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CTQ 10

The Myth of Redemptive Violence in My Culture

Bulgarians have managed to preserve a spectacular amount of myths and legends, which
continue being passed down to generations and contribute to the rich culture of our country.
Among all those legends and myths, there are many that cover the idea of redemptive
violence – something very common in media, that usually suggests about how the good
always wins over the evil, how the hero always overpowers the villain.

One of the most famous Bulgarian myths, that me and most of my peers have grown up
listening to, is the one about The Three Brothers and the Golden Apple. It is a short story with
fantasy aspects; hence, it is not a real-life situation. The main ideas behind this myth are the
good overpowering the bad as well as the courtly love. The Three Brothers and the Golden
Apple tells the story of three brothers trying to fight an evil dragon that has captivated a
beautiful princess and is destroying three worlds. As one can guess, the youngest brother
defeats the dragon and kills it, after going through numerous obstacles and difficulties, and in
the end, he marries the princess which he had set free from the evil creature’s captivity.

While other cultures’ myths may focus on different aspects, Bulgarian myths are focused on
power, courage and heroism, and that’s why I believe The Three Brothers and the Golden
Apple can be considered appealing to my culture. It helps people identify with the main
character and feel his power and courage as if it were their own. This myth is particularly
appealing for the younger, kids (especially boys), who believe in such things, and as we
suppose, no elderly person would believe in the existence of dragons these days.

I strongly believe this myth would be easily perceived by other cultures as well, as it doesn’t
refer to any specific historical aspect for Bulgaria, but rather to some universal notions, such
that good always wins and the spark of courtly love between a lady and her savior.

I am also providing you with a link of this myth translated in English:

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