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Pullover a la Mode (Continued jrom page 69) itches (including mhole. Repeat last hove been east off, of work and repeat for opposite side of front. When all ote. have been cast aff, hold work * rd you and with the bone needles pick up 96 eta, (4 sts, more, cach size larger; 4 sts, less, each tier) along the cast-off edges. Turn work with right side toward you, knit a row, then work knit 2, purl 2, dlecreasing 1 st, at each end of every dih row. When ribe bing measures 2 inches change to steel needles and continue working os before. When ribbing measures 34) inches, east yarn av tight as possible, and cast off i), work back to itches on that sid p lipped st I 2 we until Then join yarn a conte wrong side tov size Sr Front: Cast on 85 sis, (6 ats. more for each size larger, 6 sts. less for smaller), and repeat directions for back until neck is reached. For neck shaping, work over (4 sts, more for cach size larger, 3 sts, less for cach waller), cast off 6 sts. and continue to end of row: for back, picking up 100 sts. for the ribbing. Sleeves: Cast on 7 sis. and knit a row, purl a row, cast- ing on 4 sts, at beginning of each row until there are 80 sts. on the necdle (4 sts, ch size Jarger; +b sts. less cach size smaller). Knit in stocking h, decreasing 1 st. at each end of every 12th row until there are 72 sis. on needle (4 sts. more, each size larger; 4 sts. less, cach size smaller). Continue in stocking stitch until underarm edges measure 14 inches. Then transfer the stitches to a set of steel needles and work cuff in rib of knit 2, purl 2, until sleeve measures required length. Cast off. Press all stocking stiteh under damp cloth and overcast scams. Pullover @ la Mode Ws funny about this knitting. It's going stronger than ever. Girls we know are on their dosenth sweater. Showing no signs of weakening. Begging for more directions for smart aweaters—having found out, as we did long ago, that there's nothing with more chic than a hand-made sweater. So we offer two more. The first is a hip-length pull-over with a higl+ribbed neckline. ‘This is the way it goes: : For size 16 you will need 7 balls of Shetland Floss, a pair of No. 6 bone needles, and a set of No. 14 ateel needles, Back: Cast on 80) stitches (6 sts. mare for each size larger, 6 sts. less for cach size smaller), knit 1, purl | across each row until work measures 6 inches, (If you knit into the back of every other stitch in the first row it makes a firmer edge.) After working 6 inches of ribbing, increase in the next row in every Sth stitch (96 stitches in all). Then work stocking stitch (knit a row, purl a row) until work measures 14 inches from bottom (1 a0 more for each size larger, size emaller). Reo en nc in the following manner: Sate 5 at the beginning of cach of the next 2 rows, wo fe Sake stitch across the rows, then cast ee ms ae inning of cach of the next 4 rows, Continue to i ee eh Tox WK Vachon: (Heinch sieve foe aa Beer e ey Ica tor cash elie wealler), then hegin the Targer, 1 ‘a 38 st. (3 ats. more for each eck shaping. ‘Worl Sag sire smaller). cast off 6 ax, wize larger, 3 sts, - ees ak contr, Lniting ight ito the Back af the Ia ite, ‘turn work, slip Ist stitch pulling (Please turn to page 53) aaa

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