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Integrated Quality Management Activity 4 File 2025309

Name_________________________________Date November fourteenth

The Environment
Some alarming facts
Did you know that…?
 One -third of the world`s people haven´t had enough clean water?
 Two-thirds of the world`s ocean coastlines have been polluted?
 Chemicals have destroyed ten percent of the ozone layer over Europe and
North America?
 Each year , people have burnt or have cut down nearly 143.000 square
kilometers (55.000 square miles) at forest?
 Americans and Canadians have created about 1.8 kilograms (4.0.lbs) of
garbage per person

1.Underline the verbs in present perfect

2. Find out about other 2 alarming facts about the environment, create your own
chart and show it in the next class. Use the present perfect.

 People all over the world have wasted a lot of electrical energy.
 Humanity has been overpopulating the planet

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