Family Comes First

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Tanner Orr Orr 1

English IV
19 November 2020
Word Count: 461

Family comes first

I​ know, I got to be there for them. Family comes first. We’ve all heard that famous saying before,
but I truly believe it. I have had a father that has shown me the perfect example of a family man. To this
day, I try and replicate him. No matter the set of circumstances the family is in, I know they have my back,
and I’ll have theirs. Since this belief was instilled in me, I’ve done everything I can to contribute as a
family man.

10 years of guilt followed me after skipping a family birthday celebration for a crummy haunted
house. That guilt ripped me up like paper in a shredder. I realized family comes first.

Since I’ve embraced the role of being the premier brother, son, grandson, and nephew. I spend a farther
more amount of time with my family than I do with my friends even though I consider them part of the
function. Nevertheless, multiple lessons have been learned from my family such as expressing my
gratitude or caring about the right things. Those lessons are like the weight off my shoulders, they make
everything easier. And they helped me realize family comes first.

Throughout my journey, these people supported every endeavor I partake. Even if that’s underwater
basket weaving. I realized family comes first.

I realized that no distance can alter your relationship. Other than my intuitive father, my tall and keen
uncle has played an impactful role in shaping me into a man. Over a decade ago he moved to Portland but
it seems like he’s my next store neighbor. I can count the days on one hand when we haven’t spoken.
Every day he calls just to see how school went, how my sports are doing, and overall how I’ve been. Even a
5-minute phone call made me realize family comes first.

A silent thought of how can you even repay them for 18 years of giving you everything continues to cross
my head.

My family has provided me with a feeling of safety and security. I feel comfortable about anything when
my family is around. They make it feel like you’re hanging with your best friends. Family makes those
significant moments seem like a catwalk. As my nerves built for a conference championship game my old
man said “dude, it’s literally just a game.” After the one-liner quote, he told me I went on to play one of my
best games in a 14-year career.

Being put first for 18 years, now it’s my turn to return the favor. Without family you have nothing. My
family is my life, and everything else comes second as far as what's important to me. I will always believe
family always comes first.

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