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Pneumatically agitated bioreactors in

industrial and environmental bioprocessing:

Hydrodynamics, hydraulics, and transport phenomena
Yusuf Chisti
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Almeria, E-04071 Almeria, Spain

M a j o r a s p e c t s o f d e s i g n a n d o p e r a t i o n o f p n e u m a t i c a l l y a g i t a t e d b i o r e a c t o r s are r e v i e w e d . T h e fo-
c u s is o n c o n s i d e r a t i o n s t h a t are r e l e v a n t to industrial practice. Airlift b i o r e a e t o r s a r e e m p h a s i z e d .
T h e t r e a t m e n t c o v e r s h y d r a u l i c s , h y d r o d y n a m i c s , g a s - l i q u i d a n d s o l i d - l i q u i d m a s s transfer, h e a t
transfer, m i x i n g , a n d s u s p e n s i o n . N e w t o n i a n a n d n o n - N e w t o n i a n s y s t e m s are discussed. A p p l i c a -
t i o n s in m i c r o b i a l f e r m e n t a t i o n s , a n i m a l a n d p l a n t cell culture, b i o t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s w i t h i m m o b i -
lized e n z y m e s , a n d t r e a t m e n t o f w a s t e w a t e r are outlined. C o m p a r i s o n s w i t h m o r e c o n v e n t i o n a l
b i o r e a c t o r t e c h n o l o g i e s are m a d e . D e s i g n features for sterile p r o c e s s i n g in airlift s y s t e m s are d e -
tailed. T h e e v i d e n c e for s u p e r i o r p e r f o r m a n c e o f airlift b i o r e a c t o r s is o v e r w h e l m i n g . E x c e l l e n t
p r o d u c t i v i t i e s h a v e b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d w i t h yeasts, bacteria, a n d f i l a m e n t o u s fungi. P r o c e s s e s t h a t
p r o d u c e h i g h l y v i s c o u s broths, i n c l u d i n g several b i o p o l y m e r p r o d u c i n g f e r m e n t a t i o n s , h a v e b e e n
p r o v e n in airlift devices. Similarly, m a n y h y b r i d o m a c u l t u r e s a n d p l a n t cell s u s p e n s i o n s h a v e g i v e n
g o o d results. A s a g e n e r a l rule, v o l u m e t r i c p r o d u c t i v i t y o f airlift b i o r e a c t o r s e q u a l s o r b e t t e r s t h a t
o f c o n v e n t i o n a l stirred tanks. Typically, this level o f p e r f o r m a n c e is a c h i e v e d at s u b s t a n t i a l l y l o w e r
p o w e r i n p u t t h a n in stirred vessels. F u r t h e r m o r e , the p r o b a b i l i t y o f m e c h a n i c a l failure a n d likeli-
h o o d o f loss o f sterility are l o w e r w i t h airlift bioreactors. In w a s t e w a t e r t r e a t m e n t , too, airlift d e -
v i c e s h a v e far o u t p e r f o r m e d c o n v e n t i o n a l s y s t e m s . Airlift b i o r e a c t o r s a c c e p t h i g h e r B O D l o a d i n g s ,
p r o d u c e less sludge, a n d the d e g r a d a t i o n rate is faster; p e r f o r m a n c e i m p r o v e s w i t h i n c r e a s i n g scale
o f o p e r a t i o n . T h i s r e v i e w article i n c l u d e s 328 references.

I INTRODUCTION .............................................................. ~..... 34 9 CONSIDERATIONS FOR BIOFILM REACTORS .................. 75
I. I Pneumatically agitated reactors........................................ 34 9.1 The biofilm ....................................................................... 75
2 PNEUMATIC AGITATION ..................................................... 35 l0 HYDRODYNAMIC SHEAR FORCES ................... i................ 77
2.1 Power input ...................................................................... 35 I 1 UNCONVENTIONAL AIRLIFT REACTORS ......................... 78
2.2 Gas velocity ..................................................................... 35 I 1.1 A new mode of operation of internal-loop reactors .......... 78
2.3 Pressurized operation ....................................................... 36 11.2 Reactors with undulating risers ......... . .............................. 79
3 GAS HOLDUP ......................................................................... 36 11.3 Reactors with perforated draft tube ...2.............................. 80
3.1 Bubble columns ................................................................ 36 I 1.4 Cascaded airlift reactor..................................................... 81
3.2 Airlift reactors .................................................................. 38 11.5 Inverse fluidized airlift reactor ......................................... 83
3.3 Local events ..................................................................... 45 ! 1.6 Airlift-packed bed hybrid reactors .................................... 83
LIQUID CIRCULATION AND HYDRAULICS ...................... 46 11.7 Liquid-impelled reactors................................................... 87
4.1 Induced liquid circulation rate ......................................... 46 11.8 Reactors with static mixers ............................................... 88
4.2 Local phenomena ............................................................. 53 12 APPLICATIONS ....................................................................... 90
4.3 Numerical simulations of flow ......................................... 53 12.1 Microbial products ........................................................... 90
4.4 The gas-lift pump .......................................................... ~.. 55 12.2 Biodegradation of environmental pollutants..................... 93
GAS-LIQUID SEPARATION ................................................... 55 12.3 Animal cell culture ........................................................... 96
5.1 Separator design .................................................... ........... 56 12.4 Plant cell culture ............................................................... 99
SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS ...................................................... 57 12.5 Algal culture ................................................................... 100
6.1 Dead zones and flow instabilities..................................... 59 12.6 Chemical processes ........................................................ 101
MIXING .......... . ........................................................................ 60 13 COMPARISON OF PROCESS PERFORMANCE ................. 101
7.1 Liquid and slurry phases .................................................. 60 14 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ................................................. 103
7.2 Gas phase mixing ............................................................. 65 14.1 Sterile processing ........................................................... 103
7.3 Mixing of solids ............................................................... 65 14.2 Materials......................................................................... 103
TRANSPORT PHENOMENA ................................................. 66 14.3 Surface finish .................................................................. 103
8.1 Gas-liquid mass transfer .................................................. 66 15 CONCLUDING REMARKS ................................................... 104
8.2 Solid-liquid mass transfer ................................................ 71 16 NOMENCLATURE ................................................................ 104
8.3 Heat transfer..................................................................... 73 REFERENCES ............................................................................. 106


ASME Reprint No AMR233 $70
Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 33 © 1998 American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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I TYi.

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Fig 1. hlterrelationships among the hydrodynamic parameters and .
other bioreactor performance indices.

productivity or performance is essential to bioreactor
This review concentrates on hydrodynamics, related design, scale-up and operation. Insight into hydrodynamics
transport phenomena, and design of pneumatically agitated and related phenomena is especially relevant to large scale
bioreactors. Especial emphasis is placed, on airlift bioprocesses for bulk products, wastewater treatment and
bioreactors as being the most important among the environmental remediation. Performance and
pneumatically agitated reactors. Design and operational competitiveness in producing high-value-low-volume
features that are relevant to industrial practice are stressed. bioproducts may also be improved by attention to
The treatment covers hydraulics, hydrodynamics, gas-liquid hydrodynamic phenomena.
and solid-liquid mass transfer, heat transfer, mixing and
suspension. Newtonian and non-newtonian systems are 1.1 Pneumatically agitated reactors
considered. Applications in microbial fermentations,
animal and plant cell culture, biotransformations with Airlift bioreactors and bubble columns are the two main
immobilized enzymes and treatment of wastewater are types of pneumatically agitated reactors. Because of many
discussed. Comparisons with more conventional bioreactor operatiohal advantages, airlift devices are far more
technologies are made. Design features for sterile significant than bubble columns in bioprocessing and
processing are detailed. bioremediation. Airlift reactors are pneumatically agitated
Hydrodynamics, transport phenomena, microbial gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid contacting devices that are
survival and production kinetics in bioreactors are used in the chemical process industry, bioprocessing and
interrelated. These interrelationships are quite complex as waste treatment (Chisti, 1989; Onken and Weiland, 1983).
depicted in Figure 1. A variable may be directly or Particularly attractive features of airlift reactors are
indirectly affected by several others in sometimes not so simplicity of construction, good solid-liquid and gas-liquid
obvious ways. As an example, the induced liquid mass transfer characteristics at low power consumption
circulation in an airlift reactor depends on the gas holdup (Chisti, 1989; Mao et al., 1992), a well-defined flow
difference between the riser and the downcomer zones and pattern, ease of long-term sterile operation, and a
on the geometry of the reactor. However, the gas holdup in hydrodynamic environment suitable for fragile biocatalysts
individual zones, and the holdup difference, are in turn that are susceptible to physical damage by fluid turbulence
controlled by the rate of liquid circulation and the properties or mechanical agitation. Airlift devices outperform bubble
of the fluid. Liquid flow velocity and gas holdup combine columns in suspending solids (Chisti and Moo-Young,
to affect mixing, gas-liquid mass transfer and heat transfer. 1994b). Evidence for superior heat transfer capability of
Suspension of solids and solid-liquid masstransfer are airlift reactors relative to bubble columns has also been
affected. Turbulence in the fluid generally determines the published (Ouyoung et al., 1989). Some of these features
bubble size and hence the interracial shear rate. Shear have helped establish niche applications for airlift
stresses associated with turbulence impact upon microbial technology. For example, in high-intensity-low-volume
morphology, floc size, and physical survival of fragile cells. activated-sludge type treatment of wastewater, high rates of
The ability to heat and cool a bioreactor, supply oxygen and oxygen transfer, mechanical simplicity and low operational
remove carbon dioxide depends on hydrodynamics. costs are particularly valuable. The small volume and land
Ultimately the kinetics of the bioreaction are affected and so area demands of airlift devices compared to conventional
is the productivity of the reactor and the feasibility of the treatment processes are decided advantages in many
process (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1996). An understanding locations (Moo-Young and Chisti, 1994). In certain other
of the hydrodynamic factors and how they influence the fermentations--production of monoclonal antibodies by

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 35

the energy input into pneumatically agitated reactors comes

from the compressed gas. The gas imparts energy to the
liquid as it expands isothermally from the hydrostatic
-- LIQUID 2T7~7 '::-~ :. pressure at the bottom of the reactor to the pressure in the
'.Lo* F,;J
. - : : ; .. -- DRAF-[
head zone. A second source of power is the kinetic energy
of the gas jet at the point of entry to the reactor. In most
......... L: -oo bioreactors, the sparger designs and the gas flow rates are
such that the kinetic energy of the gas jet is negligible
relative to the energy derived from isothermal expansion
(Chisti, 1989). When the kinetic energy is ignored, the
(o) (b) (c) specific power input, or the power input per unit volume of
the liquid (or slurry) is given by

Fig 2. Airlift reactors: (a) split-cylinder internal-loop; (b) draft- = PLgUc, (1) '
tube internal-loop; and (c) external-loop. VL
for bubble columns, and
suspension culture of hybridomas (Birch et aL, 1987) and
plant cell culture (Doran, 1993), for instance---capabilities Pc PLgUc~
for sterile operation and a less damaging hydrodynamic VL 1+ A_j_a
environment are important features. New applications of A,.
airlift technology that are now being developed include
anchorage-dependent culture of animal cells for for airlift bioreactors, in equations (1) and (2) the
biopharmaceuticals (Dai et al., 1994; Ganzeveld et al., superficial gas velocity (Uc or Uc~) is actual height-
1995). IrresPective of the area of application, the averaged value, rather than a point value at any axial
predominant types of airlift reactors are the internal-loop location (Chisti, 1989). The specific power input in
devices shown in Figure 2. The external-loop configuration pneumatically agitated bioreactors does not normally exceed
is less commonly used. 3 kWqn3; a value of 2 kWqn 3 being a more typical
As shown in Figure 2, all airlift reactors consist of a maximum. In animal cell culture applications, power
gas-sparged riser and a downcomer which is usually not inputs of less than 100 W.m 3 are the norm.
sparged. The riser and the downcomer are interconnected
n e a r the top and the bottom of the reactor. Difference in
2.2 Gas velocity
gas holdup between the gas-sparged riser and the
downcomer causes a difference in bulk density of the fluid The actual height-averaged superficial gas velocity is
in these zones, resulting in circulation of fluid--up-flow in calculated with the equation (Chisti, 1989)
the riser and downflow in the downcomer (Chisti and Moo-
Young, 1987a). QmRT in(l + PLghL~,
Literature on airlift bioreactors has been reviewed by Uc - hL A PLg ~ ) (3)
Blenke (1979), Onken and Weiland (1983), Merchuk
(1986), Chisti and Moo-Young (1987a), Chisti (1989) and
Joshi et al. (1990). Much more information is available on which applies to bubble columns. In equation (3) Qm is the
bubble columns. Some major sources are Schtigerl et al. molar flow rate of the gas, hL is the static height of the gas-
(1977), Shah (1979), Shah et al. (1982), Deckwer and free liquid, R is the gas constant, T is the absolute
Schumpe (1987; 1993), and Deckwer (1992). In view of the temperature, A is the cross-sectional area of the column,
extensive literature, this work concentrates mostly on and Ph is the pressure in the head zone. Equation (3)
assumes ideal gas behavior which is an acceptable
developments since an earlier comprehensive treaties
(Chisti, 1989). approximation in most cases.
Equation (3) may be used also for an airlift reactor to
calculate a hypothetical superficial gas velocity (Uc) that
2. PNEUMATIC AGITATION can be converted to the superficial velocity (Ucr) in the
2.1 Power input
Uc A
The power input into a reactor controls most of its U G r "~ . . . . . . i
performance parameters and affects the economics of A~ (4)
operation. In comparing the performance of bioreactors,
specific power input is often used as the basis. Hence, where A is the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the riser
correct calculation of power input is essential. Typically, all and the downcomer.

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2.3 Pressurized operation similar sensors (Choi and Lee, 1990a). The efficiency of
utilization of the gas depends on gas holdup because the
As seen in equation (3), correct calculation of the prevailing
contact time between the two phases is holdup dependent
superficial gas velocity requires that the pressure (PD in the
(Chisti, 1989, pp. 176-180),
head zone of the reactor is taken into account. Two
identical reactors operated at different headspace pressures
but the same molar gas flow rate would have different hL 6o
specific power inputs. Sometimes the 'superficial gas to - U o ( 1 - co)' (8)
velocity' reported in the literature does not correct for
pressure as in equation (3). In such cases apparent effects where to is the mean residence time of the gas in liquid.
of the headspace pressure on mixing time, gas holdup and For columns larger than about 0.1 m diameter, gas holdup
other variables that are dependent on power input may be is independent of column diameter and the overall holdup is
observed (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1987a). Correct independent of the height of liquid (hL). Hence, for a given
calculation of the superficial gas velocity and power input superficial gas velocity, the gas phase residence time
eliminates these apparent effects. An example of the increases with column height. Aspect ratios of four or
apparent pressure effect on oxygen transfer coefficients in higher are not uncommon in bubble column bioreactors. In
draft-tube sparged airlift reactors was reported by Wu et al. columns operated batchwise with respect to the liquid, the
(1992). Variations in headspace pressure over 1-2.36 gas holdup can be analytically shown to depend on the
atmospheres affected the mass transfer coefficients but the mean rise velocity (Ub) of the bubbles,
effect disappeared when the gas velocity was corrected for
pressure as recommended by Chisti (1989, pp. 287-290). Uo
Ub" (9)
Hence, at identical gas f l o w rates, sparger-fluid
3.1 Bubble columns combinations that generate larger bubbles, or allow them to
The volume fraction of gas in dispersion, or gas holdup exist, may give rise to lower gas holdups than systems that
(co), is an important characteristic of bubble columns and produce smaller bubbles. In bubble columns gas holdup
other gas-liquid reactors. By definition, shows the following general dependence on gas velocity

VG eo = a Ubo. (10)
¢o - Vo+VL' The parameters a and b depend on the flow regime and the
properties of the fluid. As shown in Figure 3, for air-water
where VG and VL are the volumes of the gas and the liquid
a and b have been found to be 2.47 and 0.97, and 0.49 and
(or slurry) phases respectively. The reactor must b e
0.46, respectively, for bubble (Uo < 0.05 m.s-1) and chum-
designed to accommodate the maximum expected gas
holdup. The holdup affects many other performance flow (Uo > 0.05 m.s"1) regimes in broad ranges of bubble
characteristics in a reactor. Gas-liquid interfacial area for column geometries (Chisti, 1989, pp. 161-164; Chisti and
mass transfer is controlled by a combination of gas holdup Moo-Young, 1988b). Addition of inorganic salts to water
and the mean bubble diameter. In bubble columns, enhances gas holdup by a few percent up to an ionic
strength corresponding to about 0.15 M sodium chloride
6 ¢o (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1991; Kelkar et al., 1983). This
(6) effect is due to coalescence inhibition that results from
aL -- d B ( 1 - - eO ) ' electrical repulsion between like ions at the surfaces of
bubbles (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1991). For any given
where aL is the gas-liquid interfacial area per unit volume ionic strength, the type of ion does not influence gas holdup
of liquid, and dB is the diameter of a sphere having the same (Hikita et al., 1980).
surface-to-volume ratio as the gas bubble. In practice a Numerous gas holdup correlations are available for
distribution of bubble sizes is encountered and the mean bubble columns (Deckwer, 1992; Chisti, 1989). An
diameter is calculated using
example is the correlation (Akita and Yoshida, 1973)

dB i=1 cG 4-
~- " -~ -
Uo .1, (I1)
N , (7)
En, (1-¢o) k, L J ~, ,UL ) ~.g ~ o j
where c is either 0.20 (non-electrolytes) or 0.25
where ni is the frequency of occurrence of bubbles with a
(electrolytes). Equation (11) covers column diameters (do)
diameter dsi. Bubble size and frequency distributions may
of 0.152 to 0.60 m and gas velocities from 0.004 to 0.33
be measured by electrical resistivity probes and other

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 37

I O0
• DECKWER et ol. (1974)
[] FAIR et oi. (1962) (bosed on $G=3.2 UG)
x HIKITA et oi. (1980)

• CHISTI (1989)
• ~ • ®x

~J ,m~,~, L =o:o.49ul.,6
% 10

i '~G=2"47 U0"97
G - ~ Y •

I t .I J I tlll I = I I III I t I t , , ,,
I 2 4 6 8 I0 20 40 60 I00 200 400 I000
UGx 10 (m.s -1)

Fig 3. Gas holdup versus superficial gas velocity in bubble colmmls. The data shown cover column diameters of 0.10-1.067 m, and
heights of 1.37-5.875 m (Chisti, 1989, p. 164).

m.s ~. It applies to newtonian media such as water, glycerol fluid. The exponent b has been observed to obey the
and methanol. empirical equation (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988c)
In homogeneous n0n-newtonian systems the following
equation may apply b = 0.564 n -0"354 , (13)

06 -0.19 as illustrated in Figure 4. Equation (13) is only a rough

6~ = 0 . 2 0 7 U ~ , u . (12)
guide which disregards any effects of the flow regime;
nevertheless, the equation is based on data on a variety of
Equation (12) was developed by Godbole et al. (1984) for
aqueous carboxymethyl cellulose solutions (n = 0.440- 2.0
" ~ +30~.
0.697; K = 7.683--0.095 Pa.s") in churn-turbulent flow ~ b=0.56 n-0"35
regime when the superficial gas velocity did not exceed 0.25
m.s -~. A higher coefficient of 0.255 has been reported for
equation (12) in presence of 0.8 M sodium sulfate. 1.0
The commonly employed shear rate expression 7 = 0.8
5000.UG, due to Nishikawa and coworkers (1977), was used
by Godbole et aL (1984) to calculate the i.t~p in equation ~- 0.6

(12). Although this approach is widely used, it is o Chisli et ol. (1987) Solka-gloc ~-. a
fundamentally unsound and shear rates in bubble columns 0.4 . • Copuder and Kololn| (1984), Ca(OH)2/CaCO3 ~ ,
C. cellulolyticum A ] []
and other pneumatically agitated reactors are difficult to + C. cellulolyticum B I Moo-Youn 9 et al. (1987)
define as clearly demonstrated by Chisti and Moo-Young v N. sitophilo
(1989). a Hoque et al. (1986)
x Kowose and Moo-Young (1986)
As for newtonian media, the variation of gas holdup 0.2
• Godbole et ol. (1984) t CMc/Woter
with gas velocity in non-newtonian fluids is generally [] 8uchholz et al. (1978)
consistent with equation (10). The exponent b seems to = T= I f t I t I f I r I
depend only on the flow regime and the n-value of the fluid, 0.06 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

while the coefficient a is sensitive to the properties of the n(-)

fluid (K, n, PL and CYL)as well as the flow regime (Chisti Fig 4. The exponent b (equation 10) versus the flow behavior
and Moo-Young, 1988c). Little experimental data exists on index n for non-newtonian pseudoplastic media in pneumatically
the relationship between a and the characteristics of the agitated reactors (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988c).

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fluids including fermentation broths of the fung! Development of equation (17) assumed isotropic turbulence
Chaetomium cellulolyticum and Neurospora sitophila. with the requisite energy dissipation being calculated as
Additional data on gas holdup in slurries that simulate recommended by Chisti and Moo-Young (1989). As major
mycelial fermentation fluids are available elsewhere (Chisti limitations, equation (17) does not account for effects o f
and Moo-Young, 1988c; Chisti, 1989, pp. 149-201). liquid circulation on gas holdup, nor does it consider such
factors as interfacial tension and solids concentration which
3.2 Airlift reactors affect holdup. Moreover, the 'theoretical' foundation of the
Using newtonian media (gL = 1--266 mPa.s) and a equation is questionable because the assumption of isotropic
pseudoplastic fluid (K = 0.0256 Pa.s °902) in an external- turbulence in bubble columns and airlift reactors is not valid
loop airlift reactor (0.138 m3; A / A d = 1; aspect ratio ~ 58; even at high energy inputs in water-like media (Liibbert
Uor = 0.002.-.0.12, Akita et al. (1994) established that and Larson, 1990; Liibbert et al., 1990; Okada et aL, 1993).
the gas holdup correlation proposed by Akita and Yoshida The supposed mechanistic foundation of equation (17) is
(1973) for bubble columns (see equation 11) applied to the especially doubtful when applied to fluids that are more
riser of the airlift reactor when the superficial gas velocity viscous than water. Although counter claims have been
(Uo) was replaced with [Uo, - (Uz:e~,/(1 - ~,))] as the made (Kawase and Moo-Young, 1990), they do not wholly
correlating parameter; thus, support the existence of isotropic turbulence.
In an external-loop airlift reactor (A/Ad = 1.0; aspect
ratio = 28) that achieved complete gas-liquid separation
COr C (gdrPL~ [gdrPL~
2 ~ 3 2 ~12
(that is, no gas in the downcomer) Po~rac and Petrovic
(1991) conducted an exhaustive study of gas holdup. Tap
(14) water and aqueous solutions of alcohols (0.5 or 5% vol
methanol; 0.5% vol n-butanol) were used. The superficial
air velocity in the riser varied over 0.01-0.16 m.s -a with
1- gOr /
corresponding liquid velocities (UL~) in the range 0.05-0.65
where c is 0.20 for non-electrolytes and 0.25 for electrolytes m.s ~. In general, the presence of alcohols enhanced gas
(Akita and Yoshida, 1973). The riser diameter & in holdup relative to water. This effect was due to coalescence
equation (14) has no impact on the value of gas holdup. For inhibitory properties of alcohols. Gas holdup in the riser
water-like fluids, no gas was carried into the downcomer, followed tile equation (Pogarac and Petrovic, 1991)
because of an effective gas-liquid separator; however, in
more viscous media, complete disengagement of the tiny
gas bubbles could not be attained (Akita et al., 1994).
OC'Gr = 0 . 6 / 3 ; 0 6 2 pO.O69/./;107 r T0-936
0.053 0.185 _ X0.474 ' (18)
For pseudoplastic aqueous solutions of carboxymethyl ,LIL O'L (Uor + ULr)
cellulose (K = 0.286-11.5 Pa.s"; n = 0.441-0.617) in a
draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift reactor, Li et aL which agreed with 144 data points to within ±7%. Equation
(1995) reported the following equations for gas holdup: (18) does not included any geometry related effects because
the geometry did not vary. Po~arac and Petrovic (1991)
6o, = 0.441U~r841/tl2p0'135 , (15) noted that the correlation proposed by Bello (1981),

and :U ho56(
T T0.935 . -0.107 COt = 0.16 |-Y--q-r-I /1 (19)
~Od=0.297~,Gr ,uov • (16) \UL,J \
The apparent viscosity in equations (15) and (16) was
calculated by assuming the shear rate to equal 5000.Uo,. for gave consistently higher holdup values with an error that
Uo, >- 0.04 m-s "1, or 1000.(Uc,) °s for Uc, < 0.04 m.s 1. The exceeded 70%1 Similarly, the 'universal' equation of
apparent viscosity ranged over 0.020---0.85 Pa-s. At 0.055 Kawase and Moo-Young (1987), which for newtonian fluids
m 3 the reactor was quite small; other geometric details is
were: A / A d = 0.618 and aspect ratio - 26.
( U2 ~1/3
For newtonian and non-newtonian media in bubble
columns and airlift bioreactors, Kawase et al. (1995) eOr = 1 07/--~-~-I (20)
" k.gdoJ '
proposed the following equation for gas holdup in tile riser:
showed yet poorer agreement with the data (Po~arac and
~Or (U
\ Or /n
/ ~'~'
Petrovic, 1991), overpredicting gas holdup by almost 100%.
u.÷2) • (17) Measurements in aqueous s a l t solutions (sodium
l--SOr chloride; potassium chloride; calcium chloride; sodium
2 o.+,)
, . - -(~v,/, v )"~2(.~,)g',~',
" ( A-A--r~'("÷"
l+ sulfate; and magnesium sulfate in the 0.01-0.2 kmol.m 3
/ PL
concentration range) and sucrose solutions (0.5-8% wt/vol
sucrose) in an external-loop airlift reactor showed that the

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Appl Mech Rovvol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 39

type of salt or its concentration had very little effect on the

measured holdup (Snape et aL, 1992), in keeping with VENT
similar results in bubble columns (Hikita et aL, 1980;
Kelkar et aL, 1983). The holdup was not particularly
sensitive to the concentration of sugar either; however, the
liquid velocity did increase noticeably as the concentration
increased from 0 to 1% wt/vol (Snape et aL, 1992). Further
increase in sugar concentration reduced the rate of
circulation apparently because of a viscosity effect. Several
perforated spargers were employed for aeration (5-220
holes; 0.5-3.0 mm hole diameter; 0.2-0.5% free area). For
--L,,,,, /
the most part, the type of sparger did not influence the gas
holdup or the liquid circulation rate (Snape et aL, 1992).
When any sparger influences were observed, they were
confined to the low aeration rate range (Uar = 0.03-0.09 RISER
m.s'~). Such influences disappeared as the aeration rate
increased (Snape et aL, 1992) and as the turbulence in the
fluid became the controlling influence on bubble size. The
external-loop reactor used was 0.065 m3; the other
geometric details were: A / A d = 9; and aspect ratio based on
riser = 12.5 (Snape et aL, 1992).
In water, aqueous salt solution (10 kg.m 3 sodium
chloride) and an algal culture medium, Fraser and Hill
(1993) observed almost identical gas holdup values at
identical conditions in the three media. An external-loop
airlift reactor was used (A/Ad = 2.3; aspect ratio based on
riser = 18). The perforated plate sparger used could be
rotated at various speeds. Compared to stationary
operation, the rotating sparger (ca 430 rpm) produced Fig 5. The external-loop airlift configuration used by Ghirardini
somewhat higher gas holdup (Fraser and Hill, 1993), but et aL (1992).
not sufficiently high to justify the additional complexity of
the rotating device. Liquid circulation rates in all media
showed excellent agreement with equation (51) developed
configurations other than the one Shown in Figure 5.
by Chisti et aL (1988).
Surprisingly, the specific- interfacial area" (aD was
For the external-loop airlift configuration shown in
unaffected by the fill factor (equation 23) even though the
Figure 5, Ghirardini et aL (1992) obtained the following
fill volume influenced the overall gas holdup (equation 22).
empirical equations
The common use of the drift-flux model of Zuber and
@~ TTT M I~0.27 40.41 Findlay in correlating the riser gas holdup in air-water
U L r ~ ~ . o t tJ Gr 1" tar (21) system in external-loop airlift reactors has been noted
(Glennon et al., 1993). The Zuber and Findlay model can
- - ~ t ~ R rr0.78 E,0.20,40.42
~'G -- u.J J lJ Or 1" tar (22) be written as

and UGr
~Gr ~- ~ ( U o r -j- U L r ) "~- f l '
0 75
a t = 798.37U~r d /
. (23) (24)

where <x, the distribution parameter, has typically ranged

Equations (21) and (22) are for air-water while equation
(23) is for aqueous sulfite solutions. These equations were over 1.03-112; and ]3, the terminal rise velocity of a bubble,
developed for A,/Ad = 1.0. The riser diameter (dr) varied has varied over 0.25-0.36 m.s 4 (Glennon et aL, 1993). An
over 0.025-0.1 m; the aspect ratio range used was 20-80, a-value of close to unity indicates fairly flat radial velocity
and the ratio of the separator-to--downcomer diameters and gas holdup profiles in the riser (Chisti, 1989, p. 56);
varied over 3--6. The equations applied over a superficial more parabolic profiles are obtained for higher values of ~.
air velocity range of 0.2-1.2 m.s ~. The 'filling factor,' F, The parameters ~ and 13depend on the flow regime and the
was defined as the ratio of the non-aerated liquid volume in properties of the fluid.
the separator to the unaerated volume in the loop. The F- Using measurements in two large external-loop airlift
values varied over 0. I-0.32. reactors (80 L, A / A d = I, aspect ratio = 19.5; 700 L, A / A d =
The usefulness of equations (21)-(23) is limited 1 or 1.8, aspect ratio (based on riser) = 35.9) and additional
outside the ranges used in establishing theln and for data from other sources, Kemblowski et al. (1993)

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established tile following empirical correlation for the riser about 0.6; it was less than 0.2 in the yeast broth. Liquid
gas holdup in external-loop reactors circulation rates were about 4-fold higher in air-water than
in the broth; the values in the ethanol solution were similar
to those in the yeast broth. An interpretation of these
FRO."( q0,, results is that in the non-coalescing media (yeast broth;
ethanol solution), many tiny bubbles must have recirculated
,¢o~ = 0.203 M ~ O 1 2 \ U°~
UL, ' (25)
into the downcomer, hence the driving force for liquid
circulation was lower.
where the Morton number (Mo) and the Froude number (Fr)
are, respectively, In draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactors
(A/Aa = 0.2-1.3; aspect ratios = 10) operated with tap
4(n-l) + 4n
water, aqueous n-butanol (0.5% wt) and aqueous glycerol

(3n 1~
\---~--) , (26)
(46% wt), Petrovic et al. (1991) did not see much effect of
the A/Ad ratio in water-like media. In the more viscous
glycerol solution, there seemed to be an optimum A/Aa ratio
of about 1/3 for maximum holdup (Petrovic et aL, 1991).
The overall holdup agreed closely with the following
correlation of Koide et aL (1983b)
(U Lr+ UGr)2
Fr = (27)
gdr / "x 0 . 9 9 6 / 3 x 0.294

Equation (25) agreed with tile data to within 20%; it s~ _ 0.124f._Uq_~_ ] f_~_]
4 ,, j gPL J
covered the ranges: eo, = 0.002-0.21; Uc, = 0.001-0.50 (28)
m-s-a; Uzr = 0.0%-1.3 m.s'~; Fr = 0.005-14.1; Mo = 2.47 x /-- / x 0.114

10~-0.39; and As/At = 0.11-1. Although not specifically ×Iaj~o) (1 - 0.276(1 - e-° 0386Ma))-~ ,
developed or tested for internal-loop airlift reactors,
equation (25) could well apply to them: the equation
where Ma is the Marrucci's bubble coalescence parameter
incorporates the liquid circulation velocity and, hence,
(equation 29) that characterizes the frothing ability of
indirectly, the effects of geometry.
liquids (for non-frothing pure liquids Ma = 0). Koide et al.
(1983b) developed equation (28) for the following ranges:
Performance of a draft-tube sparged internal-loop
airlift reactor (5 L; details unknown) that generated a fine-
1.93 x 1 0 "4 _< UG~LL/(Y
L _<
2.85 x 10"2; 1.31 x 106 _<9:rL3/gl.tZ4
bubble dispersion was studied by Yuan et al. (1994). _< 6.04 x 10~0; 0.471 _< d/do -< 0.743; and 0 _< Ma _< 67.3.
Experiments were done in water, aqueous ethanol (19'0) and The equation was developed in draft-tube sparged
baker's yeast broth. Aeration was through a nucleopore concentric tube airlift reactors with aspect ratios of 5-15.
membrane (3-5 ~m pore size) sandwiched between a nylon The bubble coalescence parameter Ma is given as
wire screen and a perforated plate (Yuan et al., 1994).
Extremely small bubbles, 100-200 diameter, were
produced in the alcohol solution; at 380 ~m, the bubble size d e ct ( d o ' L ~ 2 (247r c r L / N d s ) 2/3
Ma- -- --
was somewhat larger in water. Because of large specific a L CRT \ - ~ - J
interfacial areas, the values of the gas-liquid volumetric
mass transfer coefficient (kzaL) were high. Thus, during din cl J x2 v #
yeast fermentations the mean value of ALaz was about 0.46 (29)
sz (aeration rate of 1 vvm). In comparison, the average
kzaL during fermentation in a stirred tank (600 rpm where Nis the Hamaker constant; c~ is the concentration o f
agitation; 1 vvm aeration rate) was only 0.13 s~. When the component 1 in liquid; ~ is the total number of moles of
membrane distributor in the airlift reactor was replaced with ions per mole of electrolyte (~ is unity for non-electrolytes);
a 'jet' distributor, the kzaz declined to 0.1 s-~ even though f is the activity coefficient of component 1 in liquid; xl and
the reactor was aerated at 2.5 vvm compared to tile 1 w m x2 are mole fractions of components 1 and 2 in liquid; vl
with the membrane sparger. Despite these impressive and v2 are molar volumes of components 1 and 2 in liquid;
results, membrane aerators with fine pore sizes are not R is the gas constant; and T is the absolute temperature of
suited to industrial fermentations because of potential the liquid (Koide et al., 1992).
difficulties with clogging.
For several newtonian media (9L = 997-1179 kg.m-3;
The data presented showed that the overall gas holdup ktL = (0.894-16.81) x 10.3 Pa-s; crL = (53-72) x 10-3 N.m -1)
values were similar in water and the aqueous ethanol in draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift devices (A/Aa =
solution, but much lower in the yeast broth (Yuan et al., 0.3-1.2; aspect ratios = 5-16), Koide et aL (1988)
1994). The maximum gas holdup in aqueous ethanol was recommended the following equations for gas holdup:

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January ! 998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 41

[ : - 3'°'283 : a,.1"-° 222
4 = 01601--1(-~ -) k,~--o)
(1-eo) \ O"L ,
CUGr +U<r'~(d2ogpL? -°'88
x 0.415+427
t. .vg-;:. 9t
. . . . . .
9 .
x \~--j

+ 1.13/----~-I L~-J J
, [1- ,.610- exp(- 0.00,6,Ma))l-',
t, 4 gd, J (33)

for the riser; and where 8 is the diameter of sparger nozzle. Equation (33)
applied to the following ranges: 1.21 x l 0 "4 ~ UGglJ6L~

CGd 1 50
279 66r
( Ar )2,8( t2,,
1.57 X 10"2; 1.18 x 106 _<pLoL31ggz4 N 5.93 x 1010; 0.471 £
d/do ~ 0.743; 7.14 x 10.3 g 81do ~ 2.86 x 10"2; and 0 _<Ma _<
93. The average error in estimating the overall gas holdup
(1 - eOd) 5 A,. + Ad A~ + Ad
with equation (33) was 9% for 175 measurements (Koide et
Ld 0.352 -1 aL, 1983a).
Clearly, many correlations have been developed for
× ~,77~'J ( 1 + 0.433 .
predicting gas holdup. The ones presented here supplement
numerous others compiled in a previous work (Chisti,
1989). Despite this information, reliable prediction of gas
for the downcomer. Equation (30) correlated 140 data holdup remains difficult. Most correlations are quite
within 12% of the measurements, while equation (31) specific to particular fluid-reactor combinations and, even
applied to 109 data with an average error of less than 24%. then, estimates should be used with caution. Two different
T h e Ld in equation (31) was the length of the draft-tube. fluids with identical densities, viscosities and inteffacial
Equations (30) and (31) are apparently more refined forms tensions, may give very different results in the same reactor.
of similar equations presented in an earlier paper by Koide F o r all but the simplest cases, reliable estimation of gas
et aL (1984a). holdup for design and scale-up must rely on procedures
such as that outlined in Section 3.2.3.
In an air-water system in a large (about 186 L; A,/Aa
3. 2.1 Relationship between riser and downcomer gas
= 0.77) draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift device
equipped with an elaborate gas-liquid separator, Cai and
Nieuwstad (1991) noted that the gas holdup in the riser Internal-loop reactors. In airlift reactors without gas-
correlated well with the equation liquid separators, the gas holdup in the downcomer depends
mainly on the holdup in the riser and tile velocity of the
go, = 2.47 U~ 97 (32) circulating liquid. Important aspects of performance of
airlift reactors depend not only on the overall gas holdup,
but also on the distribution of holdup between the riser and
developed by Chisti (1989, p: 164) for bubble columns
the downcomer; hence, a knowledge of this distribution is
operating in the bubble flow regime. This agreement was
probably because the liquid circulation velocities in the
As noted earlier, the holdup distribution controls the
airlift reactor were relatively low (lnaximum UL~ was less
rate of induced liquid circulation. In addition, the gas-
than 0.4 re.s4).
liquid interfacial area for mass transfer and the residence
time of gas in the liquid and the residence time of liquid in
In a large draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift tile riser and the downcomer are affected. Specifically, in
reactor (A/Ad = 1.86; aspect ratio = 11; 4 m 3) with an internal-loop airlift devices, the ratio of the gas-liquid
expanded head zone for gas liquid separation, Fr/Jhlich et interfacial areas in the riser (ALr) and the downcomer (ALl)
al. (1991a) noted that the gas holdup in tile riser was zones is (Chisti et aL, 1995)
independent of axial position, but the holdup declined down
the downcomer. Tap water, aqueous ethanol solution (1%
AL,. Ar dsd Co,
vol/vol ethanol) and tap water containing an antifoam agent . . . . , (34)
were studied. ALd Ad dBr GOd

In studies with annulus sparged concentric-tube airlift where Ar and Ad are tile cross-sectional areas of the riser
vessels (aspect ratio = 6-15; AJA, = 0.52-1.23), Koide et and the downcomer, respectively. Generally, the mean
al. (1983a) obtained the following equation for overall gas bubble diameter in the downcomer (dna) is slightly lower
holdup: than that in the riser (ds,.) because smaller bubble are more
easily and preferentially dragged into the downcomer

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(Chisti, 1989, pp. 132-149). Similarly, the time spent by

the recirculating liquid phase in the downcomer and the Mo = g/.t~/ 3. (41)
riser depend on gas holdup (Chisti et al., 1995), / PLO'L

tLr Ad (1--8Gr) Equations (38) and (40) were established in reactors with
(35) cross-sectional areas of risers smaller than the areas of
ttd Ar (1--6or)"
downcomers even though the opposite is the norm for
Because of its significance, the relationship between practical designs of airlift reactors.
the gas holdups in the riser and the downcomer has received
some attention in the published literature. Using air-water, Equations (36)-(40) were empirically established.
Bello (1981) established the empirical relationship These equations are inconsistent with the observation that
downcomer remains free of gas (that is ~d = 0) until some
e O d = 0.89 eGr , (36) gas holdup has been builtup in the riser. An alternative,
more useful relationship between the riser and the
which applied to annulus sparged concentric draft-tube downcomer gas holdups is the equation
airlift reactors (0.033 m 3 approximate dispersion volume;
Ad/A~ = 0.13, 0.35 or 0.56; 0.152 m outer tube diameter in
all cases; 1.8 m gas-liquid dispersion height; 1.55 m height
of draft-tubes measured from the base of the reactors). In a
ULr = " 2 g h D ( e O r - eGd)
much larger split-cylinder airlift device (0.23 m 3 working (42)
volume; 5.0 m liquid height; Ad/Ar = 0.411; 0.243 m
column diameter; 0.229 m baffle width; 4.8 m baffle
height), Chisti (1989, p. 218) found a similar correlation:
Equation (37) was determined for air-water and air-salt

e O d = 0.997 6or. (37) Equation (42) was developed by Chisti et al. (1988) for the
prediction of liquid circulation velocity in internal-loop
solution (0.15 M sodium chloride). Other investigations airlift reactors without gas-liquid separators. The equation
have revealed similar linear relationships between the gas was shown to apply to low-viscosity, water-like, fluids over
holdup in the riser and that in the downcomer. Thus, there a broad range of scales. Since initial publication, the
is significant empirical evidence spanning different types of equation has been repeatedly validated by other independent
airlift devices, ranges of reactor volumes and varieties of investigators (Cai and Nieuwstad, 1991; Choi and Lee,
fluids, for linear dependence between the gas holdups in the 1993; Fraser and Hill, 1993; Garcia-Calvo and Let6n, 1996;
riser and the downcomer. An exception was reported by Petrovic et al., 1991; Po~arac and Petrovic, 1991). In
Miyahara et al. (1986) who worked with draft-tube sparged equation (42) K8 is the frictional loss coefficient for the
concentric tube reactors of modest size (0.021 m 3 dispersion bottom zone of the reactor. For internal-loop reactors, the
volume; 0.148 m outer column diameter; A/Ad = 0.128- parameter K8 is related to the configuration of the bottom
0.808; 1.2 m height of dispersion; 1.0 m height of draft- zone in accordance with equation (54) (Section 4.1.1).
= =
tubes; PL 952-1168 kg.m3; ~L 1.0-14.9 mPa.s; ~L =
34.1--72.0 mN.m'~). Miyahara et al. (1986) observed the A silnple rearrangement of equation (42) leads to
following relationships between gas holdups
2 K B( a r / Ad) 2
( Ar ~4"2 - 1. (43)
COd = 4.51 × 1 0 6 M o ° J 1 5 / : - ~ I 4.2 (38) 2gho(6~r--6Od)(1--COd) 2
• \ Ad) SCr,

when Equation (43) is an implicit relationship between the gas

holdups in the riser and the downcomer. When the
get < 0.0133 , (39) superficial liquid velocity (UL,.) in the riser, the beight of
d gas-liquid dispersion (t79) and the gas holdup (~r) in the
and riser are known, the equation may be used for an iterative
solution for tile downcomer gas holdup (,~d) in a reactor of
given geometry (given At, Ad and AD. The iterative
e O d = 0.05 MO -°22 '~Gr) , (40) procedure starts with an assumed value for the downcomer
gas holdup (e~d). The left-hand-side of equation (43)is
computed and compared to the right-hand-side. An
when the gas holdup in the riser was greater than that agreement between the two sides indicates a satisfactory
obtained with the inequality (39). In these equations Mo is value of ~d, the desired variable.
the Morton number defined as

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Appl Mech Rev vo151, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically. mixed bioreactors 43

Unlike such previous empirical correlations as where IVs and WL were respectively the total weight of solid
equation (36) and equation (37), equation (43) shows the and that of the liquid in the slurry. Equation (45) was
effects of the geometry of airlift reactors, that is the effects obtained with suspensions of calcium alginate beads (pp =
of KB, hD, Ar and Ad, on the relationship between the gas 1030 kg.m3; dp = 1-3.6 mm; loading = 0-30% vol).
holdups in the riser and the downcomer. Geometry of the Overall gas holdup in suspensions of calcium alginate
head zone has been clearly shown to affect the gas holdup beads in draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift reactors
distribution (Choi et aL, 1995b); mixing time and the liquid was reported also by Koide et al. (1992). The properties of
circulation velocity are also strongly affected (Choi et at, the systems were: 0-20% vol solids; 1.88-3:98 mm bead
1995a, b). Because equation (43) accounts for reactor diameter; i.tL = (0.894-12.5) x 10"3 Pa.s; A,/Ad = 0.3-1.2;
geometry-associated effects, it has the potential for general and aspect ratios = 6-16. The beads were suspended in
applicability to internal-loop reactors irrespective of scale. water, aqueous glycerol, and aqueous salt solutions (0.10 or
Equation (43) has been confirmed for prediction of the 0.27 kmol.m"3 barium chloride; 0.4 kmol.m3 sodium
downcomer gas holdup in five internal-loop airlift reactors sulfate). The gas holdup declined with increasing
when the holdup in the riser and the velocity of liquid concentration of solids, but was not affected by the size of
circulation were known (Chisti et al., 1995). Remarkably the particles (Koide et aL, 1992). The holdup values in
good agreement between the measured and the calculated water and salt solutions were similar. The holdup was
gas holdups was observed as illustrated in Figure 6 for two correlated with the following empirical equation (Koide et
split-cylinder devices (Chisti et al., 1995). aL, 1992)
Using split--cylinder airlift reactors, Ganzeveld et al.
(1995) showed that the relationship between the riser and
downcomer gas holdups was unaffected by the loading of
animal cell microcarriers (ps = 1030-1050 kg.m-3; 150-300 8G
0,3t oj Mo0,,
p.m carrier diameter; 0-30 kg.m 3 solids loading; A / A d = 1; 1 - £G)4 ( 1 - 4.2 ~69)(1 _ 0 . 3 6 9 ( 1 - e -°°46M' ) ) '
aspect ratio = 7.6 and 14.5; Uar = (0--6.7) X 10"3).
The gas holdup distribution in airlift devices operated (46)
such that the initial level of fluid is below the upper edge of
the draft-tube or baffle is discussed in Section 11.1. where ~bs is the volume fraction of solids in the gas-free
system, and the superficial gas velocity (UG) is based on the
External-loop reactors. The head region of external-loop diameter do of the outer column. In equation (46), the
reactors usually achieves a high degree of separation of gas bubble coalescence parameter (Ma) is defined as in equation
and liquid, her/ce, the downcomer gas holdup is much lower (29) while the definition given in equation (41) is used for
than in the riser. With well designed separators and water- the Morton number (Mo). Equation (46) estimated gas
like media, the downcomer gas holdup is negligible. In holdup with an average error of less than 10% for 260 data
other cases, linear relationships between the riser and the in the experimental ranges 2.48 x 10.4 _< UGktL/OL _<3.24 X
downcomer holdups usually exist as noted for air-water 10"2; 1.69 X 10"11 __<MO _<6.67 x 107; 0.471 _<d/do ~ 0.743;
systems (Bello, 1981; Chisti, 1989, pp. 184-186) as well as 0 _<Ma _<53.9; and 0 _<as -< 0.2 (Koide et al., 1992).
more complex fluids (Chisti et al., 1987; Chisti and Moo-
Young, 1987a). Such relationships are sensitive to the 0.16 /
+15%/ /
design of gas-liquid separator. Thus, for example, the • REACTOR1 // /
expression O REACTOR2 // ~ •//"

6Ca = 0.79 Se, -- 0.057, (44) {El'd /~////

03 " /// ///
developed by Bello (1981) for air-water in external-loop
airlift reactors did not apply to the measurements reported
:by Kawase et al. (1995). This discrepancy was certainly
because of the very different configurations of the head
w 0.08

0.04 Z / / ///
/ /

zones for otherwise similar reactors that were used by

Kawase et aL (1995) and Bello (1981).
0 I I I
3.2. 2 Systems with suspended solids 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
With a limited amount of data acquired in gas-liquid-solid
slurries in a draft-tube sparged internal-loop configuration, Fig 6. Measured downcomer gas holdup versus predicted values
Lu et al. (1995) obtained the following empirical equation in two split--cylinder reactors. The calculated holdups were
obtained with a best-fit KB-value of 8.0. The solid line
)I WS'~-0"46 represents exact agreement. Air-water system; AJAa = 2.44 (for
SGd = 0 . 8 S ~ r ( l + 2 0 d p 1+ WL-----J ' (45) both reactors); aspect ratios - 6.6 (reactor 1) and 13.2 (reactor 2);
Chisti et al. (1995).

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For suspensions of denser solids (glass or bronze (lower viscosity). The overall holdup data were correlated
spheres) in draft-tube sparged internal-loop vessels (A/Ad with the empirical equation (Smith and Skidmore, 1990)
= 0.3-0.8; aspect ratio = 6-15), Koide et al. (1985)
developed the following equation:
6o=(3.128-7.232~s ~.zzO~'sJU6, e q_ & ,.~,-.,,- 2 2 ~ r r0 98 -284/T
, (48)
f" r T • ~ 0.934 [" ~ 0 " 3 ~ 0.292
where ~bs is the volume fraction of solids in the unaerated
(1__ 60) 4 --0.127 --0-L -------7-g,U
slurry and T is the absolute temperature.

(a,) _,
Gas holdup data in a 0.35 m 3 airlift reactor of the type
shown in Figure 7 has been published (Heijnen et al.,
1990). Over a superficial air velocity of 0.02-0.06 m.s-~
(based on outer tube), the gas holdup was somewhat higher
0.091[" 3 " ~ 0 . 0 4 3 / !-. N0.067-] -1
than expected for bubble columns. The holdup was not
Cs] IP a£-
x 1+0.17___I I significantly or systematically influenced by presence of
44 tg ) J' sand particles in the 50-250 kg.m 3 concentration range.
Correlations for holdup of gas and solid phases in
where Cs was tl~e mean solids concentration in gas-free three-phase upflow by independent variation of slurry and
slurry and Ut was the terminal settling velocity of a single gas flow rates were obtained by Douek et al. (1995). The
particle in stagnant liquid (Koide et al., 1985). The average procedure used had been detailed earlier (Chisti, 1989, pp.
error in estimating the overall gas holdup with equation 269-271). For an air-water-glass beads (dp = 500--600 p.m;
(47) was 12% for 383 data (Koide et aL, 1985). The Ps = 2550 kg.m 3) system the superficial gas (UGr) and
equation applied to the following ranges: 3.59 x 10 -4 _< liquid (UL,) velocities were independently varied over the
UoktZJCL -< 3.70 x 10-2; 1.69 x 10 -ll _< g~tL4/pL(YL3 _< 2.55 X respective ranges of 0.04-0.12 and 0.2-0.6 m.s ~ in a
10-6; 0.471 _<d/do -< 0.743; 0 _<Ma _<95.9; 0 _<Cs/Ps -< 8.00 vertical pipe (diameter = 0.08 m). The gas and the solids
x 102; and 1.17 x 10.2 _< Ut/I..JG_<0.844 (Koide et al., 1985). holdups were correlated with the equations (Douek et al.,
Equation (47) applied also to solids-free systems when
the Cs-value was set to zero (Koide et al., 1985). The
physical properties ranges covered were: PL = 997-1182
kg'm'3; ktL = (0.894-17.0) x 10-3 Pa.s; ~L = (51.7--73.0) X eGr = ].| l(UGr + ULr q- Usr) + 0 . 2 6 ' (49)
10.3 N.m-~; and Ma = 0-95.9 (Koide et al., 1985).
In suspensions of basalt particles in air-water in a EXHAUST
draft-tube sparged internal-loo p airlift reactor, Cai and DEGASSER FOAM CONTROL
Nieuwstad (1992) observed that the riser gas holdup showed \
excellent agreement with Chisti's (1989, p. 164) equation II\
(32) which applied irrespective of the solids loading
presumably because the loading did not exceed 4%.
Similarly, the overall volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer
coefficient was insensitive to the solids concentration (Cai
and Nieuwstad, 1992). Details of the systems tested follow: SETTLER - -
A / A d = 0.77; total volmne = 0.186 m3; Ps = 2760 kg.m "3, dp ANNULUS - -
= 0.245 ram; the input solids loading = 27-134 kg.m-3 (Cai
and Nieuwstad, 1992).
The overall gas holdup in a draft-tube sparged 'i
concentric draft-tube airlift reactor (A/Ad = 1.3; aspect ratio
5; Uo, = (0.154-1.39) x 10"~ m.s ~) for potential use in
microbial desulfurization of coal was reported by Smith and
Skidmore (1990). Measurements were made in a simulated
basal salt medium (composition in distilled water, kg.m~:
(NH4)2804, 1.3; KH2PO4, 0.28; MgSO4.2H20, 0.25;
CaCI2.2H20, 0.07; acidified to pH 2 by sulfuric acid)
containing pulverized coal (74 x 10.6 m particle diameter;
density = 1415 kg.m -3) at 0-40% wt (equivalent to 0-0.315 t
volume fraction of solids in gas-free medium) at 30, 50 and
72°C. ' At any fixed gas flow rate, increases in fluid
temperature led to small increases in gas holdup (Smith and Fig 7. Microcarrier airlift bioreactor used in wastewater
Skidmore, 1990) possibly because of increased turbulence treatment with inunobilized biofihn (Heijnen et al., 1992).

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 45

and desired values. If no agreement is found, the iterative

procedure is repeated with a new assumption for Uzr.
Usr Figure 8 compares the riser gas holdup calculated using
Gs~ = 0.93(UG~ + ULrq- U S r ) -- 0.12' (50) Chisti's procedure with measurements in a large annulus
sparged concentric tube airlift reactor (~1 m~; A / A d = 3.61;
where Usr is the superficial velocity of solids, and 6s~ is the aspect ratio = 3; air-water system).
solids holdup in the three-phase system. The velocity and
3.3 Local events
holdup of solids were determined by collecting the overflow
from the pipe into a bucket, quantifying the flow rate and In gas-liquid systems local properties such as bubbling
the volumes of the individual phases. Based on equation frequency, bubble rise velocity, bubble diameter and gas
(50), a fairly flat radial distribution of solids in the tube was holdup have sometimes been measured by electrical
inferred because the drift-flux parameter was close to unity. resistivity and optical probes. Several such studies are cited
The constant, 0.12 m.s~, in equation (50) amounted to the by Choi and Lee (1990a) who show that the design of the
terminal settling velocity of solids in the three-phase sensing probe has a strong influence on the measurements.
system. As expected, this velocity was significantly higher Because different designs can give very different results
than 0.08 m.s ~ that was estimated for settling in gas-free (Choi and Lee, 1990a), probe-based measurements should
liquid. Correlations such as equations (49) and (50) are be viewed with caution unless the data have been verified
expected to apply to risers of airlift devices (Chisti, 1989, with an independent, well--established method. Choi and
pp. 269-271). Lee (1990b) used an optical probe to measure radial
distribution of gas holdup in air-water system in the
3.2. 3 A general approach f o r predicting gas holdup annular downcomer of a concentric tube airlift reactor (~70
As noted above and in prior reviews (Chisti and Moo- L; A / A d ~ 0.7; aspect ratio ~ 6.5; U~r = 0.05-0.20 m.s~).
Young, 1987a; Chisti, 1989, pp. 58--65), many correlations The downcomer gas holdup increased with increasing gas
are available for gas holdup in airlift reactors. However, as flow rate in the riser, but the radial holdup profiles were
a rule, these correlations are system specific, being of little fairly flat over the dimensionless radial distance (r - rl)/(ro -
use in design or scaleup where the usual requirement is for ri) = 0.2-0.8 for the entire range of gas flow rates (Choi and
estimation of expected performance in larger or Lee, 1990b). Here, r is the radial position in the annulus, ri
geometrically different reactors or fluids. An alternative, is the outer radius of the draft-tube, and re is the radius of
scale-independent, method for prediction of gas holdup is the outer tube. For all gas flow rates, the cross-Zsecfional
now available (Chisti, 1989, pp. 266-272). This procedure averaged local gas holdup declined down the downcomer
is based on fundamental principles and it applies to the (Choi and Lee, 1990b). The optical probe preferentially
external-loop as well as the internal-loop geometric types measured smaller bubbles (Choi and Lee, 1990b); thus, the
of airlift reactors. The procedure has been demonstrated for reported axial decline in holdup was probably less
newtonian and non-newtonian media (Chisti, 1989). pronounced than in the real situation. This was likely
Unlike most other correlations, Chisti's method employs because smaller bubbles are known to penetrate deeper into
simultaneous determination of gas holdup and the induced the downcomer so that the proportion of smaller bubbles
rate of liquid circulation. This is logical because in airlift •increases axially downward (Chisti, 1989; Chisti and Moo-
reactors gas holdup and the velocity of liquid are Young, 1987a); consequently, higher than actual holdups
interdependent: the holdup difference between the riser and are likely to have been •measured in the lower zones. Data
the downcomer drives the circulatory flow which in turn
affects the holdup (Section 4). The method works as
follows: the parameters a and b in the Zuber and Findlay 20

type expression (equation 24) are experimentally established

• with the fluid of interest. The parameters are determined
• o
over the range of Uor and independently varied UL~that are 10
expected to occur in the riser of the airlift device. The %
experimental details and the model rig for the I
measurements have been described (Chisti, 1989). Once the
riser gas holdup is known (equation 24) using an assumed • EXPERIMENTAL

value for UL, and a selected U~r, the downcomer gas holdup o CALCULATED

is calculated. The latter is usually a fraction of the riser gas I I K i t

holdup (see Section 3.2.1) if the reactor has no gas-liquid 2 3 10

separator. If, on the other hand, an effective gas-liquid uc~(m.s-1)xlO2

separator is used (see Section 5), the downcomer holdup is
negligible. The holdup values and the assumed value of UL~
are now used in equation (42) to compute a value for Uu. Fig 8. Measured and calculated riser gas holdups versus
(see Section 4). If the assumed and the calculated superficial gas velocity in air-water in a ca 1 m3 airlift reactor.
UL~-values agree, the corresponding gas holdups are the The line is based on the measurements (Chisti, 1989, p. 267).

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presented by Choi and Lee (1990b) suggest that up to a 219; Chisti et al., 1988; Lu et al., 1995), hence equation
superficial gas velocity of 0.05 m.s4 (usual upper limit in (51) simplifies to
many applications) only about 8% of the gas entrained into
the downcomer recirculated into the riser. The recirculated
fraction rose to --.49% of the entrained gas at the superficial
gas velocity of 0.20 m.s4 (Choi and Lee, 1990b). In the
upper portions of the annulus (downcomer) only about 18% ' ULr ---/ (52)
of the fresh gas input to the column was entrained at the
lower gas velocity (Uar = 0.05 m.s'l); this fraction rose to
-29% at the highest aeration rate of 0.20 m.s4 . Even at this
exceedingly high flow rate, the recirculated gas from the For external-loop types of vessels, where the geometry of
downcomer contributed less than 15% to the superficial gas the top and the bottom zone is often quite similar, Kr and
velocity in the riser. As a general rule, therefore, the KB are roughly equal, and equation (51) reduces to
contribution of recirculated gas to the gas flow in the riser
may be neglected for all practical purposes as has also been
emphasized in the past (Chisti, 1989).
Measurements of 'bubble rise velocity' presented by 2gho(=~r-=~a)
Choi and Lee (1990a) for the air-water system in the riser Uzr = • (53)

of a draft-tube sparged concentric tute airlift device (A/Ad

= 0.6; aspect ratio = 6.5) were actually the sum of the true
bubble rise velocity and the liquid velocity. The latter was
KB (l- =Gr)2 ~.AdJ (]--~Gd)
not documented. Thus, the apparent bubble rise velocities For internal-loop vessels such as the concentric
varied over 0.7-1.4 m.s4 (Choi and Lee, 1990a) whereas cylinder or the split-cylinder designs, the parameter KB has
the expected range for true rise velocity in air-water is 0.2- been empirically correlated with the equation (Chisti et aL,
0.3 m.s-1. 1988; Chisti, 1989, pp. 203-219)


4.1 Induced liquid circulation rate
In equation (54) Ab is the area available for flow under the
4.1.1 Water-like newtonian fluids draft-tube or the baffle as illustrated in Figure 9. The Aa/Ab
A better known equation for predicting the induced liquid range covered by equation (54) is 0.2-1.8 (Chisti et al.,
circulation velocity in airlift reactors is 1988; Chisti, 1989, pp. 203-219). The K8 (or Kr) values for

]0.5 external-loop devices are typically about 5 so long as the

geometry is within the ranges specified by Chisti (1989, pp.
203-219). Note that equations (51)-(53) disregard the wall
2ghD(£Gr-£~a) friction associated losses which have been proven to be
ULr= "(1 x , " negligible relative to form frictional losses in water-like
flow in typical airlift reactors. Ganzeveld et al. (1995) have
:7DRY K=t.zJ i-=o,)' shown that equation (52) can satisfactorily predict the liquid
circulation velocity in animal cell microcarfier suspensions.
Equation (51) was developed for low viscosity water-like
media by a purely mechanistic approach (Chisti et al., 1988;
Chisti, 1989, pp. 203-219); it was shown to apply to
external-loop and internal-loop airlift configurations over a
broad scale. Since initial publication, it has been repeatedly
validated (Cai and Nieuwstad, 1991; Choi and Lee, 1993;
Fraser and Hill, 1993; Garcia-Calvo and Let6n, 1996;
Ganzeveld et aL, 1995; Gavrilescu and Tudose, 1995;
Petrovic et al., i991; Po~arac and Petrovic, 1991). An
algorithm for simultaneous prediction of the riser and the
downcomer gas holdups and the liquid velocity with
equation (51) has also been published (Chisti, 1989, pp. Droft-tube Split-cylinder
203-219). In equation (51), the parameters Kr and K8 are Configurotion Geometry
the form friction loss coefficients for the top and bottom
zones, respectively. For internaMoop airlift reactors, Kr is Fig 9. The free area Ab (shaded) under the baffle or draft-tube
generally negligible relative to KB (Chisti, 1989, pp. 203- in internal-loop airlift reactors (Chisti, 1989).

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 47

The approach discussed above is well supported by For draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactors
other independent evidence. Thus, in air-water system in a (A/Ad = 0.05-1.48; aspect ratio = 9), Wachi et al. (1991)
large draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift device (about experimentally confirmed the pressure drop in the bottom
186 L; A/Ad = 0.77) equipped with an elaborate gas-liquid zone to be greater than in the top region, that is K8 > Kr, as
separator, the liquid circulation velocities calculated with originally asserted by Chisti et al. (1988) and inferred also
equation (51) generally agreed well with the measured by Lu et aL (1995).
values (Cai and Nieuwstad, 1991); the single exceptional Significantly, Wachi e t al. (1991) showed that at a
case was when the form friction loss coefficient (Kr) for the fixed aspect ratio, the amount o f gas holdup in the
constricted flow path at the top was significantly larger than downcomer is dependent on the downcomer-to--riser cross-
KB for the bottom. Apparently, the high value of Kr was not sectional area ratio (Aa/Ar). AsAa/Ar increased from 0.55 to
correctly taken into account in calculation of the liquid 8.57, the gas holdup in the downcomer declined for any
circulation rate. fixed riser holdup (Wachi et al., 1991). This is sensible,
In conformity with Chisti et aL (1988) and Chisti because as AdA, increases, the reduced flow velocity
(1989), Merchuk and Berzin (1995) concluded that wall through the larger cross-sectional area of the downcomer
friction associated energy losses were negligible compared becomes less effective in dragging gas bubbles into the
to the other sources of energy dissipation in airlift reactors downcomer. Irrespective of the Aa/A, value, the riser and
operated with the air-water system. The conclusion that downcomer gas holdups were found to be linearly related
"energy dissipation is higher in the bottom of the reactor..." (Wachi et aL, 1991).
(Merchuk and Berzin, 1995) also agreed with the earlier As is evident from the data presented by Wachi et aL
findings (Chisti et aL, 1988; Chisti, 1989) according to (1991), any fluid properties (for example, viscosity, surface
which the form friction loss coefficient (Ke) at the bottom of tension, ionic strength) that affect bubble size have the
internal-loop airlift reactors was the major source of potential to alter the gas holdup distribution between the
pressure loss. Merchuk and Berzin (1995) did propose a riser and the downcomer and, hence, affect the induced
complicated model for liquid circulation. Little evidence liquid circulation rate. Thus, a low surface tension may
supported the model, and it required several questionable reduce the liquid circulation velocity relative to water, while
empirical inputs. The view that the energy used in certain non-newtonian media may actually circulate faster
compressing gas bubbles as they moved down the (Wachi et aL, 1991).
downcomer somehow affected the overallenergy balance Data on gas holdup and liquid circulation velocity in
(Merchuk and Berzin, 1995) was plainly incorrect because several external-loop airlift reactors (A/Ad = 0.11--0.53;
the same energy was recovered when the gas bubbles aspect ratio based on riser = 11; air-water) were reported by
recirculated. The recirculating gas had no impact Choi and Lee (1993). For any given reactor, the
whatsoever on the overall energy input. configurations of the top and the bottom connections
For internal-loop airlift reactors operated with low between the riser and the downcomer were identical. The
viscosity, water-like media, Wachi et al. (1991) obtained horizontal length of the connecting pipes (/) varied, so that
the same general equation (equation 51) as previously the ratio between I and the vertical distance (Lh) between the
derived by Chisti et aL (1988); however, the form frictional top and the bottom connections ranged over 0.091-0.455.
loss coefficients, Kr and KB in equation (51), were defined The measured data were used in equation (53) of Chisti et
differently as (Wachi et aL, 1991) al. (1988), to calculate the values of the loss coefficient KB
(Choi and Lee, 1993). The calculated values were
K,--f rq\An/ - 1,
empirically correlated with the geometric variables as

and KB = 12.70511 + Aa~ z°5(1 + l.~ -u~9 (57)

AJ \ --~h) "

Kq = k~) - 1, (56) Equation (57), which applied over a narrow range (KB =
10-25), has important weaknesses (Chisti and Moo-Young,
whereAn andAD are the 'effective' cross-sectional areas for 1994c). In particular, why the distance (Lh) between the top
fluid flow in the entry regions of the riser and the and the bottom connecting zones should affect frictional
downcomer, respectively (Wachi et aL, 1991). Although losses in these zones is difficult to understand (Chisti and
the concept of effective area for flow of streamlines through Moo-Young, 1994c). Further, for any given A/Aa ratio, K8
sudden contraction or enlargement of flow channel is well is expected to increase with the length of the connecting
established (Coulson and Richardson, 1977), little pipe (I) between the riser and the downcomer; however,
knowledge is available on calculation of such areas, equation (57) predicts the opposite (Chisti and Moo-Young,
particularly for the flow geometries that are commonly seen 1994c). Despite equation (57), the experimental data of
in internal-loop airlift devices. As a further modification of Choi and Lee (1993) did show that for otherwise fixed
equation (51), Wachi et aL (1991) replaced the height of conditions, increasing l slowed down the circulation of
dispersion (ho) with the length of the draft-tube (La). liquid. As a result, other associated parameters (gas-liquid

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volumetric mass transfer coefficient, gas holdup) were were: A/Ad = 0.2-1.3; and aspect ratios ~ 10 (Petrovic et
affected. aL, 1991).
In another external-loop device (0.165 m3; air-water; For liquid circulation velocity in two external-loop
aspect ratio = 16 based on riser; A/Ad = 4) equipped with a airlift reactors (A/Ad = 2.25 and 4.0; aspect ratio = 14 and
butterfly valve in the bottom pipe between the riser and the 40) operated with air-water, Glennon et al. (1993) reported
downcomer, the extent of opening of the valve was the main the following empirical equations:
determinant of the induced liquid circulation rate for any
1 1"~1"71.-0.409TT 0.420
fixed value of the superficialgas velocity (Verlaan et al., ULr = l.Vltll, f I..JGr , (59)
1989b). The highest velocity (ULd), when the valve was
fully open, was about 1.4 m.s ~ when the superficial gas for U~, _<0.05 m.s-~; and
velocity in the riser was about 0.14 m.s ~. " The valve
position affected the bottom friction loss coefficient KB U t , = 0.735k/°427 trrO.31s
J Gr J (60)
which ranged from about 5 to infinity with the valve fully
closed in the bubble column mode of operation (Verlaan et
for U~, > 0.05 In these equations kf was a friction-
al., 1989b). At any fixed valve opening, the coefficient KB dependent factor given as (Glennon et al., 1993):
depended on the Reynolds number, declining somewhat
with increasing Reynolds number (Verlaan et al., 1989b).
For a fixed gas flow rate, the gas holdup in the riser k: ZKi ( A~ 2 (61)
declined with increasing liquid velocity achieved by 2ghD \ Ad; '
opening the valve; hence, the bubble column mode of
operation gave the highest values of gas holdup (Verlaan et where Kis are the individual frictional loss coefficients in
al., 1989b). the circulation loop. Equations (59) and (60) are clearly
In the air-water system in a draft-tube sparged unsuitable when gas is entrained into the downcomer.
internal-loop airlift reactor (A/Ad = 0.77; total volume =
0.186 m3), the measured pressure drop (APB) in the bottom 4.1.2 Viscous and non-newtonian media
zone of the reactor showed excellent agreement with the Broths of mycelial fungi, filamentous bacteria and
equation (Cai and Nieuwstad, 1992) microorganisms that produce large amounts of extracellular
polymers, tend to have a viscous non-newtonian rheology.
Such broths can often be successfully cultured in airlift
,A P 8 = K B - - (58) bioreactors (Cai et aL, 1992b; Chisti and Moo-Young,
1987a; SchOgerl, 1990; Stasinopoulos and Seviour, 1993),
but sometimes, severe limitations on oxygen transfer and
In equation (58), Vz.d is the linear liquid velocity in the
mixing adversely affect production (Bayer et aL, 1989;
downcomer. Addition of basalt particles (ps = 2760 kg.m 3,
Srivastava and Kundu, 1995). For practical purposes, the
dp = 0.245 mm; the input solids loading = 27-134 kg.m -3)
behavior of most non-newtonian broths can be described as
increased the Kin-value, but equation (58) was obeyed until
pseudoplastic, or shear-thinning. Discussions on whether
a loading of 27 kg.m -~. At higher loadings, KB was no
Bingham plastic, Casson model, or other flow behavior is
longer independent of Vzf (Cai and Nieuwstad, 1992).
more closely followed by a particular culture fluid are
A large amount of data on liquid circulation rates in
largely academic (Chisti, 1989; Chisti and Moo-Young,
an external-loop airlift reactor that achieved complete gas-
1991). Pseudoplastic fluids follow the power law model;
liquid separation was reported by Po~arac and Petrovic
thus, the shear stress (t) in the fluid depends on the shear
(1991). Tap water and aqueous solutions of alcohols (0.5 or
rate (y) to which the fluid is exposed:
5% vol methanol; 0.5% vol n-butanol) Were used. The
superficial air velocity in the riser varied over 0.01-0.16
m.s-~ with corresponding liquid velocities (ULr) in the range r=Ky", (62)
0.05-0.65 m.s ~. The relevant reactor geometries were:
A/Ad = 1.0; and aspect ratio = 28. The liquid circulation where K is the consistency index and n is the flow behavior
data agreed within about 17%, with the equation (51) of index of the fluid. By analogy with newtonian fluids, for
Chisti et al. (1988). On the other hand, predictions of the which the viscosity is defined as the ratio of shear stress and
correlation proposed by Kawase (1990) were absurdly high shear rate, an apparent viscosity (pap) is defined for tile
at more than 280% of the data (Po~arac and Petrovic, 1991). power law fluids as follows
Extensive data in draft-tube sparged concentric tube
airlift reactors also agreed with the predictions of equation
(52); however, for A/Ad ratios less than 0.6, the form ,up - r - KZ,,_1. (63)
friction coefficient (Kr) for the top zone could not be Y
ignored (Petrovic et al., 1991). The measurements were in
tap water, aqueous n-butanol (0.5% wt) and aqueous The apparent viscosity of pseudoplastic fluids decreases
glycerol (46% wt). The geometric details of the reactors with increasing shear rate; for these fluids, the flow index

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no !, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 49

(n) is less than unity. For newtonian fluids, n is unity, and

the viscosity is independent of the rate of shear.
For viscous newtonian and non-newtonian media in
airlift reactors, equation (51) does not apply; instead, the ~'L
mechanistic approach that was used in developing equation
(51) can be extended (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988a; 2(l+n)
Chisti, 1989, pp. 221-229) to yield the following expression

UL~A,(APFr+ APxzd)-pLghDULrAr(GO~-6Od) (68)

PL L.A. Kr 2 1 2 × 1+ 3(1 - 6G1
+ 2 (157Gr) + K B (1- eOd) = 0,
l+n( . ' M+nl ~

where and APFd are the frictional pressure drops in tile

L 1+ ------i~-/ ,
riser and the downcomer, respectively. Equation (64) may
be used to predict the rate of liquid circulation as discussed

In a manner analogous to flow in pipes, the frictional

pressure losses in the riser and tile downcomer are
expressed as Turbulentflow. Turbulent flow exists for Reynolds numbers
higher than those given by equation (66). For this regime
L the shear stress for the flow of gas-free liquid is (Sokolov
AP = rD,
and Metkin, 1981; Metkin and Sokolov, 1982)

where XD is the wall shear stress in the gas-liquid system

(note that all fermentation broths without non-biological
suspended solids, may be treated as pseudohomogeneous 0.316n°nlP LU~
liquids), L is the length of the flow channel and d is its (69)
hydraulic diameter. rL = ~K:"---e2/~-'÷2 '

Two possible flow situations--laminar or turbulent

flow--may exist and these are considered separately below, and
following the approach proposed elsewhere (Chisti and
Moo-Young, 1988a; Chisti, 1989, pp. 221-229).
Laminarflow. For non-newtonian pseudoplastic media, the
flow is laminar when (Sokolov and Metkin, 1982)
fi'D =( In(x-l)+2__
rL \ 1 - eGJ
xn 2
3n+ 1 "~(.+1×.(x-0+2)
Re< 2 3 0 0 - - (66)
2x(l+n) n (70)
3 ( 1 - co)"(~-')
+----~ rE
For this condition, tile shear stress for tile flow of gas-free
liquid is (Metkin and Sokolov, 1981) 1+ Xn

8pLU~ / 2x0+.) / I:. .....

rL - - - , (67)
Re / 1+ - • I ' - '- ' -

and for tile flow of gas-liquid dispersion, this stress is given r L _.i " Y
as (Metkin and Sokolov, 1982)

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4. The pressure drops, AP~'r and APFd , a r e calculated

Throughout, the Reynolds number and the parameters using equation (65).
and x are given (Sokolov and Metkin, 1981), respectively, 5. The dispersion height is obtained as follows:
8TT2-n :In r~
hD : I CGdAd] (75)
Re =
UL " ~'L (71) 1- 6~, Ar +
Ar+ J
6. The frictional loss coefficients for the top (Kr) and the
bottom zones (Ks) of the reactor are calculated as
(72) noted in Section 4.1.1 (Chisti, 1989, p. 226).
~3:4-7 g~'~(1-~'~) ~ l_oooj, 7. Equation (64) is now solved for ULr using the already
calculated values of APFr, APFd, hD, ~r, ~a, KT and
and KB.
8. The ULr calculated in step 7 is compared with the
x = 0.70n -°591. (73) value that was initially assumed (step 1). An
agreement indicates a solution. When no agr~ment is
Equation (73) was obtained by Chisti and Moo-Young obtained, steps 1-8 must be repeated with a new
(1988a) using the data reported by Sokolov and Metkin assumption for ULr.
(1981). The foregoing procedure has been shown to provide
Equations (66)-(72) were developed theoretically and excellent estimates of the liquid circulation velocity in non-
were successfully used by Metkin and Sokolov (1982) for newtonian fluids (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988a; Chisti,
the calculation of xJxL in the flow of Aspergillus niger 1989, pp. 221-229; Kemblowski et al., 1993).
suspensions (5.25-19.8 kg.m "3 dry biomass; n = 0.787-0.92; Upon reviewing the available literature on prediction
K/pL = (0.885-5.14) x 10-4 mLs"'2) in vertical pipes of the induced liquid circulation rate in airlift reactors,
(diameter = 0.05 and 0.5 m) over a broad range of air Kemblowski et al. (1993) favored the approaches developed
(0.05-0.4 m.s "~) and slurry (0.13-1.2 m.s"~) velocities. The by Chisti and coworkers for both newtonian and non-
experimental and the predicted values of the ratio XJXL newtonian media (Chisti, 1989, pp. 203-229; Chisti et al.,
were within ±12% (Metkin and Sokolov, 1982). 1988; Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988a). In two large
Equations (64)-(72) may be used to predict the liquid external-loop airlift reactors (80 L, A / A d = 1, aspect ratio =
circulation velocity. The following procedure is necessary 19.5; 700 L, A/Ad = 1 or 1.8, aspect ratio (based on riser) =
(Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988a; Chisti, 1989, pp. 221-229): 35.9), the liquid circulation rate could be predicted within
1. Initially, a value of ULr is assumed. The riser gas • 20% of the actual value using Chisti's methods
holdup must either be known or it must be estimated. (Kemblowski et al., 1993). This further confirmed the
A suitable equation for estimating the holdup in broths proposed approaches particularly for non-newtonian fluids.
of Aspergillus niger is (Metkin and Sokolov, 1982) The data of Kemblowski et al. (1993) covered the ranges: Pz
= 998-1286 kg.m3; CL = 42.0-81.6 mN.m'l; n = 0.758-1;
U~r (74) and K = 0.001-0.261 Pa.s".
~Gr "~
U~ + ULr+ 0.9(1+20Csxf~)" Among other approaches, methods for predicting gas
holdup and liquid circulation velocity via the drift flux
Other similar equations have been reported (Chisti et model have been proposed (Ayazi Shamlou et al., 1994; Lu
al., 1987; Chisti, 1989; Kemblowski et al., 1993). et al., 1995). These methods invariably require difficult to
. The Reynolds numbers Rer and Red are calculated obtain information on the drift flux distribution parameter
(equation 71), followed by x (equation 73). Depending and the bubble rise velocity (Ayazi Shamlou et al., 1994; Lu
on whether the flow is laminar or turbulent, either et al., 1995). Thus, tofit the model to the measured data,
equation (67) or equation (69) is used to calculate x~ the friction coefficient and the drift flux parameter were
and XLr. The parameter 5 is then calculated (equation varied arbitrarily by Ayazi Shamlou et aL (1994). The
72). effect of downcomer gas holdup on circulation of liquid was
. The shear stress XDr (equation 68 or equation 70) is apparently not considered. Data in newtonian broth of
calculated. Note that for many cases, especially for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and non-newtonian power law
the external-loop type of airlift vessels, the broth of Saccharopolyspora erythraea were correlated
downcomer gas holdup is close to zero and the (Ayazi Shamlou et al., 1994). Surprisingly, none of the
calculation of XDd is not necessary. When the equations used in the model (Ayazi Shamlou et al., 1994)
downcomer gas holdup is not zero, equations such as contained a term for the K-value of non-newtonian fluids.
those reported by Chisti et al. (1987) may be used to Apparently, somehow, the values Of the distribution
calculate it; XDd is then calculated (equation 68 or 70). parameter and the friction coefficient that were used as

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 51

fitting parameters accounted for tile K-value. The general with other work (Akita er aL, 1994; Kawase et al., 1994).
applicability of the proposed procedure remained untested. In view of these problems, the finding that Kawase's (1990)
In the work reported by Lu et al. (1995) for gas- correlation overpredicts liquid circulation rates by more
liquid-solid slurries, the bottom frictional loss coefficient than 280% (Po~rac and Petrovic, 1991) is hardly
KB was calculated using equation (54) of Chisti et aL surprising.
(1988). The frictional losses in the head zone were For two small external-loop airlift reactors (Ad/A~ =
neglected because, in keepingwith earlier observations 0.458 and 0.204; aspect ratio based on riser = 7.5), Kawase
(Chisfi et al., 1988; Chisti, 1989), the clearance between the et ai. (1994) noted that the induced liquid circulation
liquid level and the top of the draft-tube did not have any velocity data in air-water were lower than the predictions of
effect on liquid circulation velocity (Lu et al., 1995). The Chisti's equation (53). The predicted values were
model required information on the wall frictional losses in apparently calculated with an unrealistically low assumed
multiphase system, and the viscosity of the slurry. A KB-value of 5.0 even though a much larger value would
limited amount of data from draft-tube sparged internal- have been more appropriate for the awkwardly designed,
loop configuration did agree with the model (Lu et aL, restrictive pipe sections that connected the riser and the
1995). In general, the liquid circulation velocity and the downcomer. The results in air-water did show a decline in
gas holdups in the riser and the downcomer decreased with the liquid circulation velocity with increasing A / A a ratio as
increasing loading of solids (calcium alginate beads; p~ = expected from equation (53). A similar behavior was noted
1030 kg.m3; dp= 1-3.6 mm; loading = 0-30% vol). The in pseudoplastic solutions of carboxymethyl cellulose
liquid velocity declined with increasing diameter of (Kawase et al., 1994).
particles. The velocity increased with increasing height of For liquid circulation time (t,) in external-loop
the airlift loop roughly in proportion to (hD)°5, agreeing reactors, Kawase et al. (1994) proposed the equation
with the mechanistic equation (51) derived by Chisti et al.
(1988). This effect of height was further confirmed by A "x-(l'3n+°8)( rr2 .,~1/3
._q_L] ]U_.Ef_[
Russell et al. (1994) who obtained the equation tc = 5.53n 2/3 l+Ary \gdr.) 2Uor, (77)

~ ~/- rO.44::tO.03 1-0.47_+0.07

(76) where L was the length of the circulation path. Equation
ULr u.y t_.t G r .l-.Jd •
(77) is supposedly based on fundamental principles, but its
applicability is quite limited as important factors such as
Equation (76) was obtained in draft-tube sparged concentric
hydraulic resistance of the flow path, the gas-liquid
tube airlift reactors (A/Ad = 0.8) with baker's yeast broth. separation and the aspect ratio of the reactor have been
It applied for the riser superficial gas velocities up to 0.2
completely disregarded in developing it.
m.s -1. The height of draft-tube (Ld) varied over 1.2-3.2 m Note that equation (5!) which has been well proven
(height of draft-tube to vessel diameter ratios of 3.8-10.1). (Chisti, 1989) for prediction of the liquid circulation
Additional data in slurries of calcium alginate beads in velocity may be used to calculate the liquid circulation time
draft-tube sparged vessels have been reported by Vicente (to). Thus, by definition, in an internal-loop reactor, tc is
and Teixeira (1995). ' given by
An analysis of liquid circulation in external-loop types
of reactors was attejnpted by Kawase (1990). No hr ha Ad
consideration was given to gas holdup in the downcomer; tc +
therefore, complete gas-liquid separation was implied even ULr ULr Ar (78/
though it is impossible to achieved in many non-newtonian
media. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary Typically, tile heights of the riser (hr) and the downcomer
(Akita et al., 1994; Chisti, 1989; Chisti and Moo-Young, (hd) are roughly equal; hence,
1987a; Choi and Lee, 1993), Kawase (1990) assumed that
gas holdup in airlift reactors was governed by equations that
tc = 1+ . (79)
were developed for bubble columns. In addition, isotropic
turbulence was assumed to exist (Kawase, 1990)even
though this assumption has been experimentally discredited For external-loop type of reactors, equation (78) should also
(Ltibbert and Larson, 1990; L0bbert et al., 1990; Okada et include the lengths of the top and the bottom connection
al., 1993). Likewise, the analysis invoked eddy diffusivity
(Kawase, 1990) which is highly uncertain for multiphase Using several newtonian media (pL = 997-1179
systems. Finally, the important effects of the geometric kg.ln-3; i.tL= (0.894-16.81) x 10"3 Pa.s; cL = (53-72) x 10-3
configurations of the bottom and the top zones of tile reactor 1) in draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift devices
on liquid circulation were completely disregarded as were
(A,/Ad = 0.3-1.2; aspect ratios = 5-16), Koide et al. (1988)
the reactor height associated effects (Kawase, 1990). The
developed empirical equations for prediction of pressure
results seemed to indicate a decrease in liquid circulation
drops for fluid turnaround in the tbp (APt). and the bottom
velocity with increasing shear-thinning behavior (that is,
(APs) zones. These equations are:
decreasing n-value)--an observation that is inconsistent

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In these equations Hc is the bottom clearance of the draft-

tube; d~ is its diameter, and tw is its wall thickness, whereas
Ad U Ld do is the diameter of the outer tube.
APe = o.45 tJh,O-
Tile average error of estimations of APB with
(1 n'(di+ tw)h, 1 equations (80) and (83) was claimed to be within 31% for
109 data (Koide et al., 1988). In reactors with H,/di > 0.5,
× Z ) the H/di value of 0.5 was recommended for use in equation

_132 (83). The mean error in estimation of APr with equations

(81) and (84) was within 29% for 119 data (Koide et al.,
+ 2 kl---~oJ \zr(di+ t~)h,(1-~Od) 1988). Typically, (APt + APB) made up 65-85% of the total
pressure drop in the circulation loop (Koide et al., 1988).
k d, J' In studies with newtonian media (~L = 1~-266 mPa.s)
(80) and a pseudoplastic fluid (K = 0.0256 Pa.s °9°2) in an
external-loop airlift reactor (0.138 m3; A,/Ad = 1; aspect
ratio = 58; Uor = 01002-0.12, Akita et al. (1994)
noted that in most cases, the measurements of the induced
ArULr liquid circulation velocity correlated well with the
APt, = 0.45 i tw, h.[ 1 difference in gas holdup between the riser and the
downcomer raised to a power of 0.5 (Akita et al., 1994), as
expected from the theoretical derivation (equation 51) of
Chisti et al. (1988). However, for highly viscous newtonian
× (] -Z7 liquids (I.tL> 14.9 mPa-s), slight deviations were observed
when the riser gas holdup exceeded about 0.03 (Akita et al.,
1994). For water-like fluids, no gas was carried into the
downcomer, because of an effective gas-liquid separator;
however, in more viscous media, complete disengagement
(80 of the tiny gas bubbles could not be attained. USing the
terminology of Chisti et al. (1988), the form frictional loss
where ey, the gas holdup over the upper end of tile riser, was coefficients for the top (KT) and the bottom (KB) zones of the
defined as reactor were empirically correlated as follows (Akita et al.,

eI - dZo (82)
KB = (1- 6Od)2 1.3+32 °°Gr L ~ J '
In equations (80) and (81), ht is the height of tile liquid
stream that flows under the lower edge of the draft-tube,
and h, is the corresponding height for flow over the upper
edge (Figure 10). The parameters ht and h, were calculated
respectively as (Koide et al., 1988)

h, I~/¢1 0"401( ~ t 4 r ~ 0.659r Ad ~1.26

d--~ = 0"434 \ltlr + AdJ \ArT~4d~ '

(83) TUBE
hu h!

f N0.0924. 0.818 TUBE


(. A.a_ .~]'36Igf14~-O'OO392(l_SGr),.08
X \ Ar + Ad) "LPL0"3) Fig 10. The heights h. and ht of flow streams at the upper and
lower ends of the draft-tube in concentric tube airlift reactors.

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 53

p 0.775 -I

Kr=( 1 - 6~r) 2 1 . 3 + 2 1 0 \PL)
I- .!
o o
(86) 0.148

Equations (85) and (86) were developed for an external-

loop reactor with a specific geometry. The bottom
configuration of the reactor consisted of two sharp right
angled elbows (Figure 11) which had the same diameter as
the rest of the loop (Akita et al., 1994). Because the A / A d
ratio was unity, there were no contraction or expansion LENGTH = 0.51m
losses at the bottom; hence, equation (85) does not account
for such factors. Similarly, equation (86) is expected to be (o) (b)
specific to the peculiar geometry used in the top zone with a
gas-liquid separator (Figure 11). Usefulness of equations
(85) and (86) is limited as they do not show how geometric Fig 11. The top (a) and the bottom (b) configurations of the
variables affect Kr and KB. reactor used in developing equations (85) and (86).

4.2 Local p h e n o m e n a discussed by Svendsen et al. (1992) for the air-water

Use of non-invasive laser-doppler anemometry for the study system. For a draft-tube sparged airlift device, qualitative
of local flow velocities in air-water in draft-tube sparged agreement was claimed between the model predictions and
airlift reactors (Ad/Ar of 0.75 and 1.80; aspect ratio = 10) the experimental data for radial' gas holdup profiles in the
has been reported (Tan et al., 1995). Low aeration rates, riser. Similarly, the computed liquid velocity profiles were
0.64-2.40 L.min -1 (specific power inputs of 6.8 to 25.5 qualitatively consistent with the measured data. Gas holdup
W.m3), relevant to suspension culture of hybridomas were in the downcomer could not be satisfactorily predicted;
used. Little or no gas entrained into the downcomer inadequacies in estimating the drag on bubbles were the
because of the low flow rates. Depending on the induced apparent reason for lack of agreement (Svendsen et al.,
liquid circulation rate, either parabolic or fiat radial velocity 1992). For the bubble column, the simulated liquid flow
profiles were observed in the draft-tube (riser). Because of fields presented by Svendsen et al. (1992) for the entire
gas bubbles the profiles were not particularly smooth. In vessel, seemed to show a single large circulation cell--a
the downcomer, the profiles were generally flatter and behavior not consistent with experience (Chisti and Moo-
smoother. Liquid velocity fluctuations as a measure of Young, 1987a) or with other more realistic simulations
turbulence intensity were shown to be lower in the (Sokolichin and Eigenberger, 1994).
downcomer than in the riser. However, in both zones, the For uniformly aerated bubble columns, other dynamic
simulations (Sokolichin and Eigenberger, 1994) suggest
magnitude of the fluctuations was fairly uniform over the
cross-section (Tan et al., 1995) indicating a relatively that large unstable circulating vortices (or cells) originate at
unvarying level of turbulence in any given zone. the sparger and move up the columns (Figure 12a). Time
averaging of such dynamic flows over a long period led to
Radial profiles of liquid velocity in risers of airlift
the general pattern of Figure 12b with up-flow in the center
reactors are generally flat at sufficiently high gas flow rates.
and downflow near the walls (Sokolichin and Eigenberger,
Local downflows near the walls of the riser are also known
to exist at yet higher gas flow rates (Chisti, 1989, pp. 132- 1994).
Evaluation of flow, pressure and shear stress fields by
150; Chisti and Moo-Young, 1987a; Ltibbert et al., 1990).
computational hydrodynamic methods has been described
In some airlift reactors, the flat velocity profiles have been
for the downcomer of a draft-tube sparged internal-loop
demonstrated to become increasingly parabolic with
airlift reactor with an expanded head zone for gas-liquid
increasing gas flow rates with corresponding increase in the
separation (Zhou et al., 1994). Within the downcomer, the
extent of downflow zone (negative liquid velocity) in the
flow, pressure and shear stress fields were uniform (Zhou et
periphery of the riser (Liibbert et al., 1990). This happens
al., 1994); variations occurred mostly in the expanded head
because the downcomer of such a reactor is not able to
region where the flow from the riser turned into the
transport the increased liquid flow resulting from increasing
downcomer and accelerated in moving into the narrower
gas flow beyond a certain value (Liibbert et aL, 1990);
hence, supplementary downflows develop in the riser. cross-section.
Flow simulations and observations in non-uniformly
aerated bubble columns and an external-loop airlift reactor
4.3 N u m e r i c a l simulations of flow
have also been reported (Becker et aL, 1994). Simulations
Computational hydrodynamic modeling of bubble columns were generally consistent with observations. Of particular
and draft-tube internal-loop airlift reactors has been note were the maldistribution of the gas in the riser, and

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0.60- 0.60 - ,ttttlltl
0.45" 0.45 - .,1111|It


0.30 ¸


(a) (b)
( 5 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15

Fig 12. Simulations of liquid velocity fields in a unifonnly aerated bubble column with an aspect ratio of 5: (a) instantaneous and (b)
long time averaged profiles. Based on Sokolichin and Eigenberger (1994).

existence of a liquid downflow zone in the entrance of the (1994) had an effective gas liquid separator: with the
riser, when the sparger was located below the point at which sparger located at the base of the riser, and consequent flow
the flow from the downcomer entered the riser (Becker et maldistribution, bubble coalescence occurred in the riser
al., 1994). Such maldistributions were reported also by and most of the bubbles were relatively larger than when the
Chisfi and Moo-Young (1987a) and Chisti (1989, pp. 132- sparger was repositioned. This is clearly seen in the
148) in several different types of airlift reactors. Chisti and photographs presented by Becker et al. (1994). With few
Moo-Young (1987a) recommended relocating the sparger to smaller bubbles, there was less bubble carryover into the
above the point where the downcomer flow joins the riser. downcomer and the consequent smaller downcomer holdup
Flow non-homogeneities were corrected by such relocation translated into a larger driving force for liquid circulation.
(Chisfi and Moo-Y0ung, 1987a; Chisti, 1989, pp. 132-148) With the relocated sparger, the gas holdup in the
as confirmed also by Becker et al. (1994). However, with downcomer was noticeably higher. Even with good gas-
the repositioned sparger, Becker et aL (1994) did note a liquid separation, the placement of sparger within the flow
reduced rate of liquid circulation. This effect would not path in the riser would cause some reduction in liquid
have been significant if the reactor used by Becker et al. circulation rate relative to positioning at the base o f the

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 55

riser. However, this effect can be kept negligibly small by rates significantly greater than at the point of maximum
ensuring that the sparger has a large open area for flow efficiency. Aspects of design of gas-lift pumps are
through of liquid. An example is the ladder type perforated discussed by Zenz (1993) and a more thorough treatment
pipe sparger shown in Figure 13 (Chisti, 1989, pp. 94-96). has been provided by Brown (1967).
Generally, a well-designed sparger should block less than As an interesting example, Molina Grima et al. (1994;
30% of the cross-sectional area of the riser while assuring a 1995) used an airlift drive to pump culture fluid through
uniform distribution of the gas across the cross-section. lengths of horizontal tubes in the solar receiver of a
Such a sparger would produce relatively little pressure loss photobioreactor for culture of microalgae Isochrysis
when the Ad/A, ratio is less than or equal to AyAr, where AF galbana and Phaedactylum tricornutum for production of
is the free area for liquid flow at the location of the sparger. polyunsaturated fatty acids. In both cases, the airlift pump
was 3 m high, and the biomass containing fluid (essentially
4.4 The gas-lift pump water) flowed through 80.8 m length of a 0.026 m diameter
tube. The flow velocity was 0.30 m.s 1 which produced
Transport of liquids and slurries by gas-lift pumps is a well
turbulent f l o w . The corresponding air flow rate was 60
known application of the airlift principle. While little used
L.min "1. The airlift drive was capable of generating higher
in bioprocessing at present, the airlift pump is capable of
flows. Based on the data presented by Molina Grima et al.
sterile operation and hence has a significant potential.
(1995), the relationship between the linear liquid velocity
Unlike airlift bioreactors which are operated exclusively in
(Vzo, m.s "l) in the tube and the air flow rate (Q, L.min "l)
bubble flow or churn-turbulent flow regimes, the practical
operation of an airlift pump is restricted to the slug-flow
regime (Zenz, 1993), although there are exceptions.
V ~ = 0.054 Q0.41. (88)
Operational efficiency, Ef, of the airlift pump is the ratio of
the work required to lift the liquid to the point of discharge
and the work done by isothermal expansion of the gas. The The aeration rate in equation (88) covered the range 20-140
operational efficiency can be calculated using L.min -1"


Many airlift fermenters do not have any especial features for
P.Qln separating the gas from the liquid before it recirculates into
(87) the downcomer. Examples are configurations (a) and (b) in
Figure 2. Internal-loop types of airlift bioreactors for
where G is the mass flow rate of the liquid, hLi is the height
animal cell culture usually do not employ gas-liquid
of lift, Pa is the .atmospheric pressure, P is the pressure at
separators because the aeration rates are low and the
the point of entry of the gas, g is the gravitational
resulting liquid circulation velocity is insufficient to drag
acceleration, and Q is the volume flow rate of the gas at the
gas bubbles into the downcomer. In external-loop devices,
inlet. The maximum operating efficiency is generally 40-
the head region does allow significant gas-liquid separation
50% and falls off rapidly below or above the point of
even when not specifically designed for that purpose. In
optimum slug-flow operation (Zenz, 1993). The point of
comparison, most split-cylinder and draft-tube types of
maximum delivery of liquid typically occurs at gas flow
airlifts without separators, when aerated at rates typically
required in microbial fermentations with water-like
properties, would have a downcomer gas holdup that
exceeds 80% of the holdup value in the riser.
Because the difference in gas holdup between the riser
and the downcomer provides the driving force for liquid
circulation, the extent of gas-liquid separation in the head
region strongly affects all performance characteristics of
airlift reactors. As noted in Figure 1, the magnitude of
induced liquid circulation velocity affects the gas holdup in
the riser, the intensity of turbulence, hence, shear rates,
•mixing, solid-liquid and gas-liquid mass transfer and heat
transfer, the ability to suspend solid particles, break up
flocs, as well as other performance indices. While a gas-
t liquid separator always adds to the hydraulic resistance of
the liquid circulation loop, with well designed separators
AIR the increase in driving force for circulation is such that the
net effect is a substantial enhancement of liquid circulation
Fig 13. The perforated pipe ladder type gas sparger (Chisti, rate. Increases of three- to four-fold over equivalent vessels
1989). without separators are easily achieved. Typically, gas-

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PROBLEMSINBIOTECHNOLOGY ApplMechRevvol 51, no 1,January1998

-Ar ~Ade


:.:.* ___t


(o) (b) (c)

Fig 14. Gas-liquid separation in external-loop airlift reactors: the various geometric forms of the head region (Chisti and Moo-Young,
liquid separators are designed for complete (or near velocities and the cross-sectional areas in these regions
complete) disengagement of gas, so that the downcomer is obey tile continuity relationship:
gas-free. In general, effective gas-liquid separation in
airlift bioreactors is feasible only for fluids having a ULr Ar = ULa Ad = U L . xW, (89)
relatively low viscosity such as water-like fluids. The low
rise velocities of small bubbles in viscous media make where x and W are the depth and tile width, respectively, of
practical separation impossible. Observations by Akita et tile head region (Figure 14b). For gas to completely
al. (1994) being a case in point. disengage, the bubbles from the riser must rise through

5.1Separatordesign height x before the fluid travels the horizontal distance l

(Verlaan et al., 1986), that is
Practical designs of gas-liquid separators for airlift
bioreactors employ one of two principles: Either the x < m
distance between the exit of the riser and the entrance of the U b -- U L H ' (90)
downcomer in the head region is increased sufficiently that
the gas bubbles have enough time to rise out of the liquid where Ub is tile bubble rise velocity. But, from equation
before it reenters the downcomer; or, the cross-sectional (89), the superficial liquid velocity in the gas-separating
area of the entrance of the downcomer is enlarged so much head region (UzH) is
so that the downcomer superficial liquid velocity is reduced
to less than the rise velocity of the bubbles. Specific design
procedures are given in the following sections. ULr Zr
xW (91)
5.1.1 External-loop reactors
Some commonly used separator configurations for external-
Equation (91) taken together with inequality (90) leads to
loop reactors are shown in Figure 14 (Chisti and Moo-
the design relationship
Young, 1993a). Of these, configuration (a) is the least
attractive for several reasons: tile horizontal pipe section
between the riser and the downcomer yields a higher
1 IW
pressure drop than file other configurations shown; the -- _< - - . (92)
separated gas slugs must flow along with the turbulent Ub ULr Ar
liquid, with accompanying redispersion causing relatively
poor gas-liquid separation; and, the limited capability of the Hence, tile rise velocity of tile smallest bubble to be
configuration for being cleaned-in-place for processes that excluded from the downcomer should be such that
require aseptic operation. Because of these severe inequality (92) is satisfied at tile maximum anticipated
limitations, configuration (a) is not recommended in liquid circulation velocity (ULtra). Notice that the ungassed
fermentation applications. Here the focus is on design liquid height (x) in the head region has no effect on gas-
aspects of configurations (b) and (c) in Figure 14. liquid separation performance (Verlaan et al., 1986). As a
Because all the liquid exiting the riser flows through matter of interest, if a circular connecting pipe of diameter
the head region into the downcomer, the superficial liquid Dc (as in Figure 14a) is used, the design criterion works out

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 57


Cb) Cd)

• E

Co) C~) (e) (0

Fig 15. Gas-liquid separators for internal-loop airlift reactors: (a) split--cylinder; (b) draft-tube sparged internal-loop; (c) annulus-
sparged internal-loop; and (d)-(f) use of baffles for gas-liquid separation.

to (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1993a) Separator designs (d)-(f) in Figure 15 make use of
horizontal or vertical baffles to increase the distance over
which gas disengagement takes place. Baffled constructions
1 ln'Dc such as (d) and (e) have been used in wastewater treatment
_< (93)
Ub 4ULrmAr' applications (Opie, 1993; Redman, 1987), but are not
suitable for bioreactors that must be run sterile. Baffles
where.l is the length of the connecting pipe. such as (d) and (e) introduce undesired dead spots into the
Occasionally, because of space restrictions, it may not system, generally lead to higher pressure drop than the
•be feasible to provide an adequate channel length. In such other configurations mentioned, and cause problems with
cases, a smaller length may be used to disengage most of the in-place cleaning of reactors (Chisti, 1992a, b). Baffled
larger gas bubbles and the cross-sectional area of the configuration (f~ is satisfactory for hygienic process
downcomer entrance may be enlarged (Figure 14c) to applications. Other types of gas-liquid separators for
reduce the liquid velocity to below the rise velocity of the specialized non-hygienic uses in internal-loop reactors have
smallest bubble that is to be excluded from the downcomer. been discussed by Choi et al. (1995a, b).
A low estimate of bubble rise velocity in the downcomer
entrance region leads to a safer design (Chisti and Moo-
Young, 1993a). 6. SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS

5.1.2 Internal-loop reactors The need to fully suspend various types of solids is
commonly seen in gas-liquid-solid three-phase airlift
Some gas-liquid separator designs for draft-tube and split- devices. Information on the behavior of suspensions and
cylinder airlift reactors are shown in Figure 15 (Chisti and the gas and liquid flow required to attain the fully
Moo-Young, 1993a). Configurations (a)-(c) are based on suspended state is essential for design and operation. Many
the principle of reducing the downward liquid velocity in studies have shown that airlift reactors are better at
the entrance of the downcomer to less than the rise velocity suspending solids than bubble columns (Gaspillo and Goto,
of the bubbles to be kept out of the downcomer. The 1991; Goto et al., 1989; Immich and Onken, 1992). The
reduction in velocity is achieved by expanding tim cross- gas velocity requirement to achieve suspension increases
sectional area of the downcomer in the •head zone of the with increasing loading of solids (Gaspillo and Goto, 1991;
reactor, taking care to minimize the boundary layer Goto et al., 1989; Koide et al., 1984b; Mao et al., 1992).
separation and the formation of stagnant regions. Thus, for The solids distribution in airlift devices generally tends to
the maximum anticipated liquid circulation velocity in the be uniform (Choi et al., 1996; Wenge et al., 1995). Thus,
riser (UL~), the expanded area of the downcomer is given for air-water-glass bead (dr = 122-308 ~m) systems in a
by (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1993a) draft-tube sparged concentric tube internal-loop vessel
(aspect ratio ~ 8; A / A d = 0.56), Immich and Onken (1992)
ArULrm observed homogeneous distribution of solids. Operation of
z4de -- - - J
U zde (94) the reactor with the draft-tube removed to give a bubble
column led to non-uniform distribution with higher
where ULde,the downward liquid velocity in the expanded concentrations closer to the bottom (Immich and Onken,
region, should be less than the bubble rise velocity, Ub. 1992). The three-phase solids holdup did not exceed about

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15% in these studies. The minimum gas velocity necessary multicomponent solids (different densities and/or particle
to completely suspend the solids increased with increasing diameters), provided that the sedimenting solids are
diameter and concentration of the beads (Immich and assumed to settle in a slurry of other than the settling solids
Onken, 1992). This behavior was observed in both reactors; (Koide et aL, 1986). In such cases, the FL and PL terms in
however, as shown in Figure 16 which is based on the data equation (95) should be replaced with lad and PsL,
of Immich and Onken (1992), the minimum gas flow rate respectively, where
for suspension in the airlift vessel tended to be substantially
lower than in the bubble column (Immich and Onken,
1992). A method for estimation of the minimum gas flow
was presented (Immich and Onken, 1992).
Using slurries of glass and bronze spheres suspended
in various newtonian media in draft-tube sparged airlift
vessels, Koide et al. (1984b) studied the minimum (or
PSL= ~L( 1+ 1
31 -1

critical) superficial gas velocity (Uo¢, based on cross- and

sectional area of outer tube) required for complete
suspension. The U~¢ was roughly proportional to U/~,
where Ut was the terminal settling velocity of the particles
:,, (97)
(Koide et aL, 1984b). The Uo~ increased with increasing
concentration of solids according to Uoc oc Cs°27. An aspect In equation (97) Ps, is the average density of non-settling
ratio of about 12 produced a minimum in Uo~. The data fraction of solids in the slurry and Cs is the volume fraction
were correlated with the equation (Koide et al., 1984b) of non-settling solids in the gas-free slurry (Koide et al.,
1986). Note that equation (95) disregards the effects of the
Uoc = 4 6 0 I C s 1 ° 2 7 3 ( p s - pLIO'750I UtILlL1-0'634 bottom clearance of the draft-tube on Uoc although such
effects are expected to be significant.
u, .,.7J ,. J CTF) A simplified form of equation (95) of Koide et al.
(1984b) was successfully used by Petrovic et al. (1993) in
• 2 -0.340 0.546 0.454
predicting Ucc-values for complete suspension of particles
in the circulating bed regime in draft-tube sparged
concentric tube airlift vessels. The observations spanned
( ( 4 ~ 0.2~ the ranges: dp = 1--6 mm; concentration of solids = 10--70
X 1+ / kg'm3; ps = 2508-2631 kg.m3; PL = 998-1113 kg.m3; P-L=
(1.01-3.43) x 10.3 Pa.s; CL = 0.0568--0.0728 N.m'~; aspect
ratio ~ 11; andA/Aa= 0.2-1.6.

x + 1.47 x 10 -4

I f A ~0"997(d~gp'/°'z)°'172~ PARTICLE DIAMETER(p.~n',

× 1-1.32/1--"--"[ /, • , ~ . ~ e ~ 8
\ .do) ) !

/ i

where Ld was the height of draft-tube (varied over 0.70-
2.10 m). Equation (95) agreed with the data to within
L~ m

±13% for 142 measurements (Koide et aL, 1984b)~ The o 0.04

equation was established for the following ranges: 8.55 _< bJ
Cs/ps -< 0.i60; 1.12 _< (ps - PL)/PL -< 7.80; 1.31 x 10.4 _< (/1 /
U,~tL/~z -< 9.67 x 10-4; 1.36 x 103 _<do2gpzJcL _< 1.22 x 104; (.9
/ .
1.68 x 10-n _<g~L4/PL~L3 _< 1.62 X 10"6; 0.18 _< d/do -< 0.5; • j r BUBBLECOLUMN
4.99 x 10"4 ~ Ut/(gLd)°'5 _< 2.10 x 10"2; 4.67 _< L/do <_ 15; Z , , ,
and 0.222 _<A,I(A, +Ad) -<0.552. The specific properties of 5
solids and liquids, and the reactor geometries used were: ps 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
= 2500, 4680 and 8770 kg.m3; dp = 79--498 pan; SOLIDS CONCENTRATION (VOL.%)
concentration, Cs = 25---400 kg.m3; PL = 997--1178 kg.m'3;
I-tL = (0.894--15.2) X 10.3 Pa.s; PL = (51.7--72.0) x 10"3
N.m'~;A/Ad = 0.3-1.2; and aspect ratio = 6-15. Fig 16. Minimum superficial gas velocity for complete
Evidence suggests that equation (95) may be used to suspension of glass beads. Based on the data of Immich and
predict Uoc for different particle fractions in suspensions of Onken (1992).

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 59

A hysteresis phenomena in which a certain minimum derivation is flawed in that in concentrated slurries the wall
gas velocity is required to bring solids into suspension, but a friction is not negligible as equation (98) assumes. Note
lower gas flow rate is sufficient to keep them in suspension, that the equation (51) was derived for water-like fluids
has been widely noted in three-phase airlift reactors (Chisti, (Chisti et aL, 1988); it had to be modified for application to
1989, p. 52; Douek and Livingston, 1994; Heck and Onken, more viscous fluids (Chisti, 1989, pp. 221-229; Chisfi and
1986; 1987; 1988; Petrovic et aL, 1989; Pogarac and Moo-Young, 1988a). However, for some three-phase
Petrovic, 1988). Below a certain superficial gas velocity, systems, particularly relatively dilute suspensions of solids
the three-phase airlift reactors with non-neutrally buoyant in water, equation (51), developed for gas-liquid systems,
• solids may stall (that is, cease to circulate). Increasing can satisfactorily predict the liquid circulation velocity as
solids loading decreases liquid circulation rate (Douek and demonstrated by Ganzeveld et al. (1995).
Livingston, 1994; Ganzeveld et aL, 1995; Heijnen et aL, Based on equation (98), a gas-liquid-solid airlift
1990) and increases the value of gas velocity at which reactor would stall when Pd = Pr (1 - ~ ) . Note that there
stalling takes place (Douek and Livingston, 1994; Heijnen would be no gas in file downcomer in the stalled state. In
et aL, 1990). This type of flow instability has been reported theory, a gas-liquid reactor could also stall if the gas
in quite large reactors. Thus, in a 0.35 m3 airlift reactor holdups in the riser and the downcomer become equal;
similar to the one shown in Figure 7, Heijnen et aL (1990) however, such a condition would be unstable, some gas
noted that below certain low aeration rates, the circulation would escape from the downcomer and the reactor would
was unstable in solids containing systems and the reactor recover.
stalled. Increasing amount of solids raised the value of gas In developing equation (98), Livingston and Zhang
flow rate at which the instability occurred. At solids (1993) did not experimentally prove whether unequal
concentration of 40 kg.m3 the circulation ceased at a distributions of solids between the riser and the downcomer
superficial gas velocity of 0.006 m-s"~ whereas, at a did in fact exist. For solids up to 2.5 times as dense as the
concentration of 150 kg.m3, stalling was seen at 0.015 m.s~ suspending liquid and 70-150 ~m in diameter,
(Heijnen et aL, 1990). Consideration of tiffs phenomenon is measurements in a large split-cylinder airlift device
essential for selection of acceptable minimum aeration rates revealed no appreciable difference in solids concentrations
in three-phase airlift devices. in tile riser and the downcomer (Wenge et al., 1995).
The foregoing studies notwithstanding, the concept of Similarly, Immieh and Onken (1992) and Choi et al. (1996)
a critical gas velocity for suspension of solids in airlift noted homogeneous solids distribution in airlift vessels.
reactors is not particularly useful because for the same solid However, for large high-density solids, the particles may
in different reactors, U~¢-value may be very different. A distribute unevenly. Hence, in suspensions of relatively
better approach is to specify the critical liquid velocity for heavy basalt particles in air-water in a draft-tube sparged
suspension based on the sedimentation characteristics of the internal-loop reactor (A/Aa = 0.77; total volume -- 0.186
solids and then to calculate the gas flow rate required to m3; Ps = 2760 kg.m3, dp = 0.245 mm; the input solids
achieve the critical liquid velocity. loading = 27-134 kg.mS), Cai and Nieuwstad (1992)
In a recent study, Livingston and Zhang (1993) correlated the distribution with the equation
surmised that in gas-liquid-solid systems in airlift reactors,
when the solids are denser than the liquid, the concentration #sr 6 (ULd + Ut~( Ad~,
of the solids would be different in the riser and the Csa -- 0.9 8~- ~ _ - ~-) \-~-j (99)
downcomer. The authors used the approach developed by
Chisti et aL (1988) to arrive at the following equation for
liquid circulation velocity where the solids volume fractions in the riser (¢Sr) and the
downcomer (¢sa) are for the gas-free system. In equation
e Lr (99), ULr and U~ are the superficial velocities of the liquid
in the riser and the downcomer respectively, and Ut is the
terminal settling velocity of the solids. Equation (99) was
determined for a single type of solid and a single value of
I 2ghD[Pd(l_Sod)_Pr(l_~o~) ] the Aav/Arratio.
PrKr + K ( Ar')2 1 6.1 Dead zones and flow instabilities
Studies by Cai et al. (1992a) highlight the importance of
(98) eliminating dead zones near tile bottoms of airlift reactors if
sedimentation of solids is to be minimized. Cai et al.
where p, and Pd are the densities of the solid-liquid slurry (1992a) studied suspensions of relatively heavy basalt
in the riser and the downcomer, respectively, while es, and particles (Ps = 2760 kg.m3, dp = 0.245 mm) in air-water in
eSd are the respective solids holdups in those zones. a draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift reactor (A/Ad =
Equation (98) requires a knowledge of holdups of all phases 0.77; total volume = 0.186 m3); the input solids loading
in the riser and downcomer. The equation has not been ranged over 27-134 The conical trough that
adequately demonstrated by experimental evidence and its constituted the bottom of the reactor did create a significant

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dead zone. The clearance of the draft-tube from the bottom of tracer, Lt is the distance between the tracer measuring
varied over 25-90 ram, but the actual clearance for the flow points, tc is the circulation time, VLo is the linear velocity of
of the slurry was lower because the solids settled and the liquid and EL is the axial dispersion coefficient. In
reduced the free area for flow. As the gas injection rate was theory, fully backmixed behavior obtains when EL is infinite
decreased from a high initial value (2.5 m3.h~), the induced and plug flow occurs when EL is zero (Chisti, 1989, pp. 27-
superficial liquid circulation velocity in the downcomer 28). In practice, fully backmixed state is approached for
decreased until a critical value, Utac, below which the Peclet numbers less than 0.1, and plug flow behavior is
circulation could not be sustained because the solids blocked found for Peclet numbers greater than 20 (Pavlica and
the zone below the draft-tube. The critical velocity was a Olson, 1970). If mixing behavior is represented by a series
function of the available volume (Vat) below the draft-tube, of nr ideally mixed tanks, the axial dispersion and the tank-
the packed volume (Vs,) of the settled solids and the vertical in-series models may be interrelated as follows (Blenke,
clearance (HD between the draft-tube and the bottom of the 1979)
reactor; thus,
nr ~ 1 + w (103)
u ,o
H,g = O.
o ('v,,h - 0.036. (100)
Equation (103) applies for Pe > 8 (Blenke, 1979).
Equation (100) which is dimensionless, is expected to be Lu et al. (1994) used equation (101) to analyze the
specific to the types of solids and the reactor geometry mixing behavior in a draft-tube sparged concentric tube
employed by Cai et aL (1992a). airlift reactor (AJAd = 1; aspect ratio of 7.8; Uar = 0.015-
Other work has shown that poorly designed 0.15 m.s-I) in air-water with and without suspended solids
recirculation paths can lead to flow instabilities especially in (polystyrene pellets or calcium alginate beads, both 2.4 mm
three-phase systems (Douek and Livingston, 1994). In equivalent diameter, up to 30% vol loading).
unstable flow, the circulation velocity oscillates significantly Measurements of tracer response at tile entrances and exits
even though the gas flow rate remains constant. The of the riser and the downcomer ensured that the dispersion
oscillations arise when the solids settle in constricted zones, coefficients could be evaluated separately for the riser, the
the cross-sections change, and slugs of liquid suddenly downcomer, the head zone, and the bottom region. In
bring solids into suspension. Other possible factors may general, for the 5% vol polystyrene pellet system, Peclet
play a role. Flow oscillations in gas-liquid two-phase numbers were 20-30 in the riser, 40-70 in the downcomer,
reactors have also been reported (Chisti, 1989) but they are about 10 in the top section, and 10-20 in the bottom zone
a natural characteristic of internal-loop airlift reactors in (Lu et al., 1994). Thus, the top and the bottom zones were
which substantial amounts of gas bubbles are carried into the best mixed, the riser was less so, and the downcomer
• the downcomer with the downflow of liquid. was tile least mixed. Both tile riser and tile downcolner had
distinct plug flow characteristics as the Peclet numbers were
greater than 20. This general trend in relative mixing
7. MIXING performance of the various zones is consistent with other
well known observations (Chisti, 1989, p. 81).
7.1 Liquid and slurry phases Lu et al. (1994) noted clear reduction in the overall
dispersion coefficients when the height of the draft-tube
Mixing in airlift reactors has generally been analyzed using
was increased by about 54%. This behavioL too, is
the axial dispersion model which considers mixing as being
generally expected because increasing aspect ratio, or
analogous to a diffusion process (Chisti, 1989, pp. 27-29;
height, should reduce the contribution of tile relatively
80-83); thus, for a tracer added to the reactor,
better mixed top and bottom zones to the overall mixing in
the reactor (Ganzeveld et aL, 1995).
~3Cr 1 02Cr OCt The dispersion coefficients increased linearly with
c3A------~--Pe .Opz Op ' (lOl) increasing gas flow rate; however, the coefficients in the
riser increased much more rapidly than in the downcomer
where Cr is the dimensionless tracer concentration, Xt is the (Lu et aL, 1994). Data presented by the authors suggested
dimensionless time, p is the dimensionless distance, and Pe that the mixing behavior may depend on the type of solid.
is the Peclet number that characterizes the mixing. The Thus, at the same loading and particle size, the overall
dimensionless variables are defined thus: Peclet numbers for the hydrophobic polystyrene beads were
consistently lower than for the hydrophilic calcium alginate
C , . &, = t J " and Pe = VL°L--------L', solids (Lu et aL, 1994). The hydrophobic solids tended to
attach to the rising air bubbles, which apparently aided
mixing. For a given gas flow rate, the overall axial
dispersion coefficients declined with increasing solids
where Ct is the tracer concentrationat time t, j is the total loading until about 15% vol loading; further increase in the
distance traveled, Ct~ois the final equilibrium concentration loading to 30% vol increased the overall dispersion

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 61

coefficients (Lu et al., 1994). This behavior was explained zone for gas-liquid separation, Fr6hlich et al. (199!a) noted
(Lu et al., 1994) as arising from two counteracting effects: that the overall liquid-phase Peclet numbers declined with
increased solids loading enhanced bead-to--bead collisions increasing gas flow rate (Uor ~ 0.06--0.17 m.s'l), except in
which contributed to mixing, but the gas holdup declined the antifoam containing solution in which the numbers were
with increasing solids concentration, which probably constant at ca 70. The induced liquid circulation rates were
reduced the transport of liquid in the bubble wakes. comparable for all fluids. On the other hand, the liquid
The following correlations were empirically obtained phase mixing times in the antifoam containing medium
(Lu et al., 1993) for axial dispersion coefficients: were generally lower than in the other two fluids•
Circulation rates for the liquid phase were larger than for
( L ~ -1.241 the gas phase. Although no explanation was given, the
Er~r,,n = 38713 I × results confirmed that for different fluids in a given airlift
• k. hLJ vessel, at a constant liquid circulation rate, the mixing times
may be different if the bubble size and/or gas holdup are
I 853+35208Ws-3387×lO6W2s(PsfL-PL)I different• This difference would exist even if the fluids had
1+ ' identical density and viscosity. These differences arise
because there are two distinct contributions to mixing:
(104) firstly, liquid circulation velocity and consequent
turbulence; and, secondly, the mean relative velocity
with f-values of-1•893 for polystyrene and -2•917 for the between the gas and the liquid. The latter depends on
alginate beads, respectively; bubble size and gas holdup (see Sections 3 and 4.1).

( Ld'~ -0.217 Extensive data compiled by Petrovic et al. (1995)

ELr = 5 9 6 4 2 U ~ f f 5| - - ~ - ] confirm that correlations for mixing time in airlift reactors
" k, hL) must consider the effects of geometry and the fluid
(105) properties; correlations based on the superficial gas velocity

x 1+1000--
-- / ,
as the sole variable do not apply to reactors other than those
used in obtaining the correlations• Using air-water data
WL PL J from several sources, Petrovic et al. (1995) empirically
obtained the following equations:
with f-values of 0.018 for polystyrene and -0.517 for the
alginate beads, respectively; and f h ~o.6o
__ 509uor
-0.31 r v°l'vo 3v; °", (107)
/ ' L '~ -0.093 k . d r v/
T T0"495 | d]
ELd=408•72t"& ~,-~LJ x
F]-~ '~ 0.12

[ 1+ 1~0-~
" '

tat =
5. 2 t~/-r_0.31 [ ' ~ r [
-'.-'~-,o~ \doJ
r d • •

Equations (107) and (108) applied to external-loop and


with f-values of -2.657 for polystyrene and -4•117 for the draft-tube internal-loop reactors respectively. In these
alginate beads, respectively. In equations (104)-(106) Ld is equations, Vr, Fd and Fs are the volumes of the riser, the
the length of the draft-tube, and Ws and WL are, downcomer and the gas-liquid separator, respectively; hr is
respectively, the weights of the solids and the liquid in the the height of the riser (or draft-tube) and do is the diameter
reactor. These equations applied to the ranges: 0.007 _< Uor of the outer vessel in the internal-loop units. For the latter,
_<0.15 m.s'l; 0 _< Ws <- 10.55 kg; WLof about 13-18 kg; and the entire head region above the draft-tube was considered
0.69 _<Ld/hz ~ 0.92. In the absence of solids, the 9s term in as the gas-liquid separator (Petrovic et al., 1995), The
these equations is replaced with the density of the liquid (Lu mixing time (tM) was for 95% homogeneity. Equations
et aL, 1993). The empirical nature of equations (104)- (107) and (108) lack a fundamental basis and they have
(106) and their base on limited data in a specific type of other drawbacks. Significantly, the effects of the geometric
reactor is bound to restrict their usefulness. Mixing time configuration of the top and the bottom zone are not taken
data in slurries of calcium alginate beads in draft-tube into account, but these geometries are known to have a
sparged reactors were reported also by Vicente and Teixeira major impact on the rate of induced liquid circulation.
(1995)• Comparison of the mixing time data obtained by Ganzeveld
et al. (1995) in two split-cylinder vessels with equation
In mixing studies in a draft-tube sparged concentric (108) is Figure 17. The data were obtained in 0.1
tube airlift reactor (A/Ad = 1.86; aspect ratio = 11; 4 m3; M sodium chloride. The two reactors had identical unit
fluids: tap water, 1% vol/vol aqueous ethanol solution, tap values of the A/Ad ratio, but the aspect ratios were different
water containing an antifoam agent) with an expanded head at 7.6 and 14.5. The U& varied over (0-6.7) x 103 m.s1.

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10~ - RAT.__..~._O
ASPECT -/// ~ o
. • 7.6 //
o 14.5 +~o~.- j .
W s~ s ~
65 ~s s¢ ss

s o s~ J
45 ss~ J~

25 %'/
.,, $4
5 25 45 -65 85 105
t M (MEASURED) (s)

Fig 17. Comparison of mixing time data obtained in two split-

cylinder airlift reactors (Ganzeveld et al., 1995) with predictions
of equation (108) of Petrovic et al. (1995). Data are for aqueous
salt solution (0.1 M sodium chloride). The reactors had identical
A,/Ad-values at 1.0, but the aspect ratios were different.

The design of the head region in external-loop airlift

reactors has been shown to affect the mixing performance
(Choi et al., 1995a, b). In internal-loop devices without
gas-liquid separators per se, the clearance B (Figure 18)
between the static liquid level and the top of the draft-tube,
or baffle, affects mixing time (Chisti, 1989, pp. 146-147). Fig 18. The upper clearance B abOve the baffle or draft tube in
Weiland (1984) first demonstrated that increase in the an internal-loop airlift bioreactor.
clearance B improved mixing up to a B-value of 0.5 m.
Similar results were confirmed by Chang et al. (1993), Lu Sukan and Vardar-Sukan (1987) varied the clearance of the
et al. (1993), Russell et al. (1994), and Sukan and Vardar- draft-tube from the base of the reactor so that the ratio of
Sukan (1987). Chang et al. (1993) presented mixing data the bottom clearance to the width of the annulus was 1.8,
in terms of the overall axial dispersion coefficients which 1.0 or 0.5. A value of unity was most effective for mixing
were shown to increase as the clearance B increased over (Sukan and Vardar-Sukan, 1987). Note however that a
the range 0.1-0.5 m. Increasing B much beyond 0.5 m clearance ratio of one is not the geometry for minimum flow
worsens the mixing performance as documented for a large resistance as the cross-sectional area of the annulus
split-cylinder airlift device (Chisti, 1989, p. 146). For B- (downcomer) would always be greater than the area for flow
values greater than about 0.5 m, the intermixing between under the draft-tube. Shorter draft-tubes produced
the fluid in the unbaffied upper zone and the main airlift somewhat lower mixing times than taller tubes. For
circulation loop deteriorates because the circulatory flow otherwise identical conditions, increasing height of liquid
can no longer sweep through the entire head zone. Instead, above the draft-tube reduced mixing time until a minimum
most of the flow from the riser just flows over the edge of value was reached. Further increase in liquid level
the baffle, or the draft-tube, into the downcomer (Chisti, extended the mixing time (Sukan and Vardar-Sukan, 1987).
1989, pp. 146-147). Similar behavior was noted in a large This behavior is general to internal-loop airlift reactors as
draft-tube sparged reactor (Russell et al., 1994). noted earlier. The geometric details of the reactors were:
In draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactors A / A a = 0.37 or 0.78; working aspect ratios z 5--6; draft-
(A/Ad = 0.8; height of draft-tube varied over 1.2-3.2 m; tube heights = 0.25 or 0.27 m (Sukan and Vardar-Sukan,
height of draft-tube to vessel diameter ratios of 3.8-10.1; 1987).
baker's yeast broth), for any given gas flow rate, the mixing Data on overall axial dispersion coefficients in air-
time was observed to increase with increasing height of the water in a relatively large external-loop airlift reactor
draft-tube (Russell et al., 1994). This is qualitatively (0.165 m3; aspect ratio = 16 based on riser; A / A a = 4) were
consistent with other data (Ganzeveld et al., 1995; Kawase reported by Verlaan et aL (1989a, c). Apparently no gas
and Moo-Young, 1989; Petrovic et al., 1995), but the exact was carried into the downcomer because of efficient gas-
magnitude of the effect has not been consistent. Depending liquid separation in the head zonel A butterfly valve in the
on the type of reactor, the mixing time may increase with bottom pipe between the riser and the downcomer was used
height according to tM oc (heighty where the exponent may to vary the flow resistance of the circulation loop (Verlaan
range over 0.12-2. et aL, 1989a). The overall axial dispersion coefficient (EL)
In mixing time (100% homogeneity) studies in air- increased with increasing superficial gas velocity in the
water in draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift devices, riser, but the EL-values were not particularly sensitive to the

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AppI.Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 63

extent of opening of the butterfly valve. The mixing time operating volume to 18 L for comparison with a stirred tank
(95% homogeneity) and tile circulation time were correlated reactor of that size. The stirred vessel was agitated at 200
as follows (Verlaan et al., 1989a, c): rpm without aeration. The airlift device was aerated at a
riser superficial gas velocity of 2.9 x 10.2 m.s"l. Under these
tM conditions, the mixing times in the airlift and the stirred
= O.093Pe, (109)
tc device were 10.3 s and 44 seconds, respectively (Cheng et
aL, 1992). The time course of penicillin conversion was a
where Pe is the overall Peclet number defined as UiJ-,/Ez. little faster in the airlift reactor; however, at 150 W.m3 the
Here, L is the length of the circulation loop, EL is the overall energy input in the airlift system was only about a third that
axial dispersion coefficient for the liquid, and Uz is the in the stirred tank.
mean circulation velocity. Mixing times (90% homogeneity) in draft-tube
Peclet numbers in individual zones of the reactors sparged concentric tube airlift reactors operated with air-
were also computed (Verlaan et al., 1989c). In the water-glass beads systems were reported by Petrovic et al.
downcomer and the head zone, the Pc-values were virtually (1990). The relevant details were: aspect ratio ~ 11; A/Ad
independent of the gas flow rate (Uo,) which varied over 0.2-1.6; UG= 0.004-0.06; dp= 1, 3 and 6 mm; weight
0.01-0.14 m.s-a. Pc-values of about 40 were noted in the fraction of solids = 4, 6 and 8%; and density of solids =
downcomer and approximately 10 in the head region 2550 kg.m"3. In the vessel with anA/Ad value of 0.36, with
(Verlaan et aL, 1989c). In the riser, the Pc-value did the solids settled, increasing aeration rate such that the
depend somewhat on the superficial gas velocity; the Pc- packed bed of solids remained undisturbed, caused a decline
values varied over 20-35. The overall Peclet number for in mixing time. From the point of incipient fluidization to
the whole circulation loop ranged over 40-60, increasing incipient circulation of solids, the mixing times increased.
with gas flow rate (Verlaan et aL, 1989c). Further increase in gas flow rate reduced the mixing time.
Residence time distribution behavior in a small The position of the maximum in the tM versus Uo plots
external-loop airlift reactor during culture of a highly apparently depended on the fluidization properties of the
flocculating strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was beads; the lnaxima shifted toward higher gas flow rates as
reported by Roca et al. (1995). The relevant details of the the particle size increased. While the solids did influence
reactor were: A/Ad = 2.6; aspect ratio = 7.4 based on the the mixing behavior relative to solids-free operation for all
riser; and 2 L overall volume. The residence time reactor-solids combinations, no systematic general relations
distribution was determined using lactose tracer. The were identified among mixing time, solids loading, particle
measured distribution curve fitted a model curve for a size and the A/Ad ratio.
system consisting of two unequal well mixed stirred tanks Mixing behavior in animal cell microcarrier
with fluid exchange between them. For the small reactor suspensions in split-cylinder airlift vessels has been
used, the circulating loop behaved as a well-mixed zone reported by Ganzeveld et al. (1995). The mixing time
whereas the head region behaved as a second, smaller well- variation with aeration rate followed the pattern shown in
mixed region (Roca et al., 1995). In contrast, for most Figure 19 that is typical for such reactors. Increasing
large scale airlift reactors, while the head region and the loading of the carriers reduced the mixing performance.
circulating loop region remain distinct mixing zones, the The properties of the carriers and the reactors were: Ps =
circulating loop does not approximate to a well-mixed tank. 1030-1050 kg.m'a; 150-300 ~m carrier diameter; 0-30
Other reports confirm that the liquid circulation velocity kg.m"3 solids loading; A/Ad = 1; aspect ratio = 7.6 and 14.5;
and hence the mixing time are strongly affected by the and Uor = (0-6.7) × 10-3 m.s"1 (Ganzeveld et aL, 1995).
design of the head region (Choi et al., 1995a, b). Mixing in shallow cylindrical tanks (1.6 m3, 1.26 m
In draft-tube sparged airlift reactors (A/Ad = 0.8; diameter, 1.30 m height; 4.1 m3, 2.0 m diameter, 1.6 m
aspect ratio = 6.7-8.9) Cheng et al. (1992) noted that height) having multiple, small-bore (0.025 m maximum
mixing times declined with increasing gas flow rates and diameter) draft-tubes, sparged with air, has been detailed by
aspect ratios. Addition of polystyrene pellets (2.7 x 3 x 3 TriUeros and Recio (1990). Such tanks may be of use in
mm; Ps = 1020 kg.m"3) in air-water over the solids loading biological wastewater treatment, although the geometry
range of 10-30% (vol/vol) increased the mixing time, but would have to be significantly modified as in the 'biotower'
further addition of solids to 50% (vol/vol) improved mixing. devices (see Section 12.2.1) being marketed by Bayer,
This effect depended on the magnitude of the aeration rate, Krupp Uhde and Lurgi (Fouhy, 1992).
being most pronounced at lower aeration rates (Cheng et
aL, 1992). The plastic pellets were used to simulate 7.1.1 Local effects
immobilized enzyme particles as was done also by Mao et Based on observations of local mixing effects on scales of a
aL (1992). In separate experiments, Cheng et al. (1992) centimeter in the riser of an airlift reactor (air-water with 1
used the airlift reactor with a reduced aspect ratio of about kg.m"3. Sodium chloride), Liibbert and Larson (1990)
2.2 to study the hydrolysis of penicillin with pellets of concluded that the local level mixing mechanism in bubble
immobilized penicillin acylase. The acid produced was columns and airlift reactors were identical; however, at
neutralized with sodium hydroxide (4 M) to control pH equal specific power input, the local level mixing was
between 7.0 and 7.5. The lower aspect ratio reduced the stronger in bubble columns. This implied that in

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liquid velocity. As a result, the relative velocities of the two

SPLIT-CYLINDER AIRLIFT (Ar/A d = 1.0) phases are different along the tube radius with a minimum
AIR-0.1M NoCI-GLASS BEADS relative velocity in the center (Schmidt et aL, 1992).
(ps= 1030 kg.m -3 ; diameter = 150-210#m)
Published evidence (Schmidt et al., 1992) suggests that the


contribution of bubble wake mechanism to local mixing is
relatively small closer to the walls of the riser because of the
low gas holdup in that area. Closer to the center of the

riser, there seems to be somewhat lower contribution of
wakes to local mixing because this is the region of least
difference between the velocities of bubbles and liquid.
6o 125 Z 1.2 Non-newtonian media
- -------.---.L.__ o.o A mechanistic equation for axial dispersion coefficient in
power-law fluids in risers and downcomers of airlift
z~ 40 t reactors was developed by Li et al. (1993). The equation
20 was
• • 0.9
0 1
Re Ar ~(]-.)/O+.),
UGr X 10 3 (m's -1)
Sc= * rr (A,+ Aa)) (110)

Fig 19. The typical variation of mixing time with superficial gas where tile Schmidt number, tile Reynolds number and the
velocity in airlift reactors. The data are for two split-cylinders Froude number were defined as
(A/Ad = 1.0; aspect ratios of 7.6 and 14.5) in air-salt solution
• with and without microcarriers (0.1 M NaCI; ps = 1030 kg.m'3;
150-210 l.tmdiameter). Based on Ganzeveld et aL (1995).
SC=pLEL ~ ' (III)

comparison with bubble columns, the deterministic flow p ..inTT2_ n

velocity was enhanced in airlift reactors at tile expense of Re = L~o c, Gr (112)

random mixing motions (L0bbert and Larson, 1990). K
Mixing in radial direction in the riser was observed to be of
diffusional type; however, in the axial direction, diffusional
mixing was supplemented with convective mixing due to
the wakes of the rising bubbles (Liibbert and Larson, 1990). Fr= (113)
•Even at a relatively high superficial gas velocity of 0.108 dog", mixing deviated from that expected of local isotropic
turbulence. By comparison, axial and radial mixing in where do is tile diameter of the outer tube. Data in power-
single phase flow in the same flow geometry as the riser, at law fluids (K = 0.286-11.5 Pa.s"; n = 0.441-0.617) in a
identical Reynolds number (= 60,000, based on liquid draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift vessel (A/Aa =
velocity) as in the two-phase system, was dominated by 0.618; aspect ratio z 25) having an expanded head region
turbulent dispersion (Liibbert and Larson, 1990). Thus, for gas-liquid separation produced C-values of 0.0697 and
Liibbert and Larson (1990) concluded that the 0.0593, respectively, for the riser and the downcomer (Li et
Kolmogoroff's isotropic turbulence theory cannot generally aL, 1993). Equation (110) applied with an average error of
be assumed to apply in multiphase flow of the type that about 27% over a riser superficial gas velocity range of
exists in bubble columns and airlift reactors. Assertion of 0.01-0.1 m.s l. For any given air flow rate, the value of the
earlier work (Chisti et al., 1988; Chisti, 1989, pp. 300-301) axial dispersion coefficient increased with increasing
that bubble wakes are the primary contributor to energy viscosity of the liquid (Li et al., 1993). Slugging in the
dissipation in the riser were supported (Liibbert and Larson, liquid explained this effect which became more pronounced
1990). as the gas flow rate increased.
The contribution of bubble wake associated mixing to For estimation of mixing time in bubble columns,
mixing in any region of the reactor should depend on the Kawase and Moo-Young (1989) obtained the equation
prevailing gas holdup in that region (Schmidt et aL, 1992).
Within the risers of airlift reactors radial profiles of liquid 6.3 3 F h~
velocity and gas holdup exist. Gas holdup is generally IM = 220+,)/3 n ~|13 j4/3 T rl13' (114)
tJo L/G
higher closer to the center of the riser, but the bubble rise
velocity is also higher. In the bubble flow regime, where tile parameter F depended on the location of the
particularly when the liquid velocity is low, the radial tracer monitoring point and on the specified degree of
variation in bubble velocity is not as pronounced as that in mixing holnogeneity (Kawase and Moo-Young, 1989). For

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 65

limited data in newtonian media, equation (114) did give 7.3 Mixing of solids
reasonably good predictions, within ±20% of measured data
Axial distribution of biomass and other solids in a small
(Kawase and Moo-Young, 1989; Kawase et a L , 1994);
draft-tube sparged, concentric tube airlift vessel (5 L; A / A a
however, in non-newtonian fluids the equation performed
= 0.96; aspect ratio = 4.95) has been examined (Assa and
poorly (Kawase and Moo-Young, 1989).
Bar, 1991). Over a riser superficial air velocity range
(0.19-2.81) x 10-2 m.s-~, the solids in a baker's yeast
7.2 Gas phase mixing
suspension (46 kg.m-3 dry weigh0 were uniformly
Studies of gas phase residence time distribution in a large distributed in the vessel (Assa and Bar, 1991). This
external-loop airlift reactor (A/Ad = 5.13; volume = 5 m3; observation is quite general for yeasts, non-filamentous
nominal height = 24 m) in water and baker's yeast culture bacteria, unclumped animal cells and hybridomas. For
medium revealed equivalent behavior in the two fluids plant cells which are usually larger (60-100 ~m diameter)
(ROller et aL, 1994). Plug flow of gas was confirmed for than microbial and animal cells, and tend to clump, non-
the riser and the downcomer. Compared to the riser, most homogeneous distribution of biomass may occur at certain
gas bubbles in the downcomer were smaller in keeping with combinations of biomass concentrations and aeration rates.
other observations (Chisti, 1989, pp. 132-150; Llibbert et Thus, Assa and Bar (1991) noted non-uniform distribution
aL, 1990). The small bubbles in the downcomer contained of clumped plant cells (595-707 gm clump size) in
little oxygen (Riiffer et al., 1994); however, because of the suspension culture of Phaseolus vulgaris when the biomass
short liquid residence time in the downcomer, the concentration was 12.5 kg.m"3 (dry weight) and aeration
productivity of the yeast fermentation was not significantly rates were lower, than 0.95 v v m (UGr= 0.018 m@). The
affected by cycling through the oxygen limited zone. local biomass concentration increased down the
Studies clearly show that from the time of injection at downcomer, but the concentration in the riser was not
the base of the riser, a part of the gas phase passes up the particularly sensitive to axial position. With reduced
reactor without recirculation (Liibbert et al., 1990). When amount of solids in suspension (for example, 8.6 kg.m"3 dry
no gas-liquid separators are used, or separators are biomass), the axial distribution was more homogeneous.
ineffective, a portion of the gas recirculates through the Measurements in suspensions of calcium carbonate
downcomer. The recirculated gas contributes to (particle diameter _<37 gin; 55 kg.m"3 solids) indicated
backmixing in the gas phase. In exceptional cases more incomplete suspension of solids below certain aeration rates
than 20% of the gas may recirculate CLiibbertet aL, 1990). (Assa and Bar, 1991). Axial solids concentration profiles
In air-water, results suggest that most of the recirculating were observed in the riser and the downcomer even at
gas bubbles do so only once; a very small portion may aeration rates as high as 1.45 vvm (U~r = 0.028;
recirculate a second time (Liibbert et al., 1990). Although however, the difference in concentrations between the top
no data are available in other media, if visual observations and the bottom did not exceed a few percent of the mean
are any guide, the mean age of recirculating bubbles is value (Assa and Bar, 1991). While non-homogeneous
expected to depend on the mediuln. For example, in viscous distribution of solids has been hypothesized (Livingston and
media, extremely tiny bubble persist for long periods and Zhang, 1993), measurements have often revealed uniform
may recirculate many times. dispersion (Choi et al., 1996; Immich and Onken, 1992;
Observations of two different characteristic bubble Wenge et al., 1995). Nevertheless, as noted by Assa and
sizes have led to the use of a 'two-bubble-class' Bar (1991), axial variations in concentration of suspended
hydrodynamic model for interpretation of gas-phase mixing solids can occur during certain fermentations in
in air-water system in bubble columns (Shetty et al., 1992). pneumatically agitated reactors. This behavior is most
The model assumes a bimodal distribution of bubble sizes likely for large particles, low aeration rates, systems having
with large bubbles flowing in a plug-flow manner and small a relatively large difference between the densities of the
bubbles partially backmixed (Shetty et al., 1992). solid and the liquid, and low viscosity liquids.
In a draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactor While axial variations in concentration may have no
(A/Ad = 1.86; aspect ratio = 11; 4 m3) with an expanded process implications, local point sampling in these systems
head zone for gas liquid separation, Fr6hlich et al. (1991a) would not provide an estimate of the amount of solids in
noted that typically, the mean gas-phase residence time in suspension. This problem can be overcome by measuring
the downcomer was longer than in the riser which is the mean solids concentration between two widely spaced
consistent with visual observations (Chisti, 1989). Gas- axial locations in the riser and the downcomer using the
phase Peclet numbers in the riser were 4- to 25-fold larger method developed by Wenge et al. (1995). This method
than in the downcomer (Fr6hlich et al., 1991a). Peclet does not require withdrawal of samples and, hence,
numbers in tim downcomer were not particularly sensitive overcomes the errors associated with multiphase sampling
to the gas flow rate (Uor = 0.06-0.17, but those in the even in suspensions that have a homogeneous distribution
riser declined with increasing aeration rate. Over most of of solids (Wenge et aL, 1995).
the range of gas flows, the riser gas-phase Peclet numbers Residence time of solids measured by using magnetic
in tap water with antifoam were significantly lower than in tracer particles in aqueous slurries of non-magnetic solids in
other media (tap water; aqueous ethanol solution, 1% a draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactor (A/Ad =
vol/vol ethanol). 0.6; aspect ratio = 8.6; U~ = 0.01-0.07 m.s~) was reported

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by Kikuchi et al. (1995). Polystyrene (Ps = 1020 kg.m3; dp A more complete treatment of gas-liquid mass transfer has
= 0.90 mm) or glass (Ps = 2500 kg.m3; d p = 1.88 mm) been presented elsewhere (Chisti, 1989), and only a few
beads were used up to a solids volume fraction of 0.3. The more recent major studies are reviewed below. A general
residence times in various zones (riser, downcomer, head approach to predicting kLaz is discussed in Section 8.1.4.
region, bottom) were unaffected by the average solids
concentration for the lighter beads. For polystyrene beads,
8.1.1 Newtonian media
the concentrations (calculated from residence time data) in For annulus sparged concentric-tube airlift vessels, Koide et
the riser and the downcomer were virtually unaffected by al. (1983a) developed the equation:
the gas flow rate. For the heavier beads, too, the gas
velocity had little effect on distribution of solids, but
g "~0.500f 3'~0.136
kL a D G L [ ill L ~I [PLo'L|
concentration in the riser was somewhat higher than in the = 225/-- -I /--z-i
downcomer (Kikuchi et aL, 1995). DLgPL " ~.PLDL] ~, gktz )
A procedure for estimation of transport of particles in ( , .y0 0 o,
bubble wakes in airlift reactors has been presented by Snape
and Thomas (1992). The significance of the procedure is
limited because in most fermentations the cells tend to be
fairly homogeneously distributed in the broth. Furthermore, Equation (117) applied over the experimental ranges: 3.71
the procedure requires additional experimental x 102 _< gdpLDL -< 6.00 X 104; 1.18 X 106 _< pzc%3/gP.L4
substantiation. 5.93 × 10t0; 0.471 -< d/do -<0.743; 7.14 x 10"3 _<5~do _<2.86
x 102; 0.0302 _<~ _<0.305; aspect ratio = 6-15; and Aa/Ar
= 0.52-1.23. The average error in estimating the kLaD with
8. TRANSPORT PHENOMENA equation (117) was 12% for 175 measurements (Koide et
al., 1983a),
8.1 Gas-liquid mass transfer A different equation applied to draft-tube sparged
The rate of transfer of a sparingly soluble gas such as internal-loop vessels (Koide et aL, 1985):
oxygen from the gas phase to a liquid is expressed as
d2 / ,,0.500,"~__: 10.715
d C L _ kLaL(C*-- CL), (115)
dt (118)
where CL is the dissolved gas concentration at time t, C* is [gdoPz.] ~,~34
the liquid phase saturation concentration of the transferring
species in equilibrium with the gas, and kLaL is the overall
volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient. The Equations (118) spanned the ranges: PL = 997=1182 kg.m'3;
coefficient kLaL and the concentration driving force (C* - ~L = (0.894--17.0) x 10.3 Pa.s; aL = (51.7-73.0) x 10.3
CD for mass transfer must be known if the rate of supply of N.m'l; DL = (0.145-2.42) x 10.9; A/Ad = 0.3-0.8; and
oxygen or other soluble gas is to be quantified. The mass aspect ratio = 6-15.
transfer driving force, which is easily determined, depends During culture of baker's yeast in a draft-tube sparged
on temperature and pressure. The coefficient kzaz depends concentric tube internal-loop airlift reactor (A/Ad = 0.8;
on the properties of the fluid, the hydrodynamic regime and A~/Ad = 0.9; aspect ratio = 10; 0.25 m3), Russell et al.
the configuration of the bioreactor. Prediction ofkzaL, or its (1995) noted that the steady state dissolved oxygen
equivalent kLaD, is an important part of bioreactor design. concentration in the riser and the downcomer increased
In the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient, the ~ with increasing aeration rate. The dissolved oxygen levels
term is the true mass transfer coefficient and az is the gas- were always several fold higher in the downcomer than in
liquid interfacial area per unit liquid volume. The specific the riser (Russell et al., 1995). In the riser, the dissolved
interfacial area may also be expressed in terms of the oxygen levels tended to be _<30% of air saturation. The
volume of dispersion. The latter is represented as aD. oxygen concentration did not vary radially either in the riser
Because kLaL (or kLaD) is relatively easily measured directly, or in the downcomer. Similarly, no significant variations
it is the parameter that is commonly reported instead of the
were observed axially in the downcomer (Russell et al.,
separate variables kL and aL (or aD). Moreover, the
1995). Data were presented for the volumetric oxygen
available separate measurements do not usually apply to the transfer coefficient (Russell et al., 1995), but some of tile
systems of interest. The two representations of the overall
values were unrealistically high. Contrary to expectations,
volumetric mass transfer coefficient are related, thus
lneasurements in different parts of the reactor gave identical
kLaL values at low aeration rates (poorer mixing), but widely
kLaD divergent values at high superficial gas velocities. These
kLaL = 1--S~. (116)
puzzling results suggest an unreliable measurement method
and other possible errors.

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 67

Using the annulus-sparged mode of the same vessel as to tile general conclusion that for any airlift device in which
was employedby Russell et al. (1995), Pollard et al. (1994) gas-liquid mass transfer is confined to the riser, the actual
found that the axial dissolved oxygen profiles in the riser volumetric mass transfer coefficient in the riser would be
showed a constant zero level of oxygen over a broad range larger than the apparent measured value; the difference
of superficial gas velocities (0.036-0.136 m.s~) during being dependent on the A/Ad ratio. Equations (119) and
baker's yeast fermentations. Surprisingly, the dissolved (120) apply to reactors in which the riser and the
oxygen concentration increased down the downcomer, downcomer have approximatelY equal heights. In cases in
peaking close the bottom of the draft-tube, and declining which a significant portion of the liquid resides in the head
sharply to zero as the fluid moved into the riser. These zone, these equations should be modified to account for that
anomalous results seemed to indicate better oxygen transfer volume.
in the downcomer relative to the riser (Pollard et al., 1994). Data on gas-liquid mass transfer in air-water in a
In view of the observed profile, the cells experienced relatively large external-loop airlift reactor (0.165 m3;
extreme dissolved oxygen heterogeneity in the reactor; aspect ratio = 16 based on riser; A/Aa = 4) were reported by
however, there seemed to be no effect on the culture Verlaan et aL (1989a). Apparently no gas was carried into
performance. Installation and operation of a marine the downcomer because of efficient gas-liquid separation in
propeller (diameter = 0.16 m; 1000 rpm) near the bottom o f the head zone. The flow resistance of the circulation loop
the draft-tube, combined with a high level of aeration was varied using a butterfly valve located in the bottom pipe
(0.358 m3.min~), enhanced liquid circulation and oxygen between the riser and the downcomer (Verlaan et aL,
transfer so much so that the dissolved oxygen level did not 1989a). The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient was
drop below 35% of saturation anywhere in the reactor. correlated as follows (Verlaan et al., 1989a):
Based on data obtained in several concentric draft-
tube airlift reactors that were sparged either in the draft- /,. -, 0.83
tube or the annulus (de/do = 0.5-0.7; aspect ratios = 6-11; - 45t -y Pe-°°,
UG = 0.019-0.12 m.s]), Koide et al. (1984c) suggested that
in air-water the contribution of the downcomer zone to gas-
liquid mass transfer was "relatively large." Furthermore, in where the Pe-value was for the entire circulation loop (see
liquids such as aqueous salt solutions in which the bubbles Section 7.1).
are smaller, the riser and the downcomer were claimed to A draft-tube sparged airlift device for oxygenation and
contribute to the total mass transfer in proportion to the suspension of small volumes of live aerobic cultures
fraction of tile total volume that those zones occupied undergoing measurements in an NMR spectrometer was
(Koide et al., 1984c). These observations in relatively small described by Kramer and Bailey (1991). The observed
.reactors are not entirely consistent with other findings oxygen transfer capability of tile device was sufficient to
(Bello, 1981; Chisti, 1989; Fraser et al., 1994). support moderate to high cell density cultures of E. coil
Using measurements in a small external-loop airlift (Kramer and Bailey, 1991).
vessel operated such that no air entrained into the In comparative studies of bubble columns and small
downcomer, Fraser et al. (1994) concluded that the internal-loop airlift devices without separators, similar
apparent measured gas-liquid volumetric mass transfer values of the gas-liquid volumetric mass transfer
coefficient for the reactor was lower than the actual value in coefficients have generally been reported. This behavior
the riser where mass transfer took place. This conclusion is was recently reconfirmed by Goto et al. (1989).
obvious from the analytical expression (Chisti, 1989, pp.
258-259.) 8.1.2 Non-newtoman liquids
In aqueous solutions of carboxymethyl cellulose (K = 0.286-
~4r(kL~,lL)r q- Ad(~LaL)d 11.5 Pa.s"; n = 0.441--0.617) in a draft-tube sparged
k L ~7/L)measur~ -- internal-loop airlift reactor (0.055 m3; A/Aa = 0.618; aspect
A~ + Ad (119)
ratio - 26), Li et al. (1995) correlated the gas-liquid mass
which relates the measured kzaz to the separate, transfer coefficient as follows:
hypothetical, contributions of the riser and the downcomer. 1.-2 r ro5:4 -0.255
Because Fraser et al. (1994) had no gas in the downcomer, k L a z = 3.43 X ,,, ~'~r flop " (122)
(kLaz)d was zero; hence, the actual volumetric mass transfer
coefficient in the riser was The apparent viscosity in equation (122) was calculated by
assuming the shear rate to equal 5000.U~r for U~r 2 0.04
( Ar+ A~) m.s"1, or 1000.(U~) °5 for U~r < 0.04 m.s -1. The apparent
(k LaL) r = (k LaL)measured A~ viscosity ranged over 0.020--0.85 Pa.s. The exponent on the
020) viscosity term was substantially greater than -0.66 or -0.89
With an A j A r ratio of about 0.43 (Fraser et al., 1994), the reported by others (see Chisti, 1989, pp. 74-79). Such
(kLaz)~ was always about 43% greater than the value discrepancies have in part been associated with the
measured for the reactor as a whole. Equation (120) leads questionable practice of defining shear rate as a quite

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arbitrary linear function of the gas velocity (Chisti and compared to tile basic annulus-sparged airlift configuration
Moo-Young, 1989; Chisti, 1989, pp. 74-79). (A/Ad = 0.8; aspect ratio of about 10; 0.25 m3). For similar
Suh et al. (1992) studied production of the highly viscous broths of the microfungus N. sitophila in
extracellular polysaccharide xanthan during batch annulus-sparged draft-tube reactors (1.3 m3; A/Aa = 3.7;
fermentations of the obligate aerobic bacterium aspect ratio of about 3), Moo-Young et aL (1993) had
Xanthomonas campestris. Production was compared in a earlier established that the airlift configuration
bubble column (0.05 m3; aspect ratio z 19) and a draft-tube supplemented with a low-shear axial flow impeller in the
sParged concentric tube airlift bioreactor (1.2 m3; A/Ad = 1; draft-tube was better than the pure airlift device. Moreover,
aspect ratio = 12). The gas-liquid volumetric oxygen such airlift-impeller hybrid reactors were shown to be better
transfer coefficient (kLaL) declined with increasing than the more conventional, Rushton turbine stirred
concentration of xanthan in both reactors as shown in fermenters (Moo-Young et aL, 1993; Moo-Young and
Figure 20. The kzaL values in the bubble column were about Chisti, 1988).
40% higher than in the airlift reactor; but the latter was
aerated at a somewhat lower specific Ix~wer input of 0.9
kW.m3 compared to 1 kW:m 3 in the bubble column (Suh et
al., 1992). In both reactors, the oxygen transfer data 10-I
correlated with the equation (Suh et al., 1991) o BUBBLE COLUMN
~L " 2 ( 10"5( 2 1 0.20
aLdo Pop gdoPL
DL - 0018 • )
~ X 0.62 / x 0.5 l to
gd3op~| f U~ ) " ~ 10-2
× -T - - - (1 + 0.12Wi) -~, o

(123) D

where Wi was the Weissenberg number (ratio of the first

norlnal stress and the shear stress in viscoelastic fluids).
The apparent viscosity in equation (123) was calculated by
1 0 -3 I I I I
assuming the shear rate to equal 2800.Uo as recommended 0 5 10 15 20
by Schumpe and Deckwer (1987). The arbitrariness of this XANTHAN (kg.m -3)
approach has already been pointed out.
Effect of the aeration rate on production of xanthan in
the bubble column is shown in Figure 21 reproduced from Fig 20. Variation of the volumetric gas-liquid oxygen transfer
Suh et aL (1991). The figure clearly reveals the critical coefficient with concentration ofxanthan gum in a bubble column
importance of oxygen supply for the highly aerobic xanthan and an airlift fermenter (Suh et al., 1992). The specific power
fermentation. In the airlift reactor, the productivity was inputs were 1.0 and 0.9 kW.m3, respectively, for the bubble
significantly lower than in bubble column. This was traced colunm and the airlift vessel.
to cycling of the oxygen depleted broth through the
unaerated downcomer (Suh et al., 1991). The airlift
fermenter used had not been designed for a highly viscous
and aerobic fermentation. As a result, the unaerated 4O
downcomer constituted about half the volume of the vessel.

Ideally, the A/Ad ratio should have been much larger than u~(m.s-~) ^ ~.,j:>..~.~_.o~
unity. In viscous aerobic fermentations the performance of E 0.361 0.165 o..,,.~ - 51
airlift reactors can be significantly enhanced by installation
of an axial flow impeller in the downcomer to improve the z 20
circulation of the fluid. This approach has been 112
demonstrated with fermentations of the mycelial
X 10
micro~ngus Neurospora sitophila by Moo-Young et al.
(1994). It has also been found useful with less viscous yeast
broths (Russell et al., 1995). 0 I I I I I
In highly viscous, non-newtonian, broths of 0 40 " 80 120 160 200 240
TIME ( h o u r s )
Saccharopolyspora erythraea, the use of a marine propeller
• (diameter = 0.16 m; 1000 rpm) located near the bottom of
the draft-tube has been reported (Pollard et al., 1994) to Fig 21. Effect of the superficial gas velocity on production of
enhance the yield of the antibiotic erythromycin by ca 45% xanthan byX. campestris in a bubble colunm (Sub et al., 1992).

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 69

8.1.3 Slurries
For suspensions of glass or bronze spheres in draft-tube
kt aL = (5.7 - 144.8 ¢ s + 5048.3 #Zs)
sparged internal-loop vessels, Koide et al. (1985) reported (125)
the equation: X I v~4t-./GrT
T1-55e -2990/T ,

/ -,0.500: d2 x 0.715
whereas in the 'blocking' region (0.035 _< dps ~ 0.315), the
kLaDdZo = 2 6 6 [ 'ut I [ ga;pt'] following equation was obtained (Smith and Skidmore,
DL " \PL DLJ \ aL ) 1990)
( --3 _2"~0"251 #__ x -0.429
+ 2
IgaopL. I Jar. I 6~34 ktat=(2.6-16.8~s 29.4~s) x ,iJu,-,6u~r
r rl 45 -4130/T
e .
) 5-oJ (126)
I r~ N0.069f • 3"~0"023/ . . N0046~ -1
Equations (125) and (126) agreed with the data to within
0099[Csl [&all /u'/ / about ±20%.
× 1+ . ~7sJ ~-~-) k,Uo) ) "
Performance data for a 0.35 m 3 airlift reactor of the
(124) kind shown in Figure 7 were provided by Heijnen et al.
(1990). Over a superficial air velocity range of 0.02-0.06
The average error in estimating ~ZaD by equation (124) was m.s-1 (based on outer tube), and a sand concentration o f 250
within 17% for 383 measurelnents (Koide et al., 1985). kg.m s (~8% vol/vol), the volumetric oxygen mass transfer
The equation applied over the following experimental coefficient correlated linearly with the superficial gas
ranges: 3.71 x 102 _< gL/OLDL _N 9.92 x 104; 1.36 x 103 _< velocity (Heijnen et al., 1990); thus
gdo2plJcJL _< 1.22 x 104; 1.29 x 108 _<gdoSpm2/gg2 _< 1.26 x
10n; 0.471 _< d/do -< 0.743; 3.99 x 10.2 _< ~ _< 2.73 x 10"1; kLa = 0.639~U~. (127)
1.69 x 10"11 _< gP.L4/pLUL 3 _< 2.55 X 10"6; 0 _< Cs/Ps -< 8.00 x
10"2; 1.17 x 10.2 _< GB.J~ -< 0.844; A,Z4d = 013-0.8; and Equation (127) was determined at 35°C.
aspect ratio = 6-15 (Koide et al., 1985). Measurements in suspensions of relatively low density
A draft-tube sparged concentric draft-tube airlift calcium alginate beads in draft-tube sparged internal-loop
reactor (A,/Ad = 1.3; aspect ratio ~ 5; U~,. = (0.154-1.39) x airlift reactors were reported by Koide et al. (1992). The
10~ m.s ~) for potential application to microbial relevant systems details were: 0-20% vol solids; 1.88-3.98
desulfurization of coal by the bacterium Sulfolobus mm bead diameter; A/Aa = 0.3-1.2; and aspect ratios of 6-
acidocaldarius was studied by Slnith and Skidlnore (1990). 16. The beads were suspended in water, aqueous glycerol
The mass transfer coefficient was measured in a simulated and aqueous salt solutions (0.10 or 0.27 barium
basal salt medium (composition in distilled water, kg.m-3: chloride; 0.4 kmol.m3 sodium sulfate). The viscosity of the
(NH4)2SO4, 1.3; KH2PO4, 0.28; MgSO4-2H:O, 0.25; liquids ranged over (0.894-12.5) x 10.3 Pa.s and the
CaClv2H20, 0.07; acidified to pH 2 by sulfuric acid) molecular diffusivity of oxygen varied over (0.194-2.42) ×
containing pulverized coal (74 x 10.6 m particle diameter; 10-9 m2.s1 . The mass transfer coefficient declined with
density = 1415 kg.m 3) at 0--40% wt (equivalent to 0-0.315 increasing concentration of solids, but was not affected by
volmne fraction of solids in gas-free medium). the size of the particles (Koide et aL, 1992). The values in
Measurements were made at 30, 50 and 72°C (Smith and water and salt solutions were similar. The data were
Skidmore, 1990). The kLag-values were strongly enhanced correlated with the equation (Koide et al., 1992)
by increasing temperature (Smith and Skidmore, 1990),
almost certainly because the molecular diffusivity of oxygen kLaDd2o 4.04 I ,u z 10"5I g d o2P L 1 067
must have increased. Increasing concentration of solids
over 0-5% wt (equivalent to qbs of 0-0.035) increased the
DL - 1 + 2 ~ - - - - - 5 k ~ - ~ ) \ Z -)
kcac-values slightly, but further increase in solids loading f __3__2"~0"26/__ \-0.047
strongly lowered the mass transfer coefficient (Slnith and Iga;pL| [a, I ebs4,
Skidmore, 1990). This phenomena was explained as being
due to penetration of fine solid particles in the stagnant
liquid film around gas-bubbles, reducing the effective where qbs is the volume fraction of solids in the gas-free
diffusion length (Smith and Skidmore; 1990). However, as system and the superficial gas velocity (Up) is based on the
the concentration of solids increased beyond 5% wt, the diameter do of the outer column. Equation (128) covered
solids caused a blocking effect which reduced the effective the ranges: 3.71 x 102 _< gL[DLpL _<5.52 x 104; 2.66 x 103 _<
mass transfer area (Smith and Skidmore, 1990). In the pLdo2g/OL _< 1.22 X 104; 2.35 x 108 _< pL2doSg/l.tL2 _< 3.29 ×
region of enhanced mass transfer (0 _<qbs < 0.035), the kLac 1011; 0.471 _<d/do -<0.743; 1.69 x 10"11 _<Mo _<6.67 x 10"7;
was correlated with (Smith and Skidlnore, 1990) 3.79 x 102 _< ~ _< 2.24 x 10"1; and 0 _< qbs -< 0.2 (Koide et

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aL, 1992). Equation (128) estimated the mass transfer 1. Measure the gas holdup and the kLaL in a small model
coefficient within an average error of 14% for 260 data reactor with the fluid of interest over the range of gas
(Koide et al., 1992). flow rates that are of interest.
Mass transfer measurements in suspensions of agar- 2. Use the data from step 1 to calculate the constant kc/dn
filled soft polyurethane foam particles (dp = 3 mm; Pt, = ratio (equation 129).
1030 kg.m 3) in uninoculated penicillin culture medium ( 3. Measure or calculate the riser gas holdup ( ~ ) in the
= 1.9 x 10~ Pa.s) in draft-tube sparged concentric tube full scale reactor. (See Section 3.2.3 for simultaneous
airlift reactors havebeen reported (Karamanev et aL, 1992). determination of gas holdup and liquid circulation
Increasing volume fraction of solids over the 0-0. I range, velocity.)
enhanced the volumetric mass transfer coefficient by 15- 4. Calculate the kLaz-value for the large reactor:
20% over solids-free operation (Karamanev et aL, 1992).
Further increase in solids loading to 40% (vol/vol) caused a kL ¢o, A~
kLaL (131)
decline in kzaL values. The mass transfer coefficient values de (1- 6o~) A~+ Aa"
in airlift reactors were up to 3-fold higher than in
comparable fluidized beds. Surprisingly, for a range of In equation (131) the gas holdup and the geometric
aeration rates, the maximum values of kzaL were observed at parameters A~ and Aa are for the large reactor; the
an Ad/A~ value of 3 (Karamanev et aL, 1992). Gas holdup kzJdn-value is from step 2.
declined with increasing solids loading up to 20% (vol/vol) For bubble columns, the riser gas holdup in equation
solids, but was little affected by further increases loadings (131) should be replaced with the overall gas holdup.
up to 40% (vol/vol). Furthermore, Aa should be set to zero. The rationale for
equation (131) has been discussed by Chisti (1989, pp. 251-
8.1.4A general approach to predicting the mass transfer 265).
coefficient Figure 23 compares the measured kzaz-values with
Purely analytical reasoning has been used to show that the prediction of the foregoing procedure for eleven reactors
volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLaL), gas holdup (~), including bubble columns and external- and internal-loop
the Sauter mean bubble diameter (dB) and the true mass airlift devices. The comparison spans water-like media as
transfer coefficient (kD are related as follows (Chisti, 1989, well as pseudoplastic slurries of cellulose fiber. In all cases
pp. 251-265) the predictions agree remarkably well with the
measurements (Figure 23).
• Note that the 'Solka Floc' cellulose fiber slurries in
.k.: =

(129) aqueous salt solutions used in Figures 22 and 23 were

d8 6¢o meant to simulate the fermentation broths of mycelial fungi
and filamentous bacteria (Chisti, 1989; Chisti and Moo-
Calculations of the kbldB ratio from the measured kLaL and
gas holdup have shown that in bubble columns and airlift 10 I
devices this ratio is constant irrespective of the aeration rate i
. . . . . . . . . . . . .__g- - ~--a . . . . . . + 4.9 %
(Figure 22). The value OfkL/da depends on the properties of 3~ 6 LLO . . . . . . . - o - - r - - ' - - - ~ . . . . . m - ~ - - -4.9%
the fluid. Thus, in slurries of mycelia-like cellulose fiber 4'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .--i~--o- O-- +8.8%
. . . . . . . . . . . . .0. . . . . .0. . . . w -8.8%
particles, kzJdn is affected by the concentration of solids
(Figure 22). For aqueous salt solution (0.15 M sodium 2
chloride) with or without suspended cellulose fiber, the
kzJdB ratio has been expressed as (Chisti, 1989, pp. 251- BUBBLE COLUMN
265) 8
. . . . . . . ._o_ . . . . . . n_.2.__.__,~_-. + 7.2 %
6 -'0- . . . . . . . . . -0 . . . . . ~ ---- . . . . . 7.2 %
--.CI- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -a-O---El--~÷ 14-9 %
kc S g P2L"3-"ff LD L']I-: e -°a3'c} 030)
dn =5"63 X 10- L ,UL J m
. . . . L ____ __ -- ....

.g 14.9 %

~----7----., ~. . . . ~-- + 9.1%

-~ . . . . . . . . . 9J%
where Cs is the concentration of solids (% wt/vol).
Equation (130) applies to airlifts as well as bubble columns. I I I , , rl , , t , i
Chisti's (1989, pp. 251-265) observations of constant t~z/dn 4 6 8 10 20 40 60
ratio in pneumatically agitated reactors have also been UG xlO z ( r n . s -~)

confirmed by Bakker et aL (1995).

Fig 22. The mass transfer coefficient-to--bubble diameter ratio
The observed constancy of kL/dn has been used to versus superficial gas velocity in two pneumatically agitated
devise a method for prediction of ~ZaL in large scale reactors. Fluids: ( • ) 0.15 M sodium chloride solution; slurries of
bioreactors from data easily measured in a small scale 'Solka Floe' (SF) cellulose fiber in 0.15 M sodium chloride
model unit (Chisti, 1989, pp. 251-265). This proven (concentration of SF, wt/vol: ( o ) 1%, ([]) 2% and (/x) 3%.
technique consists of the following steps for airlift reactors: From Chisti and Moo-Young(1987a; 1988d).

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 71


Ad/A r hLOrh~'
( - ) ! (m) ./

_ . /


~t~ + 0.11 ./ u O/ 8- h (m~ / ,.T.~/

~'~" ~ W a t e r 0.25 1.8 / O/
X 0 44 / 7 x - 5.875 .~'~x/ .-"
" • 2%SFin ! 0125 ,I / , 6 v - 3.925 ~'~""
I " • 3.15MNaCI 0.44 1.75 /# O// • //
z~ - 1.50 /" ~/" '-_i/=/ -
. ' Y
ooE!_ ,, o / +
,d" /40,. " " v 4 i • .,LI

:6 ' / / " +."~

0.04" / ~ "/ + 1 5 g ~ i,,~ ~ ;" " [

o </f. . . ;
/- a - ~ s
~,-, 7 " ? i F~- t-)' iA~' - 15g " AIR-WATER
~,,~ , . x o O.ISMN:Clo' 1.5o
002 - .,,I~,/~ ,.ll/ v P,/.EinNaCI 0 5.875 I I I I I I I I I
,1~,~ / o OA3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
I.~'I~ "I • Water 0.35 ' 1.8
,liE,;'" I , I ,1~ , . o.s6 , ( % / v L)xlo -= w=-~.
O005 0,02 0.04 0.06 0'08

kLOL (experimental) (s-l)

Fig 24. Mass transfer coefficient versus specific power input in
bubble columns. No effect of the liquid height (hL) is seen. The
Fig 23. Predicted versus measured overall volumetric gas-liquid solid line follows the equation kcaL = 2.39 x 10.4 (Pc/VL)°86
mass transfer coefficient in bubble colmrms, external-loop and (Chisti, 1989, p. 239; Chisti and Moo-Yotmg, 1987).
internal-loop airlift devices in 'Solka Floe' (SF) cellulose fiber
slurries and solids-free media (Chisti, 1989). The solid line
represents exact prediction. 8.2 Solid-liquid mass transfer
Mass transfer between suspended solid particles and the
Young, 1988d). Such broths are usually pseudoplastic.
suspending fluid may become an important consideration in
Table 1 compares the K- and n-values of cellulose fiber
three-phase bioreactors where the suspended solids (or
slurries with broths of the microfungus Aspergillus niger
liquid droplets) may be a sparingly soluble substrate,
(Chisti, 1989; Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988d). The
particles supporting animal cells, microbial films or
properties of the simulated fluids are quite close to those of
immobilized enzymes. Transport of a soluble nutrient,
the ffungal broths (Table 1). including dissolved oxygen, from tile liquid to the particle
In bubble columns operated with water and similar may be a rate limiting step, or removal of an inhibitory
fluids, the height of liquid does not affect the overall mass metabolite. Solid-liquid mass transfer limitations have
transfer coefficient as shown in Figure 24 (Chisti and Moo- indeed been seen in diverse bioprocesses (Mojovic etaL,
Young, 1987; Chisti, 1989). In aMift reactors, the overall 1994; Park et al., 1994; Schorr-Galindo et al., 1995;
volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient is sensitive Wagner and Hempel, 1988).
to the overall height because the rate of liquid circulation The rate of mass transfer to or from the suspended
and hence the gas holdup are strongly affected by the height particle depends on the solid-liquid mass transfer
(Chisti, 1989). coefficient (Ks), the total solid-liquid interfacial area (as)
and the concentration driving force; thus,

Table 1. The rheological properties of celMose fiber slurries and VL-

--dCL = K,a,(C'-CD, (132)
Aspergillus niger broths (Chisti, 1989).

Solids Contents n K where CL is the concentration of the transferring component

(kg.m3) (-) (Pa.s") in the liquid at time t, and C* is the saturation concentration
of the transferring component. Equation (132) is written for
2 0.55 0.17 transport of a component from the solid to the suspending
5 (20)* 0.33 (0.32) 1.62 (1.46) liquid. As seen from equation (132), a knowledge of the
transfer coefficient Ks is essential to quantifying the rate of
10 (30) 0.2 (0.24) 9.06 (6.13) mass transfer.
The behavior of the solid-liquid mass transfer
The data in parentheses are for the 'Solka Floe' fiber slurries
in aqueous sodium chloride (0.15 M); the rest are for A. niger coefficient as a fimction of the hydrodynamics has been
broths ofReuss et al. (1982). investigated mostly in bubble columns (Deckwer, 1992);
few studies exist in airlift reactors. Irrespective of the

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 73

8. 2.2 Draft-tube internal-loop reactors In another study, Gaspillo and Goto (1991)
Mass transfer measurements in draft-tube sparged internal- characterized the effects of Kenics-type twisted ribbon static
loop airlift reactors have been reported by several mixers (see Figure 36) on solid-liquid mass transfer in
investigators (Gaspillo and Goto, 1991; Goto et aL, 1989; airlift vessels. Mass transfer was enhanced by about 20%
Kushalkar and Pangarkar, 1 9 9 4 ) . Generally, the relative to operation without the mixers. The a- and c-
observations have been similar to those in external-loop values in equation (136) were 0.133 and 1.68, respectively,
devices (Mao et aL, 1992). Thus, in comparison with when mixers were used in draft-tube sparged internal-loop
bubble columns, concentric draft-tube internal-loop airlift reactors. Similar data were reported in an external-loop
reactors have a better mass transfer performance (Goto et device (Goto and Gaspillo, 1992).
aL, 1989) and the concentration of solids up to 7.7% vol
does not affect the Krvalue (Goto et aL, 1989). The mass 8.3 Heat transfer
transfer coefficient has been correlated with the equation • Heat transfer considerations are essential in thermal
(Goto et al., 1989) sterilization of bioreactors, subsequent cooling and
temperature control during fermentation. Metabolic heat
3 4 a
output of most industrial fermentations is 3-5 kW.m3 and
C( E p L d p ) S c 0.33,
(136) heat transfer does not usually become limiting. Higher heat
loads and more difficult heat transfer problems arise in high
biomass density fermentations and those utilizing highly
where a and c were 0.173 and 1.01, respectively. Equation reduced carbon sources such as hydrocarbons and methanol.
(136) was determined using Amberlyst 15 ion exchange Typically, temperature is controlled by heating or cooling
resin (dp= 0.55-0.92 mm) suspended in dilute aqueous through external jackets and internal coils. Less frequently,
sodium hydroxide. No effect of the Ar/A d ratio (varied over additional double walled baffles, draft-tubes or heat
0.1-1.4) was noticed on Ks. Figure 27 compares equation exchangers located inside the fermentation vessel are
(136) with equation (133) that was developed by Mao et al. needed to provide sufficient heat transfer surface area. The
•(1992) for an external-loop reactor. heat exchange system must remove not only the metabolic
Using a different system, 0.5% wt benzoic acid heat of fermentation but also that generated by pneumatic
granules (alp = 0.55-3 mm) in air-water in draft-tube agitation. All pneumatic energy input may be assumed to
sparged internal-loop airlift reactors (A/Ad = 0.17-1.29; dissipate as heat. Usually the pneumatic agitation/aeration
UG = 0.08-0.35 m.s'l), Kushalkar and Pangarkar (1994) heat load is no more than 25°,6 of the total load. For
obtained the equation temperature control, the rate QH of heat removal must
match the heat generation rate. The reactor wall area An
f 3 4 "x 0165
needed to obtain the required heat transfer is calculated
sco4, (137) using
\ ,UL Y

In agreement with Goto et al. (1989), the solid-liquid mass

transfer coefficient was unaffected by the A/Ad ratio. A H - - QH
UnAT' (138)

1 O0
where AT is the mean temperature difference driving force
for heat transfer and UH is the overall transfer coefficient.
MAO ET AL,~ The latter depends on the resistance to heat flow due to the
metal wall, the fouling films on either sides of the wall, the
film of heating/cooling fluid and the film of the
10 fermentation broth in contact with the heat exchange
Estimation of heat transfer resistances of walls,
fouling films and films of heating and cooling fluids is
discussed in readily available handbooks and heat transfer
literature. Estimation of heat transfer resistance, or its
J inverse the heat transfer coefficient ho, for the film of liquid
10 100 1000 or broth in the fermenter is detailed here. For air-water in
E*/SpL d p 4/5 industrial batch bubble columns (diameters > 0.45 m) the
fihn coefficient is known to increase with the superficial gas
Fig 27. Comparisonof the solid-liquid mass transfer velocity as follows (Fair et al., 1962)
performance of external-loop (Mao et al., 1992) and draft-tube
sparged internal-loop airlift reactors (Goto et aL, 1989). ho = 8,850U6--, (139)

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indicating an independence of column diameter. Equation

(139) may be used for water-like media such as some
bacterial fermentation broths or animal cell culture fluids.
A correlation for a greater range of fluids in bubble columns
was developed by Deckwer (1985); it took the form

3 2-~
,PzCpUo-0"l~-~-I kr J ) '
............ ] ..... I < ,o
which also predicts an increase in the film coefficient with
gas velocity raised to 0.25. In equation (140), krand Cp are,
respectively, the thermal conductivity and the specific heat
capacity of the liquid in the reactor. For most fermentation 11~ 13
broths the Cp and kr values are close to those of water.
Literature on heat transfer in airlift reactors is sparse.
I f .........
Equations (139) and (140) may be used for a low estimate in WASTE
airlift vessels when the induced liquid circulation rates are COOLN
low. Under other conditions, the coefficient in airlift
reactors can be more than two-fold greater than in bubble
column (Onken and Weiland, 1983). As pointed out in an
Fig 28. Temperaturecontrol on a fermenter.
earlier review, only two correlations for film heat transfer
coefficient in internal-loop airlift reactors are available 1989). Solids may enhance or reduce heat transfer
(Chisti and Moo-Young, 1987a). Chakravarty et al. (1971) depending on the location (riser or downcomer) of
proposed the equation heating/cooling surface in the reactor (Ouyoung et aL,
-°.' 1989). Useful recommendations on the practical problem of
positioning of heat exchange devices in airlift vessels were
h°=8'71OU~r ~A--d)" ~--kr--) " (141) presented by Ouyoung et aL (1989). Nishikawa et al.
(1977) claimed film heat transfer coefficient to be
Equation (141) was obtained in newtonian fluids (P.L = independent of liquid velocity for UL --< 0.015 m.s'~;
however, for higher liquid velocities ho depended on the
0.78-5.27 mPa.s) in draft-tube sparged airlifts over
velocity as follows
approximate gas velocity and A,IAd ranges, respectively.of
0.008-0.16 m.s-1, and 0.25-1.20. The actual values of ho
varied from 600 to 2400 W.mL°C-1. The second equation ho-~ uLrrl/4 (0.015<UL(m.s-1)_<0.139). (143)
was proposed by Ouyoung et aL (1989) for air-water in
concentric draft-tube internal-loops Heat transfer work done in vertical two-phase flows may be
applicable to airlift reactors provided that the fluid
properties, gas holdup and relative velocities of the two
ho =13,340(l + Ad]-°7U~275. (142) phases are identical in the airlift and the vertical two-phase
ArJ flow device.
Certain fermentations, particularly animal cell
Equation (142) covered a gas velocity (based on the total cultures, can be extremely sensitive to temperature
reactor cross-section) range of 0.01 to 0.04 m.s-~, whereas fluctuations and require good temperature control without
Aa/Ar values of 0.242 and 0.452 were used in its developing hot spots on the heat transfer surfaces.
determination. Equation (142) predicts significantly higher Typically, the temperature is controlled by circulation of
heat transfer coefficients than does correlation (141), thermostated water through the jacket of the fermenter.
possibly because of the higher induced liquid circulation Because the heat exchange system must accommodate the
rates in the reactors used by Ouyoung et al. (19.89). high heat loads encountered during sterilization and
Studies of heat transfer in airlift vessels in suspensions subsequent cooling, tile operational details can be quite
of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chtysogenum claimed complex as shown in Figure 28. Valves 1, 10 and 5 in
that the presence of mycelia enhanced film heat transfer Figure 28 are control valves that modulate the flow of steam
coefficients (Blakebrough et aL, 1983a, b). The data and cooling water; valves 2 and 9 are vacuum breakers that
presented showed ho-values as high as 8 kW.m2.K1 allow the pipework to drain under gravity; valve 3 is a
(Blakebrough et al., 1983a).. A more thorough study pressure relief valve to protect the jacket and the pipework
conducted with cellulose fiber suspensions which simulated against pressurization above the safe acceptable limit; and
mycelial media showed that the dependence of heat transfer all other valves are pneumatically operated devices that are
on solid contents can be very complex (Ouyoung et al., either fully open or fully closed.

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Appl Mech Re~/vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 75

For sterilization the jacket is heated by steam. Valves interfacial concentrations of oxygen and naphthalene-2-
4--6, 8 and 10 are closed and the pump 7 is off. Valve 11 is sulfonate could not be assumed to be the same as in the bulk
opened to drain the jacket. After a short period, valve 11 is liquid. These observations were for particles about 200 gm
closed.and valve 12 is opened. Valve 1 is opened to let in diameter, covered with ~75 gm thick biofilm, suspended
steam into the jacket. The condensate drains through the in the reactor under fairly turbulent conditions (230--440
steam trap 13. The temperature and pressure of the circuit W.m 3 specific power inputs). At solids loadings of 20-30
are monitored at PI1 and TIC1. kg.m"3, only about 15-20% of the particles were covered
Cooling is carried out by closing valves 12 and 1; with biofilm, but high solids loadings were necessary to
valves 8 and 4 are opened. Cooling water enters the circuit control the film thickness at 75±10 gm by providing a high
at valve 4, flows up the jacket and out to the cooling water attrition environment (Wagner and Hempel, 1988).
return line (Figure 28). Naphthalene-2-sulfonate degradation rates up to 36
Temperature control during fermentation is kg.m3.d ~ were achieved (Wagner and Hempel, 1988).
maintained by a closed loop recirculation. Valves 8 and 6 An example where gas-liquid mass transfer was
are opened and the pump 7 is turned on. The water is limiting was encountered by van Houten et al. (1994). In
pumped through the plate heat exchanger (PIIE) where it is reduction of sulfate with biofilms on particles suspended in
indirectly heated by controlled (control valve 10) flow of a draft-tube sparged airlift reactor (aspect ratio = 7; A / A d =
steam. The heated water now passes the temperature 0.6), van Houten et al. (1994) observed that mass transfer of
indicator/controller TIC1 and enters the jacket. The water hydrogen controlled the maximum sulfate conversion rate.
recirculates via valve 8 and pump 7. Cold water is injected Mixtures of l\vdrogen and carbon dioxide were used for
(control valve 5) in the circuit to maintain the temperature. aeration. Hydrogen was the electron donor for the reduction
Any excess water leaves the loop via the relief valve 3. In of sulfate to sulfide, while carbon dioxide was the carbon
some designs, direct steam injection into the circulating source and the pH control agent. Conversion rates of up to
-loop may be used instead of the heat exchanger. In small 30 kg SO42-.m-3.d-~ were obtained (van Houten et al., 1994).
fermenters, the exchanger may be replaced by electric
heating. Notice the flexible connections between the 9.1 The biofilm
fermenter and the temperature control pipework (Figure
28). These connections are necessary for fermenters that In a typical wastewater treatment operation, the thickness of
rest on load cells; the connections allow the fermenter to the aerobic portion of the biofihn tends to be 75-200 p.m
move freely. with oxygen up-take rates of the order of 7-15 g O2.m-Ldq
(van Loosdrecht and Heijnen, 1993). Even when oxygen
limitation is not an issue, diffusion of other substrates limits
9. C O N S I D E R A T I O N S F O R BIOFILM R E A C T O R S the useful thickness to less than 400 ~m in most cases (van
Three-phase airlift reactors are increasingly being used in Loosdrecht and Heijnen, 1993). Hence, wastewater
wastewater treatment. The suspended solid phase (usually treatment with biofilm airlift reactors depends on
sand, glass beads or carbon particles) supports a biofihn of developing thin films with large specific surface areas (van
waste-degrading microorganisms. A high concentration of Loosdrecht and Heijnen, 1993). Carrier surface area in the
active biomass is maintained and the carriers are easily reactor is usually 2000-3000 m2.m"3 (Tijhuis et al., 1994c).
separated from the treated water (Heijnen et al., 1992). Oxidation and nitrification capacities of biofilm airlift
Degradation of phenols and nitrogen--containing aromatics reactors have been rated at 20 kg COD.m3.d ~ and 5
by microbial biofilms supported on sand and activated kg.m3.d "1, respectively (van Loosdrecht and Heijnen, 1993;
carbon particles in an external-loop airlift reactor has been Tijhuis et al., 1994c). Large installations with 300 m 3
reported (Koch et al., 1991). Applications in biological reactors are in operation (Tijhuis et al., 1994c).
reduction of sulfate (van Houten et al., 1994), degradation The development of biofihn on carriers in a
of naphthalene-2-sulfonate (Wagner and Hempel, 1988), concentric-tube (riser) airlift device (2 L; aspect ratio = 20;
dichloromethane (Dunn, 1994) and other substances have A / A d = 4) shown schematically in Figure 7 was investigated
been described (Htippe et al., 1990; Ulonska et al., 1995). by Heijnen et aL (1992). Gas-liquid-solids circulated in
In such systems hydrodynalnics and transport the primary airlift zone. Gas separation took place in the
considerations play an important role. These considerations central part of the head region above the draft-tube, and
include suspension or fluidization of the solids, adequacy of gas-free slurry flowed over the weir into the annulus of the
shear forces to control the biofilm thickness without head zone (Figure 7). The solids sedimented into the
dislodging it altogether, gas-liquid mass transfer and solid- downcomer while solids-free treated water was withdrawn
liquid mass transfer. from the outer edge of the head region (Figure 7). The
In studies of degradation of naphthalene-2-sulfonate carrier loading was 125 kg-m3, and the superficial gas
by P s e u d o m o n a d s immobilized as biofilms on sand particles velocity was constant at 0.038 The hydraulic
suspended in an external-loop airlift bioreactor, Wagner retention time of wastewater was one or two hours. Based
and Hempel (1988) noted that solid-liquid mass transfer at on tests with 21 carriers, carrier diameter and surface
the biofilm-liquid interface had to be considered in roughness were the major factors that influenced biofilm
explaining the experimental degradation rates. Solid-liquid formation (Heijnen et al., 1992). Smaller particles, 0.1-0.3

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mm in diameter, tended to show better biofihn development.

This was said to be due to more frequent collisions among
larger particles causing biofilm detachment (Heijnen et al., :~ 1 2 0
1992); however, with larger particles, a greater severity of o
collisions would have been a better explanation. For equal w 96
mass loadings of solids in two systems, the system with t~
larger particles should have fewer particles per unit volume ~b,1 7 2
and, therefore, a lower frequency of particle-particle <
collisions. Cell disruption experiments in agitated slurries o 48
of glass beads confirm this (Garfido et al., 1994). The 121
explanation for the impact of surface roughness on biofilm N 24
formation lay in the fact that a rough surface provided many
relatively protected, low shear sites where microbial
colonies could take hold in the process of gradually ~_ 0 1 2 ,3 4 5
spreading over the whole surface. Based on the criteria of RETENTION TIME ( h )
surface roughness, particle size, cost and the requirement of
a high density carrier for ease of separation, basalt (ps = Fig 29. Influence of the hydraulic retention time on the relative
2900 kg.m "3) was the best carrier (Heijnen et aL, 1992). amounts of biomass in the earrier-suplx~rted biofilm and in
Evaluation of support matrices for immobilization of suspension (Heijnen et aL, 1992).
Butyribacterium methylotrophicum on particles suspended
in a gas lift device for fermentation of coal derived synthesis carriers were tile roughest. While biofilms develop more
gas has also been reported (Chatterjee et aL, 1996). easily on rough surfaces (Heijnen et aL, 1992), once
Irrespective of carder type, biofilm formation is developed, the fihn is readily damaged by biofihn-free
favored at relatively high dilution rates when any detached rough carriers. Gjaltelna et aL (1995) observed that a
cells are rapidly washed out (Heijnen et aL, 1992; Tijhuis et "change in flow regime from bubbling to slug flow
al., 1994c). This is illustrated in Figure 29 where, for a considerably increased the detachment rate." This change
waste COD loading of 5 kg-m3.d 1, the influence of the apparently occurred at a Ucr-value of ,--0.06 m.s~. The
hydraulic retention time on the relative amounts of biomass "slug flow" regime noted by Gjaltema et al. (1995) was
on the carriers and in the liquid is shown. The data in more likely the highly chaotic churn turbulent regime in
Figure 29 are for basalt carriers at a carrier solids loading of which particle-to-particle collisions are more frequent and
175 kg.m3 and a superficial gas velocity of 0.075 m.s~. severe than in the bubble flow regime. The bottom
Other similar data have been presented (Tijhuis et aL, clearance of the draft-tube had no effect on detachment rate
1994a). Tijhuis et aL (1994c) have shown that during start- (Gjaltema et al., 1995), but only a small range of the Ad/Ab
up at high dilution rates, the concentration of bare carriers ratios was investigated. The volume fraction of carders was
declines as an increasing number are covered with the 3.3-3.8% and other properties were: basalt, dp = 0.32 mm,
biofilm. The total amount of the biomass in the reactor Ps = 3010 kg.m3; sand, dp = 0.31 mm, Ps = 2606 kg.m-3;
increases, but the amount per carrier remains constant until and glass, dp = 0.28 ram, Ps = 2887 kg.m "3 (Gjaltema et aL,
most of the carriers are covered. With few bare carriers 1995). Another similar study focused on the effects of
remaining, the extent of abrasive loss of fihn declines and particle shape, structure and concentration on biofilm
the film thickness begins to increase until a stable thickness detachment (Gjaltema et al., 1997).
is reached (Tijhuis et aL, 1994c). These observations Strategies for development of biofilms with
suggest that varying the reactor operation to suite different nitrifcation activity on carriers suspended in draft-tube
stages of film development may be worthwhile. sparged internal-loop airlift reactors were investigated by
In other similar work, detachment of biomass from Tijhuis et al. (1995a) and van Benthum et al. (1996). The
non-growing biofilms supported on carders suspended in development of the nitrifying flhns was similar to what had
four configurations of draft-tube sparged internal-loop been reported for heterotrophic biofihns (Tijhuis et al.,
airlift reactors was examined (Gjaltema et aL, 1995). The 1994a-c; 1995b); however, the nitrifying films were more
reactor geometries were: A / A d = 0.35-1.14; Ad/Ab = 1.04- robust (Tijhuis eta/., 1995a). This suggests that biofllms
2.82; aspect ratios = 8-18; volume = 0.09-2.1 L, and Uc,. formed by different microorganisms can have markedly
0.03-0.09 m.s-~. The detachment of biomass from biofihn- different physical properties and strength of attachment to
covered carriers in presence of bare solids was dominated by substrate; hence, the operating regime of the reactor and, in
collisions between bare carriers and the covered particles extreme cases, the design peculiarities are likely to be
(Gjaltema et aL, 1995). The concentration of bare solids affected.
and the particle rouglmess strongly influenced the With a cartier loading of 69 kg.m 3, once the nitrifying
detachment rate (Gjaltema et al., 1995). For otherwise biofilm had dally established, the ammonia nitrogen
identical conditions, biofilm detachment due to bare carriers conversion was 5 kg nitrogen.m3.d1 at a hydraulic
increased in the order: glass, sand, basalt. The glass retention time of 1 h in the reactor (Garrido et al., 1997;
particles were the most round and smooth; the basalt Tijhuis et al., 1995a).

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 77

In further studies of the dynamics of biofilm 0.012-0.271 Pa.s) at various gas flow rates. Tile maximum
detachment from carriers suspended in airlift reactors, Reynolds number in the downcomer was about 3200, barely
Tijhuis et aL (1994b; 1995b) noted that the common in the turbulent regime. Pseudoplastic media
assumptions of uniform growth and detachment of biomass (carboxymethyl Cellulose and xanthan gum solutions; K =
over the surface of the film under fixed hydrodynamic 0.078-0.333 Pa.s"; n = 0.404-0.937) were now used in the
conditions were inconsistent with observations. Instead, reactor. Effective viscosity (Nov) of these fluids in the
non-uniform local detachment of biofilm with formation of circulation loop was determined as being equal to the
cracks and fissures on its surface and rapid filling of the viscosity of the newtonian glycerol solutions, when the two
spaces formed with new growing biomass was proposed as a systems were at identical aeration rates and liquid
more realistic picture of film dynamics (Tijhuis et al., circulation rates. The effective viscosity and the known
1994b). values of K and n were used in the power law equation to
calculate the prevailing shear rate:


The magnitude of the fluid mechanical forces, often (145)

expressed as shear stress or shear rate, has important
implications in culture of fragile biocatalysts such as animal
and plant cells. While the effects of hydrodynalnic forces The calculated shear rates were correlated with the
on cells are relatively well known through studies in defined superficial gas velocity in the riser (Shi et al., 1990); thus,
flow geometries (Doran, 1993; Molina Grima et al., 1997;
Papoutsakis, 1991), little information exists on y = 3.26 - 3.51 x 102 Ucr + 1.48 x 10 4 U~r, (146)
quantification of shear fields in bioreactors. Intense shear
fields can disintegrate even the most robust of which applied over the range 0.004 m-s-1 < Uor < 0.06
microorganisms (Chisfi and Moo-Young, 1986). m-s1. Although written in terms of the superficial gas
Hydrodynamic shear stress may also affect production of velocity in the riser, equation (146) may usefully be
extracellular microbial polysaccharides (Dreveton et al., expressed in terms of the specific power input in the reactor
1996; Moo-Young and Chisti, 1988). as recommended elsewhere (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1989).
Shear rate expressions for bubble columns have been Because the procedure employed by Shi et al. (1990)
summarized by Chisti (1989, pp. 74-79), Chisti and Moo- equated the viscosity associated reduction in tile liquid
Young (1989), and Shi et al. (1990). These expression circulation velocity in different fluids, it gave in some sense
generally take the form a shear rate in the vicinity of the interface between the fluid
and the walls of the reactor; shear rate in the bulk flow,
y = o~Uo, (144) which is tile quantity of interest in most cases, was not
quantified. Furthermore, the method of analysis used (Shi
where the constant tx has ranged over 1500-5000 m l . et al., 1990) applies strictly to a laminar flow regime, quite
Often, and quite arbitrarily, similar expressions have been unlike the flow situations encountered in most practical
applied to airlift reactors (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1989). operations.
In bubble columns, the shear rate numbers produced by the Compared to bubble columns, equation (146) yields
various correlations are so vastly different as to be quite low values for shear rates in airlift reactors as noted by
meaningless (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1989). Logically, the Shi et aL (1990). In such comparisons, care needs to be
degree of turbulence in a reactor must depend not only on taken to ensure that the devices are being compared at
the power input (or superficial gas velocity) but also on the identical values of specific power inputs (Chisti and Moo-
momentum transport properties of the fluid. Indeed, it is Young, 1989). Although Shi et al. (1990) did not adhere to
well known that the bubble size in a turbulent field depends this criterion, the specific geometry of tile reactor they used
on the viscosity and the density of the fluid as well as on the was such that the error was small. Unlike what Shi et al.
specific energy input. It is therefore reasonable to assume (1990) concluded, equation (146) is not suitable for
thai correlations that express the shear rate as a function of correlating mass transfer from gas bubbles or suspended
Uo (or Uor) alone are incomplete (Chisti and Moo-Young, solids because it does not give shear rates at gas-liquid or
1989). Furthermore, correlations such as equation (144) particle-liquid interfaces. An alternative, mechanistic
have generally been based on observations of phenomena at approach to quantifying the bulk shear rate in various zones
solid-liquid interfaces (for example, heat transfer from coils of airlift bioreactors has been developed by Molina Gfima et
or jackets), and their extension to phenomena at the gas- al. (1997). Because the hydrodynamic environment in
liquid interface or the bulk fluid is absurd at best. various zones of airlift reactors tends to be quite different,
An attempt at quantifying the effective shear rate in an characterization of shear rate by a single global value is not
external-loop airlift reactor (A,Z4a = 9.2; aspect ratio = 6) sensible. The overall shear rates can be deceptively low
was made by Shi et aL (1990). The effect of viscosity on even though damaging levels may be experienced in the
the induced liquid circulation velocity in the downcomer high-shear zones (Molina Grima et al., 1997). Hence, the
was determined using newtonian glycerol solutions (laL = approach used by Molina Grima et al. (1997) is preferred.

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Spectra of acoustic signals associated with such events A mechanistic analysis (Wenge et al., 1996) shows
as bubble formation at the sparger, bubble disengagement at that the minimum gas holdup ( ~ ) necessary to attain
the surface, and liquid flow over the baffle into the incipient circulation of liquid in these systems is given by
downcomer, have been measured in water, a salt solution
and aqueous glycerol media in a bubble column and split-
cylinder airlift reactor (Glasgow et aL, 1992). Because
several events occur simultaneously in bubbling reactors, (147)
there were substantial ambiguities in assignment of the A,i (1 - Po
noise signals to specific events. The practical significance 6o~ hb 1+ A t \
of the results was unclear even though the intended aim was
to somehow relate the data to damage of fragile cells that
has been reported by others in such reactors. Yet other where hb is tile height of the baffle. Note that in the mode
work (Okada et al., 1993) has examined the structure of of operation considered, the initial ungassed level of liquid
turbulence in water and power law solutions (K = 0.0194 (hL) is always less than the height ofbaffe.
Pa.s°973; 0.0596 Pa.s°958) in an external-loop airlift reactor Until the gas-liquid dispersion level reaches the upper
(A/Ad = 1.0; aspect ratio ~ 20). The reactor achieved edge of the baffle, or draft-tube, the riser behaves purely as
complete gas-liquid separation and there was no gas in tile a bubble column operating without flow through of liquid.
downcomer. Measurements of local root mean square For such columns, the general relationship between
velocity fluctuations as an indicator of turbulence intensity superficial gas velocity (Uo,) and the gas holdup is given by
showed a slight decrease from the center of the riser to the equation (10). Equation (10) and equation (147) can be
wall. These measurements were at a constant gas velocity combined to obtain an equation for the minimum superficial
of 2.05 x 10-2 m.s-1. The magnitudes of the velocity gas velocity (U~,~,) required to establish recirculation of the
fluctuations were similar for all media; however, the liquid; thus,
velocity fluctuations were much lower in the gas-free l/b
downcomer than in the riser despite similar values of
Reynolds numbers in the two zones.
One dimensional energy spectra were measured in the
center of the riser (Okada et al., 1993). Based on these gor,,=l'ahbTi~Ad-~'-~l)[ (148)
spectra, turbulence could not be considered isotropic
particularly in the power law fluids. Other substantial k. k. Ar \ PLJJJ
evidence for the absence of isotropic turbulence in airlift
and bubble column reactors has been documented (Liibbert Equation (148) is applicable to split--cylinder and draft-tube
and Larson, 1-990; Liibbert et al., 1990). internal-loop airlift reactors.
For extensive data in air-water, a- and b-values have
previously been reported (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988b) to
11. UNCONVENTIONAL AIRLIFT REACTORS be 2.47 and 0.97, respectively, for the bubble flow regime
Several unconventional designs of airlift reactors have been (U~r < 0.05 m.s'l). Because in the bubble flow regime the
described. A few of these have gained acceptance in exponent b is close to unity, in this regime plots of the
specific applications while others are less practical. Some minimum superficial gas velocity for incipient liquid
of the novel configurations and operational schemes are circulation (Uc,,) against the dimensionless parameter hc
discussed here. (= (hb - hz)/hb) are expected to be linear. Experimental
observations shown in Figure 30 confirm this expectation
11.1 A new. mode of operation of internal.loop reactors (Wenge et aL, 1996), thus validating equation (148).
Furthermore, the experimentally determined slope of the
In conventional operation of airlift bioreactors tile static
line in Figure 30 is in remarkably good agreement with the
height of the liquid or the slurry exceeds the height of the
theoretically predicted value (Wenge et aL, 1996).
draft-tube or the baffle between the riser and the
downcomer (Figure 2). A different mode of operation with Earlier work in conventionally operated split--cylinder
the initial, static, gas-free liquid or slurry level lower than and draft-tube internal-loop airlift reactors without special
the upper edge of the baffle, or draft-tube, has been gas-liquid separators has established that in these devices
discussed by Wenge et al. (1996). This configuration has the gas holdup values in the riser and the downcomer are
certain advantages in being able to achieve greater linearly related in the general form (Bello, 1981; Chisti,
separation of the gas from the liquid than is possible in the 1989, pp. 184-186, 218; Chisti et aL, 1995)
conventional operation. Moreover, this mode of operation
~Gd = k ~Gr , (149)
can potentially increase the range of operating aspect ratios
and turndown ratios of existing airlift devices, thus partly
overcoming an important limitation of these systems in where tile dimensionless constant k is about 0.8 or 0.9,
comparison with bubble columns and stirred tank depending on the geometric configuration of the reactor
bioreactors. (Section 3.2.1). The behavior in tile mode of operation

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumaticallymixed bioreactors 79

critical riser gas holdup, the downcomer and riser holdups

0.6 could be correlated with the equation (Wenge et al., 1996)

0.5 8or = (0.889 + 2 . 9 7 2 h J e a r - 0.642h~. (150)

Note that for the normal mode of operation (he ~ 0) a value

0.4 of zero should be used for hc in equation (150)irrespective
of the actual value. For zero he, equation (150) reduces to
E 0.3 the same form as equation (149) with a k-value of 0.889
E hc which is consistent with previously reported data (Bello,
0.2 1981; Chisfi, 1989, p. 218). As shown in Figure 31, for
normal mode of operation (that is, when h~ _<0), most of the
data does indeed fall just below the dashed parity line.
The behavior of the operational configuration
I described by Wenge et al. (1996) differed markedly from
0.0 i i t
the norms for internal-loop reactors operated
0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
conventionally. Specifically, (i) circulation of liquid did not
hc(-) develop until the gas flow rate had exceeded some critical
value that increased with increasing dimensionless baffle
Fig 30. The minimum gas velocity for incipient liquid circulation clearance, h4 (ii) the downcomer remained free of gas until
(UG,m) versus the dimensionless height h~. The UG,,,-valueshave a critical gas holdup.had been established in the riser; thus,
been scaled by ×10 to ease presentation (Wenge et aL, 1996). the relationship "~d = k ,~,, that is well known to apply to
the conventional mode of operation, broke down; (iii) while
the gas holdup in the downcomer was strongly affected by
the he-value, the holdup in the riser was only slightly
0.25 affected; and (iv) mixing time, liquid circulation time and
I hL(m)I hi;(-) circulation velocity were sensitive to the he-value (Wenge et
o 11.50 I 0.120 ,/
+11-55 I o.os8 al., 1996).
v l 1-60 I 0.059 In summary, operation with he-values greater than
a 11.65 I 0.029 //
x 11.7o I zero can significantly extend the limits on the minimum
0.15 11.75 I-0.029 usable volume of airlift reactors. However, as shown by
I Wenge et al. (1996), the magnitude of hc affects all the
g major hydrodynamic performance parameters of the reactor.
0.10 Thus, utility of the proposed mode of operation depends on
the process-specific implications of the changes in
operational behavior that accompany changes in the he-

0.00 I I 11.2 Reactors with undulating risers

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
A sequence of papers (Ghosh et al., 1993a, b; 1994a, b;
~cr (-) Ghosh and Bhattacharyya, 1993) have described a small
external-loop airlift reactor in which the riser was made of
Fig 31. Effect of the static liquid height on the relationship a series of convergent and divergent nozzles so that file
between the riser and the downcomergas holdup in split-cylinder riser-to-downcomer cross-sectional area ratio varied
vessels (Wenge et al., 1996). between 0.25 and 1.00. This vessel (aspect ratio : 12, based
on downcomcr; volume = 12 L) was compared with an
identical reactor having a straight tube for the riser (A/Aa =
investigated by Wenge et al. (1996) was quite different. As 0.55). Studies showed that the reactor with variable A / A a
shown in Figure 31, for h, > 0, the downcomer remained ratio produced consistently and significantly higher gas
free of gas until a significant gas holdup had been built-up holdups (Ghosh et aL, 1993b) and gas-liquid mass transfer
in the riser and the level of dispersion had reached the coefficients (Ghosh et at., 1993a) than the reactor with
upper edge of the baffle. Some time after the gas-liquid constant Ar/Ad ratio. Variations in the cross-sectional area
dispersion had spilled over into the downcolner, further of the riser caused variations in the local flow velocities
increase in the riser gas holdup led to a rapid rise in holdup along the riser, generating turbulence that enhanced
in the downcomer (Wenge et aL, 1996). The critical value performance. Although no data were presented, the
of the riser gas holdup at which the sudden increase in the increased hydraulic resistance of the configuration with
downcomer holdup began depended on the value of h, and variable A,/Ad ratio must have slowed down the circulation
increased with increasing h,-value (Figure 31). Beyond the of liquid compared to the reactor with the .straight riser.

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Despite superior oxygen transfer capability of the columns the interracial area depended only on the
modified airlift, during fermentations of baker's yeast, superficial gas velocity as follows (Bando et al., 1992a):
under optimal conditions, this reactor produced only a
16.7% higher biomass yield than the conventional airlift az~ = 1,900U~ 74, (153)
device (Ghosh et al., 1994b). Continuous culture of baker's
yeast in the modified airlift was also described (Ghosh and for the earlier specified geometric ranges. For reactors with
Bhattacharyya, 1993). perforated draft-tubes, the interfacial area was enhanced
relative to bubble columns as follows:
11.3 Reactors with perforated draft-tube
The hydrodynamic and process performance of concentric aL _ 1 = 0.090 - (154)
draft-tube airlift reactors with either perforated draft-tubes OLB
or tubes that were made of wire meshing have been
examined by a number of investigators (Bando et aL, 1992a, when the column diameter was 0.164 m; and
b, 1995; Hsiun and Wu, 1995; Jong e t al., 1995; Roddguez-
Mendiola et al., 1991; Tzeng and Young, 1996; Wu and
Jong, 1994; Wu and Wu, 1990, 1991, 1992; Wu et al.,
1992). Use of a porous draft-tube made'of a geotextile
_ 1 = 0.096 (~O 410"4IY~O
- ¢1-0'6 (155)

material has been reported in one case (Karamanev et al.,

1996). A summary of these studies follows. when the column diameter was 0.300 m (Bando et al.,
1992a). The L/do range for these equaiions was 0.20--0.80,
T h e mixing time and specific gas-liquid interfacial where the characteristic length L¢ was the diameter of the
area in bubble columns and concentric draft-tube internal- draft-tube when the gas was dispersed in the tube, and it
l o o p airlift reactors were characterized by Bando et al. was equal to (do - di)/2 when the gas was dispersed in the
(1992a). Draft-tubes with 3 mm diameter perforations annulus.
covering 37% of the wall area were used. Draft-tube In another study with draft-tube sparged internal-loop
sparged and annulus sparged modes were tested. Mixing reactors (A/Ad = 0.22; aerated aspect ratio = 14.0), Bando
times were determined in the air-water system for 95% et al. (1995) used aqueous non-newtonian solutions of
homogeneity of a salt tracer. Significant movement of gas carboxymethyl cellulose (K = 0.11 Pa.s 1s8 and 0.26 Pa.s °81)
and liquid in either direction through the perforated wall of as well as the air-water system. The effects'of diameter of
the draft-tubes was observed (Bando et al., 1992a). perforations (0-14 mm) and of perforated area fraction (0-
Relative to the bubble column mode of operation, 51%) of draft-tube were examined on mixing time and the
introduction of the draft-tubes decreased mixing times (t~t) gas-liquid volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient. In
as follows (Bando et al., 1992a): general, mixing time was lower with perforated tubes than
with an unperforated one. Variation of mixing time with
perforated area fraction showed a minimum at 37%
tM _ 1--4.8 1 - C 1 -
t~ perforated area. For otherwise fixed conditions, increasing
diameter of perforations decreased mixing time up to a
(151) perforation diaineter of 5 mm. For the most viscous fluid
(K = 0.26 Pa-s°8~) used, the size of perforations or the
where C~ was 1.3 and 2.6, respectively for gas dispersion perforated area fraction had little effect on the mass transfer
into the draft-tube and into annular space. The mixing coefficient. Only with water was any significant
time (tMn) in bubble columns (no draft-tube) was correlated enhancement in the volumetric mass transfer coefficient
with the equation seen with perforated draft-tubes. The mixing results were
explained in terms of the relative amounts of axial flow
through the draft-tube and the radial leakage through the
t~ =0.40do do (152) perforations (Bando et al., 1995). With the most viscous
medium used, apparently the axial flow through the draft-
tube predominated. Limited data were presented; all having
Equations (151) and (152) applied for the geometric ranges: been obtained at a fixed superficial gas velocity (based on
0.164 _<do _<0.300 m; 4.3 _<ho/do _<20; and 0.43 _< d/do _< outer tube) of 0.06 m-s~.
0.79 (for equation (151)). In these equations di is the Liquid phase axial dispersion coefficients in draft-tube
diameter of the draft-tube and do is that of the outer tube. sparged concentric tube airlift reactors (A/Ad = 0.33-1.78;
The calculated mixing times from equations (151) and aspect ratio ~ 9; U~ up to 0.06 ln.s~; porous plate sparger
(152) agreed with the experimental data to within ±25% with 40-50 pore size) with wire mesh draft-tubes (24
(Bando et aL, 1992a). mesh size) were reported by Wu and Jong (1994). The
The specific gas-liquid interfacial areas were oscillatory tracer response pattern that is characteristic of
measured in air-sodium sulfite solution. For the bubble conventional airlift reactors was not seen (Wu and Jong,
1994); instead, the response behavior corresponded to that

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chist!" Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 81

expected in bubble columns, indicating substantial reported also by Wu and Wu (1990). Tile size of the draft-
intermixing between the riser and the downcomer zones tube wire mesh varied in this work (3-24 mesh size). In
through the walls of the draft-tubes. Observations with comparison with a conventional vessel (solid draft-tube),
dyes confirmed this intermixing. Consequently, the axial tile gas holdup was not particularly affected by the mesh
dispersion coefficients were calculated as for bubble size. The mass transfer coefficient in a conventional airlift
columns (Wu and Jong, 1994). No correlations were were significantly lower than in reactors with 'leaky' draft-
proposed, but for A/Ad values up to 0.61, axial dispersion tubes. With perforated tubes, the mass transfer coefficients
coefficients increased asymptotically with increasing were comparable to those obtained in the bubble column
aeration rate, reaching a maximum of about 4.5 x 10-3 mode of operation (Hsiun and Wu, 1995; Wu et al., 1992).
m2.s1 at superficial gas velocities of 0.04 m-s1 or higher The size of the draft-tube wall openings did not have a
(Wu and Jong, 1994). This maximum dispersion coefficient major impact on the mass transfer performance over most of
value was about 2-fold greater than expected in the operating range.
conventional bubble columns at identical gas flow rates. In microbial cultivation, airlift reactors with wire
For A lAd values larger than 0.61, tile dispersion coefficients mesh tubes consistently outperformed bubble columns (Wu
increased with increasing gas flow rate, peaking at a gas and Wu, 1991; 1992). Thus, in fed-batch culture of
velocity of 1.2 x 10.2; tile coefficients declined with Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a wire mesh draft-tube
further increase in aeration rate (Wu and Jong, 1994). In a sparged concentric tube reactor (24 mesh size; A/Ad = 0.3;
different study, Hsiun and Wu (1995) noted that draft-tube aspect ratio = 14), an aeration rate of 1.5 w m was sufficient
sparged internal-loop airlift reactors with wire mesh draft- for a level of productivity that could be obtained in an
tubes (mesh number 24; A/Ad = 0.25-1.09; aspect ratio = equivalent bubble column only at a much higher aeration
12.7-22.2; air=water) were consistently better mixers (had rate of 2.5 vvm (Wu and Wu, 1991). Another similar study
lower specific mixing times) than corresponding bubble described successful fed-batch culture of Bacillus
columns (Hsiun and Wu, 1995), suggesting that the thuringiensis for tile production of the insecticide
directional character of flow due to the draft-tubes aided thuringiensin (Jong et al., 1995). The reactor was shorter
mixing. (aspect ratio -8), but the other geometric details were the
The gas-liquid oxygen transfer .characteristics of same as employed by Wu and Wu (1991) in yeast culture.
reactors used in the mixing work of Wu and Jong (1994) The wire mesh draft-tubes have been claimed to be
were reported by Wu et aL (1992). Unlike most earlier especially useful in fed-batch culture where the level of the
work on mass transfer, the headspace pressure was varied liquid may be below the upper edge of the tube and increase
over 1-2.36 atmospheres. No major effect of the A/Ad ratio as the culture is fed.
was observed on the overall volumetric oxygen transfer In another work, comparing glutamic acid production
coefficient. This was consistent with the earlier by Brevibacterium divaricatum in wire tube airlift and •
observations that the mixing behavior in these reactors bubble column reactors, Wu and Wu (1992) noted that in
resembled that in bubble columns (Wu and Jong, 1994). the airlift mode, increasing aeration rate from 1.5 to 3.5
The leakage of the gas into the downcomer through the vvm increased biomass and glutamic acid productivities,
openings in the 'walls' of the draft-tubes further reduced or respectively, by 1.6- and 1.8-fold for this highly aerobic
eliminated the effects of A/Ad ratio that are expected in fermentation. For identical aeration conditions
conventional airlift devices having solid draft-tubes. fermentation productivities were significantly lower in the
Plots of the oxygen transfer coefficient against bubble column mode of operation. For example, at 3.5 vvm
superficial gas velocity showed an apparent dependence on aeration rate in the two reactors, the biomass and glutamic
the headspace pressure (Wu et al., 1992), which acid productivities of the airlift were 1.3- and 39-fold that
disappeared when the superficialgas velocity was corrected in bubble column. Superior performance of the airlift was
for pressure as recommended by Chisti (1989, pp. 287- associated with consistently higher gas-liquid volumetric
290). An apparent pressure effect on gas holdup had been mass transfer coefficient in the airlift relative to the bubble
reported earlier by Chisti and Moo-Young (1987a) whose column at all air flow rates. The mass transfer coefficients
uncorrected data showed declining gas holdup with were measured by oxygen balancing during fermentations.
increasing pressure (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1987a). The Other evidence for poorer oxygen transfer performance of
apparent decline in the overall oxygen transfer coefficient the bubble column came from measurements of the
that was observed by Wu et al. (1992) was likely related to fermentation byproduct, lactic acid, in the broth. Up to 4-
the previously described apparent influence of pressure on fold higher concentrations of lactic acid were detected in the
gas holdup. Note that the interfacial area for mass transfer bubble column compared to the airlift. Insufficient oxygen
is dependent on holdup. In defiance of their own evidence, is known to alter the metabolic pathway causing higher
Wu et al. (1992) concluded that pressure had a significant production of lactic acid.
effect on the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient.
The overall gas holdup and the volumetric gas-liquid 11.4 Cascaded airlift reactor
oxygen transfer coefficient in draft-tube sparged concentric A cascade of three internal-loop airlift reactors combined
tube airlift vessels (A/Ad = 0.3; aspect ratio = 14; Uc = 0- into a single unit, as shown in Figure 32a, has been
0.05; porous plate sparger, 40-50 pJn pore size) were employed by Bakker et al. (1994) for hydrolysis of sucrose

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Ii l i"-I---eAFFLES
1 ~ 1 1 1 I" (b)

Fig 32. A cascade of three draft-tube internal-loop reactors combined into a single unit(a; Bakker et al., 1994); and (b) the split-
channel version of the cascade.

to glucose and fructose using immobilized invertase. Tile device. Thus, Bakker et aL (1993) noted that the behavior
sucrose solution entered the downcomer of the central airlift of individual compartments was generally consistent with
unit, moved into the riser and overflowed into the well known observations for internal-loop reactors (Chisti,
downcomer of the second unit and on to the outermost 1989). For example, i n air-water, the riser and the
reaction unit. The three units operated at successively lower downcomer gas holdups were linearly related with the latter
dispersion levels. The reactor as a whole behaved as a being about 90% of the former (Bakker et al., 1993).
series of three stirred tanks (Bakker et al., 1994). This Apparently, the equation KB = 11.4 (Ad/Zb) 0"79 (Chisti, 1989,
behavior occurred probably because of the relatively small pp. 206-219; Chisti et aL, 1988) did not apply to the
aspect ratio of the device. Stainless steel sieve plates at the reactors tested by Bakker et al. (1993), possibly because the
outlets of each airlift section retained the catalyst beads in Aa/Ab values for most of the units tested were barely within
various compartments. A possible advantage of the tile recommended range of applicability of the equation
proposed reactor over multiple separate units is tile (Chisti et al., 1988).
elimination of interconnecting pipework and pumps Oxygen transfer measurements in the middle airlift
(Bakker et aL, 1994). In addition, a series of different zone of a cascaded airlift device of the type shown in Figure
reactions, aerobic or anaerobic, may be carried out within 32a were detailed by Bakker et al. (1995). The vessel was
one vessel in the proposed configuration (Bakker et al., 0.034 m 3 and A j A , values were 0.31, 0.43 and 0.91; the
1994). These advantages notwithstanding, the reactor static liquid height was 2.26 m. For comparison, a
configuration is quite restrictive. A potential case for rectangular channel internal-loop airlift reactor (length=
successful application may be in biological wastewater 0.8 m, width = 0.1 m, height = 1.5 m, volume = 0.115 m 3,
treatment, especially if the configuration is modified to a static liquid level = 0.85-1.34 m, A j A r = 0.98 or 0.42) was
'split-channel' design shown in Figure 32b. Separate, also evaluated. Data were obtained in aqueous potassium
multiple, airlift vessels, arranged in cascades, are more chloride (0.02 kmol.m3, ~L = 1 x 10"3 Pa.s, aL = 73 x 10-3
flexible and have indeed been used in commercial practice N.m~). In the cascaded device, the kLaL was always lower
(Steiner, 1987). than in a comparable bubble column, but apparently the
Hydrodynamics, hydraulics and transport behavior of comparison was not based on identical Specific power
the airlift cascade reactors, as in Figure 32a, may be inputs: the superficial gas velocity in the airlift was based
analyzed by treating each compartment as a separate airlift on the cross sectional area of the riser whereas that in the

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 83

bubble column was based on the total cross sectional area.

Thus, the airlift kLaL was artificially lowered. In the airlift,
the kLaL decreased with increasing Ad/Ar ratio. The same
effect was noted in the rectangular channel configuration
(Bakker et aL, 1995). In the latter, variations in the
working aspect ratio over the range 8.5-13.4 did not affect
the kzaz values. For any given reactor configuration, a
constant value of the kz/dn ratio applied as originally noted
by Chisti (1989, pp. 251-261). For the rectangular channel
airlift vessel, the kz/d8 was 0.071 s4 which was comparable
to a value of 0.06 s4 reported by Chisti (1989, p. 254). The
cascaded airlift system had unusually low kz,/dB ratios at 0 o
0 0
0.026 ± 0.004 s4 (Bakker et aL, 1995). 0

11.5 Inverse fluidized airlift reactor RISER - - °°

Gamier et al. (1990) described a mode of operation that O° 0

combined inverse fluidization with an airlift configuration.

Solid particles that were less dense than the liquid were o
0 0
carried into the d0wncomer and held there by the downward 0
.o Oo
flowing liquid against the buoyancy force. This O0
configuration was said to have the advantage of retaining A
particles in the low-shear, gas-free, downcomer zone AIR
(Gamier et a1.,1990) while offering lower pressure drops (uGr)
than packed beds. Shear sensitive biofilms could potentially PACKED
developed on the particles, particularly for wastewater BED IN
treatment. As the fihn thickness increased, the panicle DOWNCOMER
would become denser and eventually would be carried
through to the relatively turbulent riser where some of the Fig 33. Airlift-packedbed hybrid reactor (Chisti and Moo-
biomass may be sheared off. The particle would then return Young, 1993b).
to the downcomer. This mechanism could effectively
control the thickness of the biofihn. However, because the have been applied at 0.1-100 L scales for the production of
particles would be less densely packed than in packed beds, foot-and-mouth disease vaccine (Whiteside a n d Spier,
and would be confined largely to the downcomer, the useful 1981) using cells supported on 3 x 10-3 m diameter glass
surface area available for the biofihn would be small--much beads. A superficial liquid velocity o f - 3 x 10-3 m.s"1
smaller than in the biofilm suspension airlift bioreactors through the packing has been reported (Whiteside and
described by van Loosdrecht and Heijnen (1993). The Spier, 1981). Similar reactors have been used to grow
hydrodynamic performance of such 'inverse fluidization' hybridomas for the production of monoclonal antibodies
airlift bioreactors was investigated by Garnier et al. (1990) (Murdin et al., 1987) and murine bone marrow cells
with low density polystyrene particles (ps = 60-400 kg.m3; (Highfill et al., 1996). These examples demonstrate that
d v ~ 150-200 gm). The maximum acceptable liquid the airlift-packed bed combination is a practical idea, not
velocities in the downcomers of such reactors would be just a curiosity. The riser of the hybrid reactor offers a
severely restricted to prevent particle washout, unless larger better mixed zone than the packed section; the pH,
particles were used. temperature and the dissolved oxygen levels of the
recirculating fluid can be easily controlled in the riser.
11.6 Airlift-packed bed hybrid reactors Hence the hybrid design overcomes some of the
shortcomings of packed bed bioreactors. Despite these
Airlift reactors containing packed beds of biocatalysts in the
enhancements, the use of packed bed airlifts is unlikely to
downcomer are potentially useful in immobilized enzyme
be feasible for microbial cultivation (except perhaps for
and cell culture applications. Such a reactor is shown in
non-growing immobilized cells) because of possible
Figure 33. The success of this type of design depends on
difficulties with clogging of the bed by biomass;
the ability-of the airlift drive to move the liquid through the
immobilized animal cells and immobilized enzymes are
packing at the required rate. The rate depends on the
expected to be the main users of airlift-packed bed
oxygen requirements of the packed bed and on the need to
bioreactor technology. Although fluidized bed bioreactors
attain particular levels of solid-liquid mass transfer in the
may be employed for reactions involving solid biocatalysts,
packing. Anchorage dependent animal cells have been
packed systems can attain higher solid-liquid mass transfer
grown on the surface of microbeads in beds irrigated by
rates (at lower energy inputs) because of the higher relative
airlift driven culture fluid (Chiou et al., 1991; Spier and
velocities between the liquid and solid phases in these
Whiteside, 1976; Whiteside and Spier, 1981). Such devices
systems (Mao et al., 1992). In addition, the kinetics of

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particular reactions may have a plug flow requirement dissipation due to the bed of solids; EBm is tile energy loss
which is easily met in packed beds. Hence an evaluation of due to fluid turn around at the bottom (top) of the reactor;
the liquid circulation phenomenon in the airlift-packed bed and EF is the energy loss due to friction in the riser and the
combination is necessary. Hydrodynamic and mass transfer downcomer. Equation (156) disregards the kinetic energy
models for airlift-packed bed reactors have been reported input associated with sparging of the gas because this input
(Chisti and Moo-Young, 1993b; 1994a; Kumar and Shuler, is usually negligible for well designed spargers (Chisti,
1995; Murakami et al., 1991). 1989, pp. 287-292). Further, to ensure stable operation,
The model presented by Murakami et aL (1991) was airlift-packed bed reactors must be designed for complete
developed for a draft-tube internal-loop airlift reactor in gas-liquid separation in the head region; hence, energy
which the annulus was packed with a bed of fibers for losses due to stagnant gas in the downcomer would not
supporting anchorage-dependent animal cells. A occur and are not considered in equation (156).
complimentary article (Chiou et aL, 1991) detailed culture Because viscous fluids and non-newtonian media
of cells in that device. The complicated model required a containing solids are not suitable for use in packed bed
knowledge of the two-phase frictional losses, the variable airlifts, only newtonian low-viscosity (water-like) flows
drift-flux distribution parameter and bubble rise velocities. need be considered. Under these conditions, the wall
Complete disengagement of tile gas was assumed even friction associated energy losses can be neglected (Chisti et
though at the high gas flow rates that would be needed in al., 1988) in comparison with other terms in equation (156);
realistically sized reactors, complete gas disengagement thus EF will be ignored. The energy dissipation due to the
cannot occur in the type of device employed by Murakami et wakes behind the bubbles in the riser (En) can be obtained
al. (1991). In the small reactor (4 L; aspect ratio about 1.3), (Chisti et al., 1988) by an energy balance on the riser as the
the diameter of the draft-tube (riser) was varied over 0.8-
control volume. En is given by
5.6 cm (Murakami et al., 1991). Maximal values of liquid
circulation velocity were observed in an unusual range of (157)
ER = E~ - p L g h D U L ~ Ar~o~.
the A/Ad ratio (0.006-0.03). Maldistribution of liquid must
have inevitably occurred in the low-aspect ratio packed bed
with such small values of the A/Ad ratio. The energy loss in the top and tile bottom sections of the
The behavior of insect cells immobilized on support airlift is given as (Chisti, 1989, pp. 203-206):
material held in the downcomer of a hypothetical split-
cylinder airlift bioreactor has also been modeled (Kumar 1
and Shuler, 1995). Although the model agreed with some Ee + Er = ~ P L ArU3r
published data (Kumar and Shuler, 1995), it was not
rigorous, and essential aspects of hydrodynamics and gas-
liquid mass transfer were ignored. More robust x --- 2 ~KB
hydrodynamic and oxygen transfer models are available 0-, 3 (1-
(Chisti and Moo-Young, 1993b, 1994c). Such thorough (158)
models can be dependably used for scale-up as discussed in
the following sections. where KT and KB are the friction loss coefficients for the top
and the bottom connection sections between the riser and
11.6.1 Liquid circulation the downcomer. Because the downcomer is assumed to be
As in any airlift system, the difference in gas holdup free of gas, ~d = 0, and equation (158) simplifies to
between the riser and the downcomer causes the circulation
of liquid through the packed bed. To ensure that the gas
bubbles do not build up in the packing to the detriment of EBq-ET=~pLArU3Lr 12~-r) +KB •
liquid circulation, the reactor should be designed such that
all gas bubbles escape the liquid prior to it recirculating (159)
(Section 5). This gas-liquid separation has been discussed
and comprehensive design guidelines for ensuring complete By analogy with pipe flow, tile energy dissipation rate
disengagement have been published (Chisti and Moo- in the packed bed (Ep) can be written as
Young, 1993a).
Prediction of liquid circulation velocity is based on an E e = ULd Ad AP, (160)
energy balance over the airlift loop: rate of energy input into
the reactor equals the rate of energy dissipation, or
where AP is the pressure drop through the bed, and UZd is
the superficial liquid velocity in the downcomer. Because
E~ = ER + E v + EB + E r + EF, (156) the continuity relationship for incompressible flow governs
the flow between the riser and the downcomer, we have
where E~ is the energy input due to isothermal gas
expansion in tile riser; ER is the energy dissipation due to
ULr Ar = ULd Ad, (161)
wakes behind bubbles in the riser; Ev is the energy

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 85

which can be substituted into equation (160) to obtain Ep in flow (Coulson and Richardson, 1978). In terms of UL,,the
terms of UL~: equation is

PL U~S(1- q~)Lp
Ep = ULr A~ AP. (162) AP--
Substitution of equations (157), (159) and (162) into
equation (156) leads to x (5 Re -l + 0.4 Re -°1

Ei = E~ - PL ghn ULrA~ cot where qb is the void fraction of the bed, Lp is the depth of
mr 2
packing, and S (= 6/dp) is the surface area per unit volume
1 3 of the particles. The definition of the Reynolds number (Re)
_~PL A~ULr(.(1 Kr 2 (163)
+ _77 J employed by Coulson and Richardson (1978) in equation
(166) can be adapted for the airlift:
+ ULrArAP,
or ULrPL ( A ~
Re - sC17~-pL . (167)
U~r( KT Substitution of equation (166) into equation (164) gives an
o = --gho r + . 2. .I.(1--
expression which can be solved for the liquid velocity, ULr.
+ -AP
- Rashig rings. Equation (166) gives consistently low results
(Coulson and Richardson, 1978) for hollow packing. Flow
PL through such packing is better described (Coulson and
Richardson, 1978) by the semi-empirical Ergun equation
Equation (164) is the basis of the method for prediction of
written below in terms of ULr
the liquid circulation rate (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1993b).
The parameters KB and Kr (equation 164) may be calculated
as detailed in Section 4.1 for reactors without packed beds.
Equation (164) requires a knowledge of the riser gas holdup
(~r) which depends on the superficial gas velocity (UGr) ( 1 )2 d~ +175(1-q~)pLULr(A~
q~3 dp2
and the liquid flow (ULr), according to the well known
Ellis's equation cited by Hills (1976) and given below in a
rearranged form: ×(A,/A,)Lp

°~Gr 0.24+ 1.7(ULr+ UGh)°7" (165)

Equation (165) applies to air-water system when (UL,. + Following the approach of Coulson and Richardson (1978),
UGr) < 1.3 m.s-~. The calculation of pressure drop through the particle diameter (dp) in equation (168) can be replaced
the packing (AP) for use in equation (164) is explained in with 6/S, and upon rearrangement we obtain
the following sections.
11.6.2 Pressuredrop through the packed bed
Two modes of catalyst deployment are potentially
significant in immobilized biocatalysis: (a) beds composed
of spherical catalyst particles such as those used in
anchorage dependent cell culture (Spier and Whiteside,
1976; Whiteside and Spier, 1981) or enzyme colmnns
(Chaplin and Bucke, 1990); and (b) beds of more open
structure as produced by ring packing such as Rashig rings.
These cases are treated separately below.
Sphericalparticles. Pressure drop through beds of uniform
particles can be satisfactorily correlated by the Carman- Substitution of equation (169) into equation (164) leads
Kozeny equation applicable to laminar as well as turbulent once again to an expression which may be solved for ULr.

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11.6.3 Calculation of the superficial liquid velocity Oxygen flow into bed - oxygen flow out of bed -
For calculation of liquid circulation velocity in a reactor of oxygen consumption in tile bed = 0, or
specified geometry (that is, At, Ad, hL, S, Lp, and ¢), fluid (170)
(that is, PL and ~z), and riser gas flow (U~,.), the following
Q G - Q c~,~, - q = 0,
procedure is used:
where Q is the volume flow rate through the downcomer
1. A value for ULr (0--1 m.s "~) is assumed.
containing the packed bed, Ci is the oxygen concentration in
2. The riser gas holdup (~r) is calculated using tile
the fluid flowing into tile bed, Ccr, is the cntical oxygen
assumed ULr (step 1), and known Uc,., in equation
concentration for animal cells, and q is the total oxygen
(165). consumption in the bed. For animal cells, as for microbial
3. The pressure drop through the packed section (AP) is cells, oxygen consumption is zero order in oxygen
calculated using either equation (166) or equation concentration for concentrations greater than or equal to the
• (169), depending on the type of packing (spheres or critical oxygen concentration, C~rit (Miller et al., 1987).
Rashig rings). Thus, oxygen consumption is independent of axial location
4. The height of gas-liquid dispersion (hD) is now in the bed. The total oxygen consumption, q, can be
estimated (Chisti, 1989, p. 298): hD = hL/(1 - ~,.). calculated with the equation
5. The geometry dependent parameters Kr and KB are
calculated as explained in Section 4.1.
6. The right hand side of equation (164) is solved using
q = Nt Ro, (171)
the parameters determined in steps 1-5. If the RHS =
where Nt is tile number of cells in tile bed and Ro is the
0, tile initially assumed Umr (step 1) constitutes a
oxygen consumption rate per cell. Assuming,
solution. For RHS ¢ 0, steps 1-6 must be repeated
conservatively, that a monolayer of cells develops on the
with a new assumption for Uzr. The ,~r and hD
entire surface area of the packing, we have
corresponding to a solution are the predicted riser gas
holdup and the gas-liquid dispersion height,
S u r f a c e a r e a o f the p a c k i n g
respectively. N, = , (172)
Illustrative calculations (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1993b, P r o j e c t e d a r e a o f cell
1994a) show that induced circulator 3, flow in airlift-packed
bed bioreactors can be sufficiently high for anchorage- or
dependent animal cell culture and immobilized enzyme
catalysis. The selection of type, size and depth of Ihe 4S AjZ~(1-C~)
packing is based on the required range of liquid flow, the N, = nd~ ' (173)
acceptable riser gas velocity, and the desired surface area
for supporting the catalyst. The liquid flow requirements
where do. is the diameter •of tile cells.
are determined by the axial depletion of oxygen in tile
Substitution of equations (171) and (173) in equation
packed zone and solid-liquid mass transport considerations.
(170), followed by rearrangement leads to
The approaches described can be easily adapted for
use in airlift reactors having static mixers (Chisti et al.,
1990) or other internals (for example, heat exchangers). Q(C,-C~,~t)zd2c
The ability to predict the rate of circulation is a prerequisite Zc= 4 S R o A d ( 1 - q ~ ) " (174)
to predicting the solid-liquid mass transfer and heat
transfer coefficients within the bed. These transport Because the flow rate of liquid, its superficial velocity and
properties have been thoroughly studied in packed beds as the cross-sectional area of tile downcomer are related,
evidenced by major reviews (Lemcoff et al., 1990; Zenz and
Othmer, 1960). Once the airlift driven liquid circulation
velocity through the packing has been quantified, the Q = ULd Aa, (175)
transport rates in the bed can be calculated with existing
correlations (Lemcoff et al., 1990; Mao et al., 1992; Zenz equation (174) is modified to
and Othmer, 1960).

11.6. 4 Depth of packing to prevent oxygen starvation ULd(C,-Cc,~t)~d2c

As the cell free culture fluid, initially saturated with oxygen, Zc= 4SRo(1-¢) (176)
percolates through the packed bed, oxygen is depleted
axially down file bed due to consulnptionby the
Equation (176) expresses the critical depth of packing in
immobilized cells. The depth of packing up to which there
terms of the superficial velocily of liquid in the downcomer
is no oxygen starvation of cells, the critical depth (Z¢), can
(Uzd) and the specific oxygen consumption rate of the cells
be calculated by an oxygen balance on the bed. Thus,

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Appl Mech Rev vo151, no 1,.January 1998 ' Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 87

For a large scale (1.5 m 3, A/Ad =1, air-water) airlift-

packed bed reactor containing a 4 m deep bed.of 3 x 10.3 m
spherical particles, the superficial liquid velocity in the • @
downcomer (U~) was calculated using the procedure
described by Chisti and Moo-Young (1993b). For a

superficial riser gas velocity range of 0-0.12 m @ , the
calculated superficial liquid velocity varied over 0--0.014
m.s "1. These velocities were used in equation (176) to
calculate the critical depth (Z¢) of packing. Figure 34 shows
a plot of critical depth against liquid flow velocity for tllree
different oxygen consumption rates in the range 0.05-0.5
mmol O2/(cell.h). This is the range of specific oxygen
consumption rates for most cultured mammalian cells as
noted by Fleishaker and Sinskey (1981). In addition, the
2 4 6 8 10
12 14
calculated critical depths are shown in Figure 34 for the ULd x 10 3 ( m s -1)
commonly used anchorage dependent CHO cells for which I l I l I I I I
Gfiffiths (1992) reported an specific oxygen consumption 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
rate of 1.5 x 10~° mmol O2/(cell.h). For calculation of Z¢ Uor x 10 2 ( m s -1)
using equation (176), the diameter of cells was assumed to
be 20 x 10-6 m which is typical for lymphocytes and many • Fig 34. Critical depth of packing (Zc) versus superficial liquid
other animal cells (Butler, 1987). The inlet oxygen velocity in the downcomer for various specific oxygen
concentration, C~, in the bed was assumed to be the air consumption rates 0mnol O2/(cell:h)): 03 5.0 × 10n; ® 1.5 ×
saturation value for aqueous media at 203.13 mmol.m 3 (6.5 10"l°; ® 2.5 × 10=°; ® 5.0 × 101°. The superficial air velocities
required to generate a given level of liquid flow in the
ppm). Considering the low flow rates and, consequently,
downcomer are also shown (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1994a).
long residence times of the liquid in the air-sparged riser,
the liquid entering the downcomer will indeed be oxygen
saturated as can be shown using the methods described by packing density in the beds, the hybrid reactor can
Chisti (1989). The critical oxygen concentrations for potentially sustain more than twice as many cells as would
animal cells are quite low, and a typical value of 0.5% of air be possible to support in a stirred tank microcarrier culture
saturation determined by Miller et al. (1987) was used in system of equal volume. In addition, the retention of the
this analysis. packing in the reactor can ease cell removal by
As shown in Figure 34, when, for a given liquid flow trypsinization; the packing can be cleaned and sterilized in-
place, and reused. During start-up, slow, percolating flow
(Uzd ~ 0.014 m.s -~) and oxygen consumption rate (Ro), the
tllrough the bed may be used to favor attachment of cells to
calculated critical depth (Z¢) is greater tlmn or equal to the
the carriers as has been shown in small scale experiments.
actual depth of 4 m, the airlift-packed bed combination can
Other significant advantages of airlift-packed bed devices
be successfully used for culturing the cells. Furthermore,
are an absence of contact between cells and air bubbles
even for cells for which the oxygen demand is at the upper
during most of the operation, and elimination of collisions
limit of 0.5 x 10.9 mmol/(cell.h), sufficiently high rates of
among carriers or between carriers and the impeller.
flow of liquid can be generated to maintain a viable cell
population throughout the packing. The aeration rates
required (Figure 34) to maintain circulation of the medium
11.7 Liquid--iml}elled reactors
are not expected to cause foaming in the increasingly A 'liquid-impelled' loop reactor based on the principle of
common protein-free media. When serum containing airlift bioreactor has been described by van Sonsb~k et al.
media are employed, any foam formation may be controlled (1990a, b; 1992). Instead of a gas and a liquid, two
using chemical antifoam additives or mechanical foam immiscible liquids are used. The continuous phase is
breakers as recently described for industrial cell culture contained in a vessel witll a riser-downcomer loop
reactors (Chisti, 1993). High rate ~aeration of bicarbonate configuration. Droplets of a dispersed phase are injected
buffered media can lead to unwanted pH changes; however, into one arm of tile loop. The dispersed phase containing
this problem is easily overcome by CO2-supplementation of ann may behave as a riser when the dispersed phase is
the aeration gas typically at 5% vol level (Chisti, 1993). • lighter than the continuous phase. Alternatively, when the
dispersed phase is heavier, the dispersed phase containing
11.6. 5 Productivity of the airlift-packed bed arm becomes the downcomer. Figure 35 illustrates these
In addition to oxygen supply, another important alternatives. The difference in the bulk density of the fluid
consideration in establishing the merit of the airlift-packed in the two arms drives the circulation of the continuous
bed combination relative to tile conventional stirred tank phase. The kinetic energy input at the point of injection of
system is the final cell concentration attainable in these the dispersed phase can make a significant contribution to
devices. A comparison of these systems has been reported circulation. A model for liquid circulation in such reactors
(Chisti and Moo-Young, 1994a). Because of the high has been presented by van Sonsbeek et al. (1990a, b), but

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IIIIIII. . . .
o o oo
~o o o o Oo° o°O o
o oo0oo to o DO ool

O o o
o 0°1

'~° 0 ° ° °
o° t:oOo
i ° °o;i.!
;°r OoOl
o~o C DOWNCOMERS ;° ro~, ol PHASE
3 o o Do o 0 o ol
Do O O o c o ° Ual
o o ot ,o ° o o ~
°ou2 ° I O C ^ u cI

°°2 *~ )o° o-oOel

Illllll '.*.~ ....................


Fig 35. Liquid-impelled loop reactor configurations: (a) dispersed phase lighter than the continuous phase; (b) heavier dispersed phase
(based on van Sonsbeek et al., 1990a).

the model disregards tile contribution of kinetic energy.

The liquid-impelled loop reactors may have some limited
applications especially in liquid-liquid extraction

11.8 Reactors with static mixers

Static mixers installed in bubble columns and risers of
airlift reactors may usefully be employed in enhancing gas
holdup, gas-liquid mass transfer and solid-liquid mass
transfer (Chisti et al., 1990; Gaspillo and Goto, 1991;
Kawasaki et aL, 1994; Kawase, 1994; Potucek, 1990;
Stejskai and Potucek, 1985; Yamashita, 1993; Zhao et aL,
1994). In bubble columns the mass transfer is enhanced at
the expense of axial mixing of liquid. In airlift reactors, the
mixers slow down the circulation of liquid because of the
increased resistance to flow in the circulation path. Mixing
elements break up large gas bubbles into smaller ones, tile
gas-liquid interfacial area increases and, hence, the mass
transfer coefficient (kzaL) increases relative to mixer-free
operation (Clfisti et aL, 1990).
Potucek (1990) reported gas-liquid interfacial areas in
an aqueous sulfite oxidation system in a draft-tube sparged
concentric tube airlift vessel (A,Z4d = 0.1) with and without
Kenics static mixers (Figure 36) in the draft-tube. Over a
superficial gas velocity range of 0.01-0.06 m-s"1 (based on
outer tube), gas holdup and interracial area were enhanced
somewhat by the mixers. Following equations were
obtained for specific interfacial area (Potucek, 1990):
Fig 36. Six elements of twisted ribbon Kenics type static mixers
ao = 4.17 × 1 0 3 U ~ 1 (no mixers), (177) inside a tube. The flow undergoes alternate clockwise and
anticlockwise rotation as it moves up the tube.
Equations (177) and (178) may be used to calculate the
aD = 8.33 × 103U~ z ( w i t h mixers). (178) relative effect of Kenics-type mixers in aqueous salt
solutions, but they are unlikely to apply to fermentation

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Appl Mech Rev vo151, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 89

broths. The Kenics mixers are useful for liquid mixing, but
poor at dispersing bubbles. Thus, in work reported by 0.15 kmol.m -3 NaCI
30 /"
Gaspillo and Goto (1991), the twisted ribbon mixers did
enhance gas-liquid mass transfer performance, but not as , WtTHOUTSTATIC MIXER 7
much as observed by Chisti et al. (1990) with mixers 20
designed for redispersing bubbles.
The effect of static mixers on gas holdup and kLaL is
most pronounced in viscous fluids which give rise to large I/)

spherical cap bubbles (Chisti et al., 1990); less dramatic,

but still large improvements are observed with water-like

media. Generally, for a given fluid, the mass transfer
coefficient and the gas velocity in the riser of a given airlift x 7
reactor may be correlated in the form 6
.~ 5
kLaL = ctU~r. (179)

For a given fluid, the exponent 13 in equation (179) is not I I I I I I I

affected by the presence of static mixers in the reactor; 3
2 3 4 5 6 7 8910
however, the mixers significantly enhance the value of ot
(Chisti et al., 1990). The improvement in ot depends UGr x 10 2 ( m . s - 1 )
mainly on the consistency index (K) or the 'thickness' of the
fluid: generally, the thicker the fluid, the greater the effect
Fig 37. Effect of static mixers on gas-liquid volumetric mass
of static mixers (Chisti et al., 1990). The approximate
transfer coefficient in aqueous salt solution in an external-loop
relationship among ~, ~XM(the ~-value in presence of static airlift reactor (Chisti et al., 1990).
mixers) and K has been established to be (Chisti et al.,

a M = 4.43K0.12. (180)

Equation (180) was determined for approximately 104-fold

variation in K. Tile flow behavior index n (varied between 10 m

9 m

0.5 and 1.0) had no direct impact on enhancement of kzaz ~'~ 8

or gas holdup by the mixers (Chisti et al., 1990). 7 7
Depending on the fluid, the static mixers were found to ~ 6 m

enhance kLaz by 30-500% relative to mixer-free operation o 5

(Chisti et aL, 1990). The constants in equation (180) are 4
expected to depend on the type of static mixer used. Figures .-,,J
37 and 38 illustrate the enhancement of kLaz by static
mixers in an aqueous salt solution and a non-newtonian
0.6~ wt/vol. (9/100 rnL) C M C /
pseudoplastic medium, respectively, in an external-loop _ IN 0.15 kmol.m -3 NoCI /
airlift reactor. /
In general, fewest possible mixing elements consistent • WITHOUT STATIC M I X E R /
with the mass transfer needs should be used so that loss of
liquid circulation is minimized. The optimal interval I I K I IIII
between elements depends on the type of fluid. The more 2 ,33 4 5 6789
coalescing the fluid, the .closer must the mixers be
positioned for maximum performance. There is an upper UGr x 102 ( m . s - 1 )
limit to the viscosity that may be used in airlift reactors with
static mixers (Chisti et al., 1990). In excessively viscous Fig 38. Effect of static mixers on gas-liquid volumetric mass
media, just a few mixing elements can Slow down the liquid transfer coefficient in a pseudoplastic carboxymethyl cellulose
so much so that the reactor stagnates. A suitable motionless (CMC) solution (K = 9.55 Pa.s°5) in an external-loop airlift
mixing element, the Sulzer SMV-12, which, limits pressure reactor (Chisti et al., 1990).
drop because of its open structure, is shown in Figure 39.
The element shown can be used in fluids containing a types of internals such a s perforated plates or baffles
certain amount of suspended solids. The location of such (Kawasaki et al., 1994; Kawase, 1994; Yamashita, 1993;
mixers in an external-loop reactor is illustrated in Figure Zhao et al., 1994) offer higher pressure drops, are
40. Adjacent elements are installed 90 ° out of phase. Other susceptible to blockages, and present difficult cleaning

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Fig 39. The Sulzer SMV-12 static mixer elements (Chisti et al., 1990).

enhance the gas-liquid volumetric oxygen transfer

-V !:V coefficient and gas holdup especially in non-newtonian

pseudoplastic media (Chisti et al., 1990), The impact of
static mixers on hydrodynamics was further characterized
by R~ffer et aL (1995). Mostly local values of variables
such as gas holdup were reported (ROffer et al., 1995) and
the data had little direct relevance for reactor design. The
performance of the reactor was not evaluated in the absence
of the mixers, hence no satisfactory comparison could be
done. The mixers used were similar to the ones employed
by Chisti et al. (1990) and Zl~ou et aL (1993).
The impact of static mixers on solid-liquid mass
transfer is discussed in Section 8.2.

L_ v

12.1 Microbial products

Airlift bioreactors have been widely used in microbial
fermentations and biotransfonnations as noted in earlier
reviews (Chisti, 1989; Chisti and Moo-Young, 1987a;
Fig 40. Arrangementof static mixers in an external-loop airlift
reactor. Onken and Weiland, 1983). Some recent representative
examples follow.
problems in bioreactors that must conform to hygienic
12.1.1 Antibiotics
design standards (Chisti, 1992a, b).
Improved productivity of cephalosporin C by Production of antibiotic neomycin by the filamentous
Cephalosporium acremonium was noted by Zhou et al. bacteriuln Streptomycesfradiae was investigated by Park et
(1993) when static mixers were used in an airlift reactor. al, (1994). A draft-tube internal-loop airlift reactor was
Identical mixers had earlier been shown to substantially used. A maximum neomycin concentration of 1.176 kg.m3

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 91

was obtained in the viscous broth of freely suspended et aL, i992). Based on simulations of oxygen transfer, the
biomass. Oxygen enriched air (60% vol/vol oxygen) was level of dissolved oxygen at the bottom of the riser was
used for aeration at a relatively high flow rate of 1.5 vvm. concluded to be lower than further up. No experimental
Addition of cellulose beads (5 mm diameter; 7.5 kg.m"3) evidence was presented. The simulations disregarded the
during culture immobilized part of the biomass (ca 40% effects of aspect ratio. The latter is known to have a strong
immobilized), reduced viscosity, possibly improved oxygen influence on the rate of induced liquid circulation and,
transfer, and enhanced the final antibiotic concentration by hence, affect the dissolved oxygen profiles (Chisfi, 1989).
36%. However, further increase in the proportion of the Another study described the production D(-)lactic acid
immobilized cells by increasing the bead loading led to via anaerobic culture of freely suspended and aggregated
reduced production even though the viscosity of the broth cells of Bacillus laevolacticus (de Boer et aL, 1990). Either
declined (Park et aL, 1994). Apparently, the morphological pure nitrogen or a nitrogen and carbon dioxide mixture
changes accompanying immobilization reduced production were used for aeration of the gas-lift device. Production of
(Park et aL, 1994). Solid-liquid mass transfer effects may glutamic acid by Brevibacterium divaricatum was reported
also have been responsible. by Wu and Wu (1992).
Methods for large-scale immobilization of Penicillium
chrysogenum on porous Celite beads (5% wt/vol) suspended 12.1.3 Soy sauce
in airlift reactors were detailed by Keshavarz et al. (1990). A novel process for continuous production of soy sauce in
The Celite (a diatomaceous earth) slurry in soft water was airlift bioreactors was described by Hamada et al. (1991).
first sterilized in the reactor (2 h, 121°C); a suspension of Conventionally produced moromi was filtered and passed
spores was added (20-50 spores per bead) to the cooled through a series of four reactors, containing, respectively,
(26°C) fermenter and pneumatic agitation was continued for immobilized glutaminase, immobilized bacterium
two hours during which 70-80% of the spores were taken Pediococcus halophilus, and immobilized yeasts
up by the porous Celite beads; the slurry was allowed to Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Candida versatilis which
settle and the water containing free spores was removed; ocCur in various stages of the conventional mixed culture
finally, fresh water and concentrated sterile medium were moromi fermentation. The last two reactors in the train
added to initiate the culture (Keshavarz et aL, 1990). were draft-tube sparged airlift vessels aerated,, respectively,
Other examples include production of the polyketide at 0.005 vvm and 0.08 vvm. The yeasts in these reactors
antibiotic ambruticin S by myxobacterium Sorangium were immobilized in freely suspended calcium alginate
cellulosum (Hopf et al., 1990); penicillin V by Penicillium beads having a mean diameter of 2.5 mm. The process was
chrysogenum (SchiJgerl, 1990); cephalosporin by demonstrated over periods exceeding 100-days of
Cephalosporium acremonium (Bayer et aL, 1989; Schiigerl, continuous operation. Compared to the six month long
1990; Srivastava and Kundu, 1995; Zhou et al., 1993); conventional koji-moromi process, the multi-reactor train
erythromycin by Saccharopolyspora erythraea (Pollard et reduced production time to about two weeks. The quality of
aL, 1994); and tetracycline by Streptomyces aureofaciens the product was comparable to the conventionally produced
(Schtigerl, 1990). material.
12.1.2 Organic acids In further studies of ethanolic fermentations of moromi
Among organic acids, production of itaconic acid from by calcium alginate bead immobilized Z. rouxii, Hamada et
xylose with Aspergillus terreus mycelia imlnobilized in
aL (1989) tested three draft-tube sparged (0.08 vvm)
concentric tube airlift reactors (1 L; aspect ratios = 1.45-
polyurethane foam carriers has been reported (Kautola,
3.57). The ethanol content of the product increased with
1990). Citric acid has been produced using the yeast
increasing residence time in the reactors as well as with
Yarrowia lipolytica entrapped in alginate or K-carrageenan
increasing aspect ratio. A notable decrease in ethanol
beads suspended in the reactor (Kautola et aL, 1991).
content occurred when pure nitrogen was used for aeration
Compared to freely suspended cells, the volumetric
or when the proportion of nitrogen in the feed gas was
productivity of the immobilized systems was significantly
increased (total flow kept at 0.08 vvm). Stable, long-term
higher. In immobilized systems, oxygen transfer seemed to
continuous fermentations could be carried out in airlift
be a limiting factor as a decrease in bead size increased
reactors while producing a product with appropriate alcohol
productivity (Kautola et al., 1991).
content and aroma within 28 h compared with 3-4 months
Production of lactic acid by continuous fermentation of
for conventional processes (Hamada et al., 1989).
deproteinated whey using a mixed culture of yeasts with
Kluyveromyces Jhagilis being the predominant strain, was
12.1.4 Biopolymers
described by Pigache et al. (1992). The process productivity
was known to be limited by oxygen transfer. A 120 m3 Production of biopolymers in airlift reactors has included
concentric tube airlift fermenter aerated in the annulus was synthesis of pullulan using Aureobasidium pullulans (Cai et
used. The vessel had a low overall aspect ratio at ~4.2; the al., 1992b); xanthan from Xanthomonas campestris (Suh et
working aspect ratio was still lower. The overall volumetric al., 1992); and extracellular polysaccharides by
oxygen transfer coefficient values were 0.12-0.28 s~, but Acremonium persicinum (Stasinopoulos and Seviour, 1993),
the corresponding aeration rates were not specified (Pigache among several others.

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12.1.5 Enzymes and proteins 12.1.6 Biomass

The filamentous fungus Phanerochaete choesosporium and Studies of baker's yeast production in airlift bioreactors are
its lignin peroxidases are potentially useful in treating numerous (Fr6hlich et al., 1991b; Ghosh et al., 1994b;
hazardous wastes such as polychlorinated aromatics in soils Ghosh and Bhattacharyya, 1993; Pollard et al., 1994; Roca
and industrial effluent; other possible applications of this et aL, 1995; Russell et aL, 1995; Wu and Wu, 1991). Some
fungus or its enzymes occur in the paper pulp and forest of this work was done on a relatively large scale, for
industries. P. chrysosporium generally grows as pellets in example the 4 m 3 reactor used by FrOhlich et al. (1991b).
submerged culture and bioreactor scaleup has proven Among other yeasts, production of Trichosporon cutaneum
difficult. In a comprehensive review of P. chrysosporium (Yonsel et al., 1991), Kluyveromyces marxianus (Mota and
lignin peroxidase production, Linko (1992) lists the various Teixeira, 1990) and Candida utilis (Ichii et aL, 1993) has
bioreactor cultivation methods. In comparison with other been reported.
reactor types, airlift bioreactors stand out as generally An external-loop airlift bioreactor with a
permitting higher production of ligninase activity in free hydrocyclone cell separator integral to tile outer loop was
suspension culture (Bonnarme and Jeffries, 1990) as well as used by Mota and Teixeira (1990) to select a flocculating
in immobilized packed-bed-loop modes of operation (J~ger strain of the non-flocculant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus
and Wandrey, 1990). by continuous culture at dilution rate of 0.075 h 1.
Production of lignin degrading enzymes lignin Apparently, the flocculating cells (larger aggregate size)
peroxidase and manganese peroxidase from P. were easier to sediment and retain in the reactor while the
chrysosporium in a stirred tank, a bubble column and a free cells washed out. This approach may apply to selecting
concentric cylinder, draft-tube sparged airlift reactor (A/Ad other flocculant microorganisms. Batch culture was not
= 0.64) was examined by Bonnarme et al. (1993). The two successful in producing a flocculant strain (Mota and
pneumatically agitated reactors had identical aspect ratios, Teixeira, 1990). Continuous culture of a highly flocculating
at ca 5.5, and aeration rates (Ua = (0.8-2.8) x 103 m.s~). strain ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae in a small external-loop
The maximum lignin peroxidase activity obtained in the airlift reactor has also been described (Roca et al., 1995).
stirred tank was about 16% of that produced in the bubble A high performance internal-loop draft-tube airlift
column and only 11.5% of that in the airlift reactor. reactor for commercial production of ribonucleic acid
Similarly, the manganese peroxidase production in the (RNA) form Candida utilis grown on molasses was reported
bubble column was 1.85-fold higher than in the stirred by Ichii et al. (1993). Culture at high specific growth rates,
tank; in the airlift, the production was 3.15-fold greater achieved by high dilution rates, was essential to enhance
(Bonnarme et aL, 1993). The relative values of the enzyme synthesis of RNA. Cultivation at elevated specific growth
yield coefficients on glycerol in the stirred tank, the bubble rates required a good oxygen transfer capability and high
column and the airlift reactors were in the ratio 1:4.2:5.5 heat relnoval capacity. The fermenter was sparged in the
(lignin peroxidase) and 1:1.5:2.1 (manganese peroxidase). draft-tube which contained two perforated baffle plates (10
Clearly, the pneumatically agitated reactors had a distinct mm hole size) located near the bottom, across the cross-
advantage over the stirred tank. Between the bubble section. The overall aspect ratio of the vessel was about 5.6.
column and the airlift reactor, the latter was significantly The draft-tube occupied a little less than 60% of the height
better. Culture of P. chrysosporium immobilized on nylon of the vessel. The riser-to-downcomer cross-sectional area
wire mesh draft-tube in a concentric tube airlift device has ratio was 0 . 8 . Banks of vertical heat transfer tubes were
also been detailed (Laugero et al., 1996). located in the annular downcomer, extending from the base
Production of the extracellular enzyme tx-amylase by of the draft-tube to about 60% of its height. After a batch
Bacillus subtilis immobilized in carrageenan beads (,.--4 mm phase, continuous culture was carried out at a dilution rate
diameter) suspended in an airlift device was investigated by of 0.43 h l (Ichii et at., 1993). The aeration rate was
Guo et al. (1990). The volumetric productivity of the maintained at 2.4 vvm, or a superficial air velocity (based
immobilized systems was up to 5.8-fold greater than that of on vessel diameter) of 0.3 m.s "l, which corresponded to a
freely suspended cell suspension. Intraparticle ox3,gen quite low specific power input of about 40 W-m 3. The
transfer is likely to have been a limitation in the large beads fermenter achieved an oxygen transfer rate of 9.9 kg
used. The data presented by Kautola et al. (1990) did O=.m-3.h~ and maintained a steady state yeast concentration
indicate such a limitation for immobilized yeast cells in of 22.8 kg dry cell.m3. The productivities of biomass and
beads of a similar size as used by Guo et al. (1990). Note RNA were 9.79 kg dry cell.m3.h1 and 1.38 kg RNA.m-3-h "1,
that the oxygen transfer requirements for yeasts are respectively (Ichii et al., 1993). These results were
generally lower than for the faster growing bacteria. achieved at 145 m 3 (75 m 3 working volume).
Among other proteins, production of the insecticide
tlmringiensin by Bacillus thuringiensis has been reported 12.1.7 Biotransformations
(Tzeng and Young, 1996; Jong et al., 1995). Several A wide range of biotransformations have been reported in
studies on producing recombinant proteins using airlift reactors. Conversion of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol
Escherichia coli in relatively large draft-tube sparged by Clostridium bu~ricum in reactors up to 2 m 3 was
internal-loop airlift reactors are available (Brandes et al., reported by Gi~nzel et al. (1991), while Roy et al. (1992)
1993a-c; Kracke-Helm et al., 1991). detailed a steroid biotransformation. The latter was carried

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 93

out with a Mycobacterium sp NRRL B 3683 in a small not particularly high. After 18-days of continuous
external-loop airlift device. A three phase gas-liquid- operation, turbidity measurements (an indicator of pellet
liquid system was used with the cells in the aqueous phase disintegration) in the stirred vessel were 3.4 times greater
and the steroid substrate in the water-immiscible organic than in the airlift device (Chang et al., 1994). Thus, the
phase. Successful biotransformation required attention tO airlift reactor allowed for better mechanical stability of the
operational hydrodynamics to ensure complete suspension catalyst. These results indicate that airlift reactors may
of the substrate yet prevent 'wash out' of the organic potentially improve the economics of production of 6-
dispersed phase into the head region by entrainment in gas aminopenicillanic acid over conventional commercial
bubbles. processes that use stirred tank reactors (Chisti and Moo-
An intensely aerated draft-tube airlift device (50 mL; Young, 1991).
6-7 vvm aeration rate) was used by Nishii et al. (1989) for Bakker et al. (1994) reported on a cascaded airlift unit
the biotransformation of dihydrooxoisophorone to 4- for hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose using
hydroxy-2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone by a thennophillic immobilized invertase.
Bacillus stearothermophilus. Despite the unusually high An external-loop gaslift device sparged with carbon
aeration rate and the high temperature (50°C), loss of the dioxide recycled from the headspace was used by Schorr-
substrate or the product by volatilization seem not to have Galindo et al. (1995) to convert extracts of Jerusalem
been a concern. artichoke to ethanol and fructose enriched syrups. The
Lipase-catalysed interesterification of pahn oil conversion was achieved with the yeast Saccharomyces
midfraction was reported by Mojovic et al. (1994). A draft- diastaticus. Yeast flocs developed in continuous culture in
tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactor (80 mL •working the gaslift device were larger and denser than in a
volume; A,IAd = 0.84; aspect ratio = 3.55) sparged with mechanically agitated vessel. Solid-liquid mass transfer
nitrogen was used. Rhizopus arrhizus lipase immobilized seemed to have been a limitation.
by adsorption on Celite particles (20-50 p.m diameter; 720
kg.m 3 density) was suspended in n-hexane in the reactor. 12.2 Biodegradation of environmental pollutants
The concentration of immobilized catalyst was low at 2.1%
solids. Complete suspension of solids was achieved at 12. 2.1 .A4unicipal and industrial wastewaters
superficial gas velocities higher than about 0.016 Up The deep shaft technology. The 'deep shaft' wastewater
to the point of complete suspension, increase in superficial treatment process is an advanced activated sludge process
gas velocity enhanced the rate of interesterification that relies on high hydrostatic pressure i n a deep airlift
implying that solid-liquid mass transfer effects were a column t o significantly enhance oxygen transfer. In
limitation in insufficiently agitated environments. comparison with conventional processes, oxygen transfer
Compared to shake flasks, the rate of reaction was faster in rates that are 10-fold greater may be achieved (Winkler,
the airlift device, possibly because of the better mass 1981). The transfer rate at peak load is about 1 kg
transfer characteristics of the airlift. The productivity of the oxygen.m-3.h1 (Opie, 1993). Several factors combine to
airlift reactor was 2.8-fold that of shake flasks at a specifc yield this high level of performance, • including long gas-
energy input of only 4% of that of the flasks. liquid contact times and intense turbulence in the
Hydrolysis of penicillin V to 6-aminopenicillanic acid circulating fluid with Reynolds numbers of the order of 105
• using immobilized penicillin acylase pellets (0.6 mm or higher (Winkler, 1981). The shaft is 30-220 m deep
diameter, 1.5 mm length, cylindrical pellets) suspended in (Winkler, 1981), 0.5-10 m in diameter, and partitioned
airlift and stirred tank reactors was examined by Chang et vertically into a riser and a downcomer. Air is injected into
al. (1993; 1994). Identical rates of hydrolysis were noted in the downcomer, about 20-40 m below the surface (Winkler,
the standard stirred vessel and the draft,tube airlift reactor 1981), except during start-up when the riser is aerated
under identical mixing conditions; however, the power (Figure 41). To ensure that air bubbles move down the
input in the airlift unit was less than one quarter that of the downcomer, a superficial liquid velocity of 1-2 m.s-1 must
stirred tank (Chang et al., 1994). Moreover, using be generated in the downcomer. Because the gas is not
polystyrene pellets that simulated the enzyme catalyst recirculated, the downcomer region above the sparger is free
particles, Chang et al. (1994) showed that over a solids of bubbles. Oxygen transfer efficiencies of 3-5.5 kg
contents range of 0-30% vol, the specific power input in the oxygen/kWh may. be achieved (Winkler, 1981). The
airlift device was not sensitive to the concentration of solids, construction features of a 60 m deep, 5.7 in diameter, deep
whereas that in the stirred tank increased with increasing shaft split-cylinder device have been detailed by Opie
amounts of solids even though the agitation speed was held (1993) and Redman (1987) notes additional attributes of
constant. The airlift reactor not only had a better mixing similar systems.
efficiency than the stirred tank, the advantage of the airlift For deep shaft plants, Winkler (1981) cites a BOD
increased with increasing loading of solids. loading of 0.9 kg BOD/kg sludge solids.d. A retention time
In the stirred tank, under the normal operating of about 1.5-hours has been mentioned for 92% BOD
conditions (two 6-bladed Rushton turbines agitated at a tip removal (Winkler, 1981). Volumetric BOD removal is of
speed of 0.995 m.s~), the enzyme pellets were susceptible to the order of 3.7-6.6 kg BOD.m3.d 1 which is generally
mechanical damage, even though the impeller speed was associated with high-rate treatment processes. Sewage is

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O u
2._.gh_o6o__.z .[
f Lr (181)
Kr 4 ( Ar'~2|
0 ¢
~0 0
o C
which is a modified form of the equation (51) developed by
~ o
0 o Chisti et al. (1988) for the normal mode of operation of
~o o
0 ¢ airlift reactors. In equation (181), ~ r is the gas holdup in
o o
~OoC the upper part of the riser, above the elevation of the gas
Oo c
) o
sparger that is in the downcomer.
o 0
p o While successful, the deep shaft mode of circulation is
o o i~AIR
¢ inherently unstable and flow reversal can easily occur.
)Oo~ Compared to the conventional airlift mode, the deep shaft
oo c
) o
method is operationally less flexible; the need to prevent
o o
, o flow reversal constrains the range of practicable aeration
o 0

Removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge by
microbial solubilization in a continuous flow concentric
draft-tube device (AJAd = 1.25; aspect ratio = 12) operated
Fig 41. A deep shaft airlift reactor. Aeration conunences in the
riser; once circulation is established, most or all of the air flow is in tile deep shaft mode was detailed by Tyagi et aL (1991).
gradually transferred to the downcomer sparger. Aeration began in the annular riser, but once the circulation
had established, all or part of the air stream was transferred
to the downcomer:
treated without primary sedimentation (Opie, 1993); only In addition to the deep shaft, a 'biotower'
preliminary de-gritting is needed (Winkler, 1981). configuration is increasingly being used in wastewater
Sedimentation of grit at the bottom of the shaft is prevented treatment (Figure 42). The biotower units consist of a
by ensuring that the flow velocity at the bottom exceeds 1 relatively shallow pool of liquid with multiple draft-tubes
m.s4 (Opie, 1993). (downcomers). The towers handle streams with 2-12
kg.m "3 chemical oxygen demand (Foully, 1992). The
Deep shaft plants produce less sludge than biomass sludge produced rises to the top with the bubbles
conventional processes. Thus, 0.85 kg sludge solids were and is separated in an integral settling zone. Airlift
produced per kg BOD removed in one case while a bioreactors with immobilized biofilms are also used in
comparable conventional process produced 1.42 kg sludge wastewater treatment as noted in Section 9.
solids per kg BOD removed (Winkler, 1981). The
Sulfide removal. A process for biological removal of sulfide
characteristics of the sludge seem unaffected by cyclic
from wastewater by a mixed culture of sulfide-oxidizing
pressure fluctuations during circulation in the reactor.
Thiobacilli suspended in a concentric draft-tube airlift
Because of reduced sludge generation, high degradation
rates and elimination of the primary sedimentation step, the rector was described by Janssen et aL (1995). The airlift
land area requirements of deep shaft plants tend to be about reactor was aerated by recirculating disengaged gas from
half that of conventional plants with similar capacity the headspace, with suitable fresh air feed and b l e e d
(Winkler, 1981). The deep shaft technology is widely used streams. The aim was to achieve partial oxidation of sulfide
in Japan where roughly 76% of the World's deep shaft to sulfur for recovery and not to go to the sulfate stage
plants are located (Opie, 1993). (Janssen et aL, 1995). Such processes have been put into
commercial use, particularly for desulfurization of flue gas
Deep shaft plants generally operate with complete from thermal power generation plants. Success depends on
separation of the gas and liquid in the head region. The preventing the formation of sulfate through attention to
region of the downcomer that is above the gas sparger is bioreactor design and operation. Similar draft-tube airlift
free of gas (Figure 41). The downcomer gas holdup below reactors are being tested for potential use in microbial
the sparger compensates for an equivalent holdup in the desulfurization of coal by the bacterium Sulfolobus
part of the riser that is below the plane of the downcomer acidocaldarius (Smith and Skidmore, 1990).
sparger. Thus, the driving force for circulation of liquid is Nitrogen removal. Biological nitrogen removal from
provided only by the riser gas holdup that is above the level wastewater is a two step process. An initial aerobic step
of the sparger. For air-water in such a reactor, the liquid converts the ammonium nitrogen to nitrate which
circulation velocity may be estimated with the equation undergoes denitrification to nitrogen gas in a second,
anaerobic step. Hano et al. (1992) used a draft-tube

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 95

i i~~i~ii~iii!!i~:i~iii

i ~ ; " ....


Fig 42. The 'biotower' wastewater treatment unit developed by Krupp Uhde GmbH.

sparged concenti'ic-tube airlift device (A,Z4d = 1.1; aspect 1992). Ideally, for such a two stage process, the Ar/Ad ratio
ratio ~ 14; 11.5 x 10-3 m 3) to ingeniously combine these two and the liquid circulation velocity should be selected to
steps into a single reactor. The wastewater entered the obtain an optimal combination of residence time split
annular, gas-free, anaerobic downcomer near the top and between the aerobic and anaerobic zones while ensuring
circulated to the aerated riser. The circulation rate of mixed suspension of tile sludge and an oxygen-free downcomer.
liquor between the aerobic and anaerobic zones was the Hano et al. (1992) noted that the gas-liquid volumetric
most important operational parameter (Hano et al., 1992). mass transfer coefficient, gas holdup and the liquid
A hydraulic retention time of about 7 hours was optimal for circulation velocity in the activated sludge suspensions were
maximum nitrogen removal (ca 90% removal). At this similar to those for the air-water system so long as the
retention time, the optimal aeration rate in the riser was concentration of the sludge did not exceed 3 kg.m -3
about 3.3 x 10.6 m3.s -] (Uar = 8.2 x 10.4 m.s'~). Increasing (MLSS). Gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient and gas
aeration rate up to the optimum value increased the total holdup declined appreciably when MLSS exceeded 5 kg.m "3
nitrogen removal as the rate of nitrification enhanced. (Hano et al., 1992).
Further increase in aeration rate, led to aerobic conditions
in tile downcomer, suppressing denitrification (Hano et al., Nitrate removal from wastewater may be done also
1992). At constant retention time (7 h) and aeration rate with photosynthetic microalga. Alginate bead entrapped
(3.3 x 10-6 m3.s~), changes in the liquid circulation velocity, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was used by Vilchez and Vega
achieved by altering the bottom clearance of the draft-tube, (1995) in airlift reactors. Immobilized biofilm airlift
revealed an optimum ULr of ca 1.5 x 10.2 m.s ] (Hano et al., reactors have also been used (see Section 9).

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Recalcitrant organics. A two stage process for biological 12. 2. 2 TreaOnent o f gaseous effluent
treatment of coal tar refinery wastewater was reported by The potential of airlift devices for treating gaseous
HOppe et al. (1990). Two airlift reactors were u s e d I a pollutants has been pointed out (Moo-Young and Chisti,
draft-tube sparged internal-loop unit for the first stage and 1994); two examples of that use have since appeared (Dunn,
an external-loop device for the second. The first stage 1994; Ritchie and Hill, 1995). An external-loop airlift
operated as an activated sludge unit whereas the second reactor (12.3 L; A l A n = 1.52) has been used to cleanse a
stage contained suspended sand particles (20-70 kg-m3 phenol-saturated air stream (Ritchie and Hill, 1995). The
concentration) with an immobilized biofihn that was pollutant level in the exhaust gas was reduced to below
especially adapted to degrade the recalcitrant organics that detection. The reactor contained a culture of Pseudomonas
escaped the first reactor (Hiippe et al., 1990). The two putida which is commonly used to degrade phenol and other
stages had volumes of 1.5 m 3 and 0.16 m 3, respectively. aromatics in wastewaters (Allsop et al., 1993). Ritchie and
The respective chemical oxygen demands (COD) in the Hill (1995) reported degradation rates of 21.5-194 mg.h"~
inflows were 4.9 kg.m 3 and 1.0 kg.m 3. For both units the when the phenol concentration in the inlet gas varied over
volumetric COD loadings were in the 5-15 kg.m3.d ~ range 650-850 mg.m 3. Potentially faster degradation rates are
(Hiippe et aL, 1990); however, in comparison with the first likely with internal-loop reactors which allow longer gas-
reactor, the residence time was much shorter in the second liquid contact and better mass transfer than external-loop
vessel. For a fixed carrier loading, the oxygen uptake rate devices.
(OUR) in the second stage increased with the concentration Degradation of dichloromethane in an external-loop
of immobilized biomass until a biomass concentration of airlift reactor was detailed by Dunn (1994). Aeration
about 12 kg.m 3 when tbe OUR was about 5 mg oxygen. velocities ranged over (1.25-5.0) x l0 2 m.s"~. The pollutant
Ll.min -~. Further increases in tile biomass concentration entered the reactor in the gas phase. Data on degradation
did not augment the oxygen uptake rate~ suggesting that kinetics were presented, but the small reactor size limited
beyond a certain thickness of tile biofihn only a portion of the usefulness of the hydrodynamic and oxygen mass
the biomass was effective in degrading the waste (H0ppe et transfer data. Sand panicles (50-100 kg.m "3 solids
al., 1990). The overall COD removal by the two stages concentration; 0.25-0.4 mm particle size) suspended in
exceeded 85% (H0ppe et aL, 1990). water carried the waste degrading biofihn (0.14 kg biomass
Activated sludge in a draft-tube sparged concentric per kg sand). The degradation rate depended on the oxygen
tube airlift reactor has also been used to degrade o-cresol transfer performance and other factors.
(de Jong et al., 1991).
Continuous flow degradation of 3-chloroaniline using 12.2.3 Solid wastes
Pseudomonas acidovorans CA28 entrapped in calcium Contaminated soil fines can potentially be treated in airlift
alginate beads (0.9 mm mean diameter) suspended in a bioreactors. Chisti and Moo-Young (1994b) have detailed
draft-tube sparged concentric tube airlift reactor (A,JAd = possible uses in relnediation of hydrocarbon contaminated
0.23; aspect ratio ~ 2.6) has been reported (Ferschl et al., soils.
1991). The beads were kept in suspension despite a
relatively low aeration rate (Usr = 0.01 m.s-~). 12.3 Animal cell culture
Degradation of quinoline by Comamonas acidavorans
in a continuous flow draft-tube sparged airlift reactor (A,/Ad 12.3.1 Suspension culture
= 0.27; aspect ratio = 5.3; Uo~ = 6.8 × 10"2 m.s "1) was Gas bubbles have often been associated with damage to
reported by Ulonska et al. (1995). The microorganism was animal cells (Molina Grima et al., 1997; Papoutsakis,
grown as a film immobilized on porous glass beads in 1991), but the exact cause of damage remains uncertain.
suspension (density of wet beads = 1600 kg.m3; biolnass- Processes associated with bubble formation and detachment
free solids loading of 8% vol/vol). High dilution rates were at the sparger, bubble rupture at the surface, and bubble rise
used initially to aid biofilm formation. Over a broad range have variously been claimed to be the causes of damage.
of dilution rates (D = 0.025-0.35 h~), the quinoline Bubble associated damage may be reduced by controlling
degradation rate and the carbon dioxide production rate bubble size, aeration rate and by tile use of protective
were identical to those in a stirred tank reactor (UIonska et additives such as serum, tile surfactant Pluronic F-68, or
al., 1995). Although the specific power input data for the viscosity enhancers such as dextran. However, the effects of
stirred vessel were not given, at 147 W.m 3 the power additives are not always predictable. Thus, Zhang et al.
demand of the airlift device was probably significantly (1995) observed no protective effect of Pluronic F-68 on
'lower. porcine erythrocytes.
Bubble associated damage notwithstanding, most large
Heavy metals. Removal of heavy metals by microbial scale bioreactors for animal cells are gas sparged. Direct
solubilization from sewage sludge in a continuous flow deep sparging seems to be the only easily scalable, simple, robust
shaft type of concentric draft-tube airlift device (A,gAd = and proven means of oxwgen supply for large scale culture.
1.25; aspect ratio ~ 12) was reported by Tyagi et al. (1991). Gas sparged airlift bioreactors are among the biggest
The removal efficiency was equivalent to that in a stirred industrial cell culture reactors that have been described
tank. (Arathoon and Birch, 1986; Birch et al., 1987; Rhodes and

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 97

Birch, 1988) and continue to be used. Similarly, Chisti study with the same cells cultured in two airlift bioreactors
(1993) has employed sparged stirred tank bioreactors for (aspect ratios of 4.5 and 7; other details unknown), the
industrial culture of several hybridomas. authors noted that supplementation of the medium with
Fluid turbulence has also been associated with cell 0.2% (wffvol) Pluronic F-68 provided ~11 protection to cells
damage (Cherry, 1993). Potentially, damage to cells may in one case, but no protection in the other (Murhammer and
occur if the dimensions of the energy dissipating terminal Goochee, 1990). The aeration rates and bubble sizes were
microeddies found in isotropically turbulent fluids are comparable in the two reactors (,--0.003 vvm aeration rate
smaller than, or of the same size as the suspended cells or and dB= 0.3-1.0 _mm), but the sparger designs differed.
cell-supporting microcarriers. Although substantial The reactor sparged through porous stainless steel spargers
evidence exists for absence of isotropic turbulence in bubble (5 p.m or 20 p.m pore size) damaged cells even in the
columns and airlift bioreactors (L(ibbert and Larson, 1990; presence of the Pluronic F-68 polyol. The vessel sparged
L(ibbert et al., 1990; Okada et al., 1993), if turbulence is through a membrane gas distributor (< 0.2 p.m pore size)
assumed to be isotropic, the length scale e of the did not produce cell damage when the medium was
microeddies may be calculated with the equation supplemented with the polyol. Murhammer and Goochee
(1990) concluded that events near the gas sparger were
responsible for the damage, but the specific nature of such
I ~L 31 3/4
p -Wl/
L/5 )
(182) events was not established. No information was given about
the bottom clearances of the baffle, or draft-tube, from the
base of the reactors.
where E is tile energy dissipation rate per unit mass of fluid. For the cell line used by Murhammer and Goochee
For an air-water system aerated at a relatively high (for (1990), Maiorella et al. (1988) had preferred aeration with
animal cell culture) power input of 100 W.m 3 (E = 0.1 much bigger bubbles in pilot scale airlift reactors. In
W.kgl), the size of terminal eddies works outto about 56 industrial cell culture bioreactors for hybridomas, Chisti
p.m which is significantly larger than the dimensions of a (1993) too had favored aeration with larger bubbles because
typical hybridoma at approximately 20 p.m. Consequently, smaller bubbles 'washed' the cells out of tile culture
turbulence in the fluid is unlikely to damage animal cells. medium into a stable layer of foam by a froth floatation type
A similar analysis can be used to show that microeddies do of mechanism. Larger bubbles, because of faster rise
have the potential to damage cells anchored on the surface velocities, did. not remove cells from the broth and produced
of microcarriers that are typically 150-300 p.m in diameter. less stable, easily controlled foam (Chisti, 1993).
However, this damage is not limited to pneumatically Successful culture of a cell line in a certain
agitated bioreactors; cells in stirred reactors are equally configuration of an airlift device does not guarantee that the
susceptible. Methods for evaluating shear rates in various same cells would thrive in a different geometry. Thus, Wu
et al. (1990) observed that Spodoptera frugiperda cells
zones of airlift bioreactors have been developed by Molina
Grima et al. (1997) (see Section 10). adapted to suspension culture in shake flasks did not survive
Insect cells are generally thought to be more fragile aeration with bubbles that were smaller than 500 p.m in
among animal cells. Successful culture of insect cells in diameter in an external-loop airlift reactor in serum
airlift bioreactors was demonstrated by Maiorella et al. containing media even when supplemented with Pluronic F-
(1988). A 21 L draft-tube sparged concentric tube vessel 68. The aeration rates used were relatively high at 0.02-
was used to grow Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells in 0.18 m-s1. This report contrasts with other observations
suspension. The aeration and consequent liquid circulation (Murhammer and Goochee, 1990; Maiorella et al., 1988)
rates were such that gas bubbles were not carried into the for the same cells in larger internal-loop airlift vessels, thus
downcomer. The bubble size was controlled at 0.5-1.0 cm highlighting the importance of culture methodology,
by choice of sparger hole diameter (Maiorella et al., 1988); bioreactor design and operation.
the aeration rate ranged over 0.02-0.06 vvm. A mixture of Because growing cells adapt to their hydrodynamic
nitrogen, air and oxygen was used for aeration and the environment, evaluation of alternative reactor geometries
dissolved oxygen level was controlled at 20% of air for culture is ideally done with non-growing cells. Zhang et
saturation. The final cell concentration exceeded 5 × 1 0 6 al. (1995) employed porcine erythrocytes as model cells that
cells.mLl which was comparable to timt obtained in spinner were incapable of multiplying in vitro; hence, the cells were
flasks. The medium contained 10% fetal calf serum and the not susceptible to adaptation and the measured lysis rates
non-ionic surfactant Pluronic F-68 (0.1% wt/vol). The reflected actual cell lysis as opposed to the net effect of
surfactant was effective in controlling foam; no additional growth and death processes (Zhang et al., 1995). Survival
of erythrocytes was investigated in a split-cylinder airlift
antifoam was used (Maiorella et al., 1988).
For the Sf9 insect cell line, Murhammer and Goochee vessel (A/Ad = 1; aspect ratio = 8.8) agitated at a low power
(1988) observed that a small airlift reactor (0.57 L working input (0.34 W.m "3, UGr = 7.0 X 10 -5 m,s-1). Cells were
volume; aeration rate = 0.0035-0.005 vvm; porous suspended in citrated isotonic saline at a concentration of
membrane sparger, < 0.2 ~m pore size) performed as well ~3 × 106 cells-mL~ which is a typical high value that may
as spinner flasks when the culture medium in the reactor be attained in suspension culture. Supplementation of the
was supplemented with 0.2% Pluronic F-68. In another medium with albumin enhanced survival as shown in

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7 = 120
in mm

z* 0.100

0.010 , I , I , I I '
0 40 BO 120 160
TIME (hours)

Fig 43. Fraction of erythrocytes remaining as a function of

exposure time in the airlift vessel (Zhang et al., 1995).
RING - -
1.000 L

Fig 45. Microcarrier airlift bioreactor of Chen et al. (1994).

zo uF 12. 3.2 Microcarrier culture
ucr=7.~;~.~-' ~ \ Microcarrier culture of anchorage-dependent cells has been
claimed to be "impractical" in airlift and bubble column
bioreactors because of alleged accumulation of the carriers
at the air-medium interface (Papoutsakis, 1991). This view
is disproved by our experience and that of others (Dai et aL,
0.001 t i I i I w
0 40 80 120 160 1994). In addition, a hydrodynamic study of microcarriers
TIME (hours) in split-cylinder airlift reactors has shown that
accumulation at the surface is not a problem (Ganzeveld et
Fig 44. Comparison of cell survival in shake flask and airlift al., 1995).
bioreactor for 0.1% albumin-supplemented medium (Zhang et Anchorage dependent Veto cells were cultured by Dai
al., 1995). et aL (1994) in a 'draft-tube sparged airlift reactor (0.2 L;
A / A a = 0.15; aspect ratio = 3). The Cytodex 1
Figure 43. Survival in the airlift vessel was identical to that microcarriers were used at a relatively low concentration of
in a shake flask (100 rpm agitation; surface aeration only) 2 kg.m-3. The medium was supplemented with bovine
for the first 66-hours (Figure 44). Subsequently, the lysis serum (10% vol). In the tested aeration range of _<0.12
was faster in the airlift device (Figure 44); however, the 66- vvm, the cell growth was unaffected by aeration rate (Dai et
hour window was considered sufficient for most practical al., 1994). ComPlete confluence was achieved, but because
culture requirements (Zhang et al., 1995). The data in of the low concentration of carriers, the final cell yield was
Figures 43 and 44 are expressed as normalized cell counts low at approximately 11 x 10s cells.mL4.
relative to the initial value (No). A novel airlift configuration (Figure 45) that is
Suspension culture of hybridomas in airlift bioreactors potentially usefful for anchorage dependent cells was
has been widely reported. As an example, Kwong et al. described by Chen et al. (1994). By careful attention to
(1989) used suspension culture as well as cells immobilized hydrodynamic design the configuration could ensure that
in alginate beads suspended in airlift reactors. A volumetric the cell-supporting microcarriers never came in contact
antibody productivity of 44 mg.d 4.L 4 was reported for the with the aeration gas. The microcarrier-free culture fluid
immobilized cell reactor (Kwong et aL, 1989). In free was aerated in a gas-sparged riser (zone A in Figure 45)
suspension, a high cell concentration of 2 x 1 0 6 cell.n~ 4 and flowed down a gas-free central downcomer (zone B).
was attained, but the viable cell count dropped off faster The oxygen rich flow from the bottom of the downcomer
than in a stirred tank. Consequently, the maximum suspended the microcarriers contained in region C (Figure
concentration of the antibody in airlift suspension culture 45). The flow velocity in zone C was too low to move the
was about 60% of that in the stirred tank (Kwong et aL, carriers out of the zone; hence, carrier-free fluid
1989). recirculated into the sparged riser. For the reactor

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no !, January 1998 Chisti.: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 99

configuration shown in Figure 45, the volumetric gas-liquid to that observed in roller bottles, but it was higher than in
oxygen transfer coefficient value was 3.38-g26:2 'h ~ when shaki~flasl~'and stirred jars (Hong et al., 1989). The final
the aeration rate ranged over 0..1-0.75 vvm, indicating cell concentration in the airlift device was ~11 kg.m 3 (dry
sufficient oxygen transfer capability for supporting cell wt), again comparing well with the best case result at ~13
concentrations of the order of 10 6 cells.mL~ (Chen et aL, kg.m -3 in a roller bottle.
1994). The corresponding liquid velocities in zone C varied Production of benzophenanthfidine alkaloids in
over 0.05-6.15 - s u f f i c i e n t to suspend the suspension cultures of Eschscholtzia californica in
microcarriers having a density of 1050 kg.m -3 and a multiphase airlift fermenters was reported by Byun and
diameter of 150-620 ~m (Chen et al., 1994). Pedersen (1994). The alkaloid was continuously extracted
An extensive study of animal cell microcarrier into a dispersed silicone oil phase. Compared to the two-
suspensions in two split-cylinder airlift reactors was phase gas-liquid system in the same reactor, the three-
detailed by Ganzeveld et al. (1995). The liquid circulation phase gas-liquid-liquid system had up to 40% greater
velocity and the gas holdup declined with increasing productivity (Byun and Pedersen, 1994). Despite potential
loading of carriers (ps = 1030-1050 kg.m3; 150-300 ~m applications in extractive fermentations and other similar
carrier diameter; 0-30 kg.m -3 solids loading). The mixing areas, engineering characterization of airlift reactors having
time increased with increasing solids loading. The carriers two immiscible liquid phases has not been done in any
roughly followed the fluid eddies and, as long as the flow detail.
was laminar (Re _< 3200), there was little interaction 12. 4. 2 bnmobilized cell culture
between particles or between solids and the walls of the
vessel (Ganzeveld et al., 1995). Thus, in laminar flow the Airlift bioreactors have been used successfully for
cells are unlikely to be damaged 1V bead-to-bead or bead- immobilized culture of plant cells. Culture of Catharanthus
to-wall collisions. The rate of circulation of the roseus cells immobilized by adhesion to the surface of
microcarfier suspension agreed closely with the predictions nonwoven, spiral wound, polyester sheet matrix held
of equation (52) of Chisti et al. (1988) even though the stationary in the downcomer of an airlift reactor has been
equation was developed for solids-free media. Tile equation described by Archambault et al. (1990). A small riser-to--
indirectly took into account the effect of solids through gas downcomer cross-sectional area ratio (A/Ad = 0.03) was
holdup which was affected by the solids concentration used, dictated apparently by the need for a larger
(Ganzeveld et al., 1995). The geometric details of the downcomer to maximize the surface area of the
reactor were: A / A d = 1; aspect ratio = 7.6 and 14.5; UOr = immobilizing matrix. Such a configuration may not sustain
(0-6.7) X 10.3 m.s -] corresponding to power inputs of 0-33 adequate circulation or oxygen supply upon scaleup.
A multiphase external-loop airlift reactor (250 mL;
W.m-3 (Ganzeveld et al., 1995). Data on shear rates in the
A,Z4d = 2.5; aspect ratio = 10) for potential use in culture of
reactors used by Ganzeveld et aL (1995) were reported by
immobilized plant cells was investigated by Sajc et al.
Molina Grima et al. (1997). The latter also reviewed the
(1995b). Calcium alginate beads (pp = 1070 kg.m-3;
effects of hydrodynamic forces on cells.
equivalent diameter = 2.5 mm; solids holdup = 0-0.5) were
suspended in Murashige and Skoog medium. A water
12.4 Plant cell culture
immiscible silicon oil (density = 960 kg.m3; viscosity =
Suspension culture of plant cells in airlift and bubble 0.05 Pa.s; surface tension = 22 x 10.3 N.m ~) or n-
column bioreactors has been proven repeatedly (B0ch et al., hexadecane (density = 773 kg.m-3; viscosity = 0.003 Pa.s;
1991; Doran, 1993; Hegarty et al., 1986; Husemann, 1982; surface tension = 25 x 10.3 N.ln ~) were continuously added
Kato et al., 1976; Moo-Young and Chisti, 1988; Reinhard to the reactor at the base of tile riser and withdrawn as
et al., 1989; Scragg et al., 1989; Smart and Fowler, 1984; separated phases from the top of the downcomer. The
Spieler et al., 1985; Townsley and Webster, 1983). More superficial air velocity in the riser ranged over (2-12) x 10-3
recently, hairy roots (Rodriguez-Mendiola et al., 1991; m.s"~, but beyond a Uor of about 6 x 10-3 m.s ~ the dispersed
Sharp and Doran, 1990; Whitney, 1991) and immobilized phase droplets recirculated through the downcomer.
cells (Archambault et al., 1990; Sajc et al., 1995a) have Because recirculation was not wanted, the gas velocity was
also been cultivated. Some recent examples follow. restricted to 6 x 10.3 m.s 1 (corresponding to a U~ of ,-0.8
m.s "l) in most experiments. The size of dispersed phase
12.4.1 Suspension culture droplets decreased with. increasing gas velocity until at a
During suspension culture of strawberry cells in a small Uor of about 6 × 10 -3 m.s~ a droplet size of ,-.4 mm was
split-cylinder airlift vessel and other devices, Hong et al. attained (Sajc et aL, 1995b). Further increase in gas
(1989) noted that, at 0.44, the cell yield coefficient on velocity did not affect the size of drops.
carbohydrate was higher in the airlift bioreactor than in The gas holdup in air--culture medium-silicon oil
other systems. Cells were inoculated at ~2 kg.m 3 (dry wt) system was almost the same as in oil-free system. Addition
in nutrient supplemented Murashige and Skoog medium. of alginate beads reduced holdup which declined with
Aeration rate ranged over 0.09-0.36 vvm, increasing as the increasing concentration of solids. The mixing
cell concentration increased. The average specific cell performance of the vessel as indicated by Peclet numbers
growth rate of 0.14 d z in the airlift device was comparable was not affected by the solids loading (Sajc et aL, 1995b).

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The overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLaz) submerged culture system is expected to outperform the
values in air-water and air-culture medium (both at a mist device in maintaining a uniformly good supply of
constant silicon oil flow rate of 4.0 x 104 m.s-~) were about nutrients to the entire root mass.
the same, but declined by 5-10% with increasing Hairy root culture of Trigonella foenum-graceum and
concentration of solids (solids holdup = 0-0.5). The Nicotiana rustica in two draft-tube sparged concentric tube
volumetric liquid-liquid mass transfer coefficient for airlift reactors was reported by Rodriguez-Mendiola et al.
transfer of a plant secondary metabolite (1,8- (1991). The two reactors were geometrically identical (9 L
dihydroxyanthraquinone or danthron) from the aqueous nominal; aspect ratio = 6.4; A,gAd = 0.8; aerated at 0.1 vvm)
medium to the silicon oil droplets was 1.25 x 10~ s~ at a except that the draft-tube in the culture vessel used for N.
constant oil superficial velocity of 4.0 x 104 m.s~ (Sajc et rustica was unconventional in being made of nylon mesh.
al., 1995b). The coefficient was virtually independent of No attempts were made to confine growth to either the riser
the superficial gas velocity, the induced liquid circulation or the downcomer. In the solid draft-tube configuration,
velocity and t h e loading of alginate beads (Sajc et al., root growth occurred mostly in the annulus where the
1995b). Apparently, the transfer coefficient was controlled centering arms on the draft-tube provided sites for initial
by the aqueous fihn, but because the drop size was ahnost attachment of the rootlet in the inoculum. Flow of the
constant and the reactor environment was fairly quiescent, medium through the root network did not pose a limitation
the density difference between the droplets and the during eight weeks of culture (Rodriguez-Mendiola et al.,
suspending fluid determined the value of the fihn 1991). Because the nylon mesh tube offered many more
coefficient. In this situation the volumetric coefficient is attachment points, and allowed unconfined growth in all
expected to depend only on the specific interfacial area of directions from these points, growth occurred throughout
the droplets. Apparently, the interfacial area remained the volume of the reactor (Rodriguez-Mendiola et aL,
constant because the flow rate of the dispersed phase as well 1991). Better volume utilization and even distribution of
as the drop size were fixed. biomass was realized in that system. At harvest, the nylon
The reactor was eventually used to culture alginate mesh was fully embedded in biomass. Tiros, inexpensive,
bead immobilized cells ofFrangula alnus for the production disposable mesh tubes may be necessary for routine use.
of anthraquinones (Sajc et al., 1995a). The beads were Alternatively, more durable stainless steel mesh structures
suspended in Murashige and Skoog medium aerated at 0.7 may be employed. The latter may be reused after cutting off
vvm. The product was continuously extracted with the the root mass.
silicon oil (flow rate = 0.05 vvm) or n-hexadecane. Production of atropine by hairy root culture of Atropa
Compared to shake flasks that contained the oil but were belladonna in shake flasks and a concentric draft-tube
not continuously extracted, the cells in the airlift vessel had airlift device (2.5 L) has been compared (Sharp and Doran,
10-30-fold higher productivity (Sajc et al., 1995a). Based 1990). The level of atropine in the reactor grown biomass
on estimations of effectiveness factors, neither intraparticle was -1.5-fold that in the shake flask grown roots; however,
diffusion nor solid-liquid mass transfer limited the the alkaloid and the biomass yields on sugar were poor in
production rate (Sajc et al., 1995a ). the reactor. The inferior performance of the airlift reactor
was associated with poor mass transfer of nutrients to the
12. 4.3 Hairy root culture highly entangled, high density root mass. Mass transfer
limitations were suggested by the observed development of
An important development in plant cell culture technology
necrotic tissue within the root mass (Sharp and Doran,
has been the ability to transform the cells with the soil
1990). The low aeration rate used (0.08 vvm) probably
bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes to produce cultures
contributed to insufficient mass transfer; moreover the
that grow stably as hairy roots. Engineering of bioreactors
for these cultures poses new challenges because the roots geometry of the reactor had not been optimized to attain
high levels of liquid circulation. Design of large scale
grow as an interconnected network that cannot withstand
mechanical agitation. Bubble columns and airlift reactors airlift devices for hairy root culture would require a
knowledge of how the root network affects the circulation.
are well suited to this type of culture and have been
successfully employed. As the biomass grows and fills up Beds of compressed polymer fibers or metal wire may be
the reactor, mixing deteriorates, particularly in bubble used to simulate the root system in such studies.
columns. In airlift devices, where the biomass can be
confined to either the riser or the downcomer, better 12.5 Algal culture
nutrient supply can be maintained for longer periods. Culture of the marine microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta in
Whitney (1991) presents an example of hairy root culture of artificial sea water in a bubble column and airlift reactor
Nicotiana tabacum in a split-cylinder airlift device aerated was reported by Suzuki et al. (1995). Tile bubble column
at 0.3 vvm. A 'mist bioreactor' in which the root mass is had a rectangular cross-section (20 x 50 mm; 350 mm tall)
held unsubmerged in an aerated chamber and sprayed with and could be converted to the airlift configuration by
a mist of recirculating nutrient medium (Whitney, 1991) is inserting a vertical baffle (20 × 130 mm) with a 30 mm
a possible alternative to submerged culture in airlift clearance from the bottom. Under optimal conditions
systems. Comparative evaluations are lacking to establish a (30°C; 15 klux light intensity; 6% mol carbon dioxide in
preferred culture methodology. A properly designed air), no growth was observed in the airlift reactor whereas

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors ' 101

hydrodynamic smoothing of the upper and lower parts of

3 the baffle to prevent flow separation. In tile bubble column,
the algal growth was sensitive to aeration rate, increasing
2 with superficial gas velocity until a velocity of about 0.6
m.min~ (Figure 47). Further increase in aeration rate
reduced growth, apparently because of hydrodynamic
I 10 - I stresses in the fluid (Suzuki et al., 1995). Under non-
E growth conditions (no light), the specific death rate in the
bubble column was shown to increase with superficial gas
velocity for velocities exceeding 0.6 m.min-~ (Suzuki et aL,
< 4 1995). At a fixed aeration velocity (Uo = 1 m.min~), the
GO specific death rate decreased with increasing height of the
culture fluid in the column (Suzuki et al., 1995), probably
because the specific power input and, hence, the turbulence
AIRLIFT BIOREACTOR intensity declined. [For similar findings with animal cell
culture see Molina Grima et al. (1997).] For otherwise fixed
10 -2 I I I conditions, increasing the number of aeration nozzles--that
.0 25 50 75 100 is, decreasing the gas jet velocity---caused a marginal
reduction in the specific death rate. This led to the
TIME (h)
conclusion that the events at the gas sparger did contribute
to cell death (Suzuki et aL, 1995), although the effect was
Fig 46. Growth of D. tertiolecta in a bubble colmml (circular minimal.. Unlike Suzuki et al. (1995), Molina Grima et al.
symbols) and an airlift bioreactor under optimal conditions: 30°C; (1994; 1995) were quite successful in culturing microalga in
15 klux light intensity; and 6% vol carbon dioxide in aeration pilot scale airlift devices (see Section 4.4). Continuous
gas. Superficial gas velocities (based on outer column diameter): culture of the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa in a
0.2 m.minJ ( o , A ) and 0.4 m.minl ( e , • ). From Suzuki et aL
(1995). rectangular airlift device with multiple light-emitting
diodes was reported by Matthijs et al. (1996).

12.6 Chemical processes

Pneumatically agitated reactors are suitable for many
4 multiphase contacting chemical processes. Some of the
early applications were noted by Chisti (1989) and others
(Onken and Weiland, 1983; Steiner, 1987). As a recent
'E 2 example, Dedek (1990) studied the catalytic hydrogenation
of sunflower oil in a small draft-tube sparged concentric
m 10 -1 tube airlift reactor (1 L; A,/Aa = 0.8; aspect ratio --6). The
< 7 flow regime, whether bubble flow or slug flow, strongly
_o affected the rate of hydrogenation. The reaction rate
4 [] o.1 increased with increasing hydrogen flow rate over 0.5-2
~-/-------•~ • 0.2 vvm, but higher flow rates, up to 4 vvm, reduced the rate of
22I A

reaction (Dedek, 1990). Apparently, coalescence of gas
bubbles at high flow rates reduced the specific gas-liquid
10- I I I I I interfacial area. The conversion efficiency of the airlift
0 25 . 50 75 100 125 150 device was comparable to that of the mechanically agitated
systems tested so long as the latter were operated within the
TIME (h)
rotational speed limits (< 13 s~) that are encountered in
Fig 47. Growth ofD. tertiolecta in a bubble colunm (30°C; 15 larger industrial scale devices (Dedek, 1990).
klux light intensity; and 6% vol carbon dioxide in aeration gas). The examples noted here highlight only a selection of
From Suzuki et al. (1995). the many possible applications of airlift reactors in
bioprocessing, environmental remediation and the chemical
good growth occurred in tile bubble column (Figure 46).
Microscopic examination showed significant disruption of
the algal cells in the airlift device (Suzuki et al., 1995). 13. COMPARISON OF PROCESS PERFORMANCE
This was associated with the hydrodynamic stresses Many of tile specific performance characteristics of airlift
generated as the culture flowed over the upper edge of the bioreactors and other types of devices have been compared
baffle into the downcomer (Suzuki et al., 1995). This effect elsewhere in this work as well as in other reports (Chisti,
could have been avoided, or at least minimized, by 1989; Chisti and Moo-Young, 1987a; Choi et al., 1996;

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Immich and Onken, 1992; Mao et al., 1992; Ouyoung et stirred tank. In tile airlift device the specific power input
aL, 1989). This section deals with comparison of the ranged over 1.6-2.4 kW.m 3. The aeration rates varied over
overall process performance in some representative 0.6-0.95 vvm. The high power inputs were a reflection of
applications. the highly viscous broth; the power law parameters K and n
In a careful comparative study of stirred tanks and for the pseud0plastic broth were 7.5 Pa.s" and 0.4,
draft-tube internal-loop airlift reactors Hopf et al. (1990) respectively, toward the end of the 100-hour batch
confirmed identical biomass and antibiotic production in the fermentation (Cai et al., 1992b).
two types of systems for cultures of the myxobacterium Upon comparing the performance of stirred tank and
Sorangium cellulosum producing the polyketide antibiotic airlift fermenters in production of penicillin V by
ambruticin S. Identical performance occurred only so long Penicillium chrysogenum, cephalosporin by
as the dissolved oxygen levels in the two systems remained Cephalosporium acremonium and tetracycline by
above ca 40% of saturation. Overall, the airlift devices Streptomyces aureofaciens, Schiigerl (1990) concluded that
were superior because of lower power consumption, reduced airlift reactors were superior for all three fermentations.
contamination risk and less likelihood of mechanical However, in all eases, the processes needed to be adapted to
failure. Also, the capital expenditure on an airlift device is airlift reactors in terms of inoculation strategies, selection of
expected to be lower than on a stirred vessel of equal conditions, media and strains for the preferred growth
volume. morphology (Schiigerl, 1990). In the stirred fermenters,
In another investigation, using cultures of strictly cell mass concentration and the volumetric productivity
aerobic yeast Trichosporon cutaneum, identical biomass tended to be higher than in airlift vessels, but the power
production rateswere observed in airlift and stirred tank requirements were extremely high at 3-5 kW.m "3. Airlift
reactors when the oxygen transfer rates were identical; once reactors were better in terms of oxygen transfer efficiency,
again, the airlift system attained the requisite levels of and specific productivities with respect to substrate input,
oxygen transfer at lower power inputs (Yonsel et aL, 1991). power input and oxygen consumption (Schiigerl, 1990).
Thus, over a range of oxygen transfer rates (0.7-2.7 kg The product yield coefficients based on substrate and on
oxygen transferred m3.h~), the oxygen transfer efficiency of oxygen were also higher in the airlift reactors. Overall the
the airlift reactors was nearly constant at ca 2 kg O:/kWh, airlift devices were better, because for these fermentations
whereas that of the stirred tank declined form a high of the major costs were due to raw materials (for example, 50-
about 1 kg O2/kWh to 0.5 kg O2/kWh (Yonsel et aL, 1991). 60% of the final cost of product) and power consumption
Identical performance of stirred tanks and airlift (for example, 10-20%); thus, high specific productivities
systems was noted also in anaerobic cultm-e of Clostridium were preferable to high volumetric productivity (Schiigerl,
butyricum during production of 1,3-propanediol from 1990).
glycerol in reactors up to 2 m 3 (Giinzel et aL, 1991). In producing cephalosporin C by highly viscous broths
Reporting on extracellular polysaccharide production of the mold C. acremonium in an external-loop airlift
by the filamentous fungus Acremonium persicinum, reactor (60 L; aspect ratio based on riser = 18.3; A/Ad =
Stasinopoulos and Seviour (1993) observed that biopolymer 9.1), Bayer et aL (1989) reported a final antibiotic
production levels in Rushton-turbine stirred tanks were concentration of 5 kg.m 3 which was about 70% of what had
approximately 15% of those found in shake flasks or in an been obtained in a large stirred fermenter. The poor
airlift fermenter when the agitator tip speed in the stirred performance of the airlift device was probably because the
tanks were 0.46-0.92 m.s 1. For a reduced tip speed of 0.18 processes had not been adapted to the reactor. Another
m.s ~, the polymer production in stirred tanks was study, using a draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift
comparable to that in shake flasks; however, this low reactor, reported the final yield of cephalosporin C at ~80%
agitation speed led to poor mixing causing sampling of that in a stirred fermenter (Srivastava and Kundu, 1995).
problems and an inability to control the level of dissolved In production of thuringiensin from Bacillus
oxygen. thuringiensis, an airlift device with a wire mesh draft-tube
In evaluating reactors for possible use in highly gave twice the yield (2.2 kg.m 3 thuringiensin) of a stirred
viscous non-newtonian fermentations for producing reactor (Tzeng and Young, 1996).
pullulan using Aureobasidium pullulans, Cai et al. (1992b) For removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge by
determined that a draft-tube sparged internal-loop airlift microbial solubilization, Tyagi et aL (1991) compared the
device with the draft-tube split into short sections was the deep shaft operation of a concentric draft-tube airlift device
most suitable reactor. Splitting the draft-tube improved with stirred tank reactors. The removal efficiencies were
communication between the riser and downcomer, reducing equivalent for the two types of reactors. Although Tyagi et
the likelihood of oxygen depletion in the unaerated al. (1991) were able to maintain a stable circulation of
downcomer. Performance of this 3 m 3 airlift reactor was liquid, this type of operation is inherently unstable and flow
compared with an equal volume stirred vessel agitated by reversal can easily occur.
two Rushton turbines at 120-180 rpm. For identical In conclusion, suitably designed airlift bioreactors
aeration conditions in the two systems, the substrate perform as well as or better than conventional stirred
conversion in the airlift reactor was about 45% higher but fermenters. Airlift reactors invariably use less power, are
the power consumption was only about 64% of that in the less susceptible to Contamination and mechanical failure.

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 103

14. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Additional details on design for cleaning-in-place have

been given by Chisti and Moo-Young (1994d).
To ensure satisfactory performance of bioreactors, attention
to transport phenomena, hydrodynamics and hydraulics
14.2 Materials
must be combined with consideration of other essential
factors. Most food and biopharmaceutieal processing Materials of construction, must withstand the physico-
requires that the equipment comply with the standards of chemical conditions encountered during cleaning,
Good Manufacturing Practices. In some cases, the design of sterilization and processing. The materials that come in
the reactor may require special primary containment contact with the process fluids should be non-reactive, non-
features consistent with the biosafety-level classification of additive, non-absorptive, and durable. For a great majority
the process. The principal design considerations for of applications, austenitic stainless steels are the preferred
contamination free operation are discussed in the following material of construction for bioreactors. The bioreactor
sections. vessel is usually made in Type 316L stainless steel while the
less expensive Type 304 (or 304L) is used for the jacket, the
14.1 Sterile processing insulation shroud, and other non-product contacting
surfaces (Chisti, 1992a). The L grades of stainless steel
Bioreactors other than those used in waste treatment are
contain less than 0.03% carbon, which reduces chromium
typically designed for sterile operation. Industrial
carbide formation during welding and lowers the potential
bioreactors for sterile processing are normally designed as
for later intragranular corrosion at the welds. Cold-rolled
pressure vessels capable of sterilization with saturated steam
steel sheets should be used in vessel making for ease of
at 16 psig (Chisti, 1992a). In most instances, the vessel is
polishing later.
designed for a maximum allowable working pressure of 40-
45 psig at a design temperature of 150-180°C. The vessel
14.3 Surface finish
is designed to withstand full vacuum (Chisti, 1992a). In
North America, the design conforms to ASME, Section The finish on surfaces that come in contact with the process
VIII, Division 1, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Other material and, to some extent, the finish on external surfaces
codes may be accepted in other jurisdictions. The vessel is affect the ability to clean, sanitize and sterilize the
hydrostatically tested to 150% of maximum working bioreactor and the general processing area (Chisti, 1992a).
pressure by the builder (Chisti, 1992a). The vessels are The surface finish has implication on stability and reactivity
invariably jacketed, and unless there is some special need, of the surface, and it may have process implications relating
the jacket is designed to the same conditions as the vessel. to microbial or animal cell adhesion to surfaces.
Chloride-free fiberglass insulation, fully enclosed in a The surface may be polished mechanically or by a
protective shroud is applied to the jacket. The jacket and combination of mechanical and electrolytic processes. The
the reactor are provided with over pressure protection: a mechanical polish is achieved by abrasive action of a
relief valve on the jacket or its associated piping, a bursting sandpaper type material on metal. The surface finish may
disc on the bioreactor. Usually, AISI Type 316L stainless be specified by grit number, for example, 240 grit polish,
steel or graphite burst disc is used. The latter type has the which refers to the quantity of particles per square inch of
advantage that it does not develop pinholes or cracks the abrasive pad or belt (Chisti, 1992a). The higher the grit
without complete failure (Chisti, 1992a). Thus, sterility is number, the smoother the finish. More quantitative
less likely to be compromised with graphite discs. measures of surface profiles in terms of "arithmetic mean
The vessel should be designed to drain fully. It should roughness," (Ra), and "root mean square roughness," (Rq),
have a minimum number of ports, nozzles, connections, and are now coming into use~ From a bioprocessing point of
other attachments consistent with the current and view, i t should be noted that even a 320 grit polished
anticipated future needs of the process (Chisti, 1992a). The surface will have an Ra of the order of 0.23-0.30 Ixm.
bioreactor should be free of crevices and stagnant areas Clearly, such a surface could provide many potential sites
where pockets of liquid and solids may accumulate. The for attachment to microbes and other microscopic particles.
vessel should have few internal. Steam connections should Hence, for internal surfaces of bioreactors, electropolished
allow for complete displacement of air pockets. Other surface is preferable to mechanical polish alone (Chisti,
essential design features for sterilization and sterile 1992a).
operation have been treated by Chisti (1992b). Electropolishing is an electrolytic process which
During cleaning, removable spray balls (or nozzles) preferentially removes the sharp microscopic surface
are inserted into the vessel through one of the ports on the projections arising from mechanical polishing; the result is
head plate. Permanently installed spray heads are not a much smoother finish. Electropolishing significantly
recommended because of potential difficulties with reduces the metal surface areas, and hence the product-
sterilization (Chisti and Moo-Young, 1994d). The spray of metal contact area. The treatment imparts corrosion
cleaning solutions should reach all part of the vessel; hence, resistance to stainless steel by removing the microscopic
careful design of static spray balls is essential. Better regions of high local stress; it creates a passivated steel
coverage of the tank is possible with rotating spray nozzles. surface, rich in protective chromium oxide (Chisti, 1992a).

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The bioreactor surface specifications should state the 16. NOMENCLATURE

level of mechanical polish needed prior to the electropolish A Cross-sectional area of column or riser and
step (Chisti, 1992a). Scanning electron micrographs o f downcomer (m2)
electropolished surfaces reveal that there is little advantage Ab Cross-sectional area for flow under baffle or draft-
to starting with a much better than 220 grit (Ra about 0.4- tube (m2)
0.5 p.m) polished surface. If mechanical polish alone must Ao Effective cross-sectional area for flow in entry region
be used, it should be at least 240 grit (Chisti, 1992a), and of downcomer (m2)
Ad Cross-sectional area of downcomer (m2)
the direction of polish should be controlled to produce a
Aae Cross-sectional area of expanded entrance of
vertical grain for good drainage (Chisti, 1992a). The downcomer (m2)
surface should receive a nitric acid wash treatment as a AF Free area for liquid flow at the location of sparger
minimum. The orientation of grain does not seem to be of (m2)
consequence if the surface is to be electropolished (Chisti, An Area for heat transfer (m2)
1992a). ALa Total gas-liquid interfacial area in downcomer (m2)
Electropolishing removes surface impurities from Az~ Total gas-liquid interfacial area in riser (ms)
steel. In the region of impurity, the surface may develop An Effective cross-sectional area for flow in entry region
such flaws as cavities and grooves from where the impurity of riser (m2)
has been dissolved away. For superior surface with few Ar Cross-sectional area of riser (m2)
flaws, pure stainless steel should be used in construction. a Constant in equation (10) (mb.Sb); exponent in
equations (133) and (136) (-); specific gas--liquid
Thus, Type 316L from a consumable electrode or
interfacial area (basis unknown, m"l)
electroslag removal process is preferred (Chisti, 1992a). aD Gas-liquid interfacial area per unit volume of
The welds on the internal parts of the bioreactor dispersion (m"1)
should be ground flush with the internal surface, and az Gas-liquid interfacial area per unit liquid volume
polished in the same way as the rest of the vessel. Welds (m"l)
are difficult to notice in high-quality construction (Chisti, az~ Gas-liquid interfacial area per unit liquid volume in
1992a). bubble column (ml)
as Total solid-liquid interfacial area (m2)
B Unbaffied height in the head zone of internal-loop
15. CONCLUDING REMARKS reactors (m)
b Exponent (-)
Pneumatically agitated bioreactors, especially the airlift BOD Biochemicaloxygen demand
designs, have proven effective in numerous kinds of Cl Constant in equation (151) (-)
bioprocessing. Compared to the more conventional stirred Ccrit Critical concentration of oxygen (mmol.m"3)
fermenters, airlift devices typically require less power for a C~ Oxygen concentration at inlet of bed (mmol.m3)
given performance, are more mechanically robust and less CL Instantaneous concentration of transferring
susceptible to contamination. The airlift technology has component in liquid (kg-m"3)
been demonstrated at extremely large scale and continues to CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose
displace the stirred bioreactors. However, pneumatically COD Chemical oxygen demand
agitated bioreactors are less flexible and unforgiving of Cp Specific heat capacity (J.kgq.°C"l)
design flaws. Stirred tanks, though inefficient, expensive Cs Concentration of solids in slurry (kg.m3)
Cr Dimensionless tracer concentration (-)
and failure prone, have the agitation speed and aeration rate
C~ Tracer concentration at time t (kg.m"3)
as two independent major operational degrees of freedom.
C,~ Final equilibrium concentration of tracer (kg.m"3)
Furthermore, if a performance problem is encountered, the C* Saturation concentration of transferring gas or solute
stirrer motor and the impeller type, number, location or in liquid (kg-m"3)
diameter are relatively easily modified in attempts to correct Parameter defined by equation (72)
it. The pneumatically agitated bioreactors have no such c Constant in equations (14), (133) and (136) (-)
modifiable features and, therefore, there is little tolerance cl Concentration of component 1 in liquid (mol.m3)
for design shortcomings. As discussed in this review, the Dc Diameter of the 6onnecting pipe (m)
knowledge base for design and operation of pneumatic DL Diffusivity of gas or solute in liquid (mLs"1)
bioreactors is substantial, yet much remains to be learnt. d Hydraulic diameter of pipe (m)
How the many geometric design variables and operational ds Sauter mean bubble diameter (m)
parameters affect mass and heat transfer, mixing and shear dsd Mean bubble diameter in downcomer (m)
rates, and gas holdup is not fully established. Aspects of ds~ Diameter of ith bubble (m)
dBr Mean bubble diameter in riser (m)
hydraulics are better understood, but uncertainties remain.
dc Diameter of cell (m)
With some exceptions, design and scaleup continue to dj Diameter of draft-tube (m)
require pilot plant studies. Nevertheless, experience do Diameter of column or outer tube (m)
suggests that reliable design is generally feasible based on a dp Diameter of particle (m)
combination of the available procedures and suitable pilot dr Diameter of the riser (m)
plant data. Therefore, the trend toward greater use of the E Energy dissipation rate per unit mass ("3)
airlift technology is likely to persist.

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Appl Mech Rev vol 51, no 1, January 1998 Chisti: Pneumatically mixed bioreactors 105

E~ Energy dissipation due to fluid turnaround at bottom No Initial cell concentration (cells.m"3)
(W) N, Total number of cells in reactor (-)
E~ Energy dissipation due to wall-friction (W) n Flow behavior index (-)
Efficiency of airlift pump (-) n~ Frequency of occurrence of bubble with diameter dBt
Ej Energy input rate' (W) (-)
Overall axial dispersion coefficient of liquid (mZs"1) nr Number of ideally mixed tanks in series (-)
E~ Axial dispersion coefficient of liquid in downcomer OUR Oxygen uptake rate
(mLsl) P Pressure at the point of entry of the gas (Pa)
ELf Axial dispersion coefficient of liquid in riser (m2.s"l) Pa Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
Ee Energy dissipation rate in the packed bed (W) Pe Peclet number (-)
ER Energy dissipation due to bubbles in riser (W) Po Power input due to isothermal expansion of gas (W)
Er Energy dissipation due to fluid turnaround at top (W) PHE Plate heat exchanger
F Ratio of liquid volume in unaerated head region to Ph Pressure in the headspace (Pa)
volume in loop (-) P Dimensionless distance (-)
Fr Froude number (-) AP Pressure drop (Pa)
f Exponents in equations (104-106) (-) APs Pressure drop in the bottom zone of the reactor (Pa)
A Activity coefficient of component 1 in liquid (-) APpa Frictional pressure drop in downcomer (Pa)
G Mass flow rate of the liquid (kg.s4) APpr Frictional pressure drop in riser (Pa)
g Gravitational acceleration (m-s"2) . APr Pressure drop in the top zone of the reactor (Pa)
Vertical clearance between draft-tube and bottom of Q Vohnne flow rate of gas or liquid (
reactor (m) Qn Rate of heat removal (W)
N Hamaker constant (J) Qm Molar flow rate of gas (mobs"l)
hb Height of baffle (including the lower clearance) (m) q Total oxygen consumption in the bed (mmol-h"l)
h~ Dimensionless distance between level of liquid and R Gas constant (LKl.mol "l)
the upper edge of baffle (-) Ro Specific oxygen consumption rate of cells
Height of gas-liquid dispersion (m) 0mnol/(cell.h) or mmol/(cell-s))
ha Height of dovmcomer (m) RNA Ribonucleic add
Height of gas-free liquid (m) Ra Arithmetic mean surface roughness (lain)
hLi Height of lift (m) Re Reynolds number (7)
ht Height of fluid stream at lower opening of draft-tube Red Reynolds number in downcomer (-)
(m) Rer Reynolds number in riser (-)
ho Film heat transfer coefficient inside reactor Rq Root mean square rouglmess (
(W'm'L°C "') r Radial position in the annulus (m)
hr Height of riser (m) ri Outer radius of draft-tube (m)
h, Height of fluid stream at upper opening of draft-tube ro Radius of outer coltnnn (m)
(m) S Surface area per refit volume of particle (m~)
J Total distance traveled (m) Sc Schmidt number.(-)
K Consistency index of fluid (Pa-s") Sh Sherwood nmnber (-)
Ks Frictional loss coefficient for the bottom (-) T Absolute temperature (K)
K, Individual friction loss coefficients in circulation path t Instantaneous time (s)
(-) t~ Liquid circulation time (s)
K, Solidqiquid mass transfer coefficient ( to Residence time of gas in liquid (s)
Kr Frictional loss coefficient for the top (-) ILd Liquid residence time in downcomer (s)
k Constant in equation (149) (-) tL~ Liquid residence time in riser (s)
kf Friction factor defined by equation (61 ) (-) tM Mixing time (s)
kL Gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient (m-s"1) tMB Mixing time in bubble colmnn (s)
( kLaL), o~d Overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient in riser t~ Wall thickness (m)
or downcomer (S"1) AT Mean temperature difference (°C)
kl" Thermal conductivity (W-mL°C q) Ub Mean bubble rise velocity (m.s4)
L Length of circulation loop, pipe or separator (m) Uo Superficial gas velocity based on outer column cross-
L~ Characteristic length (m) sectional area (m.sq)
Ld Length of draft-tube (m) U~ Critical gas velocity for suspension of solids (m.s1)
Lh Vertical distance between upper and lower riser- Uor Superficial gas velocity in the riser (m.s"l)
downcomer connections (m) Uo,,, Minimum superficial gas velocity in riser to initiate
Depth of the packed bed (m) circulation of liquid (m.s4)
L, Distance between the tracer measuring points (m) UH Overall heat transfer coefficient (W.m'2.*Cq)
l Length of the connecting pipe or distance between UL Mean superficial liquid velocity in the reactor or pipe
riser and downcomer in separator (m) (m.s-t)
g Length scale of microeddies (m) Uza Superficial liquid velocity in the downcomer (m.sq)
Ma Marrucci parameter (-) ULd~ Critical superficial downcomer liquid velocity for
MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids (kg.m"3) suspension of solids (m.s"1)
Mo Morton number (-) ULd, Superficial liquid velocity in the expanded zone of
N Cell concentration at time t (cells.m3) downcomer (m. s'l)

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ULn Superficial liquid velocity in the head region (m.s q) pSL Density of slurry (kg.m"3)
ULr Superficial liquid velocity in the riser (m.s "l) aL Interfacial tension (kg.s2)
Uz,,, Maximum anticipated superficial liquid velocity in Shear stress (Pa.s)
riser (m.s q) ~D Wall shear stress in gas-liquid dispersion (Pa.s)
Up Slip velocity (m.s q) ZDa Wall shear stress for flow of dispersion in downcomer
USr Superficial velocity of solids in the riser (m.s "1) (Va.s)
Ut Terminal settling velocity of a single particle in liquid ~Dr Wall shear stress for flow of dispersion in riser (Pa.s)
(m-sq) ZL Wall shear stress for flow of gas-free liquid (Pa.s)
Va Volume of downcomer (m 3) ZLa Wall shear stress for flow of gas-free liquid in
Vat Available volume below drafl-tube (m 3) downcomer (Pa.s)
Vo Volume of gas (m 3) Tl.,r Wall shear stress for flow of gas-free liquid in riser
VL Volume of liquid or slurry (m 3) (Pa-s)
VLd Linear liquid velocity in downcomer (m.s q) ¢b Constant in equation (110) (-)
VLo Linear velocity of the liquid (m.s 1) Void fraction of the packed bed (-)
V, Volume of riser (m 3) Volume fraction of solids in gas-free slurry (-)
V, Volume of gas-liquid separator (m 3) Volume fraction of solids in gas-free slurry in
V= Packed volume of settled solids (m 3) downcomer (-)
vvm Volume of gas flow per unit volume of liquid per Volume fraction of solids in gas-free slurry in riser
minute (rain q) (-)
W Width of gas-liquid separator (m)
Wi Weissenberg number (-)
Wz Total weight of liquid in slurry (kg) REFERENCES
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Yusuf Chisti is with the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Almeria, Spain. He holds
a BSc in chemistry from the University of dos, Nigeria, an MSc in biochemical engineering from the
University of London, United Kingdom, and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of
Waterloo, Canada. He is a Chartered Engineer, CEng, in the UK. His previous appointments were
with The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria, CHEMBIOMEDLtd (Edmonton, Canada), and the University
o f Waterloo, Canada. Chisti is the author of the highly cited book Airlift B i o r e a c t o r s (Elsevier, Lon-
don, 1989). He has over 80 other publications in areas such as bioreactor design, downstream bio-
separations, microbial fermentations, enzyme technology, animal cell culture, bioremediation and
bioconversion of wastes, hydrodynamics and transport phenomena in multiphase systems, and
pharmaceutical bioprocessing. He is Associate Editor o f B i o t e c h n o l o g y A d v a n c e s , a member of the
Editorial Board of the I n d i a n C h e m i c a l Engineer, and has been a guest editor of other books and
journals. He is listed in W h o ' s W h o in E n g i n e e r i n g (American Association o f Engineering Societies,
Washington, 1994). He has been a consultant to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna,
the Centro de Quimica Farmaceutica, Cuba, Apotex Fermentation lnc., Canada, Hoogovens Groep B V, the Netherlands, and
other institutions and companies worldwide. He is a member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK), the Society of
Chemical Industry (UK), the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

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