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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: August 27,2020

Call to Order:
A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held
remotely via Google Meets video conference on August 27,2020. The meeting convened at 9:06 a.m.,
Professor LeCompte presiding and Luis A. Blanco Martínez, secretary. All students attended except:
Yaidelis Rodríguez, Mileyshka Loyo, and Grenda Cruz.

Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the August 25, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed to members of the course.

Matters Discussed:

1. Professor Le Compte welcomed the students and proceeded to read the agenda.

2. Students had two minutes to complete the writing exercise with the topic: “What cheers you up,
without fail?” and two students volunteered to read their free writing.

3. Minutes of August 25, 2020 were discussed and corrected by the members of the class.

4. The professor asked students to show her the mouse traps to make sure everyone had it.

5. LeCompte postponed the discussion of progress report due to lack of time and then explained
the definition and characteristics of technical writing.

6. The professor explained and made us copy all the characteristics of technical writing.

7. Professor LeCompte assigned a Venn diagram of three types of mouse traps and to write in our
own words the steps to assemble a mouse trap.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:30p.m.

Submitted by:

_______________________ _____________________________
Luis A. Blanco Martinez, Secretary Date of Approval

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