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-1-- - j ;, ) H'- " i it:' . (l"h ) 1 •p<,, t,d l.iy M.\IC' rinl ~ 1.1tJ1lil ) rmtu latl' Oil i-:1,1, li t'
1 !09
Coii -; :iw•i~c Hch 1ionc;-N nriu:1'li1~- :1nd Conn·., il)'
Cl-IAPTER. FOUR .u; ;-'C. HE'> iE,"-iTAL (llYl'O EL.A!'>I IC) STfU :.'-iS - STH,\l N HEL,\TIONS
~.1 1. 'Gt• ncr:'ll f r, ~1i• v .d, 011
Elastic ..;,l i..1
O1n rnc1cri~ 1ic-s
4.13 230
4.13.1 Modl.'I 1>cscrrr,1io11-Cri:IICrnl
4.13.1 Londlng-Unlonding-Rcloadlng Dchnvlors 231
4.13.J A Numerical Exnmple 233
4.1 lNTRODUCflON 14-' 2..18
4. J).4 Conc:lmJing Rcmnrk~
4.15 PROBLEMS 242
4.4 DEFINntONS 1-17
4.16 HEFEltENCES 248
4.5.1 lsotrnpic Unnr J-)11~tic: Strcss-Slrnin lt\'l:,riom ISi
· 4,5.l 150lropic Unear Elu1ic Strcss-Slrain Hcl.11io11s in i\talrix Form 157 In outli_nc brm. 1hc solution of a solid medrnnics problem .it ead1 instant of
4.6 PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL WORK time must s.atisfy the following three co11di1ion.s:
l. fa1uatio11s of e4uilibrium ·or of mu1io11.
IN ELASTIC S0LtJ>S 170 2. Conditions of geometry or · the comp,11ibili1y of s·1rains and uispl.11.:c-
mcnts .
3. Material constitutive laws or stress-strain relation:;.
4.8. l An,solroplc f\1alerial (Twcnly-One Constants) 176
4.8.l 0r1hotroplc Material (Nine Com,lnnts) 176
The i11itia/ und ho1111dary ,·omlitio11s on forces and displm;cmcn ts that musr also
4.8.3 Tranncrscly lsolropic Malcrial (Eh·,; Co11s1a111s) 179 be satisfied arc included for brevity under items I ,111<.I 2.
From considerations of .rt,Hic.r {or ,~1•m1111ics). one can n:lale 1hc i.:0111pone111:-
4.9 NONLINEAH ELASTIC STIU~SS-STU,\ IN It ELATIONS of the stress field. o, 1 , in a hudy lo the cu_mponcnts of hody fori.:cs, /·;. and
4.9.l Isotropic Nonlinear Elaslic S1rcss-S1rain lMa1io11s Bo1~cu 011 external surface forces, T;, acting on the bound.tries of the body. Stress ficld:-
Functions JII or n 1hat sntidy these static (or dynamic) conditions .ire said tu be swtim/~11 (or
4.9.2 Isotropic Nonlinear Elaslic S1rcis-S1rain Hc!a1in11s hy ,~1·1wmirnl~1•) acl111i.uihlc. As discussed in Chapter 2. these condi1iuns result in
Modificnlion Qf the Lincr.r EJ:1s1ic Models 19.1 the following equilibrium el1uations for .i slatic ilnalysis:
4.9.3 Rcslrlctions Imposed on lhc Fu11c1ion:1I Fon11~ of lhl· N11111i111·ar El:"lic .....,__
Moduii for t>:11h lndcpc!1dc111 Wand n 200 11 t s111facc poi11ts
4.10 UNIQUENESS, STADILITY, N0HMALIT\', ,\1\:1) C0N\'EXIT\' r,·= 01, 11 1 (4. la)
FOR ELASTIC SOLIDS 20.1 II t interior poi11ts
4.10.1 Uniqueness 2ft \
a1 ;, 1 + F; =O (4. lh)
f A I . I
144 HI.A~TIC" .STI' •:ss-STltAIN ll EI.I\ I IU NS I Ni K0 1>U(7 i •J'-'
. Any set of stresses a, 1 , body forces F,, 111H.I ex1ernal s11 rf :.~ c frn ,c, ·t; :.• ,. M t: ti , l· J , , \ ,: en ,.: , .r.1111:, '. roll\ t.l1 ~r l:1cc1:1c11,, . 111 ~111. \1 1.:,1\cs, 1\11..,, .ir e ni ne
satisfies Eqs. ( to ( is a stalicnlly udmissihlc ~..: 1 nr , 1mii; 1 .. :· 1ndcpcnd c11l -i;,lrn ow ns (11 ;1 1, 1cly. six .S lrc~ ~ co,11r0ncnh o, , plu ~ lhr cc di~rl acc-
~q11ilibri11111 s~t. A;, cun easily be :,e~n. only three i:l111:i'ii1111s ot cq11ilil1r111 11 1 ( (J r mcn l co111ponc111:- 11 :.1r,1 111s arc expressed in te rm s or 1he displa1.:c1nc111 " ,) 011
motion) .ar~ obtained ut nny poini in the body for prcscribcu bouy forces /·:. as the 01her hand, we have only three equations of equilibrium {or motion) as
given by Eqi:. ( Thus we have three equilibrium c411ations with si:< given hy Eqs. (4.1 b). Thus six additional equations arc needed to complete the
unknowns, nJ.mely, the stress components o, 1 at a given poin1 in 1hc hody. formuh.tion or the problem. These additiorrnl relations arc rurnishcd hy the
Hence an equilibrium set is merely u set and by no means a uni1111c one. 1n conslitutive law or s1ress-s1rain rela1ions or the material.
general, an infinity of stress states satisfies the stress boundary conditions or Clearly, both static (dynamic) nnd kinematic: (or geometric) conditions arc
Eq. ( and the equilibrium equations ( and ( independent ·or the characteristics of the material or which the body is
Compatibility or geometry conditions arc dcrived from ki1"'111111 ic considcra• composed. They are valid for elastic as well as inelastic or plastic materials.
lions that relate the c:~mponcnts or a strain field, c;,, 10 thi.: co1111Hlncn1s or a The dirrcrcntinting ren lure or vnrious motcriul behaviors is uccoun1cd for in the
displacement field, 11,. ll is necessary to impose the conditions of 1.·11111pa1ihili1y moterinl constitutive laws. These constitutive t.,ws give the relations between
of strains and displacements in order lo ensure tlwse wain-displacc111cn1 stress components 011 and strain components r, 1 al any point in 1he body. They
relations are integrable for u prescribed strain field. A strain ficl,1 that salisfics may be sirnplc or extremely complex, depending on the material of the body
this and the displacement boundary conditions is Cilllcu a lw1e111e11irnll)' mlmis• and the conditions to which it has been subjected. Once the material constitu-
siblt field. Kinematic considerations have been made in Chapter 3. The rcsuhs tive law is estliblished, the general formulation for the solution or n solid
for small deformations nre in the following: mechnnic:s problem con be c:ompletcd. The interrelationships of variables ( F,,
T,, o, 1• tlJ.' und 11 1) encountered in a scncrnl rormul.rtion arc shown schema ti•
S1r<1111 -,lisp/<1n•111,•111 rd<1t11mx
cally in Fig. 4.1 for the cusc of static analysis.
,,, = H",.; + ",.,) ( •1.2a) The constitutive relations for a pnrticulnr mnteri,il nre determined experi-
mentally nnd they muy' involve measurable physical quanlities other than
stresses and strnin:1, such as tempernture nnd time, nr intcrn::I purumelcrs 1ha1
Cu111p<1tihilit)' ( i11tc·~r<1hility) nmcli111,11.,
cnnnor be mcusured directly. The effects of such in1crnnl parnmc1crs on the
f.;J.AI + "tu, ;, - C;l . ,, - cJl,,A: =0 ( 4 .2b) stress-strain behavior or the material can often he: more conveniently· ex-•
pressed in terms or history or stress nnd slrnin, or memory of pasl mechanical
A set of displacements u, and i;trains c, 1 1ii:11 salisfics Eqs. (•l.2a) ur (•l.2hJ and cvcnls inherent in the material.
displncc:mc:nt boundary ~onditions is" kinerna1ically ad111issihlc sci ur simply .ii
compaliblt st1. Further, for nn assumed displaccrm:nt fidd u, (whid1 may 1101
be the actual displacement rield induced by the prcscrihcll llis1rih111ion or body
forces F, and surface forces T,), the corresponding cornpatihlc strain 1.·11mpo·
nents ,,1 can be dcriv~d directly from E4s. (4.2u). This co111pa1ihlc sci or
strains, t 11 , and displacements, 11,, is of course only a .tct among many other
pos-sible sets or strains und displ:icerncnt fields. In gcna;il an i11fi11i1c 1111,nhi:r
of displacement modes ,trc compatible wi1h a co111in11nus dii.1111111111 i.a1i,fyi111!-
the displacement boundary conditions.
It is important lo note that the strnin intci:;rabilil)' c1111d1111111s. Lqs. (·l.2bJ.
are needed only. when the displacemenls 11, arc no1 c.,plici1ly retained as
unknowns in .a problem formulation. Fur instance, for s11lu1ions in 1he d11.uirn/
tlrcory of ela~·tiC'ity stress functio,a arc frcl111c111ly i111roduccd ii~ lhc 1111ly
unknown run1:tions (e.g., Airy 's stress /1111t'tim1 in lwo-dimcnsional clas1i1.:·i1y).
ln suc:h cuses. Eqs. (4.2b) must r:~ imposed on the s(rain fields 11, ensure 1hc
existence of o c-u11ti11uo11s si11gle• ua/uec/ displace111en1 fidil . In m11s1 practical
problems, the displuce!llents are generally tnkcn explicitly ;is unknowns in 1hc · Con1tl1utlv1 l1w1
formulation (e.g., In the finite clcr.,ent method for num~rical solu1iom,). Then
lhe lntl'Prnhilirv rn11di1io11s 11r Hu. C4.2h\ urc 11111 ,,,.,•,/,•,/. a11d 11111v l:q\ f•l ) a l Fl(;u111-: •I.I l1111·111·l.11i1111~hips 11! v:1ri;1hh', in ,h~ M,l111i1111 ,,r ;1 ,uli,l ht,·m.
llll'rlo.11111·, , .. ..
146 llLASTJC: STRl!.!>S-STltAIN ltl.:I.ATIONS l)l:.l ' lNl1 IUNS ,.,
Jn gcnen1l, 1hc bclrnvior or- rcul mulcriuls is ..v1'.~~: ro•nr,lica1ed. l.)rns1ic 2. lnlcrncllon between mechunicul und 1hcrnrnl processes is nei;lec\cd .
idcaHzations and simplirica1ions arc cssentinl in order lo model mathematically Thus 6nly mn1erinl botlics under /.wthrm11al ,·,m,lit_ivm 11n: considered.
:and nppro.11i1m1tc:ly the· real malc:rinl hd111vim rur Ilic s11lu1io11 ur II p,:m.:1k11l Mun.:IIVl'I', crrec:l or te111pcrnt11re 1111 ~·1111s1i1111ive l'l\llllli1111s is ""' ~·1111shl•
problem. For example, the material behavior may be drnsticully ideulized us ercd. ·
time indtptndtnt, such as elastic and elastic- plastic mnterials, whcr.e time
cCCccts arc neglected. For an ideal elastic material model the behavior is rurthcr
idealized as reversible and load path independent, whereas for a plus tic motlel, 4.3 NEED FOR ELASTIC MATERIAL MODELS
it is irreversible and load path dependent, On the other hand, in the tlme-
dep-endent material idealization, such as viscoelastic and viscoplus,ic models, In this chapter, vurious elastic constitutive relationships u~e formulated to
time effects are considered, and they are generally capable or describing ralc- model the mechanical behavior or the class or reul materials that ~an be
a·nd history-d_epcn~ent ~eh_avior. Thus constitutive relations corrcspontling 10 described ns elastic, In prnctice, the stutly or these elastic models is neecled for
each pf th~'ic 1dcnhzed material models can describe only a limited number of 1wo Important reasons:
actual physical phenomena or a real material.
ll must be emphasized here that the previous idealiz.u1ions and subsequent I'.Dy themselves, elastic models describe well the behavior of many
clusffication or material models arc only for muthcmatical convenience in engineering materials at the working load levels. For e,rnmplc, the linear
describing the mechanical behavior or real materials. Nothing can compel real elastic model has been used successrully to describe the behavior of
materials tc- behave according to these idealiz.ed models. Indeed, n commonly metal materials at stress levels below the ela.rtic limit. Therefore, elastic
used engineering material such as a structural steel exhibits the behavior or cons-tilutive relations are the basis for the theory of rlmtidty, which has
most of these models· under certain conditions or stresses, lemperu1urcs, round many applications in different engineering problems. ·
vibrations, nnd ·strain rat~s. Therefore, in ·111~· solurio'n of a practical problem, i1
2. The elastic constitutive models are needed in the theory of plasticity,
is essential that we deJermine "the range and conditions under which the
which can be considered as a gcneraliz.ation of the theory of elasticity.
material or the body cnn sensibly be assumed lo exhibit the dominant
For instance, elastic-plastic moclclii nre used extensively for metal
churacleristics of u parliculur lypc of lhe idealized models. Furthermore, sini.:e
materials nt ()l)t:r/ucul sw,;r:.r, when the slre~s levels exi.:ced lhe elastic
any idealized model has its own shortcomings, all the results obtained must be
limit and yielding or material occurs.
interpreted carefully in terms or these shortcomings.

Elustic Mciterial
In the majority of engineering applicntions or !ilructurnl and geological malcri-
~ls s~ch as metals, concrete, soils, rocks, und rubber under short-term loading. A mu1e'ri11I body is deformed when subjected 10 applied run.:es. If upon 1he
time. independence or the s1r1:5s-strain relnlion is II rcnsonal>lc appro~ima1io11 relcnsc or the upplicd forces the body recovers ils original shape und size, then
a~d 1s made most. often. The physical behavior of these materials can vary vay the n~atcr.ial body is cnllcd elci.1·tic. For such II material, the current stale of
w_adely _when suhJected to extreme conditions. In this d1ap1cr, we limi1 our stress llepelllls 011/y on the current stnle of tlcformation; lhal is, the stress is a
d1scus~1ons to a fe:W typical _time-independent constitutive models for sluuy. function of strnin. Ma1hemu1ic11lly, the constitutive c411a1ions for this material
These_mclude the lmear elastic and nonlinear elastic models for materials tha1 nre given by
revers1bl~ lond and unload along :he liamc curve, and thc hypoclas1ic and lhl'
deformation th~or~ o( plasticity for the irreversible pla~tic range. In 11u1linc ( 4 . .1)
form, the. cons11tut1ve n_1odels or stress-strain relations 111 he de.,l·rihed in 1hl'
forthcoming arc based on the following t\\'0 assumptio,1., : where the runction FI/ is the elastic· "'-'"f"'ll-'"L' f1111cti1111. Thus the. l'lmtic behavior
tlescriheu by El1, (4.J) is both rc•vc•r.riM,• and path ,,1,h·11,•111lt·111 111 1he sense that
I, Mnleri::I be!rnvior is rim~• i11tlc·p,·11~h·111. Therefor1.:, r;111.: ~..:-,,~ili\'il)'. l ' ri.:q1 , strains arc uniquely determined from the current ~,ate or sires~ or vice vcnm.
and hclaxu11on an: not rncludcu 1n such beha\'ior. t\lsll, 1111 ", cl,ll'J 11111 There is -nc, dependence of the behavior on the stress or strain histories
appe r:xplicitly as a variable in 1he con:-1i1111iw l.'1111a1i11ns f11r ~11d1 rollowctl to rcnch the current state of stress or strain. The elastic ma1crial
ddined above is usually termed Cc111rhy L'lmtiC' 111111,•rial (e.g. .. Eringcn. 1962;

a·n·d Malvern, I%9). ll cnn be shown that .Cuuchy elastic n,nteriul m:\y gcnernlc
c·nergy under ccrtnin loading-unloading cycles. Clearly, in such cui;es it violates
.Y early r,von
the l:rws -or tl11:r111udynnmic11. Tl11:rdorc, the term IIJ'/1''rdt1.1·1ic' or (ir,•,·11 , /11.1·/fr

material is used (e.g., Fung, 1975; Eringen, 1962; GreeQ und Zernn, 1954; nnd
Malvern; 1969) to indicate that the elastic response runction in Eq. (4.3) is
further restricted by t~e existence of an tlastic strain energy function W, which
is in general a function or strain components <;/' such that


Thi-s ensures that no energy can be generated through load cycles und 1hcrmo-
d)'1tamic laws a-re always satisfied.
Sometimes the tcqn hypoelastic model is used ·10 describe the i11cm11c11wl
elastic constitutive rc!ntions (e.g., Malvern, 1969; nnd Truesdell, 1955). These
models arc often used to describe the behavior of a class· of malerinls in which
the stale of stress is generally a function of the current state of strain ;1s well as
o-f Che stress path followed lo reach that stale. Thus for a hypoelastic material
the co·n·stitutive equa1ions ere generally expressed as
(Direction of rolling! FIGURE 4.2 Material symmetry for orthotropie and
(4.5) transversely isotropic ma1cri11b. ( u) Orthotmpic ma1erial
(wood). ( b) Transversely isolropie material (rolled plate).
where ··(1, =stress
rate (or increment) tensor
t., =s~rain rate (or increment) tensor
F,1( tkf, 0,,. 11 ) ~las tic response function
same in any direction of the plane x 1-x 2 parallel to th~ dir~clion of ~oiling.
However the properties in the direction normal lo the dirccuon or ~olhng are
Material Symmetry l'ropcrtic.r generally' different. Material symmetry is exhibited under any rot~uon _or t~e
coordinate axes about the axis normal to the rolling_ dir~ction (axis x, in Fi~~
If the mc.chanical b~havior of the material is the s,111,e in certain directions, _4.2b). Plane x,-x 2 parallel to the direction or rolhng 1s called the plane 01
then the mat~rial is said lo have mnlerinl symmetry with re~pect 10 lhese ..
dire~lions. M4terial symmetry is exhibited by the /un11 i111)(Jri1111ce of lhe 3. Isotropic Muterluls: In an isotropic mntcrial, the m~chamcal bchav~;
constitutive relations under a group of 1ransforrn111ions of 1hc cooruinate axes. I 1
is identical in all directions. Any plane is n plane _or mate~if sy~ •~e~~• :sed
If there is no material symmetry nl all, the material is termed ani.wtropic. In the an axis is nn nxis of rotational symmetry. lsotr~p,c mat~nn mo e
following, three typii' of matr ··'1I symmc1ry arc descrihed : exrensivcly in engineering npplicntions for clusuc mnlernil_s. Ali an ex~ml pcled,
d f d I oriented graini;, arc cons1l er
polycrystnllinc mctuls, compoi;c o rnn I ~m. Y.,. I i'sotropy is destroyed after
I. Orlholropic Malcrlul: An ortho1ropic 111a1crial has lhrce orthogonal . . , · to note thnt t us 101 m · .
1sotrop1c. 1t is unpor 1an 1 , I 1'c deformations are ·physically aniso-
pla·nes of matcrfol symmetry. Wood materials arc often 1rcaJcd as or1ho1ropic:. plastic deformnlions occur, since P as 1 • ,
Fig. 4.2a shows n sniall wood material clement with three planes of 111a1erial
lropic. . 'ous elastic constitutive models arc described.
symmetry. These symmetry planes arc taken ns normal, 1angcn1ial (parallel), In t!1c su~scq~cnt secu:ns, i~n~1hc following sequence. Firsl we derive the
and radial wilh respect lo the grains or wood, as shown in Fig. 4.2a. Thus The d1scuss,_on is ~ak~:cntclnstic relations. Then we exlcnd it to some simple
material symmetry is exhibited under any 11!0° ro1a1ion of 1he a:~cs .,· 1, .,· 1 , und
shown, ·
we_ll-kn?~•: •~01~op~~1~1tie relnlions. Nonlinenrily or isotropic ma1cri;~I is then
~1n1solr< ~•c •h ~n obvious modifica1ion of the linear iso1rop1c forms.
2. Truns,·crscly lsolropic M:llcrial: This 111a1crial has m1a1i111111I .~r1111111'trr ;,:~,~du:~~ 1.::'~:!,ions ,irisc which require much additional lhoughl. In the
...:,i. r•~n•r• tn nnP nf rh~ r.nordinale axes. As an c.xa111pk, a small 111:11crial • .· , .... ,:~... ,.,r ,, ,11in rnrrPV and complementary energy
\ \
150 ISO T !\ O l'I C' LIN l.;J\1\ l:.L/\STIC S11\ L SS - S11(1\11' Kl·.I.I\ .I 10: , S

dens!IY for nonli~1ear ~lastic materiali. suggc.q ~en cr; il 11,H111 :il i1y :,1 1d ,:,,;1,·,· 1<1y th ,;rc i~ a ,i:..:011<.l p lane o f elas tic symmetr y 1ir1 hogo11al 10 th e fir, l. the m,mhcr
relations for our materials. Uniqueness of a sn lu 1i,111 :11, d s1, il11 li1y n( :i of claq it.: t.: ons 1an1s is reduced sti ll furth er. Th1.: ~cco11d pla ne: of ~y111 111c1ry
111 plic~ 1d." 1 1li -, .,y 11 111 1c1ry ah u1t1 the 1li ird 01'll111f!_Pll:il pl :111L' (_ r1/1111 n,1 ir
11 1
mnterinl ore seen to he clni.cly related III the ronn., 11f .,1 n:.,., ~1 r:, i,1 1c·1 .:1 i- 11 1.,
uscl,l. Explicit strcss-iilrnin relations in nwlrix ror111~ .ire writll"11 r,11 ~i.:vc· sy 111c1ry ) an<.l th e 11 u111her or claslic eo11s1a111s is reJuced 10 'J . . hir .i 11-w_,s-
commonly used material models. A gencrnl uiscusi-iun of 1hc i11crc111c111al oer.wly isotropic mutcrial, the number is rcduccu to 5. Further, ~r w~ specify
approach suitnhlc for materials that arc load path dcpcndcnl ii- given lll'ar 1hc c11 1,ic .fymmetry, thnt is, the properties nlong the x·, y•, :-drrec11ons arc
end or this chapter. Finnlly, a vnriahlc moduli model fllr is111r1,pil· 111a1crials identical, 1hc11 we cun not distinguish between directions x, y, a11u : . It follo~s
based on this approach is presented. Some rcniarks 011 1hc suitahilitv of 1his that it 1akes only three independent constants to describe the elastic behavior
model arc then made. · - or such ,i mntcriul. Finally, ir we have: a solid wholie elastic properties arc not _a
function or c.lircc.:tion ul ull, then we ncc,1 only two inucpc11dc11t clas11c
cons1u·n1s 10 describe its behavior. Details of this ;arc given below.
4.5 ISOTROPIC LINEAR ELASTIC STltESS-STlt,\IN 4.5. I tsolropic Lincur Elastic Stress-St min ltclalio11s
., •. \'' f

For an isot~upic material, the eiustic constants in E4. (4.7) must be 1hc same for
The most general form for linear stress-strain relations for a Ca11d1,r dastic all directions. Thus tensor C,;u must be an isot~opic f?urth-order te~so~. It can
material is given by be shown that the mosl generul form for lhe I.rn,rop,c ten.wr C;1kl 1s given by
{4 .<,) (Sec. 1.14)

where 8 11 = componenlS of initial stress tensor corrcspon<.ling 10 the initial

strain fret state (when all strain componcnls t 41 = 0) where >., ,, unu a ure scalar consrn111s. Now, s!1H.:~ C;, 41 111'.1~1 sal!sfy the
= lcnsor or material elcwic CCJll.rltlnt.f 1
symmetry cun<.li1ions in E4s. (4.8), we huvc n =O 111 l:4. (4.9). I hus l;4. (4.9)
H il is assumed that the initial strain free stale 10 an initial
stres1 free slalc. lhat is, B, 1 =O, then E4. (4.6) reduces to musl lake the form

I_l may also be remarked lhat Eq. (4.7) is 1hc simplest gcncralization or _tile From E4s. (4.7) an<.l (4.10). we get
hncar_dc~ende11cc stress on strain observed in 1hc f.imiliar Hookc's c.xperi- aij = Mijok,Ekt + µ( O;At + 0,A, )r.41
ment in sample tension lest and conscqucn1ly Eq. (4.7) is oflcn referred 10 as
the Hooke's law.
Since both 11;1 und t 41 arc second-order tensors i1 follows 1h·11 c·· 1·s •1 or
. rule of Chapter I). In gcncr,JI,
rourth•order tensor (quotient ' ' (J)''"'4 =.81'
1hcrc arc
constants for such a tc~sor ·c,i.,. However, sin<.:c a, 1 and c41 arc ho1I. sy11111t('tri-
cal, one has the- follow111g sy111111c1ry condi1io11s: 11d
1-lc11cc for an iso1rnpic linear clas1ic material, 1hcrc arc only 111 •11 indcpc enl
· I constants,"\ un~·1 µ, wl1'1cl1 arc c·1llc·'
• u L11n,c• 'f· c1111st,1111s..
-c -c -c
C1/41 - /141 - IJfk - 1114 (4.H)
Conversely, strains 'u cun be cxprcsscu in terms of s1rc~scs ,n the cc;ms111u-
. .

1ive law of E4. (4.11). From E4. (4.11), one has

Hence the max,mum number of independent const:1n1s is rc<.lucc<.l lO J(,.
_F?r a Green elastic matcri?I, it is shown later that the four subscripls of 1hi.: ak ~ = (3>. + 2µ )cu
elastic ~onstanls cun be considered as pairs Cj, 11411 , 1111d 1hc order of 1hc pairs
can be antcrchangcu • C111K411 -- C1i.tKiJI' A ll II rcsu
' I I, 1hc n11111hcr of 111dcpcndc111
constants needed is reduced from 36 to 21. Tlw1 .i~, _iJ _,,.,'. know 1hcsc 21 or
constants, we know 1111 81 con~tants. If, in n<.ldition, we huvc II of cla.~lil· (4.12) j
symmetry, the number or elastic constants is reduced fun her from 21 to IJ. Ir
1.52 l$O Tl l0l ' IC LIN L:Al~ ELA STIC ST IU:..SS -STll/\lN lll'.l./\1 IUNS

Sub_sliluling this valu~ of tu into Eq. (4.11) nnd solving (or £

11 , we gc1 p

·M, 1 I
• ----- . . -- - - . •.. II
2µ(3,\+2µ) u
I ----
2µ ,,
II ( 4.1 J)

Equations (4.11) and (4.13) arc the gencrnl forms or 1hc co11s1i1111ivc law for
an isotropic linear cla5tic material. An important consequence of these e4ua•
lions is that ror nn isotropic mutcriol, principal directions of s1ri:ss nnd sirnin
tensors coi11ciclt. The c;~nslants).. and µ arc determined from r.\"f'1'ri1111"1lfal 1c•s1
rtsu/11 for some simple stillcs of strcsi;cs nml strains. In 1he folluwing, some 11(
_these simple tests arc Jcscribcd. Also, nhcrnativc definitions of elastic con- £11
stants, which arc used frequently in engineering applications, arc given. Eu

1. Hydrostatic Compression Test (Fig. 4.3a): In this case, 0 11 = 0 11 == 1,1
= =
a33 p ou,./3 arc the only nonzero components of stress. 011/k 111utl11/m, K, is
defined for this case as the ratio between the hydros1a1ic pressure p and the r 11
U11 0 II

corrcspondin; volume change tu, Thus, from Eq. (4.12),

I .J!.... ,,, . ,.,

. K =
= >.. + {µ
(4 . 14)
2. Simple Tension Tesl (Fig. 4,31,): The only nom.ero slress 1:0111p1111c111 is
0 11 = a. Defining the Yuu11g 's mud11/11s, E, anll Pois.ran'.,-rmio, 1 as 1,

a f.71 C11
c,, . 1•=--=--'-'- ( ti . 15)
C11 C11

..,,, • 2£.,
we have from Eqs. (4. I I) anll (4.13) le/I
' · . - I • , (,ti llyd ,11,talll.'
"' 11(211 ·I J,\) • • , . .. -1-l'lll" lllall.'ll;ii 111 ,1111p ,. 1" 1·' · . .
1-'l(ilJIU•: ,U lld1:l\·i11r uf 1,111111111l 1im,1~-, , . •. 1 ·1 l'url' shl·ar 1..-s1. (1/l lJ111:1.\i:tl
, ,,+>. ' - = =
1.'0lllprcs,11111 ll'SI ( n, I - 011 °.,., /
I). ("I S1111plc ICIIM(lll 1,,1. I

( ,1. I<,) ~,rain 1c.,1.

. . , . , . ' . ,"' 111 : This tci,l is rnrricd oul h_y applying a

4. l/11111:,rnl S1rn111 I ~sl (I~~- 4.. ). _, . . ·tion of .1 l:ylindril:,il tcsl l,amplc
. I lClll o Ill the IIXlll 1 uirc.:-.; • • I .-
u11iax1a stress compoi 11 • . . t •nl movement. Thus axin strain
3. Simple S!1cur Tc~r (Fl~. 4.Jc): llcre 11 12 :::: n11 ::-a 111 := 1,,, : 1 , : 111 d all . ·s rettraincd ag:11n:; 1 1a c ' . d I
whose latcra I sur rnee 1. · . ih·s c·,sc 'oJ"hc c-o11srrc11 11ed 11w II us,
other stress co111po11en1s arc zero. The: .1-/1,•11, 11111t/11/11J, c;, i~ dcfi11l·d :1.,
r,, is the only nonvunisl~ing comptmc1~1.111d ,. S~bsti1u1ing in Eq. (4. i I) for
M . is cldincd us the r~t1o_bctwcen a11 ,1n r.,,.
ru = r11, the stress o11 is given by

0 11 =>..r.,,+2/11'11 -
From Eq. (4.11), we: lrnve
( 4 .18)
( ,I 1"/1
, lil,I\S1"1C.' STI\U.SS-STIUIN H·EI.I\TIONS ISU TltOI'\ (' L\ N l'./\ lt \'.\./\ :.T IC :-;, IU cSS- S'l l~I\ \ \', Hl-.1.1\ I 1u •,.; ~

T The import~nt ~elations among different elalltic irn,,l,,li •ai•\! .,11111111011 ized i11
able 4.1, which as very ·helpful in solving prnctical problems. Figure 4.3
ll_lustratcs the strcss-struin relations des<:ribing the model behavior 1111dcr the TABLl~4.I llcl111l011shlps i\1110111: Eh1stlc Moduli Ii, G, K, ••• >.. , M
s1mpl_e lest conditions outlined above. Shcor Young's Constrained Bulk Lumc Poim1n's
. The constitutive r~lations given in Eqs. (4.11) nnd (4. 13) cnn be .vri1tcn in
d1CCerent forms by utilizing the relations between the elastic moduli given in
G ,~
Modulus, Modulus,
Table 4.1. In partic4lar, the following forms arc used frequently in practice: G(4G-E) GE G(/:' 2G) E-2G
G,E G E 9G-3E JG- E 2G
E vE G(JM -4G) M-;--2G
~IJ= (l+v)E1i+ {l+v){l-2v)cuc5,i (4.19) G,M G M M-!G M-2G 2(M~ G)
\ 9GK I rTk-2G
G,K G : K+!G K K- 2G
3 2(3K + G)
(4 .20) 3K+G ;
. ·---~
Ci(l>. +2G) >. +2G >.
G, >.. . (i >. +2G - 2(>.+G)
>.. + (i •• 3
(4,21) lG(l-11 ) 2Gt• 2G(l+11) ,,
G,,, G 2G(I + 11) 1-2" 1-2,, 3(1 -2,,)
I· ,, K(9K +J/q K(9K-31;) 3K - /:
r.,i = 2G o,, - JK( 1 - 211) 008 ,; (4 .22) E,K
E 9K- Ii
K -9K - Ii
,, ,,
G H £( I - 11) Ii
E (1+11)(1-211) 3(1-2") , (l+,,)(1-2,0
Decomposition of R<:IC1ti'o11s 2( I+ 11)
3(K->.) 9K(K->.) >. .
K )..
K,>.. JK-2>. 3K- ,\
A neat and logical separatlon exists between the mean (hydrostatic or vol11111ct- 2 JK- >. 3K(2M-l)+ ,1/
31' -· ,I/
rlc) and the dc-vintoric (shear) response components in 1hc isotropic linear
elastic model. The hydrostatic response can he derived directly from Eq. (4.11) K,M
3( M - K)
- ·- -
3K+ M
2 3.K (2M +iT=--.,,
upon contraction (i = j, a,,=-= / 1= Jp, R,, = 3); that i.~. JK(l -·21•) J'K(I-,.) JK1• ,,
3p =(J,\ . 2µ)Eu =(J,\ +2G)r.u, (4 .23)
71r+;J- 3K(l-2t-) 1+11 I I,.
Substituting for 3.\ +2G=3K, from Ttrble 4..1, we lwv.c . (4 24) and (4.25) give the required separation of the _hyJroslatic
E 4un11on:; . • .. 1 wnlc the 101·11
and devialoric relations. Combining these lwo c4uut1~1ns, ~v_c _1:,11_ .. .. • •
p=KEu (4.24) elastic strains £11 in terms or the hydrostatic nnd Jcviatom; stn:ssi.:li ,1s

To derive the deviatoric response relations, we use the relation .r;i = o, ., - p8, 1 • . 1 I (4.26}
and substitute for o, 1 and p from Eqs. (4.11) nnd (4.23), rcspcclivcly. This leads - \. t:uu;i
t:,j -
r +"~,j ::-118
3K ,, +-
20.. J, .1
(4 .27)
',~,. ,, +1-,.
which upon substitution for r, 1 = ,·,, + .lr44 1\ and 1,-:.: Ci hi.:1:\1111cs r.,,:: 2< i' I/

s,1 = AE440,, + 2G( e,, + J1:uo,J - :(J,\ -1- 2<i)ru ,5,, . l ns or thc v11lumctri1.: and dcviatnric strains
Si,nilarly. o,, can hc cxprcssc d ,n cri . .
in the rolluwing rurm:
Simplifying, we have 1hc relation
Kr , ,o +2<ir,,
• I'
Restrictions lmpo.,·t!d , ... t:11gi11,•t!ri11g /;/(IJ'tic Cun.l'tC1nt.i· Finnlly, ror bulk modulus, K, lypical values arc
( E.,·p,•r,111,•111al FC11't.l')
24X I0 psi (l<1S,C1X 10 1' kN/111 2 ) ror !ilccl

Ex.pcrimcnlal rcsulls for real elastic nialcrial's have shown that the rn11s1a111s f, IOX 10" psi (69X 10" kN/m2 ) for uluminum
G, and Kare a\ways p~sitivc, that is,' '
17.9X 10 6 psi (122.9X 10 6 kN/m2 ) for copper.

E>O, G>O, A' >O It is 10 be emphasized lhnt only two of these engineering elastic constants
(4 .29)
are independent for isotropic linear elastic materials.

These conditions stale that a body must allow loading 10 do work on it. Thus, 4.S.2 ls:>lropic Llncnr Elasllc Slress-Slrnin Rclntlons in Matrix Form
as expected, a uniaxial tensile stress in n certain direction causes an extension
o_f the mater~al in the same direction. Similarly, a shear strain caused by 11 ihe stress-strain relationships discussed above can b~ conveniently cxpres_sed
simple shennng stress has the direction of this stress. Finally, a volume in matrix forms. These forms are suitable for use in solutions by numerical
decre-asc. is p~oduced by a hydros.talic pressure. Using inequalities (4.29) anu me:thods (e.g., finite element method). In the following, matrix forms are given
. the rclallons m Table 4.1, it can be shown lhat
for variour cases.

I. Thrce•Dlmcnslonal Case: The stress. and str.~in com~onents are de-

( 4 .JO)
fined by the two vectors (o} and (t}, respectively, which arc given by •
O" t.,
We have no practical experience with any existing ni':u'i.:i"i,,, 1ilai will exhibit
o>, t,.
a n:~a-tive value or"· Thus actual values of v for most materials in practice arc
o, t,
pos1llvc. The value .-=0.5 implies that G= E/J anu I/Ii.' =-0, or ,•/(1.\'lic {0} = {c) = (4.J I)
incomprt::ibilit)'. Some rubbcrlikc ma1erials arc nlmw;1 i111.:0111prc~.,iblc and TX.'
"!., ...
have a value or, ..,.0.48. T'J'l
Typical experimental values for E arc Tu "(,.

I0.6X 10 psi (73X IO" kN/m 2) for aluminum Now Eq. (4 .19) can he wrillcn in nrntrix form as
30Xl0 6 psi (207XJ0 6 kN/m 2 ) for steel {o}=[C]{c) (4.32 )
whcrr. matrix [CJ is called the elastic co11stit11tivc or elastic mvcluli matrix, which
4X 10 psi (27.6X 10' kN/m2 ) for concrete
0.2X 10 psi (l.38X 106 kN/m 2 ) for cellulose acc1a1c. is given by
For the shear modu1us G, typical values arc [C]= (1+1 )(1-211) 1

4X 10 psi (27.6X 10 6 kN/111 2 ) for nlurni1111111 ( I - ,, ) JI ,, 0 0 0
12X 10 psi (82.8X 1~ 6 kN/m 2 ) for steel
,, ( I - ") ,, 0 0 0
0.17X 10 psi (1.173>< 10 6 kN/m 2 } for polystyrene.
,, ,, (I - ") 0 0 0
( 1-2,,)
() 0 0 u 0
Typical values for v arc X 2
0.29 for steel 0 0 0 0 0
0.19 for concrete ( I - 211)
0 0 0 .()
0 2
0.33 for aluminum
0.45 for le,HJ. ( 4.33,1)
1511 !SO r R Ol'I C LI N l'A R EL I\ST IC STR E SS -STR /\ IN I\ U ./\ r,o~; s

or alternatively ' sl1bs·t·l · ror " and E. .Ill 1er111s of K and has the value
gives I ullng (i frrnn Table 4.1 _,, -,, (4.JK)
r , :-: - I-:-- ( n ' -1- n,. ) -=- ·I - -
,, ( I' ' + r' )

(K ·HCi) (K-~Ci) (" ... i (,') u I) 0 Thal is, c. is u linear function or EA nnd r 1••
(K-JG) (K+jG) (K- .!G) 0 u u The pl~11c slrcss rclalions given above iirc commonly used in nrnny practical
uppliculions. ror inslunce, the nnulysis or thin flul plates loaded in the plane of
[C]= (K - ~G) (K-}G) (K+~e,·) u u u (4.JJl>) the plnte ( x - y plane) are often trcnlcd us plune stres~ problems.
0 0 0 G 0 u ' J. Plane Strain Case: The plunc strain conditions (E: = Y,-: = Y:., =0) are
0 0 0 0 G 0 normally found in the elongated bodies of uniform cross sections subjected 10
0 0 0 0 0 G' uniform l~uding along their longitudinal nxis ( z-axis), such :is in the c.1se of
tunnels, soil slopes, nnd retaining walls. Under the conditions of plane strain,

Als·o, Eq. (4.20) can be wrillen in matrix form as Eqs. (4.32) nnd (4.34) can be reduced to the simple form

{t}=[C]- 1{o}=[D](o} ( 4 .34} - [(1-v} ,, u ]l

{;,,} = (1 + ,)fl-2>) : (I~,) ( I ~2,) ~' (4.39)
where the elas1,c romplia11ce matri : [DJ, is given by the inverse of marril\ [CJ :

-,, -,, 0 () ()
-,, 0 0 u _,,
-,, l lo_
a,., l

I -11 I 0 0 0 J=
[D]=·- 0 0 0 2( I+,,) 0 0 (4.)5)
£_,· 0
0 ( 4.40)
£ £,.
0 0 0 0 2(1+1•) u 2 r_,_,.
0 0 0 0 0 2( I+,,) For this case rhe stress componenls rr: = 1: , = 0. and the sln.:ss componenl o,
has the value ·
I - ..
d2• _Phtne Stress ~ase: JI can be shown 1ha1 Eqs. (4 .32) :111d (4.34). whcll; I. o, - 11(0_, + o_,.) (4.41)
re uce_d lo_ the two-d1mensional plane stress case (o = = =0) 1ake 1hc r.. r.
ro owing simple forms: ' '· · •' '

·.. 4. A,:isymmctric Cusc: Analysis of bodies of revolution unucr axisym-
,, mclric leading is similar to those of plune stress and plane strnin conuitions

- £
~-,. - ( I - ,,2) [, "
( I - ,, )
]1"l t, I ( 4 ..16)
since ii is also two-dimensional. With reference to Fig. 4.4, the nonzero stresi;
compom'. nls in the uxisymmclric case arc o,, a,, a0 , and r,,. and 1hc corrc-
spondin~ struins are c,, c,, c, , and 'Yr:· Equations (4.32) ;ind (4.34) can be
= =

'Y., ...
,educed lo the forms ( r,, r,, = y,, = y1 , 0):
and ( I - 11) ,, ,. ()

i:: )=½[~- l(IL ]f::J

'Y.,.,. 0
( 4 .37) ,l
o, l
;:, = ( I + ,, }( I - 2,,)
( I - ,, )




h is lo be 11otcd that in lhc .' • . , . . .. . . .
nonzero while ~he·,r s1 . . . p 1lllc slrcss c,,sc, lhc s1ra111 l'1'llllh•11c111 r . i~ {4.42)
' • · r, 1111 1:ompo11c111s· y ,, ,1111
• I Y,. , arl' tl' I 11. •I .he l ' ll111111111l·111· ,. .

Find un expression ror O in terms or the stress lnv11rian1s JI lllH.I 11 for un

isotropic ll11e11r cln~tlc mnterinl.

J Solu1lu11:. · Substituting ror a, 1= s/J +!ou8;1i11 l.!4. (4.20), we have

1- 211 (

where / 1 =ou, Substituting for e; 1 from l!q. (4.45), we con wrilc n as
I +v I - 2,, 1••,
1••1s11 do 11 + 3E
U = Lf" / 6 ,clo, 1
1 1
0 O

Fl(;UJlE 4,4 Sir t ~., and .111a111 r ,1111p,1111 ·11 1., 111 :, 11
:i.,i~y111111ctri,: 1.:;1.,,: .
,., _ (1 1d.l + I - 21 ('•t dl
u - £ Jo l 3£ Jo , ,

tl [
I - "
- I,,



2( I ·I·,,)
"· I
( •I .•1.l )
or, in 1crm:; of G, K, we hav1:

Example 4,1: Show I/lat the principal a,\'<!s of strc•,1·.r ,111,I s/rf/111 r,1Cllritf,, fnr (4.47b)
an isotropic liuear elastic material. ·
For positive vnlues or bulk modulus K ancJ shear modulus G the comple•
Proof: Referring to the principal axes o( .~train, Ilic strain 1m,nr is given rne11tary energy ucnsity O in Eq. (4.47b). is a positiLir clc-fi11i1e 111wclrCJl/c form in
by (t 1, 1 2, and c, arc the principal strnin~) : the components of stress (since both ll nnd 12 arc nlways positive and can not
be mo unless 0 11 =0), For an isotropic linear elastic material, n is round
0 explicitly in terms of lhc existing componcnl.~ of .~tress (current values of / 1 nnd
12 ) irrespective of the loauing (stress) pnth roll11wcu 10 reach these current
stress components; that is, n in this cnsc is p111/1 i111/c•pr11de111. However, in
general this is not true ror Cauchy elnstic malcrials. whether linear or nonlin•
H these values life subs1i1utcd into Eq. (4.11), !Iii: ri:sul1 i11g sl1t:: 1r s lrl'.\~ car. This is illustrntcd runhcr in the following cxurnplc for u lincur Cauchy
components ore nil z.cro; thai is, elastic model.

o, 1 =0 fori'f'j Ex1111irlc 4.3: In the two-dimensio11nl principal space (o,, o2 , ti, and c2 ),
Thus the prlndpnl stresses nnd th~ principal strains urc l'0:1.,ial. the behavior or I\ fil1eur C,111chy clt1.1·1ir nrnlcriul is dc.~cribcu by lhl! slrc.~s-strain
' Example 4.2:
(sec Sec. 4. 7) The elustic c·o111ph•111i•111111y i•m•rx;· ili•11.ri1y, fl, ,s ddi11,·d :1 .\


H= !
•,, t do I/
(I I/
where ,1 11 , 11 12 , a 2" nnd a 22 nre material constnnls and a,:,;, a11 . Con.~icler two
diffm:1rl sires.~ fHlth.~ I nnd 2 11s shown in f7ig. 4.511. !'111/1 I is from (0, /JJ to

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