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November 23, 2020.

Today is the first day that we start our full online/virtual class. The night before,

about 8:15 pm, I was informed by my mentor teacher (MT) that we will begin virtual

lessons tomorrow. I started to panicked because I had not prepared any online class activities or

lessons and I was away from home. When I got home, all of the classroom activities that I

prepared for my students had to change because the google slide that I prepared was just for me

to deliver the lesson to them and they will do their activities on a piece of paper that I prepared

for them in the classroom last Friday (Domain 1). I was not worried about the material that my

students needed  for the lesson because my MT and I prepared the material that they need for the

virtual class last Thursday just in case we got shut down, so the students had everything  they

needed  at home during the lesson (Domain 4).

In the morning, during the morning meeting, I informed my students that starting today,

we will do everything online again (Domain 3). I told them that everything was similar to when

they started school. However, the difference was, before, they still came to school for two days a

week but now, everything would be from home. As their teacher, I felt bad that I could not really

give them enough time to prepare everything that they need during the lesson because I also just

got the news the night before. However, I have a motto as a classroom teacher, “ready or not,

here I come.” So, with that, whatever the circumstance, I will try my best to be ready so my

students can learn as much as they can from me. 

After morning meeting, my students remained in front of their computer for the ELA lesson.

They had no problem at all because they did not have to prepare anything during the lesson.

During the lesson, they just had  to listen to the story that we prepared for the Thanksgiving Day

celebration and at the end of the lesson, they had  to write (on their slide that we prepared for
each one of them) the beginning, middle and end of the story. After the ELA lesson, my students

had a lunch break at their house. During their break time, I gathered materials for what I needed

from the classroom for their next week's lesson, and my mentor teacher also prepared for the new

classroom schedule for a virtual class. 

When my students returned after their lunch break for their math lesson (we are working

on addition), the fun began. We still could go according to the lesson schedule and most of my

students were really engaged during the lesson. However, when we moved  to “we do and you

do”, I had a problem seeing some of my student's work because of the lighting, and they couldn’t

hold their slate still, and some of them put it too close or far from the camera. I then had a new

idea to see their answer by using my finger. So, in the next step during the lesson, I showed them

the problem, then I gave them an example of how to answer it using the picture and my finger.

Then, I held up my finger and asked my students if they could see my finger. Next, I gave my

students the problem, then we did it together and answered it using the finger. This was easier for

me to see their answer. Then after that, I gave them the problem and they had an option to show

me the answer. They could use their finger or slate if they could hold it right, or if the lighting at

their house was bright enough for me to see it.  

How was student learning affected?

With the short notice for the families, I know it will impact them as well as create some

chaos for the students, which affects their learning. For example, during a math lesson, I always

have small group activities/lessons with the students after the whole class lesson, and I like to

make sure that they really understand each step that they have to do to get the right answer.

During this short notice, I did not have time because the lesson was just limited to 30 min only,

and I go over the time for about 10 to 15 minutes because we had some problems during the “we
do, and you do.” However, my MT already had a new schedule for the students and I already

prepared for a whole-class lesson as well as a small group lesson for all my students. 

What have you learned? What goal have you set for yourself as a result of this learning?

As a future teacher, I learned that teachers sometimes have to prepare everything on short

notice. Again, I have a motto “ready or not, here I come,” it might not perfect, but I will try my

best to prepare myself and I will better myself so I can help my students reach their full

potentials. During teaching, I also have to prepare another method of teaching in case the

materials that I prepare for my students are not really working or maybe they don’t have enough

material for their learning. For example, during math lessons, I can’t really see my students

answers on their slate because of the lighting problem and other problems. With the other

method of teaching, hopefully, I still can keep continuing to teach and my students can keep

continuing to learn. My goals are to better myself with my teaching style and always try to be

ready with short notice or any other circumstances. Teaching is not always fun because there are

always obstacles waiting somewhere, however, without a teacher, there will be no Doctor, Nurse,

Architect, Engineer, and many more. I am happy to be able to teach.

The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument (2013):

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