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Harry Potter's Wizarding World of Related Rates

Claire Dempsey, 1st period

1. Potions Class
During a typical potions class at Hogwarts, students watch their potions
in conical flasks bubble away with magic. If the radius of the flask is 3
inches and the potion is evaporating at a rate of 1 cublic inch per minute,
at what rate is the height of the potion decreasing when the height is 8
2. Quiddich Battle
In an intense game of Quiddich, Harry and Draco are traveling in straight
lines towards the Golden Snitch. Harry is 300 feet away, heading south from
the north and Draco is 400 feet away, heading west from the east. Harry is
traveling at a rate of 30 feet per second and Draco is traveling at a rate of 25
feet per second. At what rate is the distance between them decreasing after
3 seconds?

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