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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: September 8th, 2020.

Call to Order:
A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held
remotely via Google Meet video conference on September 8th, 2020. The meeting convened at 9:00am,
Professor LeCompte presiding and Veronica Garcia Santiago, secretary. All students attended except:
Mileyshka Loyo.

Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the September 3th, 2020 were approved after corrections.

Matters Discussed:
1. Professor Le Compte welcomed students to the meeting and presented the agenda of the day.

2. Professor Le Compte gave a quiz from 9:10am to 9:20am to corroborate if the students read and
comprehended the chapter 1 of “Pocket Guide to Technical Communication”.

3. Minutes of September 3th, 2020 were discussed and corrected by the members of the class.

4. Professor Le Compte discussed chapter 1 of “Pocket Guide to Technical Communication”.

She highlighted the following:
a) Types of writing (academic, personal, technical)
b) Examples of technical writing.
c) Nine steps to better writing (first seven plan for writing, last two start the technical
d) Establishing the decision-making levels of reader.

5. Professor Le Compte reminded students to read chapter 2 of "Pocket Guide to Technical

Communication" and prepare for reading corroboration.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:30am.

Submitted by:

_______________________ _____________________________
Veronica Garcia Santiago, Secretary Date of Approval

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