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Name: Del castillo, Raevhen

Course & Section: ABFS-201

Subject: Introduction to International Trade
Professor: Sir, Jumel G. Estrañero

CPP-NPA-NDFP: “The Communist Rebels of the Philippines”.

1.) The CPP-NPA-NDFP or the Communist Party of the Philippines – New People’s Army
was founded by Jose Maria Sison the known student activist. It was formed December
26, 1968 and the goal is to “overthrow” the government of the Philippines. The CPP-
NPA was originally based on Capas, Tarlac which is known as the widest island in
Luzon. It all started with sixty combatants and thirty-five rifles but as time passed by it
gain more members which are the leftist student and those rallyist. CPP looks to set up
new democratic state in the Philippines that will be driven by the common laborers and
be liberated from the impact of the United States. The gathering displayed its furnished
battle and extended individuals' battle after China's Maoist development. The CPP has
two component which is the NPA or the New People’s Army and the NDF or the
National Democratic Front of the Philippines which is known as the umbrella
organization of the communist which negotiates with the government of the Philippines.

The First attack of this Communist rebels was August 21, 1971. Which three (3) of their
members threw four grenades on the stage of Manila’s Plaza Miranda during the Liberal
Party rally. Late President Ferdinand Marcos was blamed for the rebel’s attack which
resulted to nine (9) people died and ninety-five (95) individuals are wounded. There are
several times that these communist attacks were reported but their last attack was August
15, 2015. The said group initiate two attacks during that day in the province of Agusan
del sur, it was reported that they destroyed a truck with the used of their explosive device
which they made improvised. Later that day they also attacked and attempt to hurt two
(2) men, one of them is a member of AFP or the Armed Force of the Philippines and one
is an individual.
2.) The effect of terrorism is consistently negative on the economy, and actual obliteration is
an enormous motivation behind why. Terrorist pulverize existing plants, machines,
transportation frameworks, laborers and other financial assets that can obliterate billions
of dollars of property and foolishly murder a huge number of profitable specialists.
Gainful assets that may have created significant merchandise and enterprises are
annihilated, while different assets are perpetually redirected from other profitable uses to
support the military and protection. None of these make abundance or add to the way of

Terrorism won't just cause essential monetary effect, however will likewise deliver
extensive auxiliary (or backhanded) sway. This auxiliary monetary effect is the
aftereffect of a reliant financial framework where fear terrorist attacks cause the
disturbance of monetary elements which have not been immediate focuses of the attack.
The economy of a zone influenced by terrorism endures a prompt effect because of loss
of property and assets used to fix structures and framework harm. It additionally endures
long haul impacts as monetary business sectors gradually recuperate from the stun of the

3.) Being one (1) of the members of communist rebels which is the CPP-NPA-NDFP is very
risky specially if you are youth because people believe that we youths are the hope our
nation the reason that in our generation when our time comes, we will have a chance to
choose our leader or we can be a leader also. In my own perspective joining this rebellion
can cost our lives, the government of our country believes that those members are leftist
and activist who are not in favor to the governing of our government. They somehow
cause conflicts and war that I can say it cannot secure our lives and can hinder our
development as a people of our nation that can also hinder to develop and improve of our
country’s best attributes.

4.) I think we can counter the insurgency and terrorism in our country if our leader will be
treating and hear them as person who are part of our society not as an enemy, we can
listen to their opinions that we might consider a good thing for the positive impact to our
country. And as student or an individual we have the freedom to choose who will be our
leader or President who can possibly stop this terrorism that can cause fear and death to
our society.

5.) The Government of the Republic of the Philippines failure to give fruitful administration
in the nation's most penniless locales is the key power continuing the CPP-NPA uprising.
The deficiency of reasonable financial conditions has added to foundational unfairness
and disregard that keeps on energizing the CPP-outfitted NPA's battle. The mistreatment
of the government leads the CPP-NPA rebellion that cause many lives and wars was the
result of the negligence of our government. Knowing the purpose of the said rebellion
was to overthrow our government, if only our government had run smoothly, there would
have been no terrorists and no lives would have been lost and there are no conflicts that

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