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1. Sue do gymnastics twice a week.

2. Pablo hardly ever do karate.

3. Carol and Susy plays basketball everyday

4. Ann go swimming three times a week.

5. Mario don’t play tennis.

} 6. Does Mary and Sue go jogging every day?

7. Joe and Jane doesn’t do judo.

8. Do Susan go cycling twice a week?

9. Mary and Betty go always swimming.

10. Do Johnny go jogging once a week?

B. ENCIERRE LA RESPUESTA CORRECTA 1. Anna cycling. a) does b) do c) play 2. John and Thomas
swimming three times a week. a) do b) play c) go 3. Peter tennis every Sunday? a) do b) does c) go
4. Sonia and Susy never jogging on Sunday mornings. a) go b) play c) do 5. Paul and Ann athletics
at school? a) go b) do c) does 6. Sonia karate every day. a) go b) do c) does 7. Peter and Carol go to
school on Sundays. a) Doesn’t b) don’t c) isn’t 8. John and Peter eat lunch at the cafeteria? a) Do b)
Does c) Isn’t 9. Paula for her English test. a) Study b) studies c) studying 10. My little brothers
soccer at the park every day. a) play b) plays c) playing III. FREQUENCY ADVERBS A. PONGA LOS
at the cafeteria. 2. John (have, always) breakfast at 7:00 o’clock. 3. My classmate (be, always) late
for classes. 4. My mother (cook, never) dinner. 5. I (play, always) chess with my friends atschool. 6.
Peter and I (be, usually) on time for classes. 7. My classmates (never, do) the homework. 8. My
father (fixes, sometimes) his car when it doesn’t work. B. TRADUCIR EL SIGUIENTE TEXTO I had a
great weekend. On Friday afternoon, I finished work at 5 PM. I went home and took a shower.
Then I went to see a couple of my friends at a bar downtown. We had a couple of beers and a nice
talk. Tom told us about his new job, and Jim told us about his new girlfriend. After a while, we
went to a restaurant and had pizza. I went to bed late that night, but I was very happy. On
Saturday morning I went running in the park. I ran 5 kilometers, and then came home. After that, I
met my girlfriend for lunch. We went to a Thai restaurant near my house. I love Thai food! I spent
the evening with my girlfriend, watching TV on the sofa. The next day, I got up and caught the
train to my parents’ town. I usually go to see my parents on Sundays, at least twice a month. My
mom usually makes a roast, and we go for a walk in the park or in the country after lunch. This
weekend was a bit different, though. My parents took me out for a nice lunch, because it was my
birthday. After lunch, we took a walk (as usual) and then I caught the train back to London. Now
it’s Monday and I’m back at work, but I’ve got big plans for next weekend!

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