repeat from’ * until 9 sts Femain, most 9. Sth Rew.—Moss-st 9, * p 2, p 2 tog, m1, p 4, ml, 2 foxy p 2 mi, p 2 tog, p'2: repeat from * until emain, moss-st 9, Moss-st 9, © k 1, k 2 tox, m1, k 5, m1, k 2 tog, km 1 k 2 tog. 1; repeat trom’* until 9 5 moss 9. 0th Row.—Most-st 9, © p 2 tog. m1, p 6, m 1, p 2 tox, p 4, m 1 Tepeat from * until 9 sta 1 D2 tog rows 4 Next Row—Moss-st 9, increase in next stitch (by knitting first into front and then into back of stiteh be- fore slipping it off needle), knit until Sete remain, moss-st 9 (339 sts). 9, knit until 9 Next Row.—Moss-st 9, k 2 tog, knit until 9 sts remain, moss-st (238 sts). Next Row. 8, knit until 9 Now repeat the 10 rows of pattern 4 times, Next Row—Moss-st 9, ke 15, * ke 2 tog, Ik 14; repeat from ', finish row with kk 13, moss-st 9 (319 sts) Change to No, 12 needles, Knit in st-st until work’ measures 18 inches, finish with a purl row Next Row—Moss-st 9, k 1, * k 2 tog.; repeat from * until 9 sts remain, moss-st 9. (169 sts on needle), Next Row.—Moss-st 9, purl until 9 sts_remain, moss-at 9. Next Row—K 1," m 1, k 2 tog. repeat from © until 9 sis remain, mose-st Knit 5 rows mose-st Next Rew—Moss-st 9, ke 1, * m 1, ic 2 tog.; repeat from * tntil @ sts re= ‘main, moss-st 9, Next 2 Rows.—Moss-st to end. Next Rew—With wrong side of work facing you, moss-st 9, putl 34 cast off 5 sts, p 73 sts (including stiteh already on needle), cast off 5 sts, purl until § sts remain, moss-st 9 Work on these last 43 sts as follows Ist Row.—Moss-st_ 9, works in pat- tern same as for Ist tow of skirt of Coat from * on 32 sts, k 2 remaining stitches, 2nd Rew—K 2, work same as for 2nd row from * to end, “The New Idea Continue in pattern, keeping the 2 extra sts at armhole’ edge In plain knitting ‘until the work measures 34 Inches from underarm, finishing with 2 purl 10w. Next Kow.—Cast off 23 sts, ke 2 (in- cluding stitch already on’ needle), ‘work in pattern on next 16 sts, ke 2. Next Row—K- 2," work in ‘patter on next 16 sts, k 2, Repeat the last row twice. Cost o Return to left front, join wool a ‘armhole edge, knit to correspond with Hight front, ‘The Back Yoke. Knit in moss-st until work measures 87 inches from underarm. Shape, by casting off 10 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Cast off remaining sts. The Sleeves (Both Alike). Using No. 1 needles, cast on 49 sts, Knit & rows ‘mose-st, increasing 1 stitch at end of 8th row only. Next Row. —Knit, increasing in every 12th stiteh to end (52 sts). ‘Next Row.—Purl Change to No. 12 needles, Work the 10 pattern rows same as for skirt of Coat, keeping 2 sts at the beginning and end of each row in plain knitting, Instead of 9 moss-st, until you have completed 4 patterns. ‘Then work 10 rows pattern, taking 2 tog. at beginning and end of every row (32 sts). Take care to keep con- tinuily of pattern. Cast off. ‘The Collar Using No, 11 needles, cast on 139 sts Knit 5 rows ‘moss-, Next Row.—Moss-st 5, p 2 tog., purl unt sts remain, most § (18 8). Change to No. 12 needles. Wor the 10 pattern rows same as for skirt ‘of Coat, Keeping 5 moss-sts at each fend instead of 9 moss-st, until you hhave completed 2 patterns. Next Row.—Moss-st 5, Ie 15, * ke 2 tog., k 14; repeat from’, finish row KTS, moss-st 5, Next Row.—Moss-st 5, purl until § sts remain, moss-st 5. ‘Proceed ‘as follows! Ast Row.—Moss-st 5, k 14, ° 5 1, Ke 2 tog, paso, k 12; repeat from *! finish row, Feld, moss-st 5. Knit 3 rows st-s, beginning with a purl row, always Keeping the border In 5 moss-sts. Sth Row.—Moss-st 5, k 13, s 1 K 2 ‘tog, paso, Ik 10; tepeat ‘from finish row 13, moss-st 5. Knit 9 rows st-at, 9th Row.—Moss-st 5, k 12, * 8 1, 2 tox. psso, k'8; repeat from ¢, fin ish row’ with’ Ie 13, moss-st 5. 10th Row.—Moss-st 5, puri until 5 sts remain, moss-st 5, th Row.—-Moss-st 5, k 11, © 1, 2 tog., psso, k 6; repeat from *, fin ish row, ke 11, moss-st 5. ¥2th Row.—Same as 10th row. Cast off, To Make Up. Press st-st under a damp cloth and warm iron. Join shoulders, sew up Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. sleeves, insert placing seam to under- arm, ‘Work double crochet on neck edge, sew on collar, leaving 4 inch moss-st borders free, Using crochet hook work picot edge on collar. Sew fon small button at neck edge; make Toop. to ‘correspond. Thread the “bébé” ribbon through the two rows of holes at waist band. Sew on the ‘wide ribbon to tle at ‘waist ‘THE SINGLET. Malerials.—1 oz. Paton’s * Beehivi Shetland Wool; 1 yd. narrow. ribbon: T pair knitting needles, No. 12 Measurements.-From shoulder to lower edge, 94 ins. ‘The Front Cast on 68 sts, Knit 1 ineh in nib (k 1, p 1) Then knit in stst. until work measures 6 inches, finishing with a url row. Proceed as follows: Ist Row K-17. Work in pattern same as” for skirt of robe from * twice, knit to end. 2nd Row—K 1, p 16. Work same as for 2nd row ‘trom * twice, putl Until 1 stiteh remains, Ke 1 Continue in this manner until. the 10 "rows ‘of pattern are completed. ‘Then work 10 rows of pattern exact ly'the same as’ for skirt of robe. Next Row.—K 15, cast off 36, knit 2 inches in” st-st. on remaining 15, sis. Finish with a ‘purl row.” Breale wool, leave ‘sts. on” needle,” Return to the other set of 15'sts. Join wool at neck edge, purl to end. Knit 3 inches in st-st} finish ‘with a knit row. Then on’ to the same ‘needle cast’ on 36 sts. Knit the 15 sts, left fon needie (66. sis.) Now work in st-st. only until the back ‘measures same as front to rib~ bing. “Knit 1 inch in‘rib. Cast off, Press st-st. under a damp cloth and warm iron. ‘Sew up side seams, leav’ ing 6 inches round armholes. Using crochet hook, work I round of treble fon neck and, “armholes, Cinish with picot edge. Thread ribbon through trebles at neck, THE ROBE, ‘Materlals—9} ozs. “ Beehive” Shet- ond’ Wools 3. yds. narrow ribbon; 6 very small pearl buttons; 1 pair each Nos, 12 and 18 knitting’ needles, Measurements From shoulder to lower edge, 22 inches; sleeve seam. including till, 3 inches ‘The Front. Using No, 12 needles, cast on 179 sts, Knit 12 rows moss-st, taking 2 tog at end of 12th row. (78 sts) Be- Bin pattern: Ist Row.—K 1, * k 2, m 1. 2 tog, k 4m, k 2 tog, k,2 k 2 tog, m 1, i 3; Fepeat from * until 1 siiteh remains, i @nd RowK 1, * p 3 (m 1, by bringing weol forward, ‘then round needle), p 2 tog, D3, m 1, p 2 tos, Bl. p B'tog., m' ty p 3; repeat front * until 1 stiten remains, kt rd Row. —K 1, * m 1, ke 2 tog, Kk 2m 1, k 2 tog, 'k 4k’? tom, m1, K 4; repeat from * until one’ stitel remains, kL 4th Rew—K 1, * m 1, p 2 tog, p 3m 1p 2 tog, p 2 p's tog mL © 3: repeat trom uni 1 sah ree Mains, ke. Sth 'Row.—K 1, * m 1, k 2 tog, k 4, m 1, ke 2 tog.,’k 2 tog, m 1, 6: repeat ‘from * Until 1 stideh’ remains, kL Sih Rew-—K 1, * m 1, p 2 tog, p 2 D2 tog. m 1p 4, mi,'p 2 tog pt repeat irom *'uniil 1 ‘titeh remains, ka Tih Row.—K 1, + m 1, ke 2 tog, k 1, ke2 tog, m 1, k 6 m I, k 2 tog. 3: repeal from * until 1’ stiteh re” mains, kl. 8th Row.—K 1, * p 2, p 2 tug, m 1p 4m 1 p2'tog, pd, mip 2 {os p 2: repeat trom’ “unt 1 Sieh remains," Ie Mth Bowie 1, * k 1, k 2 tog, m 1.5, mi, k 2'tog, 3, m lyk 2 tog., ic 1; repeat from’ * until'1 stiteh remains, ‘k 1 10th Row.K 1, * p 2 tog, m1, p 8. m 1, p 2 tom. p 4m 1p 2 tog repeat ‘from * until I stiteh ‘remains, eh Repeat these 10 pattem rows 8 Next Row.—K 2 tom, * k 14. ik 2 tog.; repeat from * to end (168 sts.) Next Row.—Purl. Knit in st-st, un- {UL Work measures 18 inches, finish= Ing with a purl row. Next Row.—Change to No. 12 needles, knit'2 tog. all along row (83 sts.) Knit 3 rows moss-st Next Row.—K 1, * m 1 repeat from * to end, Knit 3 rows mote-si., taking 2 tog at end of 3rd row oniy (82 sts.) Next Row—Cast off 3 sts, knit to Nest Row.—Cast off 3 sts. purl to Knit 2 rows stst,, taking 2 tog. at the beginning and ‘end of each row (72 sis). Proceed as follows!— k 2 tog. 4 Ist Row—K 20, * kk 2, m 1k tog, k 4.1m 1, k 2 tog, k'2, k 2 tog, mi, k 2; repeat trom * once more, Kenit "to. end ‘2nd Row.—P 20, * pam p tog, p 3m 1, p 2't pil pd tox, mi,'p 8: repeat from’ * once more, url’ to end. Continue in this manner, keeping in pattern sts. and 20" ste sts, at cach end until you have com pleted patterns "(30" rows) Next Rew.—K_ 22 Puri uuntil 2 sts ait 2 tog, knit to end Purl Knit 2 tows stest, Cast off Return to the other shoulder, join wool at neck edge, p 2 tox, purl to ena, ‘Next Row. main ke 2 tg Cast off Knit until 2 sts Knit" 3 rows atst ‘The Back. Knit as directed for front until you have completed shaping for armhole (72 sts). Then divide sts, for placket a5 follows-—K 96, turn, purl to end. Knit in sicst. until" work measures Tevel with front’ neck edge: finish with a knit row. Next Row.-Cast off 16 sts end. Knit 4 rows “stest Shoulder sts. ‘Cast off ‘Return ‘to the other set of 36 sts, Join wool at placket opening, uit to correspond. ‘The Sleeves (Both Alike.) Begin with lace frill, using No. 13 needies. “Cast on 9 sts. Knit 1 row. purl to ‘on’ the 20 New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. Ast Patlern Row—K 4, m 1 tog, mt, k 3, ind Rew —M 1 k 2 tog, ke 1 k 1 k 2'tog, m 1, k 3rd Row—K 6, m 1, k 2 tog, m 1 ie. 4th Row—M 1, k 2 tog, k 1, m 1,2 tog, m 1, kl, m1, k 2 tog, ke 4 5th Row.—K 3, k 2 tog., m 1, k 3, mJ, 2 tog, m1, kB 6th Row.—M 1, Ke 2 tog. 1, m2 k 2 tog, m1, k 8, m 1, k2 tog, k 2 Uh Row—K 4, m1, k 2 tos, k 1, Ie 2 tog. (mm 1, K'2 tog.) twice, "ke 2. Sth Row.—M 1, k 2 tog, k 2 tos, my 2 tog, mi, $1, 2 tog., Ds, mk 5. sth Row—K 5 (k 2 tox, m 1) twice, Ie 2 tog. K 2, Toth Row. 1, ke 2 tog, k 2 tog (m 1, k 2 tog.) twice, 4 1th Row.—K 3 (k 2 tog, m 1) twice, Ie? fog, 2 12th Row—M 1, k 2 tog, k 2 tog. (m I, k 2 tog.) twice, kB. Repeat these’ 12 pattern rows 7 times ‘more. Cast off.” Pick up and knit 49 sts slong the straight edge of Lace. Next Row.—Pur, Next Row.—Knit 8, increase in every stiteh until 8 remain, k 8. ( Next Rew.—Purl. Work the 10 pattern rows same for skirt of robe twice. Continue Keeping in. pattern, casting otf 3 sts. at the beginning of the next 10 rows (82 sts.) Noxt Row cast off tightly 2 tog. all along row. To Make Up. Prose st-st. under a damp cloth and warm iron. Join shoulders, sew —up Sleeves and side seams, sew in sleeves, placing seam to seam. Work double Crochet on left side of placket. “Work pieot edge round meek.” Sew on but fons, “make loops. to correspond. ‘Thread ribbon through holes at waist, Ina bow at the back. Make two place at each side of lace THE PETTICOAT. “Bee and 13 2h ozs. Paton's 11" yds No. 12 Matcriats—24 hive” Shetland Wool Hbbon; 1 pair each Initting needles. ‘Measurements.—From lower edge, 211 inches, joulder 10. “The New Idea" Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. as for frill on. sleeves of robe until You have completed 7 patterns. Cast ‘Off, "Work another frill the same, To Make Up. Press st-st. under a damp cloth and warm iron. Join. shoulders, sew” up Side ‘seams, leaving 6 inches. round armbole. oin armhole fil. Sew in placing seam’ ‘to. underarm — seam. Using ‘crochet hook, work plcot edge Found ‘neck. Thread ribbon through holes at waist ‘THE MODESTIES. Materlals—1 oz. Paton's “Bee hive" Shetiand Wool; 11 yds _nar- tow ribbon; I pair knitting needles, No. 12, Messurements.—Side fold, 7 inches ‘The Front. Cast on 82 sts. Knit 6 rows rib (tp D. Next, Row. repeat from * to end. Next Row.—Purl. Knit 6 rows rib. "Knit in st-st. un- ti work measures 3 Inches trom be- ing finishing with. purl. row. Now "work the 10" ows of pattern Same as for skirt of robe once Next Row.—K 17, work in pattern on next 48s, knit to end. of Tow Continue in this manner until "you have completed the ten rows of pat tern oxr ‘Next Row.—K 33, then work in pat- tern on next 16 sts. Knit to” end ie ike). sts. Join wool at neck edge, p 2 tog, Continue until 10 rows of pattern on The Back and Front (Both Alike). ss. Join woo! at neck edge,» tors CPU YR Et! thtad al Next Row. —Knit until 2 sis. res iRanes."" Continue in atat, knitting K 2, * m1, k 2 tog Begin with Ince frill, Using No. 1g needles, easton 9 sis, Knit the 12 pavers’ ows Game os for frut‘on maine k 2 fog, "Repeat the. lst 2 oq at beginning and end of eve Plcted 31 patterns Cast off sing St Cast off Tyimches “without decreasing.” ‘Then Rta noodles pick up and init 108 Using No, 12, needles, cast on 9 eae Caren Se re ei eset of ice’ sts, Work the 12" pattern rows same ontinued on page 15.) Next Row.—Purl. Change to No. 12 needles, knit the 10 pattern. rows same as for skirt of robe until YOu have completed 5 patterns. ‘Next Row—K 2 tog, * k 14, k 2 tog, repeat from * to end (151'sts.) ‘Next Row.—Purl Knit in st-st. until, work measures 16) inches, including ace frill. Finish with a purl row. Next Row-—Change to No. 13 needies. KI, * k 2 tog; Tepeat from to end (76 sts.) Next Row.—Purl Next Row.—K 2, * m 1, k ¥ tog y repeat from > to end, Next Rew—Purl. Next Row.—K 6, * k 2 tog, i 5; repeat from’ * to''end (66. sts) Now work the 10 rows of pattern same as for skirt of robe once. Knit Ti inches. st-st; finish with a purl ‘Next Row.—K 20, cast off 20. Knit to end 4 Next Row—Purl until 2 sts” re ain, p 2 tog. Next Row-—K 2 tog., knit to end. Repeat the last 2. rows once more (a6 as). Knit 1 inch in st-st. ‘Cast off, “Return to the olher set of 20 The New Idea Knitting Book for Baby A LOVELY SHAWL FOR BABY. i Se RNS FS RROD a A Ait My SMH MANNS OS PSR AIS ah i SSE: Materials—8 ozs. Paton’s White Heather ‘Shetl Tpair knit ting needies, 1 Measurements —52 inches square Abbreviations.—K, lenit; p, purl; tos., together; st, stlteh; ma, make (to make the knit ‘row bring ‘wool it to purl, but to make a stiteh on the purl ow bring wool for= ‘ward, then round needle); 8, sip, psso, pass slipped stitel over Begin pattern for border. Cast on 373 sts. Knit 2 rows, Ist Row +m, kas lk '3, m 1 K 1 repeat remain k 2 tog. 8, 2nd Row.—K 2, p 8, * m 1p 3, (p 2 tog.) twice, p 3, m'1, 'p I; repeat from” until 9 Sts femait, D7. Srd Row—K 7, ic same as for ist row from Femain, 2 tog, IT Mth Row.—K 2, p 8, * m1, p 2 (p 2 tog.) twice, p 2, m 1. p a: repeat from’ until 18 sts remain, m 1, p 2 (D2 tog) twice, p 2, ml,’ 8, i 2 Sth Row.—K 6, k 2 tog. ke 3,* m 1, ke 1s 1, kL, pssg, k 2 tog, kJ, m1 tox, k 1, work until 9 sts 1 8! repeat from * until 17 sts remain, then ml, kl, ¢ 1, kel, paso, k'2 tog K'lym 1, k 3, i 2 tog, & 6, 6th Row.—K 2, p 9, * m 1, (p 2 tog.) twice, m'i, p 7, tepeat from’ until 15 ste remain, then'm 1 (p 2 tog) twice, m1, p'9, Ke 2 CREE NNT eRe FRR RO CIRO RRDOI NR FRR BD Sh SSAA sit Se DDL LENINUN ERS WY, ARERR HRS Th Row —K 5, ke 2 tom, * Ke 2 to ke 3,m 1, 2 tog, m 1, k 4, repeat from’* until 19st remain, then ie 2 og, k 3,-m 1, k2 tog, m I, k 3, 2'tog, k'2 tog, k 8th Row—K 2, p 4, * p 2 tog. p3 mi, pd, m 1p 3, p 2 ton Fepeat from until 6 ete) remain, Bb we 2, 9th Row.—K 4, k 2 tog, * ke 2 tog. 3m, 1m'tk 3,4, kl, pss repeat from # until 6 sts remain, ie 3 tous ke 4 Very Snug for Cold Days. 10th Row.—K 2 p 3, * p2 tog, p2,m 1p 3, m 1, p 2, p 2 tog, re. eat from/* until ‘sts’ remain ’p 3, mb 7m 1, p2 tog, “until 4'ste remain, p2, 13% Row.—K 2, i"? og mi 10g. 3, m 1, ke 2 tog, ee Tintil id" ste remain, then k 2 tox, k3,m 1, k I kD tow,’ ie 2 iath Row.—K 2, p 2, now worl wme as for 2nd row from * until 3 sts remain. p 1, Ke? 15th Rew.—K 1, k 2 tog., K 1, work same as for ist tow from * until 8 sis remain, k 2 tog, Kt 16th Rew.—K 2, p 1, work same as for 2nd row from'* until 2 ste re main, Ie 2. ith Row.—K 2 tog, k 1, work same as for Ist row fram * ‘until’ 2 sts remain, k 2 tog. 18th Rew.—K 1, p 2: work same as for 4th row from * until 11 sts re main, m1, p 2 (p 2 tog.) twiee, p 2, mip 2, kd 19th Row.—K 2 tog, k 2m 1, 8 1, le 1, peso, le 2 tog, ke 1, m iy ke 5, ‘work sane as for sth tow irom * un? U0 sts remain, mt ie ly sl, kl, sso, k'2 tog, kl, mi, k 2, kD tog, 20th Row.—K 1, p 3, worle same as for 6th row from * ‘Until & sts re- (Continued on pege 16.) “The New Idea” Knitting Book Jor Bay—No. 19, BABY’S BRUSHED-WOOL KNITTED COATEE. A Serviceable Garment for All Occasions. Material—2} ozs, Paton’s teazle wool, 1 oz &ply Scotch Fingering, « ssmali quantity of crochet silk, 1 pear! button, 1 pair knitting needles, No. 10; ‘medium Size bone erochet hook: a teaale brush Measurements, — From shoulder to lower etige, 9 ina; sleeve from under Tension—§ rows and 7 sts to the neh Abbreviations.—K, kul together, sts, stitches; stiteh. Commence at lower edze of back, east fon 66 sts, Now knit 34 Ins, sts, finish ng with a pur row. , purl: toe i, stocking Next Row.—Cast off 3 sts. Knit to fend. of row Next Row.—Cast off 3 sts. Parl to fend of row. Next Row—K 1, ie 2 tog., knit until 3 sts remain, then k 2 tox, k 1. Next Row.—K 2, purl until 2 sts re- main, k 2. Repeat last 2 rows until 24 sts on needle, Cast off Right Front. cast on 24 sts. tat Row—Knit stiteh, 2nd Row —Parl Repeat last 2 rows until you have 83 son Needle, Knit 6 TOWS st-st. Next Row.—K 2 tox, knit to end of Next Row—Parl Next Row.—Kat. Imereasing im ist Next Row—Parl. Ropeat last 4 rows once more, Next Row.—Knit to end of row. Next Row.—Cast off 8 ts, purl to end of To". Next Row.—K 2 tog., knit until 3 sts remain; then k 2 tox ie Next Row.—K 2, purl to end of row. Next Row—Knit until $ sts rem k 2 tog, ke 1 Next Row—K 2, purl to end of row. Repeat Inst two rows once more. ‘Then repeat the last 6 rows until all as aro worked off neodle, Left Front Cast on 24 ats Ast Row.—Knit increasing in last at. THE COMPLETED BKUSIED-WoOL KNITTED coaTrE, 2nd Row—Purl Repeat last 2 rows until 32 ats on needle. Knit ¢ rows stat, finishing with purl row. Next Row.—Knit until 2 sts rematn, then k 2 tos. Next Row—Purl, Next Row—Knit, Next Row.—Purl, Repeat last 4 rows oneo moro. Next Row.—Cast off 8 ts, knit to end of roe Next Row.—Purl until 2 ste remain, ee Next Row—K 1, ke 2 tog. sts remain, i 2 to. Next Row—Purl until 2 sts remain, x2. Next Row.—K 1, k 2 tog, knit to end of row, ‘knit until 2 SPECIAL NOTE. In this igeue we re-publish two special designs by request: These are the Baby's Brushed ‘Wool Coatee and Child’s Jumper with Sauirret_ Design. These appeared in “Baby Book No. 2”; but so popular was this book that it is completely sold out, and so we repeat the popular designs mentioned, in this book, for the benefit of new buyers. Next Row.—Purl untll 2 sts remain, ka Repeat last two rows once more, th repeat last 6 rows util all sta are Worked off needle ‘The Sleeves (Roth Alike) Cast on 40 sts, Knit in stst increas {ing at beginning and end of every sth row until yon have 50 sts on needle, When work measures 6} ins., cast off 8 sts, knit to ond of row. Next Row.—Cast off 3 sts, purl to end Next Row.—K 1, k 2 tog., knit until 3 sts romain, ik 2 tox, kT Next Row. K 2, purl until 2 sts re- main, k 2. Repeat last 2 rows until 8 sts aro left, Cast off. To Make Up. Press work on wrong side under a amp cloth and hot iron. "Sew sloping sides of sleeves to back and front of Coatee. Sew up sleeves and alle seams Press seams.” Raise the surface of entire Cont with the teazle brash, With tight side of Coat facing yon, join Scotch Fingering wool to left shoulder, Work one row double crochet all around fede of Coatee. Now work “scalloped horder as follows: * 1 double crochet on 1st st, miss 2 st, work 2 treblo, 2 long treble 2 treble, ali into next st, repeat from all round, turn and work scallops. agai taking up the same ats, Fasten off ‘Wool, Join silk. Work one row double crochet into every st of both rows of Scallops. One row of scallops is to be laid down on the Coates, and is kept in place by sewing here and there with wool. Sew on button, and make silk oop ‘to correspond. THE PRAM COVER. Paton's “Totem” Knit- | white, 10 o2s.; 1 pair 4°" Beehive” knitting needles; silk for lining of desired ribbon. inaeasurements—30 “inches, by 28 ‘Tension.—To get these measure ments it is absolutely necessary to Work at a. tension to produce 5 stitehes' tothe inch. Cast on 108 stitches. Work 16 rows in garter stitch (i.e every row plain) ‘Proceed as follows:— ist Row.—K 18, * (k 2 tox.) three times (wl-fwd.,'Ik 1) six times (2 fog) three times, repeat trom "to the last 18 stitches, Ik 18. 2nd Row.—K 18, purl to the last 18 stitches, ke 18, ‘rd Row.—Knit plain. Repeat the 2nd and 3rd then’ the 3rd row once, Repeat from ‘* to * twenty-six times, then the Ist row once. ‘Work 16 rows in garter stitch Cast off ‘To Make Up the Pram-Cover. With a slightly damp cloth ‘and warm ion, press Nightly. “Line the cover with silk if desired. Make a bow of the ribbon and attach to one i “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. NECESSITIES FOR BABY. A Lovely Knitted Shawl and a Pram-Cover. ‘THE SHAWL. Materials. —6 07s, * Beehive " Lady Betty Flees 1 Neve and 1 No. 4 “Beehive” knitting needles; “ Inox * crochet hook, No. 13, ‘Measurements —When pressed, about 48 inches square. Abbreviations—K, knit; p, purl; wl-fwd., wool for- ‘dj tog together; sts, stitches. Using the No, 4 needle, cast on 246 sts on to the @ needle, ‘Work 28 rows in moss-st (about 4 Inches). Proceed. as follows: St gsth Rew.—Mose-st 21, * k 2 tog., wlefwd.; repeat, from * to the last 23 sts, moss-st. 23. ‘Both Row.—Moss-st to the end of the row. Bist Row.—Moss-st 23, " wlefwd,, moss-st 20; repeat from * to the last 23 sts; wlefwd., moss-st 23. (257 sts) ‘Bend Row.—Mose-st 23," ke 2 tog., moss-st 19; repeat from * to the last 24 sts, K 2 tog., moss-st 22 (246 sis) ‘Repeat ist and 32nd rows @ times.** Repeat, from * to ** 9 times Work 29th row ‘again, then finish off with 28 rows of moss-st, Cast off Work a crochet edging all round the Shaw| as follows: 1 single erochet, * 3 ch, 1 de into first of these ch, miss 1 stiteh of foundation, 1 single crochet into next; repeat from ° all round, Pin out to measurements, and press well. “The New dea” A CHILD’S KNITTED JUMPER. With an Attractive Squirrel Design. Materials—38 ons. white 4ply super- fingering’ Wool, 203. blue 4-ply super- fingering wool, 4 small pearl buttons: 1 pair Knitting’ needles No. 9. Messurements—Lensth of | Suinper from shoulder to Tower edge, 13 Inches: Tensth of alecve from underarm, with cuff tured back, T inches, ‘Abbreviations.—K, Knit: p, purl; tox. together, sta, stitches; W,' white: B, ine. Commence at lower edge of front ‘With white wool cast on 73 sts, inl 20 rows moseaitch, “Joln on Ine. Wool peat from * until 10 sts remain, then BW. 5.8. Ath Row—P 6B. * 8 W, 10 BL Re peat trom,* until 13 sts remain, then Dew. 8 5th Row—K 4B, * 3 W. 1B, 5 W, 9B. Repeat from * until 15'sts remain, W. B, then fet W, 1.1 5 W, 6 B, B. saw, 10 B. Repeat trom * until ‘main, then p 4 W. 1 Bt W, Teh Row—K 4B, #3 W, RaW, aB. ‘ath Row—P 6B 2 5.W, 1B, 8 Wy 9B. Repeat from’ * until’ 13 remain, then p5'W, 1B. 3 W. 4 B. ‘8th Row--K 4B, "3 W, 2B, 7 W, 6B.” Repeat from *'untll 15'sts remain, then kW, 2B 7 W, 3B. ‘fom Row-—P iB) * 1 W, 1B, ¢ W. 3B, W, 6B, Repeat from * until 16 sts remain, then p 1 W, 1B, 4 W, 3B, PWae Tih Row—K 4B, * 4 W, 5B, 3 W, 6B. Repeat from’* until’ 15 sts re: main, then k 4W, 5 B38 W, 2B. Vath How—P 4B, * 2 W, 3B, OW, 7B. Repeat from’ * until’ 15 ste re: main, then D2 W, 3 B, 6 W, 4B. 13th Row—K 5B, * 6 W, 2B, 1 Wy 9B. Repeat from * until’ 14 sts re: main, then k 6 W, 2,1 W, 6 B. Vath Row—P 8B, ° 6 W, 18 B. Re pent from.* untit 11 sts remain, then DEW, 6B. 18th Row—K 7 B,* 8 W, 15 B. Re- peat from * until 12 sts remain, then RSW, 8B. Break off white, wool. 48th Row—P 73 sts with blue woo! Break off hive wool, and Joln on white. ‘Knit ia stocking-st (1 row knit, 1 row puri) with white wool until work meas- tires $} inches from commencement, ‘Shape for armhole. at Row-—Cast off 2 sts, knit to end of row. 2nd Row—Cast off 2 sts, purl to end of row. Knitting Book for Baby-—No, 15. ard Row—K 1, k 2 top, kMt until 3 ste remain, K 2 tog. ie ‘4th. Row.—Puil. Repeat the last roms twice. (62 sts endl) Continue in stocking: st without decreasing fantil work measures 11 Inches from commence: ment of Jumper, ending ‘with a purl row. ‘Proceed as follows ist Row.—K 1, then pL kT, twenty dimes, Ba, Xt. 2nd Row.—P 10, then kf, py twenty-one ‘mes, 1, p10. ‘Ropest last 2 rows four times Row—K 10, knit § mosssts. these 8 ats on. stitchholder for lett shoulder. Cast off 27 sts, Knit § mosests, k 10. (Work on these 18 ste for right shoulder.) Next Row—P 10, knit 8 mose.sts, Next Row.—Knit § mosests, K 10 Repeat last 2 rows four tlmes. Cast off, "Knit lett shoulder to correspond ‘with right shoulde Place: ‘The Back, ‘The back of Fumper fs knitted exact ly the same as the front of Jumper. The Sleeves (Both Alike). ‘With white wool cast on 45 sts. Knit 14 rows, mosest, decreasing 1 st by knitting 2'ste together at the end of the Tith row (44 ste on needle). Knit in rib of k 2, p 2 for $ rows. Increase to 48 sts by knitting frst tnto the front and then’ into the back of every tenth st Work in, stocking:st, increasing, 1 st at the beginning and end of every 8th row, until 64 sts are on needle. -Con- tinue “without Increasing until” sleave measures 7 Inches With, moss-st cuff turned back. ‘Then knit 2 sts together at the beginning and end of every row tint sts are reduced to 40." Cast off. To Make Up. Join stocking-st portion of shoulders, free. With a damp _ preas all stocking-st_ Sew side seams. "Scam sleoves and ert, placing team, Make two Dutton-hole loops om each front. shout. ‘er, and eew buttons on the back shou! ‘ers to correspond. DIRECTIONS FOR CHILD'S KNITTED BERET, ‘Materials —2 02s. teazle wool, 1 pair No. 10 needles. Cast on 16 sts and do 4 rows in plain knitting, then:— Ast Row.—K 1, inerease once in each of next 2 sts, ©’, increase once in ext st. Repeat from * to last 2; knit these 2nd Row.—K 2, purl to Tast 2; knit these, ‘Sed Row-—K 2, increase once in next st, Ie plain to, last, 4, Increase nee in ‘next, KS. Repeat rows 2 and S"tin you have 38 sts; ending with a purl iow. Proceed as-follows:— Ast Row-—Knit plain to the lest 3 ste turn, nd Row.—Purl to last 3 sts. turn, 3rd Row.—Knit plain to last 7 sts.; turn ‘Mth Row.—Purl to last 7 sts; turn, 5th Row.—Knit plain to last 15 sts.; turn, 6th Row.—Purl to last 15 sts.; turn. 7th Row.—Knit plain to the end of the row. 8th Row.—Knit 2, purl to last knit’ these, Now decrease once at cach end of needle in every” plain Kenitted row Until 2 remain. Cast off, Work 4 more pieces the same.” Press them Under ‘a damp cloth. Sew together, fand run ‘hat elastic inside edge of brim. It for “a smaller child, use Smaller needles. This band measures about 16 inches when stretched. ‘To prevent soiling work when Knit ting delicate shades, wear a pair of ‘old silk gloves. ‘This will prevent perspiration. from getting on the work, and the gloves can be washed find nade fresh whenever required, “The New Idea ” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15 SERVICEABLE KNITTED COAT FOR BABY. The Very Thing for the Cooler Days. Materials —4) ozs, 3-ply. super-fin- ering wool in pale pink or any pastel shade, 1 ball layette Angora ‘wool in white, 1 dozen pearl buttons, 4 small press-studs, 1 pair each” initting needles No. 10 and No. 11, Measurements—From shoulder to lower edge, 16 ins.; sleeve seam, with cutt turned back, & ns. Abbreviations—K, knit; p, purl tog., together; s, slip; psso, pass slip sit sis, ‘stitches; m, make (to make a stitch bring wool forward ‘as if to purl). Commence at lower edge using rab- bit wool and No. 10 needles. Cast on 216 sts, break Angora wool, join 3-ply. ‘Knit 2 rows, Ist Pattern Row—K 21 moss-sts, * p 1, k 1, 2 tog, eZ tog, m1, k 1, m1, KY, m4, kedy'm 1,8 1 Ke 1, peo, 1) psso, k 1) p 1; repeat trom * ‘until 21 ts remain, ie 21 moss-sts 2nd Pattern Row.—K 21 moss-sts, 1, p18, * 2, p 13; repeat from * until 22 sts remain, then ke 1, ke 21 moss-sts, Repeat thesé two pattern rows until work measures 12 Inches trom com= ‘Next Row.—With right side of work facing you, k 21 moss-sts, p 1," k 1, 2'tog,, k2'tog, ke, 81, k'l, peso, #1, 1k 1, peso, i 1, p 2 tog.; repeat trom * until 35 ste remain, then Ie 1, Ie 2 tox,, 12 toes 5S Ty I peo! = sso, Kei, p i,k BY moss-sts (193 ‘on needic ‘Next 3 Rows.—Knit in moss-st. Next Row.—K 55 moss-sts, place on holder for right front yoke, east off 3 sts, Knit In moss-st on next 77 sts, and lice on bolder for back cast off 3st, ‘knit in moss-st on remaining 85 sts for left front yoke. Ast Row.—Knit in moss-st to end of row. 2nd Row—K 2 tog., knit in moss-st to end of row. Repeat the iast 2 rows once more. Now contimig, in mos. thout decreasing until work measures 31 Inches from Under-am. Next Row.—With wrong side of work facing you cast off 32 sts, knit in ‘moss-st on remaining 21 sts for 4 rows. Then shape shoulder by casting off 7 sts at armhole edge, 3 times, Transfer sts of right front from holder to needle, point towards under arm. Join wool, Knit in mose-st to end continue in moss-st until work. meas lures 3} Inches. Then with right side of work facing you, cast off 32 sts, Iknit in moss-st on remaining 21 sts, Knit right shoulder to correspond with left.” Cast of, ‘Transfer sts of back from holder to needle. Join wool, knit in moss-st for 4 inches, then shape shoulder by cast ing off 7 sts at the beginning of the next 6 rows, then east off remaining stitehes.| ‘The Steves (Both Alike) Using Angora wool and No. 11 needles cast on 60 sts. Break Angora ‘wool, Join 3-ply. Knit 2 rows. ‘Then knit in pattern same as for skirt of Coat (omitting the 21 moss-sts at beginning and end of work) until you have ‘completed 3 patterns. (6 7th Row—P 1, * i 1, ke 2 tog, k 2 tog) k 3,81, ie i, psso,'s 1, Kc 1, pss0, KT) p 2’ tog.: repeat from *, finishing row with pi instead of p 2 tog. (41 stitches). t, knitting 2 tog. at end of 6th row. ‘Now knit 9 rows rib (Ie 1, p 1), taNezt How —With wrong side of cutt cing you (60 sts now on needle). ‘Next Row.—Purl, Now change to No. 10 needles, and ‘knit the two pattern rows same as for skirt of Coat’ (omitting. the most-cts) until sleeve measures 8 inches from beginning of rib. Next Row.—Cast off 3 sts, knit to end of row. Next Row.—Cast off 3 sts, purl to end ‘of row. ophtePest Hast 2 rows once more, Cast The Collar. Using Angora wool and No. 11 needles cast on 210 sts. Break Angora wool, join 8-ply. Knit 2 rows, then work the 2 rows of pattern twice, then decrease in Same manner as 7th row of cuff At stitches), Next Row.—Cast off loosely 12 sts, then knit in moss-st to end of row. every other st Next Row—Cast off loosely 12 sts, now knit in moss-st on remaining 117 sts for I inch, then shape as follows: Ist Row—K 20 moss-sts, k 2 tor, p 2 tog, * ie 20 moss-sts, k'2 tog, p 2 tog.’ Tepeat from * twice more,” then 21 mossests, Knit 3 rows moss-st without de- creasing. Sth Row.—K 19 moss-sts, p 2 tog., k 2 togy *'k 18 moss-sts, p'2 tog, ie 2 tog.; repeat from * twice more,” then Je 20 mass-ste Knit_2 rows moss-st Sth Row.—K 19 moss-sts, p 2 tog., 2 tog, * E16 moss-sts, p'2 tog, Ke 2 tog.; repeat from * twice more, tien le 18 mose-sts. ‘Knit 2 rows moss-st. Lith Row.—K 17 moss-sis, p 2 tox. kc 2 tog, * k 14 moss-sts, p 2 tog, ke tog.; repeat from * twice more, then Ke 18 moss-sts. Knit 1 row mose-st 18th Row.—K 16 moss-sts, k 2 tox.. p 2 tog, *'k 12 moss-sts, k 2 tog. 2 ‘repeat from * twice more, tien le Virmose-sts. Cast off, To Make Up. Press the faney pattern on wrong side With warm iron. Join shoulders Sew up sleeves, insert seam to under arm, turn back euff. Sew on ‘collar Wrap right front moss-st border over left, sow on press-studs to fasten, Sew ‘on buttons in 3 groups of 2 buttons in each group on’ each side of right border. To Thread a Darning Needle Quick- ly with Wool—No time is wasted in threading a darning needle if a double piece of sewing cotton is first passed through the hole, and the wool pulled through the eye on the loop of the cotton, “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15 ATTRACTIVE DRESS, COAT AND BONNET. A Simple Pattern for the Less Accomplished Knitter. THE DRESS. Sons. a-ply “Lady Betty" ale blue, 1 ball. “Angora” layette wool in white, ‘I yds. blue ribbon, 1 pair knitting needles. No. 11. ‘Measurements.—Prom shoulder to lower edge, 161 Ins: sleeve seam, 3 inches Abbreviations—K, knit; p, purl; tog. together: s, slip;’ psso, pass ‘sip site over: m, ‘make; "sts, ‘stitches; st-st, stocking-stiten, ‘The Front. Using Angora wool, easton 149 sts, Break Angora wool, join “Lady Betty" ‘Wool, knit 10 rows mass-st, Ist Pattern Kow—Moss-st 3, * m 1, 4, te 2 tog. poso, m 1, mose-st 7 repeat from * until’6 sts femain, then A, 1, 2 tog. psso, m1. mast-st ‘2nd’ Row.—Moss-it 3, *'p 3, moss-st 7, repeat from %, finishing row with moss- st 8, instead of 7, ard 'Row—K'1, * p 2 tog, m 1, k 3, ™ 1, p 2 tox, mose-st 3; tepeat’ from * until # sts remain, then p 2 tog, m1 K3,m1.p2 toe, mies. e2 m i,k 5, m1, 2 to end of row. 108. ing row ‘with D1 1, mstead of moss-st 5 Sth'Row.—Same as sth row, Sith Row.—Samo as ist pattem row. 10th Row.—Same as 2nd row. Ah Row.—Moss-st 31, * p 2 tog, m 1, K 3, m1. p 2 tog, moss-tt 93; repeat from * once more, then p 2 tog. m 1, Ke 3m 1, p 2 tog. ‘mose-st St. 42th Row.—-Moss-st 21, * p 7, moss-st 88; repent from * once more, then pT. moss 31 13h Row.—Moss-st 30, * 2 tog, m 1. 5, m1, k 2 tog, moss-st 31; repeat from * finishing row with moss-et 30, Instead of 31 1h Row.—Same as 22th row. 15th Row.—Moss-st 92, # m1, 8 1, k 1, peso, K 1. k 2 tog., m 1, mossnst 35; re- peat from * finishing row with moss-st 32 tin Row—Same as 12th row. 11th Row —Moss-st 32, © m 1, s 1, i 2 tow. peso, m 1, mose-st 37; repeat from 3"finishinig row with mose-st $0. 1th Row.—Moss-st 33, « p 8. moss-st 37; repeat from *, Onishing row with ‘most-st 82. Now work as follows!— Ist How—K 29, 3 p 1, k 1, p 2 tox. m 1,3, m 1. p 2 tom. 1, p 1, 29 repeat fiom * to end of row. 2nd Row.—P 30, * k 1, p 7, k 1, p St; repeat from # once mote, then K'I. pf EL pao ard! Row—K 29, * p 1, 2 tog, m 4, K 5, m 1. i 2 tog, p 1, K 29) repeat from * to end of row. 4th Row.—Same as 2nd row, 5th Row 29," pL. kd 51, kJ peso, K 1, & 3 ton, k 1, p 1, k 29; repeat trom ith Row —K 29," pL kL m2, 81, i 2 tog, peso, m 1, K 1,'p 1,'k 29; repeat from 8th Row—P 30, # k 1, p 1, 1, pA, kL p31; repeat ff more, then k 1, pt, 1, p 8, 1, p 30, Repeat the last # rows 9 times mote, "Work should measure 11 ins. from commencement when pressed Proceed as follows:— Ast Row—K 1, * (k 2 tog) 14 times, m1, ke tog. p 2 tog, mi, k 3, m 1 D2 tog. k 2 tog., m 1 k 1; Tepeat from & twice’ more, then k'2 tog. 14 times, (G3 sts on needle) 2nd Row.—P 18, * k 1, p 7, 1, p I Fepeat from *, finishing Yow’ with p 16 ard Row.—K 15, * p 1, k 2 toe, m 1 5, mi, 2 tog, pd, K 15: repeat from ® to’ end. 4th Row—Same as 2nd row. 5th Row—K 15, * p 1, k 1, p 4, 8 1, K 1, psso, 1, k 3 tog, m i 1p 1, K 15; repeat from to end. th Row—Same as 2nd row. Fr 1 nae sxe 1 1, 5 1, 1 Wh Row.—K 15, * p 1, m 4.81, 2 tog, peso, K1.p 1k 15; repeat fron Sth Row.—P 16," k 1, Lp lke 1, pit; ropes ing’ Fow’ with p16. 9th Row.—K 15, ® p 1, k 1, p 2 tog. mk 3, m1, p 2 tog,'k 1, p 1, k 18; Fepeat trom to end of row. 0th Row,—Same ‘as nd row. Mh Row.—Cast om 2 ste, ie 12, cn- cluding st already on needle), * p 1, K2 tog, mi, k5,m 1, 2 tog, p 1, K 15; repeat trom * to ehd of row, 2th’ Row.—Cast off ¥ ste, p13, % Ke 1, P 7, K 1, p 17; repeat from’, finishing Tow with p 1s 15th Row-—K 1, k 2 tog., k 9, # p 1, 1p dim 1s, k 1, peso, k 1k 2 toe. m 1p i,k 1p 1 k iS: repeat from * once mote. pi. k 1, pt, m 1 £1. 1, peso. ke, k 2 tog, m KL DL. 9. k2 tog, kL Iti Row—P 13, * E 1, p 7 repeat from *, finishing row with ae to ABI Row. 1, k-2 tog, k kKLpLetmistk2 nikipik ip k from #, inishine row with Ie EY 16th Row.—P 11. * k 1. p 1, k 1, 1, p 1, kp 1: repeat from ¢, ‘ing’ row with p 1 Repeat the last 8 rows 4 times more, omitting “shaping at™ arm-hole edge. Proceed as follows:— Ist Row.—K 10, p 1, Kk 1, p 2 tog, m 1k 3m 1p? we, FL pa ky cast off 27, K 7, p 1, 1, p 3 tog, m 1, KS, m1, p2 tog, k't, p 1, k 10, 2nd Row—P 11, k 1, p 7, k 1, pur luntit 2 ste remain, p 2 tox 2 tog. 4th Row. Same as 2nd row. Sth Row.-K 4, p 1, k1, pms 1 Ke, pss0, Ki, K 2 tog, m 1p 1k 1, LE 10. 6th’ Row—P 11, k 1, p 7, K 1, purl to end, th Row—K 4, p 1, k 1, p 1k 1, m S12 tox, ps0, m 1,1, pI, R10, 8th Row.—P 11, k 1p 1, 1, p 3, k 1, pI,k1,p5. Gast off Return to the other 28 sts, snd knit left shoulder to correspond ‘with right. (Take care to decrease § sts at neck edge) “The back of dress. is knitted exactly same as front. ‘The Sleeves (Both Alike.) Using Angora _wool, cast on 40.sts. Brealt ‘Angora wool, join Lady Betty wool, init 9" rows moss-st Next Row.— Increase In every 2nd st until st vemains, kei. (7 55) Next Row.—Purl. Ist Pattern Row. —K 8, *pLiL pi ki m 1ys't, k3 tog, peso, mLkipLeL pl. K 12; repeat from», nishing row with 8 2nd Kow.—P 9, = & 1. pLEL DSK pL Ei, p 1a: repeat rors , finishing ow with z 5 mip 2 tog, ke 12; repeat from finishing row with k Mth Row.—P 8, * kL pK 1, p 14: repeat from *, finishing row with p 8. Sth Row.—K 8, © p 1, k 2 tog, m1. 15, mi, 2 tow, p 1, K 12: repeat from 5, fnishing row with X 8. 6th Row—Same as 4th row Wh Row—K 8, * p1,k 1, ptm t,s1 Ke pao, kt, k 2 tog, m 1p 1, 1, BL kid: repeat trom'* Nnishing row with 8 Hh Row.—Same as 4th row, Repeat last @ rows times more, then shape the top of sleeve by casting of 3 sts at the beginning of the nest 10 rows. (Take care to keep continuity of pat- tern.) Cast off the remaining 43 sts. To Make Up. Press stocking-stitch under a damp loth and hot. iron, join shoulders, sew up sleeves and side seams. Sewn Sleeves, seam to scam. Using Angora ‘wool, "work double crochet on neck edge! Thread ribbon ‘in and out under Jace pattern, tie at back of dre, Make sa and “The New Idea” THE COAT. Materials.—4 ozs. 3-ply’ “Lady Betty” ‘wool, a small quantity fine spun Angora ‘wool, ‘1 pair knitting needles No. 11 5 pearl buttons. ‘Measurements—Prom shoulder to lower ‘edge, 17 inches. Sleeve seam, with cuff turned back, 7 inches. Abbreviations—K, knit; p, purl; tog. together; s, slip; psso,_ pass slip-siteh over; sts,” stitches; st-st, stocking- stiteh; m,’make (to'make a stitch be- fore knitting, bring wool forward as if to purl, and to make a stiteh before purling, bring wool forward, then around needle) Commence at lower edge, casting on ‘0p ats, EEnit 10 rows mose-st. Ist Paitern Row-—K 1, (p 1, k 1) five times, #m 1, 8, k 2 tog. psso, m 1, kt, (pty & 1) ‘three times; repeat from * until 14 sts remain, then m 1, 81,2 tog, psso, m1, kT, (p11) five times, 2nd Row.—Moss-st 11, * p 3, moss- st 7; repeat from *, fishing row with mos-st 11, 4rd Kow.—Moss-st 9, * p 2 tog. m 1, 13, m 1, p2 tog, moss-st 3; repeat from ®, finishing row with mess-st @ ‘4th Row.—Moss-st 9, * p 7, moss-st 3: repeat from *, finishing with moss-st 8. Sth Kow—-Moss-st 8, = k 2 tog, m 1 k 5, m 1, i 2 tog. p 1; repeat from # until 17 éts remain, then 2 tog., m 1, K 5, m1, k 2 tog., moss-st 8. Gth'Row.—Same ‘as sth row. th Row.—Moss-st 10, * m 1, s 1, k 1, sso, IT, k 2 tog.,m 1, moss-st 6; repeat from #, finishing row with moss-st 10, instead of 5, Sth Row.—Same as 4th row. Sth Row—Same as Ist pattern row. 10th Tow.—Same as 2nd 70%. Mth Row—Moss-st 9, p 2 tog. m 1. K 8, m1,p 2 tog. knit in moseect until 16 Sts remain, p 2 tog. mi. ks, m 1, 2 tog. most 9 ” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. 12th Row.—Moss-st 9, p 7, moss-st unt 16 sts remain, p 7, moss-st 9. 12th Row.—Mose-st 8, k 2 tog, m 1, k 5, m1, k 2 tog., moss-st until 17 sts remain, 2 tog, mi, 5, m1, k 2 tog., moss- st “ith Row.”Same as 12th row. 15th Row—Moss-st 10, m 1, § 1, k 1 sso, Kel, k 2 tog, m1, moss-st’ until 45 sts remain, mi, ¢ 1, ke’, paso, K 1, K 2 tog, m1, mose-st 10, 16th Row.—Same as 12th row. Wh Row.—Mose-st l,m 1, 8 1, 2 tog, sso, m1, moss-st until 14 sts femal, mi, 81, ® 2 tog, ps0, m J Ath“ Row.—Moss-st_ 11, p_ 3, moss-st until 14 ts remain, p 3, mose-st 11. Proceed as follows:— Ist How—* Mass-st 9, p 2 tog, m 1, 3, m 1, p 2 tog, moss-st 0, + leit until 26 sts remain, then repeat trom * to ¢. 2nd Row.—* Moss-st §, p 7, moses 9, + purl until 25. sts remain, ‘then repeat from * to *. 3rd Row.—* Moss-st 8 K2 tog, m 1, k5,m 1, K 2 tog., moss-st 8, ‘knit uniil 25 ste re- main, "then “repeat from’# to = 4th Row—Same as 2nd row. Sth Row.—* Moss-st 10, mi, 1, k 1, ps0, k'1, k 2 tog, 'm 1, osi-st 10, * knit un~ UL 25 sts remain, then repeat from # to #. Sth Row.Same as 2nd row. Th Row—* Moss-st Hm isi, k2 toe, Dsio, m’I, moss-st 11, nie tint 25. sts remain, ‘then repeat from #'to +. Sth" Row. > Moss-st 11, p 3. moss-st 11, * url until 25 sts re- main, then repeat from’* 10 Repeat last 8 rows until work measures Hb inches, finishing with a purl row, Next Row.—Decrease for walst as fol- lows: KEnit in pattern on 25 sts, k 1, * K'? tog: repeat. from ® until 25 ste remain, knit In pattern on 25 sts. Now ‘work 9' rows moss-st, Keeping the con- Unulty of pattern on front borders. Next Row.—Knit in pattern on 25 sts, K-20, cast off 3 sts, kv 77, cast off 3 sts ‘k 20, Knit in pattern on 25 sts, Now ‘work on these Inst 45 sts for left front Ist Row.—Work in pattern on 25 sts, purl to end. 2nd Row.—K 29, then knit in pattern on 25 sts. Repeat the last 2 rows un- {il work measures 31 to 4 inches from uunder-arm.. You should contrive to complete the last pattern. Then east off 25 sts at neck edge. Knit 5 rows st-st on remaining 20 sts for shoulder cast off. “Return to sts for right. front, Join wool at arm-hole edge and knit to ‘correspond with left front. Join wool to sts eft for back, knit in st-st_ until ‘work measures level with front. shoul- ers. ‘Then shape by eastine nf 10 sts “The New Idea” Knitting Book far Baby—No. 15. fat the beyinning of the next 4 roms, hen cast off the remaining sts. Steewes (Both Alike) ‘Using Angora wool, cast on 40 sts Break Angers. wool, soin 3-pIy, knit 1S rows mowst knitting 2 tog. at end of sth row. Rive nvr eto D for 10 NextRow. —tnerease in every ath st Tei sts on edie). Proceed as folios: Ist Row. —I 16, moss-st 11, m 4,5 1, 3 tops peo, m In mocrat {3,1 tnd Row.—P 1, mose-st 11, p 3, moss- inp ie dd Row —K 18, moss-it 9, p 2 toe mi. kim 1, D2 top, most 8, Ee fn Row-—P 8, moss-at 9, 9 7, moss- 35, p18. Sth Row—K 18, mon-st 3, k 2. tor. ini iea m1, ¥2 top, most 8k Tt Bin Row "Sarne as at row 1th Row —K 18, mose-st 10, m 2, § 1 i, pao, F 1, k 2 tog, m' 1) moseat to, Ath Row:—Same as 4th row. 1h Row.—Same as Ist row. {oth Row.—Same as 2nd ow. FRapent nak 8 yows sie mes "Then cast Ga sts at the Dewinning of the next Sion Now hale fog te bri ding and end of every Tow for 6 TOW Tae care t0 keep the 35 centre ss ip itera) Cont of remaicing st. ‘The Collar. Using Angora wool, cast on 197 sts, Break Angora wool, join 2-ply, knit 4 rows most Ist Pattern Row.—Moss-st 7, * m 1, s'1, 2 tog, peso, m 1, moss-at 7} re- peat from * to end. 2nd Row.—Moss-st 7, * p 8, moss-st 4 repeat from * to end. 3rd Row —Moss-st 3, * p 2 tog, m 1, K'3, m1, p 2 tog, mosi-st 3; repeat from #, Ghishing row with moss-st 5. finishing row with moss-st 4, instead of pi Gur Row—Samee as 4th row. a 2h Row —aosest 6,4 m 1 91 peso, ele 2 tom, m 1, mosses peat rom *, Mnishing ‘row with m 1, mose-st 8 #th Kow.—Same as 4th row. 8th Row.—Same as Ist row. 10th Row.—Same as 2nd row. 1th Row.—Moss-st 5, p 2 tog., m 1, K 3. m1, p2 tog, mossest until 12 sts remain, p 2 tog.,m 1,18, m 1, p 2 tog. moss-st 5 12th Row—Moss-st 5, p 7. moss-st unttl 32 sts remain, p 7, moss-st 5, 13th Row.—Moss-st 4, i 2 tox., m 1, I 5, m 1. 2 tog, moss-st until 13 sts re- main, k 2 tog, m1, 5,m 1, k2 tog, mose:st 4 Mth Row—Same as 12th row. 15th Row—Moss-st 6, m 1, 81, & 1, peso, Kl, K 2 tog, 'm 1,’ mosi-st. 6) ‘THE COMPLETED BONNET. 2 tog, * k 4, k 2 tog; repeat from + until’ 16 ste remain, moss-st 5, m 1, $1, 2, peso, Koi, 2 tog. m 1, tmoas-st ¢ 16th Row.—* Moss-st 5, p 7, moss-st 5, ‘ purl until 17 sts remain, then repeat from * 0 #. Auth Row.—* Moss-st 7, m 1, 8 1, 2 tog,, peso, m 1, moss-st 7, * knit until TT sts remain, then repeat from * to *. 18th Row.—* Moss-st 7, p 8, moss-st 1, + purl until 17 sts remain, then repeat from © to ® 10th Row.—* Moss-st 5, p 2 tog., m 1, K 3, m 1,p 2 tog, moss-st 8, * knit un- i 17 sts remain, then repeat from * tos. 20th Row.—Same as 16th row. ist Row Most-st 4, k 2 tog, m 3, ml, k 2 tog, moss-st 4, k'2 tos. K 2 tog repeat from * until ‘remain, K3, moss-st 4, k 2 tog. 1, 5, m 1, k2 tog., moss-si 4. 2nd Row.—Same as 16th row. 2ird Row—* Moss-st 6, m 1, 8 1, k 1, sso, 1, ke 2 tog., m 1, moss-st 6, # nit’ until 17 sts temain, then repent from # to * 24th Row.—Same as 16th row. ae (a San at Baby Books Nos. 3 and 4 have been so popular that they are | Ht of print. For the benefit of | new buyers we reprint this de | tansfut tayette, ete., from No. | 3, and also on another page « [Seren eee stom wo, 4 25th Row.—Same as 17th row. 26th Row.—Same as 18th row. 21th Row—Moss-st 5, p 2 tog, m 1, eam, p 2 tog, moss-st 5, k2 tog, # ic %, ke 3 ton; repeal from # until’ 19 sta Toman, ie 3, mose-st 6, p 2 tog, m 1, 3, m 1, b2 tog., moss-st 6. 28th Row.—Same as 16th row. oath Row.—* Moss-tt 4, 2 tog, m 1, K5,m 1, k2 tog, mossst 4, # knit unt 11 sts remain, thon repeat from * to +. 30th Row.—Same as 16th row Bist Row.—Moss-st 6, m1, $ 1, ky tox. Igsts remain, Ke 4c 1, psso, K 1, K 2 tog, m 1, moss-st 6. Rend Row.—Same as 16th row 38rd Row.—Moss-st 7, m 1, s 1. k 2 tog., paso, m 1, mose-st 7, 2 tog, > 5, 2 tog: repeat from until’ 17 sts femain, moss-st 7, m1, s 1,12 tog, pso, mT, moss-st 7 31th Row—Same as 18th row Cast off To Make Up. Press st-st_on wrong side under a amp cloth and hot iron. ‘Join shoulder, Sew Up sleeves, insert, placing seam to lunder-arm, ‘Using Angora wool, work double crochet on exch end of ‘collar. -w on collar, sew on buttons, and make loops to correspond with buttons THE BONNET. Materials—t oz, 3-ply “Lady Betty” ool, a small quantity fine-spun “Angora” wool, 2yds. crepe de Chene ribbon, tin. ‘wider a pair knitting needles, No. Measurements.—Round face 114 ins, Commence at border, casting on 86 sts, Knit 1 row." Now work 10 rows moes-st, Jmnitting 2" tog. atthe end of every row (85 ste). Now work 10 rows mots-st ‘without decreasing, join Angora wool, kknit 2 rows, break Angora wool. Con- finue working in moss-st for ancther 10 rows, then work 10 rows moss-st, In- creasing 1 st at the end of every row (95 sis on needle). Knit one row with= out Increasing (take care when decreas ‘ng and increasing to keep in moss-st pattern) Next Row.—Knit 12 most-sis, + k 1, D1, in the next st; repeat trom * unt 43 ‘sts remain, knit 13. moss-sts “(163 sts on needle). Work 18 rows moss-st Next Row.—kit, this forms a ridge on right side of bonnet. Now work 15 rows moss-st, Next Row 1, k 2 tog.; repeat from & to end.” init 9 row most. Next Row—K 2 tog, * k 2 tog, k 1 repeat from * to end of row. Work 5 rows moses. Next Row 1, * k 2 tog: repeat from * to end of row. Repeat the inst 6 rows “once more (18 ste) Break ‘wool, leaving tong end, thread into a Woo!” needie, slip ‘sts from. Knitting needle." Sew down back of bonnet for Sins. ‘Turn back the border from ridge of Angora wool. Cut t'¥d. ribbon, sew fon for strings to tie, pleat the other Tength of ribbon and sew round bonnet Coat, Bonnet and Leggin- ettes for Baby. The Sleeves. Gaston 24 sts Werk in plain, smooth fabric, east ing on 2 sts at the end of every Tow Until there are 48 sts on the needle. Decrease once at each end of the edie in the ith and every following Bth row until 40 sts rmain, ‘Work 13 rows without shaping, In the next row, * 2, k 2 tox. peat from * to the end of the row. Tn the following row, k 2," D 1, Ty repeat from * to end of row. Repeat this row 6 times. Work 12 rows in plain knitting, Cast off. Work another sleeve in the same ‘The Collar. Cast on 84 sts. Ist Row-—K 1, k 2 tog. knit plain to the last 3 sts, k 2 tos, ke 1. 2nd Rew.—Krit plain Repeat the Ist and 2nd rows 10 times, then the Ist’ row once. Cast off ‘To Make Up the Coat. With @ dry cloth and hot iron press carefullg. Sew up the side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in the sleeves, lacing seam to seam. Sew collar in Dosition, placing the ends to the edges of the’ fronts. Thread the ribbon through the holes at the neck. THE LEGGINETTES, Materials—7 balls (i oz. exch) “Beehive” Fune-Spun Angora; 2 No. ‘The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15: 8 “Beehive” knitting needles (or Inox,” if metal preferred), measured by the “Beehive” gauge;’ length of elastic; 1 yd. of ribbon, ‘Measurements. —Length of front, seam, 8} ins; length of leg seam, 10 ins, Abbreviations —K, knit plain; p, purl; tog,, together; wl-fwd., wool for- ward; sts, stitches. ‘Work at @ tension to produce 64 sts to the inch, measured over the plai smooth fabrie—the correct size” will ‘nly be obtained by exactly following this insteuctiont Cast on 144 sts Ist Row—K 2, ° p 1, k 1 from ® to the end of the row. epeat this row 3 times, 5th Row—K 2, * wl-twd., k 2 tog, (p 1, ke 1) twice; repeat from * to th last 4 sts, wletwa., 2 tog., D1, Ie 1. Repeat Ist row’7 times, Proved as follows: Ist Row.—K 78, turn. ana Row.—P 12, turn, 3rd Row—K 20, turn. Mh Row.—P 25," turn 5th Row.—K 36, turn, 6th Row.—P 44,"turn, th Row 53, turn. 8th Row —P 60, turn. 9th Rew.—K 68, turn, 10th Row.—P 76, tur. ith Kow.—K 84) turn repeat 12th Row—P 92, turn, 13th Row-—K 100, turn, Auth Row—P 108, turn 15th Row —K 116, turn, 16th Row.—P 124, turn. 17th Row.—Knit plain to the end of the’ row. 18th Row.—K 1, purl to the last stiteh, ie 1 Continue working in plain, smooth fabric, Increasing once at each end of the needle in the 7th and every fol- lowing 8th row until there are 156 sts ‘on the needle, ‘Work’ 6 rows without shaping, In the next row, i 1, p 76, i 1, turn Continue working on these 78 sts, decreasing once at each end of the needle in the next and every alternate row until 36 sts remain, ‘Work 11 rows without shaping. Proved as follows Ist Row—K 2," p 1, k 1; repeat from ® to the end of the row. Repeat this row twice. 4th Row.—K 2, © wlefwd., k 2 tog, p 1, kT; repeat from * to"the last 3 Sts,'wlefwd., ke2 tow Repeat the 1st row 4 times, 9th Row—K $3, turn 10th Row—K 12, turn, Work 28 rows in plain knitting on these 12 sts, “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. Decrease once at each end of the needle in the next and the following 2nd row; Knit up 16 sts at the side of the instep and the 3 sts which were left, on to the end of the same needle. In the next row knit back along these sts, knit up 16 sts from the other side of ‘the instep, and knit the re~ ‘maining 21 sts onto the end of the same needle (there should now be 64 sts on the needle). Work 8 rows in plain knitting. Proceed as follows: Ist Row.—K 7, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 28, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 21. ‘tnd Row.—Knit plain. 3rd Row—K 6, (kk 2 tox.) twice, ie 26, (k 2 tog.) twice, ik 20. ‘Work 2 rows in plain knitting, Cast vif. Join in ‘the wool where the 78 sts were left, and purl to the end of the Continue as given for the first'leg until the ribbing at the ankle has been worked. ‘Proceed as follows: Ist Row—K 15, turn, 2nd Row—K 15, turn. Work 28 rows in plain knitting on these 12 sts, ‘Decrease. once at each end of the needie in the next and the following 2nd row; Knit up 16 sts at the side of the ’ instep and “knit the "21 sts which” were on to the end “of ‘the same needle, Knit ack along these. sts, knit’ up 16 sts from the other side of the instep land knit the remaining 3 sts on to the fend of the same needie (there should now be 64 stt on the needle), ‘Work 8 rows in plain knitting. Proceed as follows: Ist Row.—K 21, (ic 2 tog.) twice, ke 26, (ic 2 tog.) twice, i 7. 2nd Row-—Knit piain, ‘3rd Row.—K 20, (kc 2 tog.) twice, Ik 26, (kc 2 tog.) twice, 6, Work 2 rows in plain knitting, Cast off ‘To Make Up the Legginettes. With a dry cloth and hot fron press carefully. Sew up the front and leg seams. “Sew across the bottom of the feet, “Thread elastic through holes at waist. Thread the ribbon through the holes at the ankles ‘THE BONNET. ‘Materials—2 balls (4 oz. each) “Beehive” Fine-Spun Angora; 2 No. 8 “Beehive” knitting needles (or “Inox,” if metal preferred), measured by the “Beehive” gauge; 17 yds. of ribbon ‘Measurement. — Width all hheadplece, 13 Ins, Work at a tension to produce 6} sts to the inch, measured over the lai smooth, fabrioihe corredt ste) will only be obtained by exactly following this Instruction! Abbreviations —K, knit plain; p, purl; tog., together; sts, stitenes, Cast on 76 sts, ‘Work 20 rows in plain knitting. Teft round 2st Row.—K 2, * p J, k 1; repeat from * to the and ot the row. ‘Repeat the 21st row 10 times. 32nd Row—K 4, * increase once in the next stiteh, ke 5; repeat from * to the end of the row (there should now be 88 sts on the needle). 33rd Row.—K 1, purl to the last stitch, ie 1. ‘34th Row—Knit plain, @nd and Alternate Rows—K-1, purl to the last stitch, Ke 1 grad Row" K 8, kk 2 Break off the wool and run the end trough the remaining sts, draw up tnd fasten off securely. With a dry. cloth and hot iron press. carefully. Sew up the seam to T inch ‘past the decreasings. “Turn back the brim. ‘Make rosettes with ribbon, and attach to each side of the Bonnet. Robes are Cosy for the Winter. Continved from pare 5) Increase at the beginniiig and end of every row until you Nave 82 sts, fon ‘needle. "Then knit invst-st. only. ‘until ribbing is reached, “Knit 6 rows rib. Make" ribbon holes as, 5 then 6 rows rib. Cast off. “Prese st: st under a ‘damp cloth iron. Sew up. side ‘seams. Work ppicot edge round legs, thread ribbon, through holes at waist ‘THE BOOTEES (Both Alfit). Materiais—j o2. Paton's “Beehive” Shetland Wool; 7 yd. narrow ribbon; 1 pair knitting needles, No. 13, Cast on 49 sts. Knit 5 rows moss- st Next Row.—Knit Increasing 1 stitch at end of row (50 sts.). Next Row.—Purl. Now work the 10 pattern rows some as for skirt of robe, 3 times, Next Row—K 2 tog., * K 14, k 2 tog; repeat from * to’ end. fext Row.—Purl. Next Row.K'2 tog, * m 1, tog.; repeat from * to-end (45 Next Row.—Purl. ik 2 ‘ts. 15 Next Row—K 29, turn moss-st. 15, turn, knit 24 rows moss-st. on these 13’sts, for instep, taking 2 tog at end of 24th row only. Break wool, join to where ‘the first 16 sts, Were. left. “Pick up ‘and knit 13" sis. om instep, Knit 10 toe sis., piek up and knit is ‘sts down other ‘side of in- step, knit remaining 16 sts. (68 sts.) Knit 13 rows. Shape as follows:— Ast Row—* K 2 toz,, lk 30, k 2 tom; repeat from * once more, 2nd Rew.—K 30, k 2 tog., k 2 tog, k 3rd Row? K 2 tog, k 27, k 2 tog repeat from * ones more: 4th Row. —K 27, k 2 tog, k 2 tox, K 21. Cast oft Sew up leg and foot seam, thread the ribbon through holes at ankle. THE BONNET. Materials} oz. Paton's_“Bee- hive” Shetland Wool; 2 yd. erepe-de- chene ribbon, } in. wide: }-yd. nar- row ribbon; a small quantity ‘tine spun Angora ‘wool; 1 pair knitting needles, No. 12 Measurements. — Round inches. face, 11 6th Row.—K 1, * m 1, k 1; repeat from * to end. Knit'5 rows moss-st, Repeat the last 6 rows twice more (8T sts). Next, Row.—Increase in every 16th st. until you have 102 sts. on needle, Now work the 10 pattern’ rows same ag for skirt of coat (keeping 3 moss sts. at the beginning and end of every row, instead of 9 mosssts.) ‘Next Row.—Moss-st. 3, increuse in next stitch, Knit until 3’ sts, remain, st. 3" (103 sts). Knit 5 rows facing you, moss-st. 3, ke 2 tog., Init uuntil’a" sts. remain, moss-st. 3” (102 sts.) ‘Next Row.—Moss-st. 3, purl tintil 3 sts, remain, moss-st. 3.” Repeat the 0 pattern rows until the work mea= sures 5 Inches trom last row of in= creasing at crown, ‘Then Knit 6 rows moss-st. Breale wool, join Angora. “Knit” 2_ rows. Gast’ off. Run’ the end of ‘wool through cast on sts, draw. tightly, fasten securely. Sew” down back of bonnet to last row of moss-st. band. Sew on wide ritbon to tie, make two flat rosettes with the narrow ribbon, attach at each side of bonnet. ‘TO KNIT ROSEBUD PATTERN. Cast on any number that divides equally by 4. "knit 1 row. 2nd Row. Fe cheba Pedals kat dato St stitch, ke 3 tog; repeat from * to la Seek Sed Mowe? Puri dh Row K2,° KS tom, (k 1p 1, k 1) into next stiteh; repeat from *, end k 2. Sth Row—Purl, Repeat last 4 rows for length required. 16 A Lovely Shawl for Baby (Contlawed from page 6) pais m 1 (» 2 to) bles, m tp 21st Row.—Work same as for 7th row from * until 12 sts remain, k 2 tog, ke 3, mi, k 2 tog, m 1, ke 3, ki tog. 22nd Row-—Work same as for ath row from’* to end of row, omitting 6 ss at end of row. 28rd Row—S 1, k 2 tog. psso, k 2,m1, kl, m1, k 3 s 1, i 1, paso, Work same as for 9th row from’* un- Ur ti sts remain, k 2 tog. k 3, m1, kim, k 251, 2 tog, piso. 24th Row.—P 3, m1, p 3, m1, p 2 p 2 tog, work same as for 10th row ‘from * ‘until 10. sts remain, p 2 tog, p2,m1,p3, m1, p 3. 25th Row—K 2 tog., k 6 m 1, K 1, 1, ke 1, paso, work same as for 11th Tow from * until 11 sts remain, k 2 tog, kl, ml, k 6, ke 2 tox. 26th Row—P 8, m 1, p 2 tos, work same a3 for 13th row from * until 10 Ss remain, p 2 tox, m1, p 8. 21th Row.—K 2 tog, ik 2, k 2 toe, ke 3, m 1, k 2 tog., work same as for th row from * until 9 sts remain, mi,k4, k 2 tog, k 1, K 2 tog. 28th Row—P 1 (p 2 tog.) twice, p 3, m 1, p 4; work same as for 2nd fow from * until 8 sts remain, m 1, D3 (p 2 tog) twice, p 1. a 30th Row.—P 5, m 1, p 3, work same for 4th row from * until 5 sts re- m1, BS Bist Row.—(K 2 tog.) twice, ke 1, 3, work same as for Sth row (1 5 sts remain, m 1, kT ‘twice. & S2nd Row.—P 1, 9 . 2 tog’) ‘twice, m 1. p fom * until 3 sts" remain, > L 33rd Row—K_ 2 tog, k 4, k 2 tog. k 3, m 1, k 2 tog, m 1, K 4, worl same as for 7th row from * until 7 sis remain, ke 2 tog., k 3, k 2 tog. Mth Rew—P 3, p 2 tog, work same as for 8th row from ° until 5 sts remain, p 2 tog, p 3. 35th Row—K 2 tog., 3/1, k 1, psso, +2 tog, k 3, m 1k 1m 1, k 3 s 1, k 1, "psso, repeat from * until 4 sis remain (k 2 tog.) twice. 86th Row—P 2, * p 2 tog, p 2, m 1, p 3, m 1, p 2, p 2 tog., repeat from until 2 sis remain, p 2. 31th Row—K 2 tog, * k 2 tog, k 1mm i ke 8 ml, b's 1, Kl, po, Tepeat "from" unt sts! remain, i Pon. Bom Row—P 1, * p 2 to, m 3 pet’ p a toe, Fepeat om url last ‘stitch “The New Idea” Mist Row.—(K 2 tog.) 3 times, Ke 1, KB, 5 1, 1 1, ps0, 4, 1c 1, repeat from remain m 1,3, 81, “h psto (ik 2 tog.) twice. 42nd Row.—P 2, p 2 tog, p 2, m 1,/p'3, work same as for sth tow tom * until 6 sts remain, m 1, p 2, p 2 tog, D2 43rd Row.—(K 2 tog.) twice, k 1, ml, k 5, work same as for Sth row ftom * until sts remain, m 1, 3, s1, k 1, psso, Ke 2 tog. a fain Row.—P 1, * p 2 tog.,m 1. Bar Mg? 2 tes reat tom 6 ps fest stitch 45th Row.—K 2 tog, kf, work same a for 7h row from * until 7 Sis remain, k 2 tog, 8, k 2 tog. 46th Row—P 3, 'p 2_ tog. work same as for 6th row from * until 5 Sis remain, p 2 0g, p 3 “41th Row—K 2 tog. s 1, 1, psso, work same_as for Sih row. from. * Gnu dst remain, ke tog. twice 48th Row—P 2, work same as for soih tow from * unt 2st remain, pz 1, m1, 5, m ly sso, repeat trom * ik 2 ether. 50h Row —P 1, * p 2 tog,,.m 1, p 7m 1,p 2 tog., repeat trom”*, puri Inst stitch Sist Row.—K 2 tog, k 4, k 2 tox 3, 1m 1, k 2 tog, worke same as for T3ih row’ from * until 11 sts remain, m1, k4 2 tog, k 3, 2 tog. 2nd Row.—P 3 (p 2 tog.) twice, p3.mip itm p3 (p2 ton) twice, p 3, m 1, p 1, Tepeat from * tuntil'10 sie remain, mJ, p 3 (p 2 tog.) twiee, p 3. Stra Row—(K 2 tog.) 3 times, ke 3, m1, k 1, * work same as for Ist Tow from * until 9 sts remain, m 1, Rg, § 1, K 1, psso (K 2 tog.) twice. Stth Row—P 6, m 1, p 3, work same as for ath row from * until 6 sts remain, m 1, p 6. 5th Row.—S 1, k 2 tog., psso, ke 2 tog. Kym 1, i 5, work same as for 5th’ row’ from * until 6 sts remain, mit, k 1,81, kl, ps0, 5 1, k 2 tog," pss0. ‘oth Row.—P 1, * p 2 tog, m p,m 1, p 2 tog, repeat from finishing purl last stitch. ‘Sith Row.—K 2 tog, k 4, k 2 tog, , rm 1 k 4k 3 tog, Ke 3,'m_1, 2 tog, repeat, from Gnd Ist remain, m 1, k 4, ke 2 ton, k 8, K 2 tog. Knitting Book Jar Baby—No. 15. 8th Row—P 3, p 2 tog, * p 2 tox, p3,m i, p,m i, p 3, p 2 tog, fepéat from * ‘until 5 sts’ remain, D 2 tog, p 3. 59th Row—K 2 tog. s 1, i 1, psso, +12 tox, k 3, mt ki, m 1 k 3 8 1, k 1, psso, repent from * until 4 Sts remain (k' 2 tog.) twice. ‘oth Row.—P 2, work same as for oth row fom * until 2 sts remain, pa Gist Row.—K 2 tog, * ke 2 tog., i 1m i,k 9, m1, kL s 1, Ke 1, paso, repeat from’ * until 2"sts femain, tog. G2nd Row—P 1, * p 2 tog, m 1, p7, m1, p 2 tog, repeat from *, purl Tat stitch. Grd Row.—K 2 tog., k 8, k 2 tos., sie tog, k 7, K 2 tog, repeat from * Until 19 ste remain, K 2 tog., ie ke 2, to 6th Row.—P 9, * p 2 tog. p 7, re- peat from”*, finish row p 9 Instesd of p 7 (211 sts.) 61th Row—K 1, * m 1, k 2 tog, repeat from * to ‘end 68th and 68th Rows.—Purl. 70th Row.—Knit. st Row.—Same as 67th row. ‘Tand Row.—K 1, * m 1, p 2 tox, repeat from * until 2'sts’ remain, 2 tog. ‘78rd Row—K 2, * m 1, k 2 tog, repeat from * until 2-sts’remain, 2 ton. “th Row.—K 2, * m 1, p 2 tog, repeat from’*, finish row, m 1, pS F5en Row. oth Row.—K 1, * m 1, k 2, tog, repeat trom @, finish row m1, 8 fom, Moth Row."Same as 72nd row. Thih and 78th Rows “Knit taking 2 tog. at end of row 18th and Bodh Rows—Purl, taking 2 tog at end of row fit Rows 2S m 4, k 2 toes repeat from + to end and and 83rd Rows Purl, taking 2 tog. at end of row (300.5) Sith and 85th Rows—Knit. Cast oif take 9'more borders the same. The Centre. Cast on 200 sts. Knit in garter- st. (plain Knitting) until the work is a perfect square. Cast off. Press the borders on wrong side under a damp cloth and warm iron. Join, the shaped comers of border, Sew in the centre, Press all seams. ‘USEFUL HINT FOR KNITTERS. When commencing to Knit a gar- ment, and a firm edge is required, fry casting on the stitches with a Gouble wool, and then on the next Fow Knit into the back of the cast-on stitehes.. ‘This will produce an edge that is firm, and will stretch, but not taht. “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15, TO KNIT Delightful Bed-jackets Charming 6d. Books. Published by “The New Idea,” will Give You a Wonderful Range of Designs. 5 DELIGHTFUL BED-JACKET BOOKS 6d. EACH AT ALL Ask your newsagent to show NEWSAGENTS. you the full range of “The ey New Idea” Bed-Jacket Books Tf unobtainable locally, send 7a. in —6d. Each. The designs are stamps to “ The New Idea,” 230-236 Stanley Street, West Melbourne, 0.3, Vietoria, and a copy will come by post hooks have sold by scores of —if you state which number (1 to 5) you require. thousands, by noted experts, and these “The New Idea” Knitting Book for Baby—No. 15. Famous 6? Knitting Books Rublisked by THENVEW-FDEA” AS Zan FOR BABY. ING BOOE: wm Ne. 12 Delightful Books. AF icurrwear MEN xo BOYS FOR TODDLERS. Books of Charming Designs FOR GIRLS. 5 Delightful Books. BED-JACKET DESIGNS. See Our Fine Books. KNITTING BOOK LATEST JUMPERS. Several Books to Chore. MEN AND BOYS. Books of Cardigans, Sports- Wear, etc. READERS.—Ask Your Agent to Show You this Wonderful Range of 6d. Knitting Books—and Make Your Own Selection

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