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Classroom Management Policy


In the choral department, students must be respectful to all students, teachers, and guests

that step into the classroom. There can be venerable moments in our classroom, and we have to

have an atmosphere of trust to create the best possible learning experiences in our classroom.

Expectations for students include:

- Not talking while the teacher is talking

- Being respectful of other students.

- Taking care of items in the classroom (scores, computers, furniture, instruments, etc.)

- Be prepared for class.

- Raising a hand to speak.

- Respect and listen to the teacher

- Be on time.

- Obey all school rules.

- Have a good attitude.

- Be creative

Sequence of Consequences (Reset Each Day)

If classroom rules are broken, the sequence of consequences is as follows:

- First offense

o Teacher gives a verbal warning to the student.

- Second Offense

o Teacher talks to student after class to find a solution to the behavioral issue.

- Third Offense
o Student is sent to the office and given a detention.

- Fourth Offense

o Teacher will set up a meeting with the student and their parents/guardians to find

a solution to the behavioral issue.

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