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Rosales 1

Frida Rosales

Professor Hugetz

ENGL 1302.06

29 November 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Summary

While writing the rhetorical analysis essay, I was able to learn a big variety of

information. Majority of what I learned relates to what the essay was about, but most importantly

I learned how to write more properly; specifically, by rephrasing sentences to provide more

wording and enhance the message I was giving to the audience. I also got better at changing my

grammar, punctuation, formatting, and parenthetical citations from the preliminary drafts and full

rough draft that were full of errors at first. From my full rough draft to the final draft, I would say

that there is a drastic change because I was given a lot of feedback from my professor and my

support group members that made me aware of the mistakes I had on my paper and they told me

how I could make changes. The mistakes I had to correct included the formatting of the paper,

correct the grammar, punctuation, and the parenthetical citations I had. When we started the

rhetorical analysis essay, I was really confused at first because I had completely forgotten the

elements that were required for this essay. Going to tutoring helped me all the way through the

rhetorical analysis essay and made it less stressful. Once I remembered what was supposed to be

written in this type of essay it became easier to continue writing especially because I truly liked

the topic I was writing about. All that I have learned from this essay has helped me with the other

papers we have had in English class; it even helped me with reports I had in my Texas history

course. I am definitely going to keep a copy of this essay, which I am confident that it will

continue to help me with my upcoming classes I am taking at Alvin Community College.

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