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Morality is an ethics of action. Ethics and morality is basically the same.

In short, ethics is the idea while

the morality is how the ethics being done. Furthermore, ethics are concerned with the imperative and
morality is concerned with the indicative. What do we mean by that? It means that ethics is concerned
with “ought-ness,” and morality is concerned with “is-ness.”

When it comes to law, the law is different. Because law refers to set of guidelines which governs the
society, government bodies, or institution. In conflict between law and ethics, former is prevail over the
other because law may be punishable offense whereas no punishment for violating ethics. Law is
common for masses but ethics is a moral obligation on any individual which he or she learns from family,
society, school and etc. Law is binding on the society whereas ethics is not binding. Law are written rules
whereas ethics are abstract. Moreover, law is made to bring peace and social order in society whereas
ethics is made to how particular individuals behave with other individuals and it help to differentiate
between what is right and wrong.

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