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Coherence and Cohesión

Actividad 13

Paola Barbosa Pardo

ID: 653430

Corporación Universitaria
Minuto de Dios Programa de
administración de empresas
Ingles III
NRC 5823
Coherence and Cohesión

“Public transport should be free”

Transportation was monopolized by the government with the aim of making profits, which
are the most expensive transportation today and the quality of the service is lousy, therefore,
there are people who get on without paying the service, I consider that if the government
helps to subsidize transportation would be free so, people would respect more the public
service that provides the service, that is, as if they were the school routes of children, but for
the entire population that uses it.

If the government helped and made this charity, it would help a lot of low-income population,
also people could move freely without having to look for money to access the service,
Colombia would be the country in the world that would really help its people, that the silver
of the Corruption that is stolen would be reflected in a work for the common good of the

We can also say that for this reason it is called public transport because it is precisely a service
that the state provides where it is under the obligation to help people with the contribution of
their economy, it would help more with this process than with the percentage they provide.
the companies for transport since that percentage does not reach nor with half of what is
really worth the transport, additionally there are many people who must take more than two
services to reach their destination.

Transportation must be free for all people who access this service, imagine a world where
the government really invested in the things that Colombia needs we would be not rich in
flora and fauna but most importantly as human beings we would really be people, the Free
transportation would be a worldwide change and an example for all states to provide benefits
to their population.

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