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Date: November 9, 2020

Teacher: Ms. Henry

Grade level: 1st
Time: 45 minutes
Content Area: Mathematics

I. Content and Standards:

 PA Early Learning Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.5

Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to
add 2).

 PA Early Learning Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.6

Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and
subtraction within 10.

 PA Early Learning Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.D.8

Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction
equation relating three whole numbers.

II. Prerequisites

 Students know number names and the count sequence.

 Students can count to tell the number of objects.
 Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and
understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
 Students can use mathematical processes when qualifying,
comparing, representing, and modeling numbers.

III. Instructional Objective: Students will be able to relate partners and

totals in order to find the unknown partner using a math mountain.

IV. Instructional Procedures

a) Before (Opening Routine): Review virtual learning expectations,

(Whole Body Listening) eyes are looking, mouth is quiet, body is still, ears
are listening, and brain focused. Then proceed to ensuring students have
all their materials ready, and are ready to begin the lesson. I will begin
the lesson by introducing the objective as it pertains to previous lessons
and its significance by emphasizing the meaning of the words addition,
partners, equal, and total. Then choose a friend to restate the objective to
their friends for reinforcement and clarity. I will proceed by doing a “Math
Talk” that will consist of me presenting a same or different picture. I will
give students time to think, and then encourage them to share their
mathematical thinking. I will emphasize there is no right or wrong answer
and their opinion is valuable. After students have shared their thoughts I
will summarize/ reiterate their responses and proceed to the guided

b) During (Guided instruction/ Formative task): I will introduce the

math mountain to students and its components. Then place the total of 6
at the top of the mountain and a 4 at the bottom left side of the mountain
as one of the partner. Then demonstrate how to find the other partner
using the counting on method. Next we will do a problem together to
check for understanding. I will choose a student to choose numbers for the
total and a partner using numbers up to 10 and tell us how we can find the
unknown partner. We will work together to find the unknown partner
then will proceed to the independent practice.

I will explain to students that they will be completing pg. 97 in their

Math Expressions Workbook, which consists of them finding the partner
in the math mountain. Then give them choices of what they can do when
they are finished. I will have a student review instructions with the class,
and I will also post it on the board with supporting pictures. While
students are completing their independent activity I will check in on
everyone to provide the necessary support.

c) After (Reflective Closure): Students will draw a math mountain with a

total of 8 and a partner of 5 using a whiteboard, Jamboard, or paper. I will
take note of students’ response for future lessons and to have students set
goals. Closing thoughts- How do you feel about finding the unknown
partner using a math mountain?
V. Homework Assignments:
Complete pg. 51 in Math Expressions Workbook (volume 1)

VI. Materials and Equipment: white erasable boards, erasable markers,

pencils, paper

VII. Assessment/Evaluation:

Formal assessment: Exit ticket (quick problem)

Informal assessment: Ask questions during lesson/ Observations.

VIII. Differentiation
Provide one-on-one explicit instruction.

Provide additional time to complete independent practice with additional

instructions and modeling.

I. Technology
Lab top- Power-point Presentation, Name picker wheel, Google meet
IX. Self-Assessment 
How was the lesson overall?
Are there aspects of the lesson you would have changed? Why?

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