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GUILO 11/01/2020

1. what is the law of growth? how it is work?
- The Law of Growth is the Universal Law which is one of the simplest to comprehend.
It simply exists to ensure that something always grows, that creation is constant and
determined by the kind and quality of seed which is planted. In the case of Universal
truth this seed is determined by the energy projected. Through it's immutable,
unwavering and predictable operation you can become conscious and purposeful in
what you project or plant which will determine what you will receive or harvest in
each area of your life.

2. what are the 4 important laws of growth of pay attention and how would you apply it in
your life?
A. SPEAK LESS: The majority of great achievers take less than they work. They talk less
than they achieve. You’ll rarely find a great man or woman talking more than they
achieve, in fact if you think about how ridiculous that statement is, you’ll understand it is
- Let your results talk for you.
B. LISTEN MORE: You really can learn from EVERYONE. From the greatest failures and
the greatest achievements. Pay attention. Listen more to be more.
- You cannot learn if you do not listen.
- You cannot GROW if you do not LEARN
C. REACT LESS: Learn to discipline your emotions, because if you don’t… your enemies
will use them against you
- The less you react, the better you can respond.
D. OBSERVE MORE: Pay attention and observe yourself. How you feel physically and
mentally after all events, circumstances. Observe, evaluate and make changes
- The more you observe, the clearer the situation
- The clearer the situation, the better your reaction.
- The better your reaction, the better your RESULT.

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