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What are the 7 types of pastry?

There are five basic types of pastry (a food that combines flour and fat); these are
shortcrust pastry, filo pastry, choux pastry, flaky pastry and puff pastry.

What are the functions of ingredients in pastry?

The very nature of most pastries is to be light, airy, flaky, and buttery. All pastry starts
out as a combination of ingredients, such as flour, water, salt, butter or other fats, and
is made by using different ingredients, mixing and baking techniques.

Pastry - Ingredients

The very nature of most pastries is to be light, airy, flaky,

and buttery. All pastry starts out as a combination of ingredients, such as flour, water,
salt, butter or other fats, and is made by using different ingredients, mixing and baking

In puff pastry, a certain amount of gluten formation is essential, but all of the gluten
strands must lie in one plane to give strength to the horizontal sheets. Here, the folding
and rolling technique is used. 

Pastry depends heavily on the types of flour used, its amount and how it is handled.
When moistened and stirred, wheat flour develops strands of gluten, which are what
give an elastic structure to the baked good that stretches and rises. Too much flour
results in a tough, dry and flavorless recipe, and too little results in a flat, tough and
flavorless baked good.
Gluten strands make it tough to roll out for flaky pie crust dough, to stretch it for phyllo
or strudel dough, or to make more layers for puff pastry, but on the other hand, gluten
strands make it possible to stretch a pastry recipe for flakiness and texture. Gluten is
like a rubber band, and when stretched from rolling or pulling, they want to snap the
dough back into their original shape. To counteract this, it is essential that the pastry
dough relax for 1 to 2 hours or more in the refrigerator to relax the gluten, making it
easier to stretch or roll it further. If done properly the dough will shrink less and will be

In the case of a pastry, you add large amounts of fat to coat and separate the flour
particles from each other, but you then add just enough water to make dough. Since
much of the starch in the flour is not in contact with any of the water, the resulting
cooked dough is crumbly and flaky. The role of the fat in making a pastry is to give
texture to the final product. Depending on the kind of fat used, the pastry will also have
a certain flavor. Pastry chefs use various types of fats, like vegetable shortening, butter,
or lard. Though they are all are fats, they have major differences.

Vegetable shortening, such as Crisco®, is a blend of

partially hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oil, fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil,
and soybean oil. The result of hydrogenation is oil that is solid at room temperature. The
"working" temperature range of vegetable shortening is 53 degrees to 85 degrees F.
This means that it can be worked (kneaded or mixed) without getting too soft within this
temperature range. The working range for butter, an animal-based dairy product, is 58
degrees to 68 degrees F. The working range for lard (which comes from the fat of a
pig), is 58 degrees to 75 degrees F. Outside of the working range, the fat doesn't hold
its shape, leaks oil, and just sticks to the dough.
The differences in textures of many pastries have to do with the type of fats and how it's
introduced. Fats contribute to the tenderness (shortness) and especially flakiness of
pastry. Pure fats, such as shortening and lard, produce flakier pastry than those that
contain water such as butter. Pastry is often a trade-off between flavor and texture,
much of which comes from the fat in the recipe. Some bakers use both butter and
shortening to capture the best qualities of each, but I prefer to use all butter because of
its better taste. 

Fats contribute to the flakiness and tenderness of pastry by

being layered in between sheets of thin dough. It can also be cut in or rubbed into the
flour as pea-sized shapes before the final dough is made. The fat melts during baking,
leaving air spaces. When placed in the oven, the flour starches set around the fat,
leaving a layer or space when the fat melts which is reabsorbed back into the dough.
The longer the fats take to melt in the oven, the more well defined the air cells. The
melting point of shortening is higher than that of butter, and it stays solid longer. As a
result, it forms better flaky pastry, but without the butter's wonderful flavor.

Cold butter or fats and the flakiness of the pastry are intricately connected. Because
butter has such a low melting point, it must be well-chilled to ensure that it can
withstand being rolled and handled without melting to produce flakiness. Butter that is
too soft surrounds the flour particles rather than forming spaces, and the final texture of
the pastry is flat and greasy. 

Don't use low-fat or reduced-fat products in your pastry recipe. Their water content is
too high for pastry making. 
Steam acts as the raising agent in puff and flaky pastries. In choux pastry the raising
agents are eggs plus steam. Baking powder and baking soda can be used to leaven.
The yeast in Croissants and Danish depend upon the thin layers of butter to "help" the
yeast; the fat particles produce steam from the water in the butter (butter is 81 % fat and
19 % water) when baked, and that from yeast, gives them their light and flaky texture.

A minimum amount of cold water or liquids, such as milk, should be used. However, too
little water in pastry causes the pastry to be crumbly and dry; too much, plus
overmixing, develops too much gluten which causes a tough pastry.

Salt improves and enhances the flavor of all the foods; don’t leave it out. 


Eggs: Use only fresh, large eggs in baking recipes. The yolks emulsify the dough, and
which all add fat, giving the crust a tenderness, richness and browning. Fat found in egg
yolks also tenderizes by coating the flour proteins and then preventing them from
becoming moistened when water is added, hence preventing long, interconnecting
gluten strands from forming.

If the recipe is simply written with the word “eggs”, use large which have a volume of
about 1/4 cup each. Check the expiration date printed on the side of the carton and
discard if the date has passed. Store eggs in the coolest part of the refrigerator which is
the back of the middle shelf.
Sugar: Either referred to as crystalline or table sugar or liquid sugar contributes to
leavening, depending upon how it is introduced and the type used, browning, flavor,
tenderizes, keeps the crust moist and of course, sweetens. When a recipes calls for
“sugar” it means white “table” sugar.

Acidic ingredients: Cider Vinegar/Lemon Juice as well as buttermilk, sour cream or

other acidic ingredient can be found in pie crust recipes.
They tenderize the flour's gluten, formed in the dough when wheat flour is moistened
and stirred, as well as when rolling and handling the dough. Gluten is a toughener and
acidic ingredients weaken the gluten that forms, making the crust tender and less likely
to shrink. (Keeping well chilled ingredients and dough also helps with preventing

What is pastry method?

A good biscuit or pastry is soft, buttery, and flaky. ... It is sometimes called the pastry
method because it incorporates the same technique as for mixing pie dough. (There
are some biscuit recipes that call for using the creaming method, but those biscuits turn
out to be more cake-like.)

What are the 7 basic baking ingredients?

Baking Ingredients
 Yeast. Yeast is the heart of the bread-making process. ...
 Flour. Wheat is the most common type of flour used in bread baking. ...
 Liquids. Water. ...
 Sweetener. Sugar adds flavor and rich brown color to a bread's crust. ...
 Salt. ...
 Eggs. ...
 Fat.

Yeast is the heart of the bread-making process. It’s the essential ingredient that makes
the dough rise and gives home-baked bread its wonderful taste and aroma. Other
ingredients are added to complete the reactions that result in a perfectly baked loaf of
hot, crusty homemade bread. In each yeast packet, there are thousands of living plant-
like microorganisms. When activated by warm liquid, and fed by sugar or starch, the
yeast releases tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. This gas is what makes the dough
rise and achieve its light texture after baking.

What is Yeast?
The yeast strain most commonly used in baking is a living organism – yes, living! Its
main purpose is to leaven the dough, develop the gluten and contribute delicious yeast
flavor. Yeast feeds on the starches in flour, producing carbon dioxide. The carbon
dioxide expands the gluten proteins in the flour and causes the dough to expand and

Active Dry Yeast RapidRise® Yeast

Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup warm (100˚–

110˚F) water before using. Always use a Add yeast to dry ingredients.
thermometer to check temperature.

“Proofing” (checking if yeast is active) is

not needed; it’s nearly 100% active thanks Proofing not needed.
to modern production and packaging.*

Add liquids heated to 120˚F-130˚F and

Add dissolved yeast to other ingredients
follow recipe instructions. Always use a
according to recipe instructions.
thermometer to check temperature.

For most doughs: For most doughs:

1. Knead; let rise until double 1. Knead; let rest 10 minutes

2. Shape; let rise until double 2. Shape; let rise until double
3. Bake 3. Bake

Don’t use in recipes calling for RapidRise® May use in recipes calling for Active
Yeast. (Yeast won’t dissolve properly, and Dry Yeast. (However, rise may be
water is too hot.) slightly less.)

This yeast may be substituted for the RapidRise® Yeast is the same as
Fresh Cake Yeast. The small cake yeast Bread Machine Yeast and Instant
(.6 oz) is equal to 1 packet of dry yeast. Yeast. (Instant Yeast is the a 1 pound
The large cake yeast (2-oz) is equal to 3 package of Fleischmann’s® Yeast sold
packets of dry yeast. at Sam’s Club.)

Comes in both a packet and a jar. Active Comes in both a packet and a jar.
Dry Yeast has a red bar at the bottom of RapidRise® Yeast has a blue bar at
the label. the bottom of the label.

*Proofing has traditionally been done by dissolving a packet of yeast in ¼ cup warm
(100˚–110˚F) water, stirring in 1 teaspoon sugar and waiting 10 minutes. The mixture
should foam and double in volume.

Wheat is the most common type of flour used in bread baking. It includes all-purpose
flour, bread flour and whole wheat flour. Wheat is rich in gluten, a protein that gives
dough its elasticity and strength. When yeast and flour are mixed with liquid and then
kneaded or beaten, the gluten forms and stretches to create a network that traps the
carbon dioxide bubbles produced by the yeast.

Recipes with whole wheat flour have less gluten and make denser loaves. That’s why
these recipes generally require some all-purpose flour which increases the gluten and
makes lighter, taller loaves.

is the most important liquid because it does 2 critical things:

 It dissolves and activates the yeast.

 It blends with the flour to create a sticky and elastic dough.

Milk, buttermilk, cream or juice

may be added to enhance the flavor or texture. Only warm liquids should be added to
dry ingredients in a recipe because:

 A too-cool liquid will slow or stop yeast action.

 A too-hot liquid will destroy the yeast and prevent it from rising.

Ideal temperature ranges are 100°F–110°F, when yeast is dissolved directly in water;
120°F-130°F when undissolved yeast is added to dry ingredients.

Sugar adds flavor and rich brown color to a bread’s crust. Brown sugar, honey,
molasses and jams may also be used.

Salt is an important ingredient in bread baking because it slows rising time allowing the
flavor of the dough to develop, and it adds to the flavor of the baked product. For best
results, we do not recommend omitting the salt in a yeast recipe.

Eggs add food value, color and flavor to breads. They also help make the crumb fine
and the crust tender. Eggs add richness and protein. Some recipes call for eggs to be
used as a wash, which adds color.

Butter, margarine, shortening or oil add flavor and make bread tender and moist. Fat
slows moisture loss, helping bread stay fresh longer. Fat is heated with liquid when
using Rapid Rise® Yeast. Do not substitute oil for margarine/shortening unless the
recipe calls for it.

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